Wednesday, December 9, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven * Wednesday, December 9, ~ 970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven 'U' pr (EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol- lowing is the proposed affirma- tive action plan (Exhibit B) to combat discrimination on the basis of sex which was rejected by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.) The Bylaws of The Regents of the University of Michigan, as implemented by the University's Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action Program, set forth unequivocally that there shall be no discrimination be- cause of sex. This existing pro- gram specifically reaffirms the University's commitment t h a t "the University, through its em- ployment practices and proced-, ures, seeks and employs qualified personnel for all of its diverse activities and at all of its fa- cilities and provides equal oppor- tunities during employment by administering each and every phase of its personnel program without regard to the non-rele- vant factors of ... sex . .." As recognized in the recently published Department of Labor Sex Discrimination Guidelines, special problems. and therefore definite treatment, may be need- ed to achieve equal employment opportunity for women. Therefore the University of Michigan, in reaffirming its commitment to equal employ- ment opportunity for all, under- takes the following additional affirmative steps to emphasize its commitments to women: 1. An analysis of wage and salary, promotion and employ- ment procedures will be under- taken by the Personnel func- tion with special attention given to equal opportunity for women. 2. Each administrative or operating unit, in cooperation with the Personnel function, will continue to review and evaluate the status of staff members. Special attention will be given to the status of female s t a f f members in classifications where there are also male staff mem- bers. Salary equity and advance- ment opportunities will be a primary consideration as will the identification of problem areas and recommendations for over- coming them. 3. Each member of manage- ment and supervision will again be informed of the responsibil- ity to assure compliance with the oposals to HEW tices to preclude discrimination on the basis of sex. 4. The question of discrim- ination, including sex, always involves an analysis of facts. Therefore, the University will again, and periodically t h e r e- after, communicate to staff members information about the University's non-discrimination because of sex policy, with spec- ial reference and emphasis giv- en to the availability of Uni- versity complaint procedures. These communications w i 11 stress that there will be no adverse reflection of a com- plainant's status as a staff member for utilizing a com- plaint procedure. 5. The University Complaint Review Committee has author- ity to hear and decide discrim- ination, including sex, com- plaints involving professional, administrative, office and tech- nical staff members. This Com- mittee shall include representa- tives designated - by the Univer- sity Human Relations Council when a sex discrimination com- plaint is processed and shall in- clude at least one female mem- ber. 6. The Senate Advisory R e - view Committee is available for discrimination, including s e x , complaints for members of the academic senate. This com- mittee currently includes fe- males. The Senate Advisory Committee on University Af- fairs, the appointing body, will be informed of the advisability of continuing to include females on this committee. 7. All teaching staff members, including those who are mem- bers of the Senate, will have available within their school or college an appeal procedure to review problems or complaints concerning employment, includ- ing those involving sex dis- crimination. These procedures, when implemented, will include a provision which provides for at least one female member for- each committee in the procedure whenever a sex discrimination complaint is processed. 8. Each University Labor Agreement includes a grievance procedure and final and binding arbitration for unresolved gri- evances. The last step ,of the. 9. All staff members, includ- ing those covered by labor agreements, will continue to be informed periodically that, in addition to the University Com- plaint Procedures, that Michi- gan Civil Rights Commission is available to receive and process discrimination, including s e x, complaints. 10. The University will make appropriate adjustments, I n - cluding back pay to the date of an individual's complaint, should it find as a result of reviewing any complaint that a female staff member has been discrim- on sex (EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow- ing is excerpts released by the University from a letter, dated December 8, 1970 from Presi- dent Robben Fleming to Don Scott, civil rights specialist at the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health, Educa- tion and Welfare.) "The University commits it- self to maintain nondiscrimina- tory hiring and employment practices and to take affirma- tive action to ensure that appli- cants are employed a n d that employes a r e placed, trained, discrimination the date of ascertained discrim- ination, but not earlier than the date on which the University of Michigan signed its first con- tract under Executive Order 11246, as amended. "3. The