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September 10, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-10

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Vol. LXXXV, No. 5 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 10, 1974 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Ford stalls
reaction to I








Human Rights Party gubernatorial candidate
Zolton Ferency has come out swinging against his
opponent, Governor William Milliken. Ferency
yesterday filed a suit in InghamiCounty Circuit
Court charging Milliken with "illegally and un-
ethically" raising campaign contributions on state
time with public facilities. Milliken has denied the
Voter problem
Sixth District Democratic Congressional hopefuls
John Reuther and Dr. Edward Pierce have entered
the fight to end what they term "blatant" discrim-
nation in voter registration. Both joined the
Human Rights Party in criticizing a decision for-
bidding voter registration for students while they
register for classes in the Waterman Gymnasium,
and blasting City Clerk Jerome Weiss' decision to
prohibit door-to-door registration. They called on
Ann Arbor's Republican Congressman, Marvin
Esch, to protest the measures.
Oo ps!
the Daily mistakenly reported on Saturday's
Sports Page that Bob Ufer broadcasts Michigan
football for the WUOM radio station. Actually,
he is a football broadcaster for WPAG. The Daily
regrets the error.
Happenings .. .
. . . are largely political, beginning with a
triple happening for Michigan voters. Human Rights
Party gubernatorial candidate Zoltan Ferency will
speak at West Quad's Michigan House lounge at
6:30 p.m., East Quad's South lounge at 8 p.m., and
Markley's Angela Davis Lounge at 9:30 p.m. HRP
candidates Diane Hall and Marty Wegbreit will also
be on hand . . . the National Organization for
Women wil sponsor a session on "Women and
Credit" at 8 p.m. in the First Unitarian Church.
State Senator Gil Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and
feminist attorney Allyn Ravitz will speak . . -
a campus-wide informational meeting for AFSCME
will begin at 7:30 in the Stratford Rm. of the
Crystal House Motel . . . employes of the Uni-
versity are invited to attend a clericals rally at
7 p.m. in the Michigan Union . . . Project Out-
reach will hold a mass meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
Hill Aud. You must attend to register for the
2-credit course . . the astronomical film festival
will begin this month with "Cosmic Zoon," "Crab
Nebula," and "Skylab," at 8 p.m. in MLB Aud. 3
. . and finally, at 7 p.m., University Housing
Director John Feldkamp will appear on WCBN-
FM program "Talkback." Students will be able to
phone in questions.
Nixon turns author
Don't waste any tears on whether former Presi-
dent Richard Nixon will be able to meet his back
taxes. Nixon is planning to write his memoirs-
and with the profits he makes, he'll be able to
make ends meet. According to his literary agent,
Irving Lazar, the planned book will make an easy
$2 million. Lazar predicted a sale of 10 million
copies in paperback, and at least 500,000 in hard-
cover. Lazar says he has visited Nixon, and the
former president wants "to make his voice heard
loud and clear."
More pardons
While President Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon
has subjected the new President to his first on.
slaught of criticism, there's at least two members
of Middle America who couldn't be more delighted.
A Grand Forks, N.D., judge as liberated two men
from the county jail in response to Ford's action.
"This court is determined to present an act of
clemency to any and all prisoners serving jail
sentences for convictions in this court for the
commission of any criminal offenses," declared
the Judge Kirk Smith. He then freed John Smith,
with 50 days remaining in his sentence for drunk
driving, and John Kleinsasser, serving 15 days for
a traffic charge.
A new element has been discovered-but exactly
who discovered it remain unclear. Russian scien-
tists claim they discovered it last month. American
scientists claim the Russians' claim of finding the
element lacked firm evidence. The Russians dis-
covered it, they announced Monday, when they
successful identified the particles the 'new element

gives off during its brief existence. Until they
discover who discovered it, its name apparently,
will be simply Element 106.' Element 106 has a
half-life of nine-tenths of a second-then it turns
into an isotope called Element 104
On the inside . .
... Arts Page features an interview with blues
artist Luther Allison and also a wrap-up of the
Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival in exile.
Sports Page will give you all the info on last
night's Notre Dame-Georgia Tech football clash

