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December 08, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-12-08

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1970 ENDS ON
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:43 a t tV

Cloudy and

Vol. LXXXI, No. 79 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, December 8, 1970 Ten Cents
lasses: Structure or ree 'U'
By BOB SCHREINER toward the extent to which many teachers On one end of the spectrum are classes If a line has to be drawn, it would prob-
First of two parts structure their classes. which seem regimented enough to warrant ably be safe to say the median of class-
Since the process of formal education even a careful watch of stapling. These structuring falls somewhere in between the
The positioning of the staple on an Eng- began, students everywhere h a v e com- classes are usually characterized by man- extremes, with a small leaning toward the
ish paper may well make the difference plained of having restrictions placed on datory attendance, assigned seating, strict more unstructured type.
a stdent's grade - or so many fresh- their freedom to educate themselves, deadlines for papers and other projects The structure of a particular class is
Teachers, for the most part have had to and many regularly scheduled quizzes. strictly the decision of the individual
The teacher of one freshman English defend any regimentation they pursue in On the other end are classes whose only teacher, or, in some rare cases, it is based
course told his students - he insists with their classrooms, in terms of doing what is real structure is their consistent meeting
tongue-in-cheek - that the staple on all best for the student even though he may time and place every week. But even that n school, college, or departmental guide-
submitted papers must be placed diagon- disagree with the methods used. varies sometimes.lines.
ally at the top left corner of the page, But there are students who do like to One social sciences instructor; for exam- The University maintains no written
rather than vertically or horizontally, have certain restrictions placed on them ple, told his students at the first c 1 a s s policy on what a professor is empowered
He explains such staple positioning in the learning process, and t h e r e are meeting in the fall that that would be the to do in the classroom, nor does the liter-
would simply facilitate paging through the teachers who believe that the less restric- last class of the year. He passed out a sug- ary college, the University's largest aca-
papers, but as one student said, whether tions placed on the student, the more he gested reading list, and gave the students demic unit.
or not the teacher was serious, "no one is will derive from the learning process. an address where to send their optional "There are no guidelines about what a
taking any chances." In short, despite yawning testimonials to papers and self-evaluations at the end of professor is supposed to do to be an effec-
Although the above incident is by no the contrary. University classes are not all the term. Those papers and self-evalua- tive teacher," says Prof. Ronald Tikofsky,
means a typical directive issued by teach- alike, especially in their structure or tions were the sole criteria for the final chairman of the Literary College Curricu-
ers at the University, it does serve to point teaching methods. grade. See PROFS, Page 8

Twelve Pages
-Daily-Denny Gainer

Group organizes leftist ISA




party for city elections





An ad hoc group of 15 an-
nounced yesterday the forma-
tion of an independent politi-
cal party which will attempt
to provide Ann Arbor with a
"democratic left alternative"
'to existing political parties.
According to the founders, the
new party's purpose will be to
"serve the interests" of all Ann
Arbor residents, with particular
sensitivity paid to those constitu-
tencies - students, blacks, and
working class people - who they
say are presently ignored by city
The ad hoc 'group, who are
mostly students, include members
from Student Government Council
(SGC), Students for a Democratic
Society, and International Social-
ists, as well as several teaching
fellows from the University's eco-
nomics department.
The founders claim that the
city's present Democratic admin-
istration serves only the interests
of local businessmen and the Uni-
versity administration.
Informed last night of the new
party's formation, Mayor Robert
Harris said the founders of the
party "are unfamiliar with the
record of the Democratic adminis-
tration in the last 20 months."
esociated Press Harris said that one function of
the Democrats' campaign this
ez spring will be to spread this
labor leader Initially, the new party plans
s imprisoned to enter a slate of candidates in
ge he would this spring's mayoral election. The
e boycott. proposed candidates as well as the
- party's official platform and pro-
grams will be decided this Satur-
day at the party's first convention.
One founder of the party, Steve
Nissen, '71, said last night that the
ace convention, which is open to any-
onwill be fully democratic in
toat,"the polewoatedwill
make the decisions and the poll-
aY cies" of the party.
Sy Nisen and another party found-
er, Jerry DeGrieck, SGC executive
vice president, said last night that
the party would hopefully com-
harges today mit itself to the establishment of:
alleged dis- -Rent control in Ann Arbor,!
ction Move- enforced by the city government;
-Community control over po-1
rupting the lice department; and
-A progressive tax structure for
along with the city.
The new party is technically
es discipline barred from appearing on the
he Van Der city's ballot because it is not a
state-wide organization. Nissen
tudents, two said that this stipulation may be
See NEW, Page 10

