Now Playing! Jane Fonda in 'The Revolutionary' By TOM WIEDER Scene 1, Take 1 IF IT HADN'T BEEN for a ticket mixup, I wouldn't have even been on the same plane with her. I wasn't sure it was her until the ticket agent mentioned something about "Jane Fonda's party." She didn't look much like a "movie star." No make-up. She wore jeans, green turtle-n e c k sweater, navy coat. If you didn't recognize the face, you'd probably think she was a good-look- ing grad student coming back to Ann Arbor from Thanksgiving at home, who just happened, to have a film crew with her. I finally approached her while we were wait- ing for the baggage. "Hi, did you ever get that mess cleared up with the customs people?" "It's not the customs people, it's the FBI." "What was it you had with you?" "Oh, it was personal prescriptions I got in the states." "I guess you're just on J. Edgar's shit list." "The FBI admitted that I was." "What are you doing in Detroit?" "We're here because of the J o h n Sinclair thing; to get publicity for the trial and make ourselves generally obnoxious about it." "Do you know Sinclair?" "I've never met him. He's been in jail," (Start tight, then move out to a wide shot of Jane in front of the prison wall.) An Army officer came up to her and intro- duced himself as Colonel something from a base in Washington. He politely, almost meekly, told her the Army was giving up over 800 acres of land. She wanted to know if it was for the In- dians. He s a i d it wasn't decided yet. Seattle might use it for a park. She said that was nice and thanked the Colonel. The people from the White Panthers arrived to take the entourage to Ann Arbor and I said goodbye. I hadn't even mentioned her movies, at least one of which I liked. (Scene Two, Take 300) About 300 people showed up to hear her rap on Tuesday. I was still a little skeptical; she'd said some awfully stupid things when she was on Dick Cavett's show o v e r the summer and I wasn't sure she was really together. When she talked about the hassle she got in in Cleveland, it sounded very real and very re- pressive. (At least Hoover takes her seriously.) She used all the right rhetoric in all the right places, but overdramatized. As she spoke, her film crew, with lights half-blinding the audi- ence, recorded the events with zoom lens and boom mike. She blasted capitalism w i t h expected vigor and called for the establishment of a socialist state as visions of $400,000 per film danced in my head. "We must establish a new revolutionary life style." The night before, she sat in First Class with the free drinks. I had ginger-ale in coach. She finished her speech with an emotional, tightly worded harangue whose content escaped me soon after I heard it. The camera caught the crescendo of "Right Ons," panned the raised fists and opened wide on the standing ovation. Cut. Print it. Sell it. Right On, Jane. 4 :00 -Daily--Jim Wallace -Daily-Jim Wallace Letters to The Daily: Cheaper ways to die To the Daily: I APPRECIATED your article by Jonathan Miller on the "D e a t h Trade" (Daily, Nov. 24). There is another side of Ann Arbor culture that you should also see. The Memorial Advisory and Planning Service (MAPS) is an organization trying to beat the very things you describe. Through planning and education most of the members of MAPS are able to conserve family resources and make the memorial service more meaningful than what might be considered a conventional funeral. Costs for disposal of the remains of the body after death have been anywhere from $0.00 (anatomical donation) to approximately $200.00 (cremation) or more for a more conventional burial. For those who would like to pursue this topic, I would sug- gest that you might contact one of the following: Dr. Erwin Gaede, Minister, First Unitarian Church and m e m b e r, Exec. Comm., MAPS. Albert Logan, DDS, President MAPS. Mr. Anthony Wood, Ann Arbor Coop. Credit Union and member, Exec. Comm., MAPS. -Ronald C. Bishop Nov. 27 Union lettuce To the Daily: AT A MEETING of the Social Work Student Union Assembly on November 18, Arturo Rangel of Trabajadores de la Raza, made the following motion which passed un- animously: .. .that the Social Work Stu- dent Union endorse the ef- forts of the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee in its nationwide lettuce boy- cott. That SWSU urge all stu- dents to buy only that lettuce which is stamped with the UFWOC label. Students should be informed that the T e a m- sters Union is not a part of the UFW's Union. Rick Friedman made the following motion: .. . that we also let the Daily and all Social Work students Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. know that the A&P is the only food chain that does not carry UFWOC lettuce. That we call for a boycott of all A&P stores, and of U of M food services which serve lettuce. U of M does not use UFWOC lettuce. This motion was also passed unanimously. The following area stores carry UFWOC lettuce (Chiquita a n d Fresh-Pict) : Great Scott, K-Mart, Wrigleys, and Farmer Jacks. --Barry W. Baker President, SWSU Nov. 19 SST' To the Daily: PROPONENTS of t h e Super- sonic Transport (SST) claim that the airplane will be prohibited from overland supersonic flight because of the intense sonic boom produced. This prohibitionw i 11 not be law, but merely a directive of the Federal Aviation Adminis- tration. It is becoming evident that this policy will not be