A few extra days of summer
vacation for Ann Arbor school
children ended yesterday when
1,000 striking teachers tenta-
tively ratified a new one-year
Bargainers for the school
board and Ann Arbor Educa-
tion Association (AAEA), which
represents the teachers, reached
agreement on the new pact at
5:15 yesterday morning after
over 24 hours of continuous bar-
TWO HOURS later, teachers
almost unanimously ratifed an
outline of the contract, and by
9:30 a.m., students were head-
ing back into their classrooms
for another year of school.
The AAEA had proposed a
two-year contract on Saturday,
but union president Daniel Bur-
roughs said that the "doubtful
economic situation" prevented
negotiators from r e a c h i n g
agreement on 1975-76 terms.
Both the school board and the
teachers will vote soon to offi-
cially ratify the new contract,
the details of which have not
yet been made public.
THE DAILY learned that. the
pact includes the following pro-
-a salary range from a
$8,650 minimum for bachelor de-
gree holders to an $18,850 'max-
imum for teachers with a mas-
ters degree. The board also
agreed to pay a 5 per cent con-
tribution toward teacher retire-
See TEACHERS, Page 7

Crowds boo


- President Gerald Ford,
suddenly embroiled in a
row over his pardon of
Richard Nixon, yesterday
postponed indefinitely a
decision on the controver-
sial issue of how to deal
with America's Vietnam
war draft evaders and re-
The decision was an-
nounced by new acting
press secretary Jack Hush-
en, who told reporters the
President wanted more
time to consider the issue.
H U S H E N ' S announce-
ment came as the President
found his month-long honey-
moon with Congress turning
sour and the wounds of Water-
gate reopened because of his
pardon Sunday of former Presi-
dent Nixon.
Ford's press secretary, Jer-
ald terHorst, also quit in pro-
test at the move.
TerHorst says other Ford aides
misled him. See story, Page 10.
The pardon and its timing
roused passions that had been
subsiding since Nixon resigned
on August 9. Italso raised ques-
tions about the political impact
and about otherrWatergate fig-
ures serving prison sentences
or waiting trial.
FORD himself had his first
personal experience of public
feelings when he journeyed to
Pittsburgh yesterday morning
to speak to a conference of U.S.
urban transport officials.
For the first time since he
became president, he was booed
and confronted by demonstrat-
ors chanting "no more cover-
up" and "prosecute Nixon."
Others carried placards saying,
"Does Ford know the meaning
of justice." Some of the crowd,
however, cheered him warmly.
Ford had been expected to
announce today the terms un-
der which the thousands of Viet-
nam draft dodgers and resisters
now in self-imposed exile aboard
can return home without fear
of prosecution or imprisonment.
The President has already
said he is in favor of leniency
for such people but that they
must "earn their way back." He
is expected to specify in his an-
nouncement - the White House
has not set a time - what pub-
lic service any returning exiles
would be required to perform.
The decision to grant Nixon
a full, absolute and uncondition-
See PARDON, Page 10

AP Photo
A LARGE CROWD outside a Pittsburgh hotel protests Presi-
dent Ford's decision to grant his predecessor an uncondi-
tional pardon. Ford was at the hotel to address the sixth
annual International Conference on TransportatiLon.

cated he will resign from terday delayed his scheduled
practicing law in the wake of announcement- of a plan to
his pardon from Ford. provide "leniency" for Viet-
nam era draft resisters and
Nixonl to quit barm,
fear ofimpending
state action denied
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (#')-Former President Richard Nixon,
faced with possible disciplinary action by the state bar of Cali-
fornia, plans to resign his bar membership shortly, his attorney
said last night.
Los Angeles attorney Dean Butler denied that the resignation
was designed to avoid possible disbarment.
"IT IS A DECISION he made some time ago that he would
not engage in the practice of law," Butler told a news con-
ference at the state bar convention.
Butler's announcement came moments after the bar's board
of governors gave convention delegates permission to vote on
a resolution critical of President Ford's pardon of Nixon.
But the board refused to let the conference take up a section
of the resolution which dealt indirectly with possible disciplinary
action against the former president.
THAT DELETED section read: "The conference trusts that
the disciplinary processes of the state bar, which have already
been invoked, will continue to be conducted without regard to
the rank or station of the lawyers involved."
Nixon has been under investigation by a committee of the
bar for possible disciplinary action or disbarment for his role
in the Watergate cover-up.
Butler was asked repeatedly about the timing of the Nixon
announcement. But he said it was not connected with either
Ford's pardon or possible action by the bar.
HE SAID NIXON still holds membership in the New York
State bar, but plans to resign from that organization also. An
investigation by the bar has also been under way there.
"I think his decision was not to practice law-period,"
Butler said.
He said he had not been told what the former president's
future professional plans were.




