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December 02, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-12-02

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See Editorial Page


Iflfr i!Anl


Cloudy and windy,
slight chance of rain

Vol. LXXX, No. 74 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 2, 1970 Ten Cents
Evs. ': Grievances vs. interpre
Ed. Note: This is the last article in a Many of the charges stem from differ- ances, maintaining that the actions cited negotiator, says that no supervisor is going ary action taken by the University has not
two-part series discussing major is- ences in the way the union and the Uni- in the grievances did not violate its inter- to stop an employe who really wants to been fair. The contract only stipulates that
sues involved in the negotiations be- varsity interpret the contract's language. pretation of the contract. go home. "However," he says, "the super- "the University shall not discharge or take
tween the University and the union In the current negotiations, the union University officials decline further com- visor has a responsibility to make a judg- other disciplinary action without just
representing its 2,700 service and hopes to reword the contract so that em- ment on union's claims because negotia- ment as to whether the worker is ill and cause."
maintenance employes. If the two ployment practices they object to are tions are being carried on. There is in- needs medical attention, and whether the One grievance over this issue was d-
parties do not agree on terms for specifically, and unmistakably prohibited. dication that the University will release absence resulted from the illness for the cided in October, after the union had sub-
a new contract by Dec. 31, a strike is Charles McCracken, president of local a statement within the next few days, purpose of paying benefits. mitted to arbitration the cases of four em-
considered likely. 1583, says, "As it stands now, the contract commenting on the issues involved in the At various times, employes have also ployes suspended for their connection with
* * * reads like a law book, making it difficult negotiating sessions. charged that their supervisors were doing a wild-cat strike at University Hospital last
By SARA FITZGERALD for our members to know just what their work that should go to members of the June.
Daily News Analysis rights are." There have been a number of disagree- bargaining unit. The contract permits sup- The strike began when workers walked
Written up in a 109 page paperback is According to McCracken, the majority ments between the union and the Univer- ervisors to perform work in the bargain- out to protest alleged harassment, over-
the current contract between the Univer- of the grievances involve employes' charges sity as to whether certain employes were ing unit as long as the work "will o n 1 y
sity's Regents and local 1583 of the Ameri- that: eligible to collect their sick pay w h e n supplement and shall not be to the extent
can Federation of State, County, and -They were denied sick time pay; they were absent from work. Disputes have that it results in the displacement of any hospital supervisors.
Municipal Employes (AFSCME), w h i c h -They ware disciplined for unjust rea- also arisen when management claimed employe nor in the loss of any wages." While the arbitrator upheld the suspen-
represents the 2,700 service and mainten- sons; and workers were not really sick and when Thus, the union and the University clash sion of three of the employes, he reduced
ance employes at the University. -Supervisors performed work w h i c h workers have claimed that their super- on what is really "supplementary work" the penalty of the fourth employe because
It is a contract which the union claims should have been performed by employes, visors have not let them see a doctor, and when an employe is really being de- of his "approximately 14 years of service
the University has violated over 1,200 resulting in a loss of wages. James Thiry, manager of employ and prived of a job. with, no prior discipline record."
times in the past 23 months. The University denies most of the griev- union relations, and the University's chief The union also feels that the disciplin- See AFSCME, Page 8

Eight Pages
t #'~ it Nrl.t~ic'

LSA govt.,
trial panel-
Refuses to select
students for unit

on van Der HoutF
The executive council of thef
literary college student gov-
ernment last night refused to
appoint students to a judicial
panel which will hear the ~ a
charges against a former stu-
dent accused of disrupting a
class last spring during t h e
strike for increased black en-
rollment at the University.
Mark Van Der Hout, '70, has Daily-Jin Wile
beenchre bymteaissek
Pr. Bernard Galer for alnegad- Jane Fonda.speaks at Michigan Union
ly disturbing his class, along with
a group of other students, during
the strike. Fondamits war,
The executive council approvedj
unanimously a motion supporting;
"the position . . . that students
accused of non-academic offenses o itical repression
... should be tried by their peers"
-specifically an all-student judi-
The LSA Administrative Board, 'Nixon doesn't want to be the first American president
a predominately - faculty group to lose a war, but he may be the first to lose an army," said
which oversees discipline within actress Jane Fonda to an audience of several hundred in the
the college, had decided to submit Mchigan Union ballroom last night.j
d cial boaDercomposed of two stu- "The soldiers are no longer John Wayne freaks," she
dents, two faculty members and added, "They are quick to recognize hypocrisy and they are
two administrators. no longer willing to die for it."
Since an all-student judiciary Fonda an outspoken critic of U.S. policy in Indochinaj
does not presently exist in the addressed the group on behalf of the White Panther Party

