Thursday, September 12, 1974
Page Seven
Thursday, September 12, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
poses futi
(Continued from Page 1)
THE RESEARCH was aided
at times by the scholarship of
other scientists working on re-
lated problems. It indicates that
chlorfluoromethanes, the scien-
tific name for freon, are being'
released in a gaseous state and
are rising through the atmos-
phere where they will eventual-
ly react with the ozone in the
stratosphere and destroy it.
Freon accounts for about 85
per cent of the weight of all
common household sprays such
as paint, deodorant and air
Cicerone says the freon could
wipe out as much as 10 per cent
of the ozone located in the
stratosphere, a high section of
the atmosphere 16 to 19 miles
above the surface of the earth.
But, he says, the effect of the
ultraviolet ray increase will be
disproportionately larger, de-
pending upon the wavelength of
the ultraviolet rays, which vary.
AN INCREASE in the amount
of ultraviolet radiation reaching
our planet's surface could have
a number of disastrous results
according to Cicerone.
One problem Cicerone -cites
is that the incidence of skin
cancer will increase since the
correlation' between skin can-
cer and ultraviolet radiation is
well known.
Excessive ultraviolet radia-
tion can also be fatal to photo-
sensitive plants and animals,
such as
were er
this cou
lems w
seas, pe
part in
ther, an
have big
many a
role in
know it
why we
ally occ
was fir
years ag
has dou
years s
for the
low reg
most ab
not yet
there y
ozone s
ire danger
s those found in the currently headed for the ozone
If algae and plankton belt will have a peak effect
adicated, Cicerone says there by 1985 or 1990. The ef-
ild cause severe prob- fect will be serious and last for
ith the ecology of the several decades."
erhaps endangering all While the study of the gases
life. was underway, Cicerone and his
)DITION, ozone plays a coworkers were in touch with
determining the wea- scientists who were working on
nd Cicerone says "We ways to break down the chlorine
g questions and not too compounds before they do
inswers" about ozone's damage to the ozone supply.
our climate. "We just But, he reports, the very
's important and that's quality which made the gases
're scared. attractive to industry, their in-
, which does not natur- ertness, also makes them re-
cur in the atmosphere sistant to reaction with any
'st produced about 20 known substances.
go. The amount created "SOILS AND plants are not
bled every four or five acting as sinks - a natural pro-
ince then according to cess that would cause the gas
e. to break down or disappear -
se the diffusion process and one report even showed
gas is very slow, the these gases to be remarkably
r o f 1 u o r omethanes stable in simulated . photo-
I in the last 20 years are chemical fog," Cicerone said.
y in the troposphere, a Cicerone pointed out that the
ion of the atmosphere. danger to the earth's well-be-
r, they have not yet as- ing grows daily as additional
to the stratosphere, chlorofluoromethanes are add-
the supply of ozone is ed to the air. "The measure-
undant. ments of freon in the atmos-
USE THE gases have phere show a reflection of pro-
t reached the strato- duction, which corresponds
there has been-no effect with what we know, since it
et. But Cicerone says doesn't occur in nature," Cicer-
hing points to the gases one says.
ng stable until they The measurements taken in
diffuse upward into the 1972 differ from the readings
hield." "Our computer taken in 1971 by almost exactly
ions clearly show," Ci- the amount of freon produced in
says, "that the gases that year, he said.
(Continued from Page 1) f
Chuck Judge, associate direc-
tor of LSA counseling, argues
that "I suppose the potential;
for abuse exists, even though'
such a chance is slim, but in
actual practice, I don't feel the
records have been abused in
the past."
OPPONENTS of the measure
have argued that much of the-
-information in the files was re-
corded in confidence without the
knowledge that the students
would later see them and that
opening the files would there-
fore violate counselors' rights
and inhibit honest remarks in
the future.
However, Daane says the new
law is written in such a way
that there are virtually "no
grounds" to make such a chal-
lenge hold up in court-so that
all confidential material must
be made available to the stu-
Because of this hesitation to
release confidential material,
University officials are also
considering purging files of all
such information before Nov.
20, according to Ed Douahertv,
assitstant to the Vice President
for Academic Affairs. But he
adds that such a move annears
hiahlv unlikely.
Although students' files are
now kant secret by all counsel-.
in- offices, the University -
most notably the literary (LSA)
college-has been moving in the'
direction of more open access
to ttidPnt records.
RHODES SAYS "there is a
growing trend and concern for
n,"hlic onenness and we at the
University shoid therefore ex-
nect to share in that."
T SA was the first and, so far,
n,-1' vschool to take sunrh actin.
All1 hacker card-s in LSA files'
filled out since Sentemher 1972
i-111de n warning that the com.-
ments "m a v iltimately be
a-ailahle to the student."
Dean Charles Morris. chair-
man of the LSA Administrative
Rnard, s-vs that since the lit-
ernrv nlleVe "has been mov-
Snq towards onen aepss for
s-eral vears, we should h aie
n iv a noret clerical nronblem"
in comnlving with the new
He adds, howewer, that he
"w<odn't harte chosen to do- it
this wav" and wo ld have nre-
- ferred to have moved to onen
ac^Ass without the leeislative
The School of Architecture
j -4 naUi;IU d hJU lc't klrpn ten-
U' forced to open
student records
m o s t department counseling
comments as well as some fac-
ulty comments are available to
students," says George Bayliss,
chairman of the Art Depart-
Monitoya hits
NixonI uIlldgel
(Continued from Page 1)
-The former President does
not talk about his physical
problems with his family mem-
bers, who first learned of the
phlebitis last summer from
Nixon's doctors;
-Nixon has made no plans or
decisions about returning to the
public arena; and
-He is reconsidering his an-
nouncement of last Dee. 10 that
he would eventually give the
San Clemente estate to the
American people.
