t4e Sidpiat oainti Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan in the mother country A scene from Littleboxiand martin hirschman 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1970' NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE KOPPMAN A protective reaction' against Nixon and Laird EVENTS SURROUNDING the aborted American attempt to free POWs in North Vietnam have clearly demonstrat- ed one thing - Defense Secretary Laird and President Nixon are trying to fool and mislead the American public, and they are doing a pretty good job of it. Pentagon statements concerning t h e raid which took place two weekends ago (Nov. 20-22) have consistently been full of inconsistencies. On the Monday follow- ing the raids, Laird and two officers who were in charge of the raid held a press conference at which they described how the raid was carried out in response to information received earlier in the month that "some of our men were dying in pris- oner-of-war camps." Laird must h a v e been anticipating this information be- cause at the same press conference he described how "Some months ago . -. . a special task force of volunteers from the Army and the Air 'Force was assembled to train for this mission." At his press conference Laird empha- sized that the rescue mission was the "on- ly operation that took place north of the 19th parallel" during the weekend. AT TESTIMONY before the Senate For- eign Relations Committee the n e x t day, Laird stressed how "the intelligence in this mission was excellent." He de- scribed the intensive training which the task force went through and how they knew the positions of every building in the camp. However, he could not explain to t),e satisfaction of the committee mem- bers, just why - in view of the excellent intelligence - the prisoners were not in the camp. At the hearing, Laird maintained that Editorial Staff MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN, Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Editorial Director Managing Editor NADINE COHODAS ............... Feature Editor JIM NEUBACHER........... .. Editorial Page Editor ROB BIER.............Associate Managing Editor LAURIE HARRIS................. .. Arts Editor JUDY KAHN Personnel Director DANIEL ZWERDLIN ..Magazine Editor ROBERT CONROW ... ..............Books Editor JIM JUDKIS..............Photography Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Dave Chudwin, Steve Koppman, Robert Kraftowitz, Larry Lempert, Lynn Weiner. DAY EDITORS: Rose Berstein, Mark Dillen, S a r a Fitzgerald, Art Lerner, Jim McFerson, Jonathan Miller, Hannah Morrison, Bob Schreiner, W. E. Schrock. COPY EDITORS: Tammy Jacobs, Hester Pulling, Carla Rapoport. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Juanita Anderson, Anita Crone, Linda Dreeben, Alan Lenhoff, Mike McCarthy, Zack Schiller, John Shamraj, Kristin Ringstrom, Gene Robinson, Chuck Wilbur, Ed- ward Zimmerman. SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: William Alterman, Jared E. Clark, Richard Cornfeld,Terin Fouchey, James Kevra. Elliott Legow, Morton Noveck, Alan Shack- elford. Sports Staff ERIC SIEGAL, Sports Editor PAT ATKINS. Executive Sports Editor PHIL HERTZ................Associate Sports Editor intensive bombings of North Vietnam be- low the 19th Parallel which had b e e n carried out at the same time as the res- cue mission were "a signal that we would not tolerate the setting aside of the un- derstanding on the cessation of bomb- ings." The so-called "understanding" was allegedly made in November of 1968. Ac- cording to this "understanding" the North Vietnamese would refrain f r o m major attacks across t h e demilitarized zone into South Vietnam, or heavy con- tinuous shelling of South Vietnam's ma- jor cities while the Americans would re- frain from sustained bombing of t h e North. Laird termed t h e bombings "protec- tive reaction" in retaliation for the down- ing of an American reconnaissance plane which had flown over the North. THEN, AT A Thanksgiving dinner with wounded Vietnam veterans, President Nixon let it slip out that contrary to ear- lier Laird statements, American planes had indeed conducted air strikes above the 19th parallel during the POW rescue attempt. On the Friday after Thanks- giving, Laird briefly acknowledged that air strikes had been carried out near Ha- noi in connection with the rescue raid. Sen. J. William Fulbright, who was chairman of the committee which ques- tioned Laird on Tuesday, was upset that Laird had testified for two and a half hours without mentioning the air strike nearĀ° Hanoi. "He misrepresented the facts," accused Fulbright la s t Sunday. "Obviously he did and they do it all the time." Laird blandly replied yesterday that he had answered all the questions asked and "that particular question was not asked." LAIRD AND NIXON may claim that the air strikes were "protective reaction" and the raid was to free American POWs, but it should be obvious that the real pur- pose was to test the American reaction to a dramatic intensification of the w a r. With the reaction to the Cambodian in- vasion in mind, it w a s no coincidence that the air strikes into North Vietnam came at a time when students were going home for Thanksgiving vacation. It was no chance occurrence that the most dev- astating news - that American bombers had gone above the 19th Parallel - was