Executive panel ikes
cutback to 4per cent
The literary college, confronted with a projected $300,000
deficit for the current fiscal year, will increase its budget re-
ductions for 1971-72 considerably above the cuts imposed last
month by the University administration, acting LSA Dean
Alfred Sussman said yesterday.
Speaking at a meeting of the literary college faculty,
Sussman announced that the LSA executive 'committee -
an all-faculty body which administrates the college - had
voted to impose a total cutback of $800,000 for fiscal year 1971.
The administration had ordered each of the University's
schools and colleges to prepare tentative cutbacks equivalent
to three per cent of their current allocations for faculty and
staff salaries. In the literary
college, this would come to
about $600,000, Sussman said. H E W
But the LSA executive commit-
tee4 not, wishinv to incur another-[

Marchers support Chave
Marchers, including Mrs. Ethel Kennedy, visit farm
Cesar Chavez iri the Salinas, Calif., Jail. Chavez was
Friday for contempt of court and warned by a judg
stay in jail until he called off his nation-wide lettuc
Van Der Hout to
judiciary panel t
A literary college judicial panel will hear ch
against Mark Van Der Hout, '70, concerning his
ruption of a class during last spring's Black A
ment (BM) strike.
Van Der Hout has been charged with dis
computer science class of Prof. Bernard Galler,
a group of other students during the strike.
The LSA Administrative Board, which overse
matters within the college, decided to submit t
Hout case to a judicial board composed of two s
faculty members and two administrators.
However, the executive council
of the literary college student gov-
ernment last week refused to ap-
point students to the j u d i c ia 1
panel which will hear the case.
The council instead unanimous-
ly approved a motion supporting
the position that students accused
of non-academic offenses be tried
by an all-student judiciary.
Since an all-student judiciary
board does not exist in the litr.
ary college, the student govern- '
ment maintained that Central Stu-
dent Judiciary (CSJ) had juris-
diction in the case.
Van Der Hout said that he is
"going to reassert the fact that
CSJ should be the hearing body"
s t +~~ +4.q e. rinL, Helo aid :nc

-Associated Press

Refinery dam age assessed

A workman at Humble Oil's Bayway, N.J. refinery Sunday tries to assess the damage after a blast
of undetermined origin ripped through the installation the night before. The explosion caused mil-
lions of dollars in damage and touched off looting in two cities. The FBI is now seeking saboteurs,
who police say phoned them a warning before the blast.
Nixon asks rail strike delay;-
truck drivers continue walkout

w , i, W511g U lu 1V1
deficit in 1971-72, decided to raise
the cutback to four per cent of
the current LSA salary budget, or
Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith last night con-
firmed this year's projected $300,-
000 deficit in the literary college,
and said the administration was'
attempting to find funds to meet
the gap.
Deficit spending by state insti-
tutions, such as ,the University, is
prohibited by the state Constitu-
tion. Thus, the University must
fund all of this year's expendi-
tures by next June 30, the end of
the current fiscal year.
The administration ordered the
budget reductions for 1971-72 pri-
marily to provide funds for raises
in faculty and staff salaries. While
the annual increase in the state
appropriation to the University
has largely been used to raise sal-
aries, the raises have failed to
keep pace with inflation.
When the budget reductions
were ordered, Vice President Smith
predicted that the increase in sal-
aries could be as high as ten per
cent. However, Dean Sussman said
last night that it was "unrealistic"