This is part of his current
preoccupation with getting his
personal affairs in order.
REFERRING TO the pardon,
this family member said,
"You'd think he would be very
happy with recent events, but
"emotionally, he's still way
down, very depressed. Ie is in
a deep depression."
Nixon's motional depression
was said to be aggravating his
physical problems and vice
"It's not that he's not sharp.
He grasps things as quickly as
ever. But the mental letdown
plays on the physical problems.
Each plays on the other and
that cycle makes both worse,"
the family member said.
Mozambique racial riots kill
over 100 in wake of revolt
AP Photo
Great blue whale?
No, it's Frmnce's fourth nuclear submarine, "L'Indomutable" ("The Invincible"), docked in
Cherbourg where it will be launched next Tuesday. Spectators at the launching should bring
rumbrellrs, because there's bound to be a big splash.
By AP and Reuter
MOZAMBIQUE-100 to 200,
persons, m o s t l y black, were
stoned, stabbed or beaten to
death in racial rioting that fol-
lowed the collapse of a white
settlers' revolt, a senior police
officer said yesterday.
The officer made his estimate
fter touring the black shanty-
owns surrounding the capital
f Lourenco Marques on three
ides. They have been the scene'
f destruction, killing, burning
nd looting since Tuesday when
he leaders of a white move-
ment surrendered.
seen the major explosion of vio-t
lence which the Portuguese gov-
ernment strove hard to avoid
through its cautious handling ofc
the white dissidents who se.edc
the main radio station ' Lou-
renco Marques on Saturday. 1
Dr. Antonio Paulino, secretary:
for health in Mozambique, said
the death toll was at least 190
and that casualties were still
being brought to hospitals. A
communique issued insLisbon
by Prime Minister Vasco Gon-
calves said it was not yet pos-
sible to announce a precise
casualty figure "because the
available troops are preoccupied
with their security duties_ '
telephone and teletype cables.
que said the disorders had
caused serious food shortages,
mainly for the African popula-
tion, and "the army has begun
distributing food to the needy."
The Lourenco Marques radio
station appealed to citizens to
stop looting. A number of food
and other shops were reported
cleaned out.
Sporadic g u n f i r e was still
heard yesterday from the back
shantytowns. ,
The South African Press As-
sociation (SAPA) reported road-
y t1ut+10tU1LULV. olEcKs were es a isne( ar,).ndt anC D.esl? n as a sot} a en T
THE WHITES were protest- The officer interviewed by the beleaguered city. tative steps towards an on
ing the signing of an agreement Radio Lisbon said "dissident Lourenco M a r q u e s airport access policy. "We have
Saturday giving co ofe lements" had cut the city's was closed to civil flights, effect now a system where
territorial government to Fre-
limo the Africanguer
movement that fought the Par- /,-
ttuguese for 10 years. 'The colony
receives' its independence in HW N- A EG P U EO
Most of the African townships
around Lourenco Marques were MERCIER-MOTOBECANE
sealed off by Portuguese offi-
cials yesterday and one officer !~
said "'They are just in a wild k FOR YOUR CYCLING NEEDS
mood and completely out of i SEE CAMPUS BIKE'S
A Portuguese armvcaptain. FAMOUS BICYCLES and PARTS
reporting via Radio Lisbon, said F
many Africans reacted to the
whites' surrender by going on where Students Buy Their Wheels
a rampage. He was in charge THE FRIENDLY STUDENT STORE
of the Lourenco Maroes ad
sdqatie its had used as* CAMPUS BIKE &'TOY is-
their headquarters. 5 CAMPUS
u>> nm l NoPn - 514 E. WILLIAM ST_ 662-0035
[ 4 p.m., thursday, september 12, 1974 rackham amphitheater 4
Honoring the late U-M mineralogist, Edward H. Kraus
founder of The Department of Mineralogy,
former dean of The College of Literature,
Science, and The Arts and of The School of Pharmacy
I =4=1T, A
tilguese c o m a n d o es were
flown to the caiptal from north-
ern Mozambique to reinforce
troons trying to restore order.
a government commimicue from
Lisobn said, and more troops
were exnected to arrive later.
Hundreds of Portuguese refu-
gees were renorted fleeing the
southeast kfrican coastal terri-
tory for Y eiehboring South Af-
rica. Officials issued spacial
regulations limiting the amount
of mone an individual can
draw from the bank in a single
day to 4,000 escudos or $170.
Beira, the second city of Mo-
zmbicne was -enorted ouiet
vesterda'U aft-: 1f4
BUT IT WAS clear to ob-
servers here that Tuesday had
People! Music! Food!
All new students (and old
ones) are invited to come
helD us qet started for the
We need your help with pos-
ter-hanging, typinc, p h o n e
calling, riving, cooking, plan-
ning .,etcp
Thu rs., Sept. 12,
8 p.m.
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Generously lapeled with a
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