leaked out on Thanksgiving day when the public was immobilized by turkey stuff- ing. Laird and Nixon now hope they have succeeded in fooling the public into thinking the recent bombing exploit has. not been a significant extension of the war. If there are no floods of letters to congressmen, no student initiated pro- tests and a general lack of continued out- rage against our Indochina policies then they will know they have been success- ful. LINDSAY CHANEY THANKSGIVING night Daniel Rothfeld sat in the basement of his $30,000 Queens home amid stacks of engineering plans and specifications for a new shop- ping center in Bermuda. The color port- able television was tuned in to a football game. Eleanor Rothfeld, his wife, had been watching the game, I believe, when I rang their door bell. We fell comfortably into our standing discussion about their son Glenn, who was my best friend in high school. "How's Glenn?" "He's fine, He stayed in Philadelphia to work in the hospital this weekend. He's coming home next weekend." They spoke as if with one mind, one voice. "Did he get off any applications to med school?" "yeah, 28. And he'll be lucky if he gets into one or two. You know I don't under- stand him." The line was familiar. "He wants to go to med school, but he Just isn't willing to apply himself." The television emitted wild cheers as a red jersey crossed the goal line. A minute later the kickoff was fumbled and the red guys recovered. More cheers. "Won't working in the hospital help him get into med school?" "Yes," Mrs. Rothfeld said. "But a lot of his friends also worked in hospitals and they got better grades. Glenn is smart, but he was never willing to do even the min- imum to build up credentials for med school." The discussion proceeded in this vein for some time. Glenn had spent his time as an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania getting high, reading comic books and generally enjoying himself. Oc- cassionally he worried about his grades, but only occassionally. THE ROTHFELDS told me that the two other guys who went to the University of Pennsylvania from our high school had pretty much sewed up places in medi- cal school. "One of them is all set," Mrs. Rothfeld said. "He's going to marry the daughter of the dean of admissions at one I talk to the Rothfelds I find myself play- ing defense lawyer for their son, and in some sense for our whole generation of lazy, directionless good-for-nothings. I was full of turkey and in no mood for such ad- vocacy. Nonetheless, I couldn't resist o n e quick parry. "I don't know," I said lighting my eighth cigarette of the encounter, "it just strikes me as rather strange that you'd spend, oh, $25,000 on* Glenn's education and only a few hundred on Beverly's." I HAD EXPECTED some uncomfortable silence to follow this statement, but I was wrong. To them, I suppose, I was just being a little bit strange myself, and they went about the task of setting me straight. "Well Beverly was never as good a stu- dent as you or Glenn. She works very hard and gets her 80's and 85's." "You know, she's funny about it," said Mr. Rothfeld. "One time she came home from school very happy saying she had got- ten six right on a test. I asked her how many questions there had been on the test and She said 10, but she didn't care about the four she got wrong. Glenn was always a perfectionist, once he got in- volved in something." "Then too," Mrs. Rothfield said, "college is more important for a man than a girl." I didn't agree, but I could see I wasn't going to convince them to "liberate" their daughter, or any such nonsense. Mrs. Rothfeld mentioned that when she was young she could entertain men at home. "What will you do when she disappears for two weeks?" I tried. "I hope she'll tell us first." It was getting late and I thanked them and departed. It was quite cool out and Union Turnpike was deserted except for the lights and a herd of cars heading in toward the city. My scarf is a 10-foot long crocheted af- fair. Beverly made it for me after I told her how much I liked the one she made for her brother. I swung it around my neck a few times, dodged a rampaging Chevrolet and hastened home. *, of the medical schools he's applying to." bach had well over a B average, she said. The red quarterback blooped a pass over the line and the receiver swung into the end zone. Cheers. A minute later, the kick- off tumbled through the receiver's arms and the red guys recovered near the goal line. The announcer was stunned. "Glenn's coming in next week to pick up the new car we bought him." There was a twinkle of pride in their eyes. The car was a Renault that Mr. Rothfeld was getting wholesale from an old friend who was now Renault's vice president for sales and promotion in the United States. "He said we might have to wait a couple of months for the order to come through, but there was a cancellation. The car has all the accessories that Glenn wanted, plus white wall tires and a panel in the roof that moves back and lets the sun in." Mrs. Rothfeld offered us some cake. I ground out my fifth cigarette of the brief chat. The football game came to an abrupt halt just as the white guys appeared to be recovering their composure. It turned out to be chocolate cake and instant coffee. The discussion turned to their 16-year-old daughter Beverly. "How's Bev?" "She's fine. She's at a friend's