mqe- Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 6, 1970 Sunday, December 6, ]974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A LITTLE MORE And Pooh's search continues... ...-~ ' ~ *~ ,~Tter h..F'-.. , r^~'~ - ' - d -'nn;iU r,!aiit a!Wf . n' i5 .'-sz... -TL _4a.. '.. ".i." "._". .. .Images (Continued from Page 5) did, who didn't he store up hay- corns for the cold season? Now they are all covered with this white stuff." "That's easy," said P oo h, "Anyone knows that the only storage place small pigs (and es- pecially small bears!) have is their own tummy-tum-turn." "Still," said Rabbit, "I think Piglet is big enough to take care of himself." "Shush," said Robin, "So a r e you. But you're still our friend. Now, Piglet, t ell me what's wrong, small friend. Maybe I can help you, for now I am sev- en. And with the help of the Brains of Pooh, I am sure I can help you." Piglet sniffed, "Oh, hi; here I am a very small pig, weighing as I do almost nothing at all and now no food for the winter. I am afraid I will just disappear away to nothing." "Oh no you won't," said Pooh. "Of course not," Rabbitrin- sisted. "You will only be a trifle hungry, nothing really, at least for the time being. Tell me, Ro- bin, about this snowing a n d Christmasing-" "Well, Rabbit," said Robbin, "I think we should take care of the smaller questions first, you know, little things like anxious bears and hungry pigs. After all, what's all the snowing a n d Christmasing in the world if Piglet doesn't have. any hay- corns to eat. Tell you what, how would you like to lead the rest of us on an expedition to find haycorns in the snow for Pig- let?" "Well, I would Robin, but I wonder what Owl would think of that," Rabbit replied. Just at that moment, o p e n flew the door and who was there but Owl and Eeyore. Owl, of course, was first, pulling the Re- lucant Donkey by the right ear ("Ouch, my left ear sounds like it hurts!" Eeyore had insisted). "Well, by now, I assume you have discovered that it is snow- ing and Christmasing," said Owl, still slowly dragging Eeyore in- to the house. "Actually, we hadn't discussed that point yet," replied Rabbit, "However, I was just about to bring it up with Robin here. Af- ter all, there are more important things to do than look for hay- corns for one small pig. So Ro- bin, now, that we are all here, I gather that all this stuff on the ground has something to do with snowing, but Piglet here seems to be a little mixed up about Christmasing. We, meaning Owl and I, were goinng to tell him earlier all about it, but we know you could tell him so much bet- ter. "I'd rather have haycorns re- ally," said Piglet, "But yes, tell us Robin, what is Christmasing anyhow?" "Well, don't worry," said Ro- bin, "it'll happen in good time, Piglet. We'll see. But as f o r now-" "Eggzactly," said O w 1 who knew Robin was more interested in haycorns, "We'll see. Now as for haycorns-" "Eggzactly," said Eeyore, "Re- member me? You're still pulling on my ear, but as you can very well see, I am already well in- side the door of my own some- what free four hoofs. And may I now ask, what, eggzactly, is the reoson I have been abduct- ed from my comfortable hut, so graciously rebuilt by you fellows, and dragged on a forced march to this dwelling? May I ask, humbly, before you interrupt me, what I have done to de- serve this deed you have perpe- trated upon me? Why have you done this thing to me?" "Eeyore, we've really done it See POOH, Page 8 am. THE STORY OF Y ft ~ THE MAN R " A N D HONEST JULIUS( l- THE GI " alias THE WOMAN (etdo'~TEG the man . . . And it came to pass that there was a man and his name was Julius he did verily make the best pizza in town. But it was a f a c t that the was unhappy for many people came from afar who wished to cons the fermented juice of the hop plant with their pizza and he coulc give them that which they desired. And it came to pass that one night, as he lay asleep in his tent, there c f. unto him in a dream a woman and she said unto him "Behold, I can su your customers with the fermented juice of the hop plant that they so r desire. For verily, I am the girl next door and my name is J ulia and beer and many other things and I welcome p e o ple unto my store Ia night, yea, verily unto the same hour that thou closest also." - And the man woke up and saw that it was a good idea, yea, a very ff.. idea. Mo. MORA L: People who come to buy Beer at Conevenient may als MICHIGAN SOUVENIRS Walnut Bookends with Michigan Seal..........5.95 Bronze Bookends with Michigan Seal . 