ad- hered to and t h a t it is being stated only to pacifytopposition to the project. During a recent t a 1 k at the University of Michigan, Mr. Ber- nard Vierling, Deputy Director for SST Development in the U.S. De- partment of Transportation, gave an example to illustrate the use- fulness of the SST. He said that his secretary, who frequently must attend meetings on the West Coast, could fly from Washington, attend the meeting, and return in one day. Such a schedule would be im- possible in an airplane banned from overland supersonic flight. It seems that those who are de- veloping the SST have it in their minds that, the airplane will fly over land. The resulting degrad- ation of populated and wild lands alike would be borne by all Amer- icans, who would suffer for the comfort of the few wealthy enough to afford supersonic travel. Under any rational priority sys- tem the SST is a needless luxury. Objectively, it is an environmen- tal disaster of yet undetermined magnitude. The Senate, in its forthcoming vote, would do well to reject appropriations for this senseless project. -Richard L. T. Wolfson School of Natural Resources Nov. 29 Morality To the Daily: WE FIND ourselves in agree- ment with those who protested those ads recently appearing in the Daily. However, we do so for very different reasons. Sexism is a pseudo issue. Much as we hate to do so, we must lay the blame on the mothers of these girls, per- haps influenced by the notorious communist, Dr. Spock. They did not teach their daughters how to be women, so they tried to be men. We objected to these ads as being obscene, immoral, and ap- pealing to our prurient interests with no redeeming social value. It was morality which lifted our An- glo-Saxon ancestors from savag- ery and it was our Puritan moral- ity which made us the greatest na- tion on earth. "Blue" material of this sort is fine for the privacy of masculine dens; but it should not be printed in public newspapers where it may be seen by youngsters and mem- bers of what we hope is still the "fair sex". -John Gettel '71 David Strecker Grad. Don Healy '72 John Cochrane '71 Harry Chen '73 David Rowley '71 Bicycles To the Daily: YOUR REPORTER is in error. Councilman Stevenson (R-Fourth Ward) and I have expressed en- tirely different views on most is- sues beforenthe Council, including ticketing of students and children who parked their bicycles on South University A v e. I asked that the law not be enforced un- til adequate parking facilities for bicycles became available. I ve- hemently protested the confisca- tion of ticketed bicycles, w h e n cars hung with Guy C. Larcom's money-making paper are never confiscated. Unjust enforcement of unjust laws can o n 1 y breed contempt for the laws. -Nicholas D. Kazarinoff Councilman (D-Third Ward) Nov. 25 Civil defense To the Daily: I WANT to take this oppor- tunity to express my deepest ap- preciation for your article on Ann Arbor Civil Defense (Daily, Nov. 25). The article expressed the ma- jor problem that confronts this office, and was very well done. As a result my office has received numerous telephone calls from persons interested in helping the program. I wash to pay particular thanks to Jonathan Miller and Alan Len- hoff for their interest and assist- ance. -S/Sgt. Richard G. Hill Director of Civil Defense City of Ann Arbor Nov. 30 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY LEMPERT MAYORAL CANDIDATE "Any chance of moving the election up a year?" JA MES WECISIER Trying the wrong men? 1 Text of Garris' announcement (Editor's note: The following is a state- ment released yesterday by Jack Garris, an- nouncing his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Mayor of Ann Arbor.) * * * AFTER SERIOUS THOUGHT and close exam- ination of the events that have taken place in Ann Arbor over the past two years, I feel it is my duty to undertake a more active role in the decisions and administration of city govern-, ment. With that thought paramount in mind as to what I can do towards the betterment of our, city, I wish to announce that I am a candidate for the office of Mayor for the City of Ann Arbor for the Republican party. Whereas in the past the citizens of Ann Arbor had made great and constant progress in race and human relations, recent city administrative practices have destroyed such progress and set us back immeasurably.' TODAY IN THE City of Ann Arbor: Municipal, spending has sky-rocketed without, corresponding need or results. Unnecessary bigoted commissions have b e e n established which have created more problems than solutions. Scattered low-cost housing has spread a blight in all neighborhoods, destroying long and hard- earned residential harmony and values. The private investor has been driven' from our city because of the unreasonable, archaic and unrealistic governmental practices. Our businessmen are being 'threatened with robbery, arson, intimidation and extortion. Our homes are no longer our castles, immune from burglary and vandalism. Our streets and parks are no longer safe, beau- tiful or available for use by our citizens. Our persons and families are no longer safe from fear, violence and attack. Religion and its institutions are no longer im- mune from a.ttack disruntinn n detrctinn- have been diluted by the city administration free- ly extending the right to vote to those whose pre- sence is temporary, allowing the transient to act