Page Eight' RETUIRN 0 Thursday, Dec. 3-7-10 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4 -1-5 p.m. X 512 SAB - in the basement CALL 763-1107 for info < < < THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, December 4, 1970 i 4 Q1 122 E. WAS I SANS STORE e Habs' mentor Ruel resigns; Ali-Bonavena tilt attacked By The Associated Press MONTREAL - Claude Ruel, chubby 32-year-old coach of the Montreal Canadiens, resigned yesterday. He was replaced immediately by Al MacNeil, his assistant for the last three months. The decision to replace Ruel followed persistent reports here that he was unhappy with his position and with performance. of the club. Ruel had been coach of the National Hockey League club since June, 1968. " MacNeil was Ruel's choice as an assistant when the club decided last September to hire someone to take some of the pressure from the shoulders of the chunky Ruel. Ruel remains with the club and reverts to his former post of director of player development and chief scout. ALBANY, N.Y. - Republican assemblyman yesterday de- nounced next Monday's Muhammed Ali-Oscar Bonavena boxing match as "a disgrace to the people of New York State." Neil W. Kelleher of Troy voiced his protest in a telegram to New York's Mayor John V. Lindsay, whom Kelleher criticized for not try- ing to stop the match set for Madison Square Garden. Kelleher said it was a disgrace "to allow a draft dodger to per- form in our state and in your city on the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor." Ali is appealing a prison sentence for refusing to submit to mili- tary induction. His boxing license had been revoked by the State Athletic Commission, but the action was overturned by the courts. * OXFORD, Miss. - Another attempt was made yesterday to fit Mississippi quarterback Archie Manning with a protective device for his broken arm. Official approval for, the leather sleeve is needed from Cliff Norvell of Memphis, Tenn., umpire for the Southeastern Conference football championship game against Louisiana State in Baton Rouge tomorrow night. Failure to win approval would mean Manning wound up his brilliant collegiate career Nov. 7 when he broke his arm in the Houston-Mississippi game.' Hogs By JERRY CLARKE But for a desperate, game saving tackle by a Stanford line- backer, tomorrow's a n n u a 1 bloodletting between Texas and Arkansas would be a carbon copy of last year's classic battle. A year ago Texas came from behind, as quarterback James Street led his Longhorns to two fourth period scores and a 15- 14 triumph. Both teams entered that con- test unbeaten, and the game decided not only the Southwest Conference title, but the na- tional championship as well. The loss to Stanford gives the Raz- orbacks no chance at national honors, but they have the in- centive of revenge, as well as a shot at the conference crown and a trip to the Cotton Bowl. Despite the demonstrated ex- cellence of the two teams, there is a good chance that the loser will not get to go to a bowl at all. The only remaining open- ing is in the Orange Bowl and it will go to Louisiana State if it defeats Mississippi in the week- end's other big game. IMPORTANT FACTORS in the contest could be the injuries suffered by each of the teams. The first blow fell on Texas, when All-America end Cotton Speyrer broke his arm against Oklahoma. Danny Lester moved over from the defensive second- ary and has done a superb job, grabbing 16 passes for 346 yards and two touchdowns. Speyrer feels that the Texas offense is just as good with Lester, but that his absence from the de- fense is harmful. With or without Lester the MINGTON seek Longhorn secondary ranks last in the conference in pass de- fense. Against UCLA, the Texas defense was riddled by the pass- ing of Dennis Dummit, and only a last minute touchdown catch by Speyrer saved the game for Darrell Royal and his team. Misfortune next fell the Raz- orbacks, as star tailback Bill Burnett suffered a shoulder sep- aration. Considered the nation's finest runner from inside the ten yard line, Burnett is the leading scorer in Southwest Conference -history with 49 touchdowns and 294 points. Af- ter extensive work on the in- jured shoulder, there is a pos- sibility that he will be ready for tomorrow's game. TEXAS WAS HURT next, as two of its star players were in- jured in the annual game with Texas A&M. Steve Worster, considered by many the nation's finest runner, suffered a hip