15.50 to 17.95 Ceramic Ash Trays with Bronze Seal .... 5.95 to 10.95 28 different styles of Sweatshirts... ........2.98 Children's Sweatshirts...............2.25 and 2.59 Children's T-shirts, sizes 1 -1 6................. 1.35 Michigan Baby Booties.......................2.49 Michigan Playing Cards...........2.75 double deck Michigan Baby Bibs ..................95c to 1.25 Michigon Pennants and Banners............ 1.25 up Stuffed Animals ........ ......... . ..... 2.00 up Michigan Mugs, all sizes.............1 .19 to 11.95 Mail Orders Accepted ULRICH'S-Ann Arbor's Friendly Bookstore 549 East University' r Happy Christmas. . or Merry Birthday By CARLA RAPOPORT My mother threw-up her 31st Christmas dinner because she had given birth to me the day before. I often wonder if nine months before she and dad real- ized they had perpetrated the "Christmas baby" syndrome on their daughter. I guess I have a lot of com- passion for all of us Christmas babies. Every year it was the same perfumed set of aunts handing us the proverbial barbie doll with two extra outfits or ft - - - ---------- - ------ - --------- - ---------- - - - FOR THOSE WHO PLAY G) 3M GAMES GAME OF. Computer Football, Hockey, Bas Eectric Football Also, QUERIES 'N THEORIES Another Game For Thinkers From Wff 'n F Hundreds of Gift Giving Items for Ev WE ALSO MAIL 22 . AFACTS and FUI j~ 224 S. MA IN U a, kMES GO 'bal l 'roof eryone N 663-0310k the erector set with the electric motor and say beamingly, "This is for both Christmas and your birthday, honey." It was so hard to keep those thank you notes from becoming cynical. And don't think we didn't become cynical early. While the rest of you were en- joying your mounds of booty, we knew that all of ours was worth a lot less. And when you reached 15 or 16 and started blasting the pet- tiness and hypocrisy gift-giving, we sat back and smirked. Christ- mas babies grow up early. You don't have to be Chris- tian to be a Christmas, baby, I should know. Luckily, coinci- dentally, or deliberately, Cha- nukah, or the festival of the lights for those who can't pro- nounce the gutteral "ch," a historically joyous occasion for Jews, was amplified to fill the bill, right down to lavish pres- ents to rival anything in Chris- tiandom. Having a birthday near Christmas also means scanty parties due to family vacations and clannish celebrations which excluded friends. I remember one year, to boost enrollment, I bribed the dumb little kid who lived in the house behind us. I told him he could come to my party if he contributed $3 to the money I had to raise to rent a horse-drawn hayride for the a amazement, he came up with the money and even brought me a present which I still have today. How does one throw away cocker spaniel salt shakers.? Birthday's are a time to shine. What's neater than being the birthday-girl w hen your mom brings out the cake and your dad is shooting movies and all your friends scream to sit next to you? And after the party, the whole day is yours and .you can even stay up late and don't have - to dry the dishes, and everyone can say how grownup and smart you are'for your age. But how can. you expect a newly-turned nine year-old, a Christmas baby, to compete with Jesus Christ? buy Pizza at Little Caesars. People who come to buy Pizza at Little Caesars may also bug : Beer at Convenient. 75, cents OFF- 50 cents OFFo. F: on ato O F U40 OF Sportsman or Partytime Medium or Large PEPSI 4 PIZZA PIE4 PIZZA PIE PnlyI99 AT AT [l/ittle Cae4a t I tittle Gae4 aiCon - mmmmmmmmmm in M rMMMmm m m m m m m m i n Mmmmminmmmm inmmmmmminininin 50 Cents Delivery Per Order Ff 1753 PLYMOUTH at NORTH CAMI Little Caesars Pizza Treat Convenient Food 665. 862. 668-9257' P a, ft * ft ft t*1-=* * ft t f t Z .' ' i.t'lL ftin ftIrr Z "''T owpvv- r.' +'." /FT.' ^7^ '" +rz rt ii:T "" rc ^ r iw '!'+ t y' '*'t s: f'TT" fi'.r7^ .^t^R^ K? 7' ^+ +iz' ^ +' ss rrt ws: ^wT'- s.T+-. y..w r^.. ..s;" -" ...rr' . .^f- - rr- +'- .