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December 04, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-12-04

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While the University has thus
far failed to settle federal charges
that it discriminates a g a i n s t
women in hiring practices, it has
c o n t in u e d, over the past two
months, to receive a near-normal
flow of contracts, grants and re-
newals from Washington.
"There's nothing we had ex-
pected by this date that hasn't
come in," says Director of Re-
search Administration Robert E.
Burroughs. Since Nov. 1, he notes,
six research contracts with fed-
eral agencies have been signed and
three others have reached the
stage where they are ready to be
Reasons for the continued flow
of agreements include limitations
on the power of the Department
of Health, Education, and Wel-

bureacracy weaken

fare to penalize the University, as
well as general bureaucratic dis-
aray in the nation's capital.
When HEW investigators filed
their report Oct. 6 charging that
the University discriminates on the
basis of sex, the department's
Contract Compliance Division in
Washington immediately placed a
hold on new contracts and re-
newals of contracts with the Uni-
Because of the 1968 Executive
Orderunder which the anti-dis-
crimination action was taken.
however, a substantial portion of
the approximately $60 million in
annual federal funding of the Uni-
versity remained unthreatened.
According to HEW Contract
Compliance Director Owen C. Kie-
ly, only those agreements consid-
ered "contracts" under federal

definition are affected, while those
designated as "grants" cannot be
withheld because of discrimina-
Although "contracts" are gen-
erally distinguished as those ar-
rangements under which the re-
cipient agrees to provide a service
or product to the federal govern-
ment, the distinction between a
"grant" and a "contract"-espec-
ially where research is involved-
varier widely among the various
federal agencies.
For example, notes Vice Presi-
dent for Research A. Geoffrey
Norman, the National Science
Foundation awards r e s e a r c h
grants, while the National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration
and the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion award research contracts.
Most awards from the Defense
Department are contracts.

But not even all new contracts
from the federal government were
to be affected by the HEW action.
Under standard government pro-
cedures, Kiely explains, federal
agencies are required to check
with HEW Contract Compliance
before awarding "sizeable" con-
Federal law, however, defines
"sizeable" c o n t r a c t s as those
valued at $1 million or more. Most
individual University research con-
tracts, however, are valued at less
than that figure.
Furthermore, although federal
agencies are allowed to check with
HEW Contract Compliance before
awarding contracts smaller than
$1 million, in practice they rarely
Norman explains why. "Some of
the federal agencies don't think
much of this procedure," he notes.

"They're realistic-they don't be-
lieve the University of Michigan
is any more guilty of sex discrim-
ination than their own agencies.
Furthermore, they've got their
missions to complete."
Despite these problems in en-
forcement of the contract ban,
Kiely says he knows of no con-
tracts emanating from any HEW
division that has been granted to
the University since Oct. 6. And
one contract, he adds, has defin-
itely been withheld.
This is a proposed $350,000
grant from the Agency for Inter-
national Development, a division
of HEW, to researchers at the
University's Center for Population
Planning, for population work in
University administrators say.
they do not know of any hold on
this contract and point out that



negotiations over the terms of he
contract have no yet even been
completed. But Kiely says his of-
fice has notified AID not to ap-
prove the final contract until the
sex discrimination charges are
While the University has gotten
off relatively light so far, research
administration officials are look-
ing toward the next few months
with some pessimism and a great
deal of confusion.
University officials met w i t h
HEW representatives in Chicago
Nov. 10 and submitted a proposed
affirmative action program for
hiring and promoting more women
-a requirement for termination
of the contract ban.
But while HEW representatives
have since indicated in interviews
that the plan was inadequate, they
have never filed a formal response,

and University administrators say
they have found themselves left
in the-lurch.
Meanwhile, there is a possibility
that HEW may escalate its attack.
Kiely says that if HEW is unsuc-
cessful in securing an acceptable
affirmative action program from
the University, it will turn the
case over to the Labor Depart-
ment's Office of Federal Contract
Compliance, which is empowered
to notify all federal agencies of
the contract ban.
For the moment at least, the
situation is static, with University
administrators edgy, but attempt-
ing to keep a clear head about the
possibility of long delays in fed-
eral funding. "I don't minimize the
problem," says Norman, "but, on
the other hand, I'm not getting
panicked or anything."