By The Associated Press
President Nixon last night called
on Congress to halt the threaten-
ed rail strike, while labor repre-
sentatives and industry leaders
met in closed session over the
tanker drivers' walkout in the fuel
hauling industry.
"A nationwide stoppage of rail
service," Nixon said in a special
message, "would cause hardship
to all Americans and harm to the
economy, particularly a stoppage

at the height of the pre-Christ-
mas season."
"It is essential that our rail-
roads continue to operate," he
said, as he asked Congress to
halt the impending strike for 45
The four AFL-CIO rail unions
in the dispute are demanding big-
ger wage hikes, cost-of-living pay,
improved vacations, holidays, and
other benefits. The unions will be
legally free to strike at 12:01 a.m.


Although the fuel oil walkout
began Sunday when about 1,300
drivers in Michigan, Cleveland,
and Ohio areas left their jobs,
it was too early last night to tell
what the effect of the walkout
would be.
However, some rural areas of
the Midwest were threatened with
fuel oil shortages as temperatures
settled into the 20's.
The Teamster Union is demand-
ing a wage increase of $1.65 spread
over a three-year contract, and
iad been negotiating until Thurs-
lay, when bargaining broke down.
There were sporadic tanker
driver walkouts in other regions,
but the bulk of the 5,000 drivers
in the Michigan-Ohio area ap-
peared undecided on strike action.
In the rail dispute, Nixon said
that if the projected 45 day ex-
tension of bargaining time did not
produce a settlement, he would
come up with more recommenda-
tions to Congress. But he said
the fact that some progress has
been made is encouraging and in-
dicates the contesting parties may
be able to settle differences.
Representatives of the unionsl
involved in the dispute had been

replies to
'U' action
The University yesterday receiv-
ed a formal response from the De-
partment of Health, Education,
and Welfare to its recent submit-
ted affirmative action program for
achieving equal employment of
Fedele Fauri, vice president for
state relations and planning,
would not release the details of the
response last night. However,
Fauri said a statement would be
released following a meeting be-
tween President Robben Fleming
and the executive officers today.
HEW spokesmen said Nov. 18
that the plan, submitted earlier
in response to HEW requirements
last month, was rejected. The de-
lay in the official response, s a i d
HEW spokesman Don Scott, was
caused by technical legal difficul-
In a related development, Dr.
Bernice Sandler of the Women's
Equity Action League (WEAL) re-
ported that a spokesman for the
American Association of Univer-
sities said that the University had
been trying to gather support from
several Universities to resist com-
pliance with HEW's demands. She
said that the University of Penn-
sylvania was one school which had
turned down the University's re-
The spokesman could not be
reached for comment last night.
Sandler claimed also that the
University had been trying to find
out if it had grounds for a suit
against HEW. However, she said
that a case last March upheld the
constitutionality of the Executive
Order through which HEW can
hold up federal contracts with em-
ployers charged with discrimina-
tion on the basis of sex.
Although the University has re-
fused to disclose the original HEW

vy admits. polluting ocean

{ r.rr;
:.:. :: .r : :::,.

Navy's civilian chief conceded
yesterday that the Navy has
repeatedly violated the spirit, if
not the letter, of antipollution
laws by dumping vast quantities
of sludge oil off Florida's East
Secretary of the Navy John H.
Chafee told a Senate subcom-
mittee -nhe + r umning rom

enunciated by Congress and the
President should have had so
little impact."
"I think the question is, Mr.
Secretary, are we doing any-
thing meaningful here in the
Congress in writing legislation,"
Muskie continued, "only to see
it ignored by the Navy and other
agencies of the e x e c u t i v e

Dean Sussman

to assume that the increase would
be that high.
According to Sussman, the cut-

:::. mm

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