in- jury, and All-America defensive end Bill Atessis pulled a, ham- string muscle. Both are doubt- ful starters this week. Arkansas will enter the game as the underdog, but definitely has the weapons to achieve vic- tory. Guiding the attack for the Razorbacks will be supercool quarterback Bill Montgomery, a pinpoint passer and fine runner. In the opener against Stanford, Montgomery rallied his team after a miserable first quarter and nearly pulled off a dramatic comeback win. In that game, Jim Plunkett' and Hillary Shockley led the In- dians to 21 points in the first quarter, and put 28 on the board before Arkansas woke up. Then, Steers' with Montgomery and sopho- more halfback Jon Richardson leading the way, the Razorbacks came back to close to gap to 34-28. But on a fourth down play with just 22 secondsdleft, Montgomery was stopped a foot short of a first down ending Arkansas' hopes for an unbeat- en season early. The Razorbacks' other main offensive weapon is wide re- ceiver Chuck Dicus, one of the finest ends in college football. He and Montgomery have work- ed together for three years on the varsity, and now function as a smooth unit, using Dicus' su- perb moves and hands and Montgomery's pinpoint accu- racy. The two have been devastat- ing this season, and their sta- tistics point this out etxremely well. Montgomery has com- pleted 101 of his 172 passes for over 1500 yards, while Dicus has gathered in 36 for 541 yards and four scores. In the backup role at quar- terback is Joe Ferguson, a soph- omore out of the same Shreve- port, La., high school that pro- duced Terry Bradshaw. Fergu- son has been sensational when called upon, completing 46 out -of 80 passes for 738 yards. He provides extremely competent depth at the position, and can be counted on if Montgomery should be injured. The two quarterbacks have other targets to aim at besides Dicus. Tight end Pat Morrison is an excellent receiver in addi- tion to being a superb blocker. Split end Jim Hodge, too, is highly competent, and has av- eraged 24 yards for his 15 catches. If Burnett does not play, the main burden of the ground game will fall to fullback Russ Garber and the exciting Rich- ardson. Garber, an excellent blocker, has gained 409 yards this season on only 81 carries. Richrdson, the first black ath- lete at Arkansas, has carried 97 times for 417 yards. A ver- satile player, he has also made 16 receptions for 211 yards. DESPITE THEIR offensive capabilities, t h e Razorbacks' big advantage will be on de- fense. They have yielded less than 90 yards per game on the ground, and the secondary has accounted for 32 interceptions. They are eighth in the nation in total defense. Maintaining those statistics against Texas will take a su- preme effort, however. The Longhorns lead the nation in hide rushing with an average of over 360 yards per game. Despite a little used passing attack, they are also fourth in total offense. Last year, Texas relied heav- ily on Street, a gutty, combative player with a gift for leadership. This year, Eddie Phillips has taken over at quarterback and performed extremely well. Spey- rer, among others, feels Phil- lips has done "at least as good a job as Street." Phillips has rushed for 598 yards, and passed for another 649. He is also adept at running the triple option, Texas' bread and butter play. With Worster tearing up the middle of the line, and speedy Jim Bertelson going outside, the Longhorn running game is devastating. If Worster is unable to play, his place will be taken by a sopho- more, Ernie Fleming. IF WORSTER cannot play, it will definitely hurt the attack. Along with his savage blocking, he has carried the ball 139 times for 772 yards, averaging 5.6 per carry. Bertelson provides the perfect complement and has gained 702 yards in 118 carries. Fleming has performed well in relief, averaging 5.5 yards for his 38 tries, and the fourth member of the regular back- field, Billy Dale, has added 298 yards. Much of the credit for the success of the ground game goes to the offensive line, which is anchored by as fine a pair of tackles as there is in college football. Bobby Weunsch is an All-America, and many rate sophomore Jerry Sisemore as his equal. The Longhorn defense relies heavily on ends Atessis and Bill Zapalac. If Atessis is not able to play, it will put a great deal of pressure on the linebackers, who are led by the talented Scott Henderson. Over the past 12 years, when Darrell