Wednesday, September 11, 1974
Page Three
rebels fail
in power bid
By Reuter and AP
A white rebel movement to
ake over power in Portugal's"
outheast African colony of Mo-
ambique appeared to be crumb-
ng yesterday after its leaders
anded over control of the radio
tation they held for three days
n the capital of Lourenco Mar-
The atmosphere in the capi-
al, and in Beira and other cen-
ers, remained uneasy, however,
nd heavy police patrols were
n evidence after five days of
haos and unofficially ten
gives the black movement Fre- widespread violence in the capi- from armed white civilians.
limo a major role in the pro- tal's suburbs. Portuguese army It was not immediately clear
visional government promised officers said they had been pre- whether surrender of the broad-
for an independent Mozambique paring troops to seize the sta- casting unit signaled the end of
in June: tion by force when MFM gave the movement. The rebels have
Guinea-Bissau, another of the in with a broadcast appeal for said they wanted independence
African colonies Portugal is the armed forces to help restore for Mozambique but did not
freeing in dismantling the rem- order in the black shantytowns want Frelimo to take over.
nants of its empife, officially which ring the capital on three Without the radio voice, the
became the first to receive its sides. dissidents seemed to have no
independence yesterday as Pres- A police colonel and another effective method of rallying sup-
ident Antonio de Spinola signed officer arrived at the radio sta- port.
the documents in a ceremony tion yesterday morning and n
in Lisbon. Independence for the were greeted warmly by MFM In neighboring Swaziland, Fa-
third colony, Angola, has been supporters, police said. A brief bio Ngomati Gaziti, who claimed
promised in two years. conference was followed by an- to be a Frelimo leader, released
a statement: "Frelimo and Af-
THE MOVEMENT for Free nounceent of the immediate ricans in general are not op-
Mozambique (MFM) leaders handover, a broadcast said. posed to the Portuguese people
I who had held the radio station Witnesses said the transfer and to white people as such, but
( said they capitulated because of was made quietly and without naturally we are very disturbed
and angry about what this pro-
bloodshed, vocative group has done."
deaths. For the third consecu-,
tive day, demonstrators occu-
pied the main square at Beira.j
The troubles were sparked byI
an agreement Saturday which{
DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A GOVERNMENT spoesper- G u i n e'a - Bissau, previously
...............................................sson in Lisbon said the end of the known as Portuguese Guinea,
Wednesday, September 11 Carnahanm AnIntroduction to FM siege came before dawn as an economic drain on Por-
Digital Computers and Computing g
Day Calendar Languages," Nat. Set. Aud., 7:30 when Portuguese troops took territory near the tip of the
WUOM: Kurt Waldheim, U. N. i 9:30 pm.Iteroynarheip fte
Secretary-General, on U. N. role in over Lourenco Marques airport West African bulge has an area
negotiations betwy. Turkish & Greek ..-- -----
Cypriot leaders, at Natl. Press Club,
10 am.
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type Films, "Basic Use of IBM
029 Keypunch," 1084 E Eng.; "Ad-1
vanced Use of IBM 029 Keypunch,"
1024 E. Eng.; "Use of Teletype inwoCourses: School Education
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HoEn ineerin Comp. Ctr.: Brice "The New Woman and Higher Education"-G-350, Section 002
half the size of Massachusetts
and 50,000 inhabitants, including
3,000 whites.
MEANWHILE, Rhodesia's first
direct rail link with South Af-
rica was completed yesterday,
providing a major alternative to
present outlets to, the sea
through Mozambique.
Work on the line was stepped-
up earlier this year after it
became clear that the Portu-
guese intended to pull out of
their territory of Mozambique,
through which most of Rho-
desia's exports and imports are
now channelled.
The announcement of comple-
tion of the 86-mile line, running
from Rutenga to the border at
Belt Bridge, was made in the
Rhodesian parliament.
R o ei n p r am n .--The line through M ozambique
to the Port of Beira has come
under persistent attack by Af-
rican nationalist guerrillas.
Rhodesia's other main outlet
is the 70-year old line to South
African ports through Botswana.
Phone Numbers
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AP Photo
Mozambique dissidents end siege
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Volume LXXXV, No. 6
Wednesday, September 11 1974
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage'
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a 11 y Tuesday through
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
rates: $10 by carrier (campus area);
$11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio);
$12 non-local mail (other states and
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier
(campus area); $6.00 local maill
(Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non-
local mail (other states and foreign).
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