See Editorial Page Wtn ti

Windy, cold,
snow flurries

*- Vol. LXXXI, No. 76

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 4, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages






by captors
MONTREAL (R)-French-Canadian terrorists surrendered
kidnaped British envoy James R. Cross to a Cuban delegation
in Montreal yesterday after holding him captive 60 days. In
exchange, Canada flew three terrorists and four of their rela-
tives to asylum in Havana aboard a military plane.
Cross remained in the "technical" custody of the Cuban
%~ representatives at the site of the 1967 world's fair that had
been used for the final negotiations.
The agreement between the government and the terror-
ists provided that Cross would be released when Havana re-
ported the arrival there of the terrorists.
The flight from Montreal to Havana takes nearly six
The beginning of the end to North America's first politi-
cal kidnaping came late Wednesday when Cross' kidnapers
- asked to talk with police who
* were surrounding the gang's
Cross, 49, the British trade com-
missioner in Montreal, was kid-

to study'
ROTC role
Engineering Council, the repre-
sentative body for students in the
engineering college, last night
voted to investigate' the relation-
ship between ROTC and the Uni-
versity in order to develop a posi-
tion on the issue.
The decision to review the status
of ROTC was prompted by a
policy statement prepared by the
executive ,/board of the council.
The statement proposed that
ROTC be retained as an organi-
zation entirely separate from the
T h e investigative committee
plans to review the statement,
suggest changes, and prepare a
written report for presentation to
the council.
The council also requested that
two engineering students be seated
with Student Government Council.
These students would have all
privileges of SGC membership ex-
cept the right to vote.
The motion to request repre-
sentation was introduced by coun-
cil member Chuck Esterl. He said
that the council's demand for SGC
representation was similar to
SGC's request for the seating of
students and faculty members on
the Board of Regents
Esterl added that the council
should "call SGC's bluff."

naped Oct. 5 by a cell of the
Quebec Liberation Front-FLQ-
which demands independence for
French-speaking Quebec.
The terrorists threatened to
kill Cross unless the government
freed a score of "political prison-
ers" and paid a $500,000 ransom.
in gold bullion. The government
refused, and the terrorists struck
again Oct. 10, kidnaping Quebec
Labor Minister Pierre Laporte,
who was strangled a week later.
Police, acting on various tips,
moved in on the kidnapers' hide-
out house late Wednesday. They
'stood by as Cross and two of his
abductors walked out yesterday
morning for the drive to the Ca-
nadian pavillion at the old world's
fair, where the Cuban government
delegation was waiting.
Quebec's provincial justice min-
ister, Jerome Choquette, said Cross
had been held in a windowless
room during the two months of
captivity and although he has
high blood pressure he complained
most of the lack of sunlight.
Otherwise, he was reported in good
Cross and at least two of his
abductors drove to the rendez-'
vous in a 1962 Chrysler driven by
one of the kidnapers, and police
said the vehicle was rigged with
explosives. The car was surrounded
by police motorcycles as it sped
to the world's fair site.
Prime Minister Pierre Elliott
Trudeau told the House of Com-
mons that the government had
agreed to the safe passage for sev-
en persons in exchange for the
Briton's freedom.

--Associated Press
BitterS weet for the President -
President Nixon presents a Young American Medal yesterday to Debra Sweet, 19, of Madison, Wis.
at the White House. Sweet told Nixon she questioned his sincerity "until you get us out of Viet-
nam." "We're doing the best we can," the president replied. Sweet said she made her comment
because she refused to become a symbol against what Nixon calls "the very small minority of
young Americans who have lost faith in their country."

Mayor Robert Harris will
not seek a second term in of-
fice, The Daily learned yester-
While Harris declined to com-
ment on the report last night, a
knowledgeable source said the
mayor has been unable to garner
the support from-the. Democratic
party and the community which
he would need to secure re-elec-
An upset victory swept Harris
and four D mocratic councilmen
into office in April, 1969, estab-
lishing the first Democratic ma-
jority on Ann Arbor's City Coun-
cil in 30 years.
In last April's elections h o w-
ever, the Republicans gained three
seats, establishing a five-five split
between the councilmen with Har-
ris providing the Democrats with a
simple majority.
Observers say that were Harris
to run for relection he would re-
ceive little of the support from
blacks and students, which w a s
the key to his 1968 victory.
Jerry De Grieck, executive vice-
president of Student Government
Council, spoke last night about
Harris' loss of student support.
"There is no way Harris would
ever come close toachieving th e
same degree of student support
which he received in the last elec-
tion," De Grieck said.
"Harris simply did not f o I o w
through with the changes he
promised to institute, changes
which would have benefited stu-
dents and blacks in the commun-
ity," he said.
Two blacks active in city gov-
ernment, Robert Hunter, assist-
ant director of the city's Human
Rights Department and Ezra Row-
ry, chairman of the Model Cities
policies board, have frequently lev-
elled strong attacks against the
Harris administration in the last
few months. Both men charge
Harris with "subtle racism," say-
ing the Mayor's administration has
acted in a discriminatory manner
See HARRIS, Page 10