Royal and Frank Broy- les have been coaching the re- spective teams, the rivalry has been unmatched. Nine times the winner has been the Southwest Conference titlist, and the game has decided the mythical na- tional championship three times. Royal holds the edge, eight wins to four, but the 'games have been decided by one touchdown or less eight times. Last year's game was billed as the "Game of the Decade" by the American Broadcasting Company. That decade is. over now, but after tomorrow, they may have their game of the next ten years. *1 * I ' l .Iu re the Students- International Store the people's record store* 330 MAYNARD next to Canterbury Hse. 4dent4 TH R George For the student body: LEVI'S CORDUROY Slim Fits ......$6.98 (All Colors) EE rd. ,t fe 6.99 Harrison r 749 if purchased alone. DENIM Bush Jeans Bells ..... Pre-Shrunk Super Slims ..$10.00 ... $8.00 ... $7.50 ... $6.98 ' with the purchase of one other album or tape. *We ha v e over 2,000 titles-hand picked-in stock. All are priced at the absolute minimum. [CHECKMATE State Street at liberty P rop had o~. CAS 44 I/4$X3.3L~'V 1044E IT T#-T jvy/ -- She: English for ski A spot of Caberfae, and what a spot is Caberfae. Whether you're snowing outdoors or indoors, we've got all you want and more; much morel 50 slopes (there must be one for you), the finest uphill transportation, our own specially designed aerial snowmaking. And of course, Edelweiss Lodge. We thought of every detail for indoor snowing, such as our giant game rooms, cocktails, connoisseur grade food, entertainment and arresting lodge rooms. We laid it on you skiers and now it's your turn. Pick up a phone and make reservations or day skiers call for our hot line ski conditions. Phone 616-775-9984. We're in the heart of the Manistee National Forest. If General Electric can build an electric tractor, why can'tthey build an electric car? Big MANISTEE, MICHIGAN Midwest Ski Capital CADILLAC, MICHIGAN __ __ ___ ______ ii U - HEY. KIDS! the General Electric is marketing a 14-horsepower rechargeable electric tractor capable of speeds up to 7 miles an hour. We think it's a remarkable innovation. But an electric car it's not. As a garden tractor for home use, Elec-Trak can take advantage of characteristics that would be distinct disadvantages in an electric car. The availability of fuel is no problem for Elec-Trak. it's designed for limited use near electrified structures, making overnight recharging possible. The heavy weight of the battery, which would slow down a car, means greater applied traction for Elec-Trak. Because Elec-Trak must travel at slow speeds to do its jobs, there are no aerodynamic energy lossesto take into consideration.. Still, one might expect Elec-Trak to be the forerunner of a pollution- f ree automobile. Perhaps it is. But there are many crucial problems left to be solved. The most important one, of course, is the development of a substantially better electric battery. Any car built today would be severely limited in range and performance, and probably prohibitively expensive. General electric is making progress on new batteries, butthere's. a long way yet to go. We've experimented with zinc-. air batteries. Sodium-sulfur batteries. Silver-zinc batteries. Lithium- halogen batteries. And others. There are problems with all of them. Problems of life-span, cost, practicality. Despite the problems, General Electric scientists and engineers are working for the breakthrough'that will make electric cars possible. continue to work and leave the predictions to someone else. Why are we running this ad? We're running this ad, and others like it, to tell you the things General Electric is doing to solve the problems of man and his environment today. The problems concern us because they concern you. We're a business and you are potential customers and employees. But there's another, more important reason. These problems will affect the future of this country and this planet. We have a stake in that future. As businessmen. And, simply, as people. We invite your comments. Please write to General Electric,. 570 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y.. .10022. ~ii ye S it7 cellar Sams Bargain Base- (alias the University Bookstore, alias Hot w ent alias the Biggest Lit tle Store in the Midwest, alias Ra- phael Sabatini-you know the place-yes?) WILL BE BUYING BACK BOOKS STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 7 through SATURDAY, DEC. 19