for low minority hiring

Acting Literary C o 1I1 e g e
(LSA) Dean William "Billy"
Frye yesterday scored the Uni-
versity's affirmative action hir-
ing program for failing to pull
minority employment from its
"distressingly low" levels.
Citing the LSA faculty fig-
Jzz fest
debt hits
The p a s t weekend's "Ann
Arbor Blues and Jazz Festival
in Exile" ran a deficit of at
least $60,000, with final totals
still u n k n o w n, according to
Rainbow Multi-Media (RMM),
its sponsor-an outcome which
casts serious doubts on the fu-
ture of the event.
See related story, Page S
Asked about next year, RMM
Vice President John Sl'clair
said yesterday, "We'll try to
re-group s o m e h o w. We still
think the festival is a good
thing, and a thing that needs
to be done."
cial problems "just beyond be-

ures of nine per cent female,
three per cent black, and three
per cent for other non-white mi-
norities, Frye called the hiring
program largely ineffective.
THE DEAN'S statement,
made in his first "State of the
College" speech before the LSA
faculty meeting, were followed
by a report from Admissions
Director Clifford Sjorgen on the
related issue of minority enroll-
Sjorgen laid the failure to
bring in minority employment
to economic factors and cited
the skyrocketing cost of at-
tending the University as the
reason for the increase in appli-
cations from middle and upper-
class students and the decline
from all other categories.
Sjorgen suggested several al-
ternatives for raising the di-
minished numbbr of in-state ap-
plications, including allowing
transfers before the junior year
and admitting more students
who apply after the February 1
deadline for equal considera-
later attacked Sjogren for sug-
gesting the admissions office
lower, "the threshhold of aca-
demic standards" as a means
of coping with the falling appli-
cation rate. Several faculty
members in attendance cheered
when Cohen asserted the meas-
sure would "deal a severe
blow" to the University's integ-
Frve also addressed the
problem of the gradual trend in
course interest strongly favor-
ing the pre-professional disci-
"We must cope with student
demands as well as possible,"
he said. adding that the most

LSA faculty members to take
"an intensive and positive atti-
tude" toward evaluating the re-
port of the Commission on
Graduation Requirements.
began its investigation in 1972,
presented its report to the LSA
faculty last February, but cur-
rently some two-thirds of the
report has yet to be considered
and finalized.
Commission chairman Ray-
mond Grew pleaded for close
consideration of the report


While national leaders were
sharply divided on President
Ford's decision to pardon Rich-
ard Nixon, most state and local
opinion ran strongly against the
controversial act.
Both Democrats and Repub-
licans viewed the move as a
short circuiting of the judicial
process which could well keep
the full story of Watergate from
ever emerging.
(R-Ann Arbor), who had long
resisted taking a pro-impeach-
ment stance before Nixon's
August 9 resignation, had sharp
words for Ford's action.
"This was properly a matter
for the courts, and the judicial lure P
process should have been al- violate
lowed to take its course," Esch as long
said in a formal statement. "I retire,
still believe we should be a na- r p.

blast Ford move

UNIVERSITY law professor
Robert Burt said the pardon
ran contrary to justice. "Nixon
betrayed us all in his conduct
in office and I think we all had
a right to expect that some price
be extracted from him - not
necessarily that he go to jail,
but that the immorality of his
actions be clearly identified as
such in the regular processes of
justice. Ford's action has made
that impossible."
University President Robben
Fleming called Ford's announce-
ment "an obviously highly con-
troversial move" but would not
express solid opposition.
"I think he was sincere in
doing it, but a great many
people are going to disagree
with him," said Fleming of the
University's most noted gradu-
Student reaction to the pardon
ranad from extreme anger to

Milliken Esch

Presidents that they can
the law with impunity
g as they are prepared to
on a handsome pension,
, rrinC r di;nvred.a"

the facts."'

SANDER LEVIN, Democratic
candidate for governor, blasted
Fnrd's mmve

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