ciI not

Senate grounds SST

as vote

-Daily-Jay Cassidy

Mayor Robert Harris

eliminates government subsidy

ate yesterday voted decisively to
ground further federal' subsidies
for the supersonic transport, a
plane President Nixon has person-
ally sponsored.
The defections of several Repub-
licans clinched the 52 to 41 adop-
tion of an amendment slicing a
$290 million SST. subsidy fund
from the Transportation Depart-
ment's appropriation bill.
The amendment was sponsored
by Sen. William Proxmire, (D-
Wis.), who was able to muster only
22 votes for a similar amendment
last year.
The big difference this year, was
concern for the environment, a

new issue in which the embattled
SST has become a major symbol
of potential global pollution.
As proxmire scored a personal
victory, Washington state's two
Democratic senators, Warren G.
Magnuson and Henry M. Jackson,
shared the defeat with Nixon.
Their state is the home of the
Boeing Aircraft Co., prime con-
tractor for SST development.
Jackson declared the Senate had
"turned its back on 30,000 working
men and women currently engaged
in this program, and 150,000 who
eventually would have been en-
Magnuson termed the vote "a
real blow at the future of Amer-

ican air superiority in the n e x t
Both men, aided by such sena-
tors as Barry Goldwater, (R-
Ariz.), argued in vain that an
American SST is needed is the
nation is to retain its supremacy
in technology and in the aircraft
markets of the world.
American government participa-
tion in the development of the
300-passenger, 1,800 mile-an-hour
superplane was first suggested in
the administration of President
John F. Kennedy, eight years ago.
The arguments for federal aid
to the project were almost iden-
tical to those current now: U.S.
prestige, the necessity to retain
a lion's share of the world air-
craft market, and the need to bol-
ster the economy.
And always over the horizon was
the argument that the Soviet Un-
ion and a French-British team
were years ahead and would in-
evitable send a fleet of European
SST's aloft to break the American
hold on the aircraft markets.
Yesterday, the late President's
brother, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy,
(D-Mass.), voted to block further
SST appropriation under a much-
criticized contract calling for the
government to pay 90 per cent of
the billion-dollar or more develop-
ment cost.
His reasons were identical to
many of those of SST foes: mass-

Huber calls for state.
conservative party
Conservative state Senator Robert Huber (R-Troy) ad-
dressed the New Republican Coalition last night, expressing
his views on how government could come to "represent the
will of the people," through the start of a conservative politi-
cal party in the state.

choice" in

unsuccessful Senatorial
primary, decried "the

candidate in the August
lack of a philosophical


C olleges*
NEW YORK ()-American colleges and
universities, torn between racing costs and
jogging incomes, face financial problems
"serious enough to be called a depression,"
the Carnegie Commission on Higher Edu-
cation said yesterday.
Putting a national focus on a situation
that worries many educators more than
student rebellion, a commission report gave
this estimate derived from a weighted


financial crisis

country's wealthiest and most prestigious
institutions from its sample - including
Stanford and Harvard Universities, Berke-
ley and the Universities of Chicago, Mich-
igan, Minnesota, Missouri and Oregon. It
said the situation was fast becoming worse
as cost increases continue to outpace in-
come increases.
Releasing the report at a news confer-
ence, the commission chairman, Clark

budgets internally over the past several
years, of course, and that's painful," Pier-
pont's statement said.
Sections of the commission report re-
ferring to the University state that "the
University is suffering from a critical lack
of capital funds, and, simultaneously, is
subject to new demands in areas such as
ecology. The problem of how to support
low-income students is becoming acute,

the recent nominations of the major political
parties. He cited as an ex-
ample the recent state guber-
natorial contest.
"It was either tweedledum or
twee d l e d e e and people resent
that," he said. "There is no gov-
ernment to protect life, property,
and the liberty of the individual."
Huber said however, that while
such measures as court-authorized
wiretapping and "vigilante groups"
were regrettable, they might be
"necessary." He claimed s u c h
- . . groups were already in operation
in "many areas of Detroit."
At the same time, Huber emph-
asized a return to a strict inter-
pretation of the State and federal
Constitution as necessary to solve
social ills.

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