Article on
Vice President for Student
Services Robert Knauss has
denied a report in S c i e n c e
Magazine that claims the Uni-
versity is soliciting support
from other universities to re-
sist compliance with demands
set forth by the Department
of Health, Education and Wel-
fare (HEW).
HEW's demands for more equit-
able employment of women at the
University have not been of fic-
ially released by the University.
However, Science claimed that
the administration has circulated;
copies of the demands to other
universities to gather support for
resisting the order.
At Mondaynight's meeting of
the Office of Student Services
OSS) Policy Board, Knauss said
that "to his knowledge" this has
not occurred.
HEW officials are currently
completing a response to the "af-
firmative action" plan submitted
last month by the University in an
effort to comply with HEW's de-
mands for more equitable employ-
ment of women at the University.
Although a spokesman for HEW'
has said the plan has been re-
jected, details of the rejection
have not been released.
Fedela Fauri, vice president for;
state relations and planning, said
yesterdayrthat the University ex-
pects a. response from HEW by
next Monday.
See HEW, Page 8








President Robben Fleming is among a group of 23 indi-
viduals being considered to succeed Nathan Pusey as president
of Harvard University, according to the Harvard Crimson, the
university's student newspaper.
A copywrighted story in today's issue of the Crimson
states that Fleming's name remained on the list of nominees
after a search committee composed of members of the Har-
vard Corporation-the university's governing body-recently
pared a list of 69 nominees to the smaller group. The new
president will be chosen by about Feb. 1.
Commenting yesterday on his inclusion on the list of 23
candidates, Fleming said, "I am perfectly happy here and
have no expectation of going -


-Associated Press
Damage caused by bombing

Bomb fits ad.bldg. at
University of Ore1on
EUGENE, Ore. (Ni-A bomb extensively damaged an office
and smashed windows of an administration building at the
University of Oregon yesterday.
Four persons, including the vice chancellor of the Oregon
state education system, were inside the building but esc.aped
injury, police said.
The investigating officers said the bomb went off out-
side a ground-level window of Johnson Hall, where the offices
of the university president and the State System of Higher
Education are located.
Police said they had no immed-
e l iate indication of who was respon-
le before ie for the bombing.
Immediate d a mn a g e estimates
were not made but observers said
it Hpese that the blast was not
iol e H out e assevere as the explosion which

literary college, the student gov-!
ernment maintained that Central
Student Judiciary (CSJ) had jur-
isdiction in the Van Der HoutI
, case.
In a telephone interview lastl
night, literary college Assistant
Dean James Shaw,echairman of
the LSA administrative board,
said he believed that the student
members of the hearing board do
not necessarily have to be ap-
pointed by the LSA student gov-
ernment. If students could be ob-
tained by other means to serve on
the judicial board, the hearing
could conceivably proceed, he said.
Shaw said that the employment
of such procedure is very unlikely
{ and expressed the hope that some
agreement could be reached be-
tween the administrative board
and the LSA student government
in the Van Der Hout matter.

D e f e n s e Fund, discussing
army rebellions, the issue of
repression in the U n i t e d
States, the Vietnam war, and
"Law enforcement indthis coun-
try has been broken down," she
said, "because Nixon hasn't been

Influx of street peop
winter overcrowds Oz

anywhere else at this point in
He declined comment, however,
when asked whether he would
consider the post if offered to him.
Fleming said he had not been
contacted by anyone from Har-
vard and added that he has "no
information on this at all."
Noting that he has never been
associated with Harvard, Fleming
pointed out that the governing
boards of Ivy League schools such
as Harvard have a tradition of
choosing people with past or pres-
ent connections to their own uni-
versities to serve as their presi-
Pusey announced last February
he would resign as Harvard's chief
executive and the search commit-
tee was established to find a suc-
cessor. The group combed through
over 900 nominations for the job
before cutting the list of candi-
dates to 69 at the beginning of
Besides Fleming, that list in-
cluded economics Prof. Gardner
Ackley and Roger Heyns, chan-
cellor of the Berkeley campus of
the University of California who
recently announced he would re-
sign that post to return here as
a faculty member.
However, Ackley and Heyns'
were not included among the
final group of 23 people, 20 of
whom are from the original list of
69 candidates and three of whom
the search committee subsequently