without conscience or responsibility. Our Police and Fire Departments have been demoralized and made less effective. Where sup- port has been needed, the police have received only criticism. In these times, the Police and Fire Departments deserve our wholehearted support as they represent the final barrier of our very sur- vival. The city administration should take leadership in working with school authorities on mutual problems such as taxation, transportation, human relations, and crime, which it has not done in the past. AS MAYOR, I would ask our court system and judges to work to help curb the commission of crime by setting ball bonds and imposing sentenc- ings commensurate with the nature of the crimes so they will be a deterrent to $he commission of further crime. The city authorities should review minutely the other departments of city government and, in particular, the Human Rights Department, the Housing Commission, the Model Cities Program, and the Grievance Officer to determine their value and whether they should be retained, modified or eliminated.- I recognize the need for further revenues to operate city government. Yet, I cannot in good conscience ask the citizens of Ann Arbor to vote for an income tax until and unless we bring real tax relief to the property owner. We must give a dollar's worth of services for every tax dollar we assess against the property owner. THE WHOLE FOUNDATION of life in Ann Arbor has been weakened, making it difficult, uncomfortable and unsafe for law-abiding citi- zens to live, work and play here. On the other hand, our present city administra- tinn had made Ann Arhnr a recnivunvirnnment IT WAS PROBABLY inevitable that the trials of men allegedly involved in the My Lai massacre would be anticlimatic, often strange- ly uninteresting. Some of the details unfolded augment the macabre archives of inhumanity; there can be a certain drama and expectancy about the outcome. But the proceedings are essentially remote and peripheral to one who has no personal as- sociation with the personnel. The sense grows that the wrong men - and the wrong issues - are being tried, and that nothing beyond the fate of the accused will be resolved by the out- come. In the aftermath of the My Lai revelation, there were those who voiced complacency about the decision to initiate prosecutions. Surely this is what differentiated a civilized free na- tion from the barbarians; no one has heard of any such moves by the Communists to punish those responsible for numberless atrocities by their troops against defenseless Vietnamese. All that is true but small cause for self-con- gratulation. As Telford Taylor (author of "Nur- emberg and Vietnam: An American Tragedy") has pointed out: "The Army leadership can hardly have been blind to the probable conse- quences to civilians of a massive employment of American troops in Vietnam . . . But so far as is publicly known, the Army has undertak- en no general investigation of t h e killings themselves, to determine the level of respon- sibility for the conditions that gave rise to Son My or the many similar though smaller inci- dents." AS TAYLOR NOTES, there was every oppor- tunity for Gen. Westmoreland and other com- manders "to keep the course of the fighting and its consequences under close and constant observation." The rampages of individuals on lower echelons now being revealed could hardly have escaped notice; yet it was not until the ..... ..~ ~h. i -al+s 2+1. D.>1- '.nf- a f ceptance in high places. The probability is that the trial of Lt. Calley and presumably others will be carried on within the narrow bound- aries fixed. We will acquire additional testi- mony supporting the proposition that war is hell, and that the Vietnam war has had special dimensions of savagery because of many spec- ial circumstances - among them the hostility of many Vietnamese (not all of them Com- munists) to the presence of their self-pro- claimed liberators. It must be confessed there that I have no large passion for an unending military inquest. The real disaster of Vietnam - from which so much of the ensuring horror stems - was the continuing miscalculating misjudgment and misinformation that led a succession of Amer- ican Presidents to regard Vietnam as a front line in the battle for freedom, IF THERE WAS A single error that trans- cends alf others, it was in the failure to recog- nize long ago i that Ho Chi Minh was poten- tially a Southeast Asian Tito who dreamed of independence from both Peking and Moscow. His regime was capable of ruthless oppression; so was Tito's. But that he commanded wide popular allegiance is also beyond dispute. It must seem equally clear now that Vietnam - North and South - would have suffered far less human agony and devestation if we had accepted an election that Ho Chi Minh would have won and dealt with him as a pros- pective Titoist. Instead we became captives of a nightmare promoted by those who saw the Communist world (even after the Sino-Soviet split) as an indivisible monolith, Ho as Mao's eternal man in Southeast Asia and Saigon as the Prague of the 1960s. It may be a diplomatic rather than a mili- tary inquest that is most urgently needed - not to crucify the men who erred but to liber- ate ourselves from myths t h a t still endure. TherjP i. niv a hd r + rof litra+nre ameroinog } " i S l i .._ , I ° ' ,f i IIII ii } c E , -;r :' :, /' i' wr~ }I4.,, E Ul