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September 10, 1974 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-10

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Page Ten


Tuesday, September 10, 1974


TerHorst contends aides misled him

Pardon stirs protests

terHorst said yesterday that he
was misled by other White
House officials in the pardon-
ing of Richard Nixon. But he
said he would have resigned as
press secretary in any event
because he, disagreed with
President Ford's decision.
In a telephone interview, ter
Horst said he would have quit
even if he had been consulted in
advance about the pardon.
"IT WAS something which my
conscience couldn't accept,"
said terHorst who returned to
work for the Detroit News as a
national columnist.
TerHorst unknowingly misled
several reporters before Satur-
day when he was told of the

pardon to allow him to prepare
for Sunday's public announce-
ment by the President.
One newsman, David Kras-
low, Washington bureau chief
for the Cox Newspapers, said he
stopped working on a story Fri-
day about discussions between
the White House and Nixon con-
cerning a possible pardon after
terHorst> assured him that it
wasn't true.
WRITING in yesterday's edi-
tion, Kraslow said terHorst ap-
parently was lied to by presi-
dential counselor Philip Buchen
with whom the press secretary
checked out Kraslow's query.
"Ninety minutes before the
President announced the pardon'
for Nixon, terHorst told me in

a telephone conversation: "I'm
sorry, Dave. If I had known
on Friday what I know now I
would not have guided you
away from that story,"' Kras-
low said.
Kraslow also wrote that a
long-time friend of the press
secretary quoted terHorst as
saying there were other rea-
sons for his resignation, that
terHorst "was put in a posi-
tion where he was about to be-
come another Ron Ziegler, that
he had been forced to make
statements to the press that
were misleading."
BUT terHorst said he "could-
n't recall any of that."
White House sources said
terHorst, who won praise of

White House reporters for his'
candor, stayed up all night Sat-
urday preparing his letter of
resignation which listed several
reasons for leaving the White
House staff.
However, terHorst insisted
that the "basic reason" was the
President's decision to absolve
the ex-president of all federal
crimes, which was "something
my conscience couldn't accept."
AS FOR being shut out of the
decision-making, terHorst said
he felt this was something that
could have been overcome in
time by "educating" the White
House staff to the fact that mis-
leading White House statements
are "deceptive and not neces-
TerHorst, who like Ford is a
native of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
was Washington bureau chief
of the Detroit News before
joining the new administration.

(Continued from Page 1)
al pardon for crimes he com-
mitted or may have committed
in nearly six, years in office
brought the president under
sharp fire from many Demo-
crats in Congress. They said in
effect that congress honeymoon
with Mr. Ford was over.
NOT ALL the reaction was
negative, however, many mem-1
bers of Congress, including
southern conservative Demo-
crats, shared Ford's view that
Nixon had suffered enough and
should not be brought to trial
for his role in covering up the
Watergate burglary.
The main thread running
throughtthercritical comments
was that Mr. Ford had acted
before any formal charges had
been brought against Nixon.
Some contended that by grant-
ing Nixon at this time what


amounted to complete immun- make any act of contrition al
ity, Ford had further extended though he acknowledged that he
the Watergate cover-up and that was "wrong in not acting more
this would prevent the public decisively and more forthright-
ever knowing the full story. ly in dealing with Water-
gate ..."
OTHERS SAID it was an af- Senate Democratic leader
front to equal justice under the Mike Mansfield said in a Sen-
law with other Nixon adminis- ate speech: "Watergate, rather
tration officials behind bars or' than being behind us, as many
facing trial. had thought, is now once again,
Nixon, however, has been unfortunately, before us."
subpoenaed as a defense with- -In a brief Senate debate on
ness in the Watergate cover-up the issue, assistant Senate Re-
trial due to begin here on Sep- publican leader Robert Griffin,
tember 30 and the pardon would a long-time friend of Mr. Ford,
not cover him from committing said he thought concern over
any future crimes. In other Nixon's mental health was a
words, he would have to tell the factor in granting the pardon.
truth as a witness or be sub- THE WASHINGTON POST
ject to perjury charges. reported that at least two'
The pardon came under fresh friends of Nixon had told Ford
attack yesterday with Senator they believed the former Presi-
Sam Ervin, chairman of the dent was so emotionally de-
now-disbanded Senate Water- i pressed that he would not be
gate committee, telling the Sen- able to withstand prolonged in
ate that "President Ford's ac- decision over the pardoning
tion was inexpedient, incompa- question.
tible with good government and President Ford, in a sentence
sets a bad precedent for the inserted at the last minute into
future." his speech yesterday announc-
Senator Ervin suggested that ing the pardon, said, "serious
presidential powers of pardon allegations and accusations
under the constitution "exceed hang like a sword over our for-
that of the Almighty, who ap- mer President's head and
parently cannot pardon a sin- threaten his health as he tries
ner unless the sinner first re- to reshape his life . .."
pents of his sins. The president, In the House of Representa-
on the contrary, can grant a full tives, some members proposed
pardon to one who protests his re-opening the impeachment
innocence and merely admits proceedings, which were shelv-
that he has made some errors 'ed when Nivon resigned a month
in judgment." ago in the face of an almost
NIXON, in accepting Presi- certain vote which would have
dent Ford's pardon, did not led to a Senate trial.


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