University of Michi- gan commits itself to the vigor- ous recruitment of females for academic positions to be certain that those who have comparable qualifications and potential are given equal opportunity to males who are being considered for the same positions. "4. There are no Ph. D. grad- uate programs at the University sity. Any identifiable inequities will be compensated with ap- propriate back pay. "6. Male and female applicants and employes will not be segre- gated for purposes of recruit- ment, placement, transfer, or promotion in any job classifi- cation. "7. All present female employ- es occupying clericals or other non-academic positions w h o seek promotion and who possess qualifications e q ui v a 1 e n t to those of higher level male em- ployes will be given priority con- sideration for promotions to higher level positions for which they qualify. "8. Review of the above op- erations will be under the sup- ervision of Vice President Fe- dele Fauri and a commission on women which will include rep- resentatives of female adminis- trative, academic, and non- academic employes." UGLI hours '."9:7n?.:n fv1 A##"{, R::.^v:Y."<".'rd":} {,r}n......"..........:i{1'"71v..?....r{{{........",.......rr.......................,... . . "As the result of exchanges of correspondence between HEW and the University of Michigan on the question of sex discrimination, we appear to be in substantial agreement with te possible exception of two items," President Robben Fleming said. ...1".14: s................... inated against because of sex. 11. Special attention will be given to the inclusion of females on University committees. Where these committees are ap- pointed by faculty, or other groups, as distinguished f r o m University administrative ap- pointments, these groups will be informed of the advisability of including females on commit- tees. 12. The Human Relations Ad- visory Council, currently in the process of being reconstituted to more effectively meet its re- sponsibilities and achieve its objectives, will establish a Com- mission on Women. This Com- mission will not deal with in- dividual complaints, which should be processed through one of the University complaint pro- cedures or the Michigan C i v i l Rights Commission, but will be charged with the following re- sponsibilities -Inquire into University pol- icies, procedures and practices which may contribute to dis- crimination against women and - Make affirmative and con- structive proposals to the Hu- man Relations Advisory Coun- cil for improvement of employ- ment and employment condi- tions for female staff members. upgraded. promoted, and other- wise treated during employment without regard to sex. "The University will, within 90 days. file a further amended affirmative action program to modify Exhibit B of our letter of November 3, 1970, which you have cited, including specific numeric goals and timetables. Meanwhile, to correct deficien- cies cited the University com- mits itself as follows: "1. The University will ach- ieve salary equity between male and female employes having the same qualifications, responsi- bilities and performance in the same job classification. Imme- diate review of files will be un- dertaken and a complaint oro- cedure announced to determine inequities. Such inequities will be corrected within thirty days. "2. The University commits it- self to the payment of b a c k wages to any female who has lost wages due to discrimination by the University because of her sex. Back pay will date from COME TO TOWN and COUNTRY RESTAURANT Fine Food Chops, Steaks, & Shrimp Soul Food Home Cooked Open Pit Barbeque of Michigan in which admissions are connected with specific em- ployment opportunities. All em- ployment opportunities f o r graduate students within the University are open to all qual- ified students without discrimi- nation and will continue to be so administered. "5. The University will issue a policy of nepotism within thirty days which will ensure equal treatment of tandem teams throughout t h e Univer- The undergraduate library will be open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. from Dec. 19 through Jan. 5. The UGLI will be closed Sun- day, Dec. 20, Thursday-Sunday, Dec. 24-27, and Friday-Sunday, Jan. 1-3. The audio room, print study gallery, and reference desk will be closed from Sunday, Dec. 20 through Tuesday, Jan. 5. N EY E A R E the University cellar Buying Books In the Union basement Dec. 7-Dec. 19 9:30-5:30 at Bursley Dec. 16-19 DD CCJ"D IDTIr r c34 ir i Wiv c i and SHADES University's Equal Employment grievance procedure prior to ar- -Open- 6:3C Opportunity Affirmative Action bitration provides for review 6 a.m. till 9 p m.--Mon.-Thurs. o f*Ue Program and that the program by a University Review Com-( 6 a.m. till 3 a.m.-Fri.-Sat.L Includes a requirement for af- mittee. Whenever a sex discrim- PRE-LlANUKAfl8 a.m. till 7:30 p.m.-Sunday firmative efforts in the employ- ination complaint is processed 730 NORTH MAIN ment, promotion and salary ad- this committee will include at 763Deliver d3tering ministration policies and prac- least one female member. UNWANTED PREGNANCY? S.B.S. at 1215 S.U. HAVE A LEGAL ABORTION f PERFORMED IN THE STATE OF 20% off on new NEW YORK BY LICENSED PHYSICIANS 50% off on used ALSO AVA FREE ROUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED. $200.00 PREGNANCY UP TO 12 WEEKS. 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