police clash
at Ky speech
SAN FRANCISCO (')-Protest-
ing a speech by South Vietna-
mese Vice President Nguyen Cao
Ky, about 4,000 anti-war demon-
strators held a rally outside the
hotel where he was speaking,
which ended in a violent confron-
tation with police.
About 500 of the demonstrators
fought with police in a park near
the hotel, throwing rocks and
picket staves at the officers. They
dispersed when mounted officers
charged into the crowd, and foot
police hurled tear gas into the
As they fled, several of the
placed objects in the streets to
block traffic.
Most of the large crowd in front
of the Fairmont Hotel did not par-
ticipate in the violence. All were
dispersed by police after the out-
break. At least six of the demon-
strators were arrested.
)ne youth infiltrated the close-
ly guarded ballroom in the Fair-
mont with a Viet Cong flag and
briefly heckled Ky.
The crowd was loud but peace-
ful during the nearly three hours
of demonstrations.

impeached yet. He is as guilty by By KRISTIN RINGSTROM
international law of war crimes
as was Hitler." Winter. snow and cold weather,
"Agnew, America's most un- have caused such a large influx
guided missile, has yet to be im- of "street people" seeking shelter
peached for crossing state lines to at Ozone House-a local youth
incite riots," she added. counseling and information cen-
Fonda also discussed her pend- ter-that the center is unable to
ing jury trial. She was arrested provide enough sleeping space.
on her return to Cleveland from Because of the spacing short-
an anti-war speech in Canada ages, Ozone House organizers are
three weeks ago after U.S. Cus- calling on local students with
toms officials reported they had extra rooms help put up some of
found a supply of amphetamines, their overflow.
See FONDA, Page 8 I According to Glen Fischer, pub-

licity and fund raising chairman,
Ozone House is "crashing" five to
seven people a day.
"The streets are good summer
homes, but in winter the kids are
going to have to seek shelter,"
Fischer said. "As a result, we at
Ozone House are finding that our
resources are being taxed very
Ozone House organizers hope
local students and community
people will take in some of the
I street people.
in U.S.

"This is for people passing'
through town and people who
need a place to stay until they get
themselves together," F i s c h e r
Ken Kendall, the group's treas-
urer, added that many people'
coming to Ann Arbor only need,
shelter until they can get a job or'
rent housing. He also stressed that
because of possible legal problems,
Ozone would not place people un-
der 17 years old.
Along with the cold weather,
Fischer said their new Liberty St.
location helps to account for the
overcrowding. Previously, Ozone
House was located in Canterbury
House and other campus facilities,
but the house on Liberty St. al-
lows for more extensive facilities.
According to Fischer, Ozone
House expects more people after
the holidays.
"We'll probably get a lot more
kids here after Christmas," he
said. "They'll take the loot and
Ozone House started in Febru-
ary 1970 as a youth counseling
center to help people with various
emotional problems. It has ex-
panded over the past year to in-
clude Network, an information
center for youth.
Network provides information

caused $75,000 damage to a fac-
ulty office building three blocksl
away on- Oct. 2.
Miles Romney, vice chancellor
of the state higher education sys-
tem, a secretary and two telephone
operators were in the building
when the blast hit but told police
later that they were not hurt.
Eugene is Oregon's second larg-
est city, with a metropolitan pop-
ulation of 130,000. It has been hit
by several explosions and arson-
caused fires in the past three

Army sauc
From Wire Service Reports
NEW YORK - Five former military in-
telligence agents charged on a television
program last night that the Army has
some 1000 'plain clothesmen gathering in-
formation on anti-war groups, civil rights
organizations and elected public officials.
The five agents, appearing 'on NBC's
"First Tuesday," are just a few of an un-
disclosed number of former intelligence
men who charge the Army with building
up what amounts to a "secret police"

to, spy with,

One of the allegations made by the form-
er agents was that the Army often gathers
information about public officials.
David Johnson, a former intelligence
agent and now a student at a West Coast
college, said, "The (Army's) files contain
the names of various high officials with-
in the United States government," in-
cluding senators, representatives and oth-
er officials who had spoken out against
the Vietnam war.
Johnson also said he' was ordered to

Humphrey attended the funeral a lo n g
with other well-known political figures.
Another agent said he was ordered to at-
tend a speech by King's wife, Coretta King,
only a few weeks after her husband's
During the speech in Atlanta, King re-
ferred to her husband's famous "I have a
dream" speech and said she felt the dream
would come true. The agent said he re-
ported this to his headquarters, and was
told by a captain there "to go back and
find n, it wh,,. ca u -,hp ,w v s,.u.ri, t +o


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