house now." THEY BEGAN TALKING about w h a t she would be doing after high school. "She wants to be a nurse, and we're considering a number of schools near the city. Long Island University, Hunter College and some other schools." "Doesn't she want to go away to col- lege?"1 "Not really. Anyway, we're already com- mitting ourselves-to putting Glenn through four more years and its very expensive. We want to have a little money left for ourselves." I had resolved, as always, to remain cord- ial and mostly noncontroversial. Everytime 4 Orchestra Hall: From Casals to superburgers By MARK DILLEN WALKING ALONG Detroit's Woodward Ave., Eric was trying to collect mon- ey. There was a lot of competition - a trio of young Salvation Army bandsmen was hard at work in front of Hudson's and the familiar white-shirt-and-dark-tie Black Muslim was at his usual spot across the street in front of Kresges hawking Mu- hammad speaks. As Thanksgiving weekend shoppers stepped off buses at the Grand River intersection, successive waves of peo- ple would pass Eric's position. He tried to catch the shoppers first with "excuse me, but would you care to donate to save Or- chestra Hall? (pause) It's the former home of the Detroit Symphony and it's going to be turned into a restaurant unless we raise $92,000." Some people looked the other way and kept on walking, deaf to his plea. Others said "no thanks" or 'sorry, no change" as they struggled to keep bulky packages in their grip. A minority put coins in the coffee can and gave the tuba player en- couraging words. A prostitute waiting for the Second Ave. express contributed eight cents and a half-filled bag of cashews. She shook his hand and said she hoped she'd see him again. Derelicts stopped to ask for contributions to their own cause. One old sage advised, "you've got to be prepared to say good-bye - you've got to resign yourself to losing the hall to a two- bit restaurant." WHEN IT WAS BUILT in 1919 for $300,000, Orchestra Hall was the center of a growing metropolis' cultural life. Rising auto magnates would come to sit in rich velvet tiered theater boxes to hear Ossip Gabrilowitsch conduct the fledgling De- troit Symphony. While hosting the musi- cal geniuses of that time, the hall became the social stamping grounds of the elite - the Fords, the Dodges, the Fishers - on down the line. Now the Fords, Dodges and Fishers display their cultural awareness down at the foot of Woodward at the big- ger, yet acoustically inferior Edsel Ford Auditorium. Usually, they make their presence known only on opening nights when they display their finery and in the back of the program notes where t h e y display their names in the list of sym- phony contributors. As for Orchestra Hall, it has lain vacant for nearly a decade now, to which its de- generate condition gives witness. The only people who display their names there are the politicians - their posters irreverent- ly pasted on the boarded-up windows and doors - the very doors Casals, Prokofieff, Stravinsky, Caruso, Horowitz, Pavlova, Heifetz and Gershwin walked through on their w a y to perform. The incongruity doesn't seem to bother many people ex- cept for two, groups - Gino's Inc. and Eric's group, Save Orchestra Hall. How- ever, there is a different set of aesthetics in operation for each. SOMEWHERE IN THE CITY of King of Prussia, Pa., stands the world headquarters of Gino's Inc., makers of the Gino Giant and the Super Gino Jumbo. They're in the hamburger business - so much, in fact they're listed on the New York Stock Ex- change (a fact of which Gino's people are especially proud). Two hundred sixty-nine restaurants are now the namesake of Gino Marchetti, former star football player with the Baltimore Colts. Gino would like to tear down Orchestra Hall and build the 270th. That's why they bought Orchestra Hall Sept. 17 for $92,000 from the Nede- lander Theater Co. WHEN PAUL GANSON LEARNED of the sale, he was very angry. He had been trying to get other symphony members in- terested in Orchestra Hall's renovation (Paul plays bassoon). Now he's trying to get people like Eric to help raise money so the Hall can be repurchased. He has a long blue and yellow banner that reads "Save Orchestra Hall" hanging from his Layfayette St. townhouse office. "Nederlander's school spirit is the kind I don't like," Ganson says. (Robert Neder- lander, besides being Regent of the Uni- versity, is attorney for the Nederlander Theater Co. They owned the hall for the past seven years yet let it rot, unoccupied.) Still, despite the fact Garson n e e d s nearly $100,000 in the next week before a deadline on action comes into effect, he's optimistic. He talks hurriedly about how federal money could renovate the hall and how all types of music and community programs could be presented there. Re- peatedly, he compares the acoustics of Or- chestra Hall with Carnegie Hall, and even- tually sees the Symphony returning to play there (when the Detroit Symphony had a recording contract in the late fifties, Or- chestra Hall was the only place in the city suitable for recording). Nombert Wierszweski, a UAW local lead- er who likes classical music and cigars meanwhile, gets his union friends to print up leaflets for the cause free. "We're gonna have to get something going soon or we're gonna have problems;" he tells Paul. He's right. The City Council, which could change the situation, has seen fit merely to issue a testimonial resolution. Gino's even offered Paul's group a thousand dol- lar contribution to the effort, but t h e symphony e 11it e of wealthy contributors hasn't given. Nederlander says "maybe the City should take it over." SO WHEN THE middle-aged man turn- ed to Eric and asked him to resign him- self to defeat, Eric said, "I guess maybe you're right." It seems they'll destroy a music lover's paradise and put up a hamburger stand. 4 _ ...... ... . . . . . % :.:5:.::5:. .3 n:.% 5v: . ..... .. 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There is a time however, when advertis- ing copy conflicts violently with the stated editorial position of the newspaper and it is at times like this that first amend- ment guarantees of freedom of speech are seriously jeopardized. Little Ceaser's Pizza placed an adver- tisement in The Daily Magazine recently which became the center of a storm of controversy almost overnight. The ad- vertisement depicted a woman, appar- ently a prostitute, watching two men walk by; the slogan read, "Pick-ups are cheap- er at Little Ceaser's Pizza". The business manager of The Daily pointed out to the client that the copy wa lhi eto offend many nersons on the THE REAL issue here is not whether or not that particular advertisement should have been printed, but what the responsibilities of a publisher, in this case the students who comprise the staff of The Daily, are in regards to what may be termed offensive advertising copy. On this criteria the policy of The Daily is inconsistent, but to refuse advertising because of the pressure of an outside group would seem to be setting a highly dangerous precedent, and one that must be avoided. While each and every student, as well as the community at large is free to speak . out on the editorial pages of this news- paper, the complaints directed against the paper on the basis of its policy w i t h regard to advertising would seem to be badly aimed. While certainly a thorough evaluation of +ha rnIP o e ntuprticin+ r einnr+man+ To the Daily: I WOULD LIKE to express a previously unestablished point of view in regard to the "sexist ad" which Little Caesar's ran in your paper. People have complained bitterly about this ads damaging approach to women. I agree, how- ever people seem to ignore the fact that men are also offended by the ad. Who, after all, is the more subtle message of this double entendre, aimed at? To. whom is the picture supposed' to' appeal? This society greatly dehumani- zes men also, by its conditioning them to think in sexist terms. It is hard to think of one's self as one of the "fifties freaks" in the ad, but that is what this society conditions one towards. I resent people trying to utilize my natural desires in order to sell merchan- dise. The continual stress on sex in advertising cheapens w h a t should be a beautiful delicate damaging. If a merchant wishes to engage in it he should be wel- come to do so on his own premi- ses, but has no sovereign right to do so in the media. -Kevin Cooper '74 Nov. 25 To the Daily: WE WOULD LIKE to express our support for the position stat- ed by the Radicalesbians in their letter of Nov. 24. We have noted a significant lack of sensitivity and conscious- ness on the part of The Daily staff in their treatment of adver- tisements, both classified a n d commercial, which relate to wo- men. The two recent ads in ques- ittle tion, Little Caesar's and a classi- fied, areboth repugnant and in- sulting to women. This however, is not the first instance of the lack of consciousness on T h e Daily's part. An attempt to de- velop a "Women's Page" became a gossipy, fashion and beauty hints feature. Fortunately, we have been spared that w e e k 1 y assault on our intelligence and sensibilities. It becomes increasingly clear that The Daily' needs to define and make public the policies used to determine the kinds of adver- tising that it will, and will not accept. We also have a further concern: where are our sisters on the Daily staff? Are they in a position to participate in such de- cisions? We believe that each woman is an expert on her own oppression, and as such, women must be involved in examining is- sues and controlling institutions that might otherwise perpetuate their own oppression. Caesar 's ad more examples of males put into a situation of dependency upon female acceptance. In this bastion of male chauvinism would one ex- pect to find such ads? Shall we explain this as the dedication of Playboy's staff to female supre- macy? a. SINCE YOU CONTEND the two ads "show women' in stereotyped roles," I have little doubt (cor- rect me, please, if I am mistak- en) that you would also object to detergent or home appliance ads and commercials on grounds that they pretend a woman's place is in4 the home (just as you seem to think these other ads imply a woman's place is in bed). Then would you denounce an ad por- traying a female secretary stereo- type, because it made people be- lieve a woman's place is in the office? The crux of the matter is that advertisers, like all of us, must be free to appeal to any group of the two advertisements in ques- tion are "blatantly sexist" and "thus . . . a more direct attack on women." Perhaps you haven't noticed that "sexist" ads (I as- sume this means ads presenting a person in relation to his or her