ATTEMPT TO FREE POWs See Editorial Page Y S ir :&t iiio WARMER Hligh--52 Law--33 Cloudy and windy; slight chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, December Y, 1970 Ten Cents "r age hikes: AME wor ers' h hpr Ed Note: The University is versity do not feel that they are fee hike for next year, partly be- 1969, the estimated "lower" bud- rest commute from places as far clines to comment on the union's currently negotiating a new being paid adequate wages, cause of the forecasted wage in- get for a family of four living in away as Detroit. allegations, because negotiations contract with its 2700 service Thus an increase in hourly wag- crease for the AFSCME dormitory Detroit is $6,543 a year. A large number of employes are currently in progress. He says, and maintenance employes. If es is one of the major points that workers. Adding the nine per cent in- claim they have difficulty provid- however, that a statement will be the two parties do not reach must be resolved before the con- At the present time, the average .raddin the cost-ofrlivn in ing for their families. released within the next few days agreementcrease in the cost-of-living since "With my wages," one employe concerning various aspects of the areeton terms for anw tract between the University and wage of the union members is the time the figures were issued, sa, Ihvtopy$5amnh netiins nd henetos contract by Dec. 31, a strike is Local 1583 of the American Fed- $2.69 an hour, with 77 per cent of the lower budget figure woulde says, "I have to pay $150 a month negotiations and the intentions considered likely. This is the eration of State, County, and the AFSCME local earning $2.90 set at $7,131 now. At $6032 an- ra place in Ypsilanti. T hen of the two sides, and adds that the first article is a two-part series Municipal Employes (AFSCME) or less an hour, according to un- there's the light bill, the fuel bill; University position should become discussing major issues involved expires Dec. 31. ion president Charles McCracken. nually, three-quarters of t he and the gas bill to pay besides" clearer at that time. In the ngtiatios Th aonofwginraeiJa s hym aerfUi- AFSCME members are nearly she adds. Many workers say their eco- i e negotions. The amount of wage icrease is James Thiry, manager of Un- $1100 below the amount calculat- "I go to rummage sales (I call nomic difficulties stem in part By SARA FITZGERALD likely to be hotly debated by the versity employe and union rela- ed to meet the "lower" budget. them garbage sales) to buy shoes," from the failure of the present negotiators. There has been spec- tions, could not verify these fig- Figures were not available for Ann she explains," and the only new contract to provide a cost-of-liv- Daily News Analysis ulation among union members ures, saying that determination Arbor, where the cost of living is clothes I've bought for myself in ing adjustment to compensate for "If we were paid the wages we that their representatives will ask of such an average involves 2700 higher than that of Detroit. the past year are two pairs of the recent sharp increases in the deserve for an honest day's work," for a $1 an hour wage increase employes, working in dozens of job McCracken says that many of slacks I needed for work." cost of livig. says a University custodian, "I over the life of the contract, which classifications, at different pay the union members cannot afford "Backs I sufpork." cost o k lsvimg. wouldn't complain. But on $2.60 could eventually cost the Uni- grades, with the numbers c o n- to live in Ann Arbor, because of "Because I'm supporting three Many workers also claim that an hour, you just can't make ends versity an additional half million stantly changing. tolv nAnAbr eas f grandchildren, I receive food their present Blue Cross-Blue meet, especially when you're the dollars before overtime pay. However, at $2.90 an hour, work- their low wages and the city's high stamps which help me get by," Shield insurance plan does not only one in the family who's At a time when the University's ing a 40 hour week, an employe cost of living. she continues. "But not all of the meet their needs. The insurance working." budget is being tightened up, the could expect to earn $6032 a year. According to the union's mem- workers are as lucky as I am." plan varies in different job areas, Many of the 2700 service and Office of University Housing has According to figures issued by the bership list, only 36 per cent of Vice-president and chief finan- but it does not completely cover maintenance employes at the Uni- already proposed a $150 housing Department of Labor for spring the workers live in Ann Arbor. The cial officer Wilbur Pierpont de- the cost of medicine and x-rays. Eight Pages iori The University will have to come up with a new insurance scheme before the contract settlement be- cause Blue Cross-Blue Shield, is phasing out the currently used plan in January. One employe, explaining h e r difficulty in paying for medical ex- penses says, "My take-home pay for two weeks is $102.87. After I use up the $51 per week for food and clothes, I don't have the money to pay for the $50 of x-rays my husband just required. It forces me to borrow from one per- son and then borrow from another to pay the first person back." "It's getting cold," she goes on, noting the snow falling outside. "But if they don't come up with the contract I want and need, I'm going to be outside walking t he picket line when January comes." TOMORROW: Union grievances 'U' Cellar to sell law, med books By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN University Cellar will! stock books for students in every school and college of the University when it starts sell- ing books next term, the book- store board has decided.- The original plans of the store did not include stocking books for professional students until it had been in business for some time, said bookstore employe Bruce Wil- son. But when enough students in various professional schools - most notably law and medical - volunteered to ' help stock t h e bookstore with their textbooks, the bookstore board decided itkcould handle the additional stock. When, last October, some 15,000 students received notification of' hold credits pending payment of the $5 bookstore fee, many profes- sional students had complained' that for them to pay the fee with- out being served by the bookstore was unjust. Currently, according to Cellar assistant book buyer David Rock, Overbeck's is the only local book- store carrying law, medical and dental texts. Although there was an initial hesitancy by West Pub- lishing, the major law book firm, to deal with the student store, iRock said they have agreed to deal with the University Cellar, assur- ing that it will have a complete stock of legal books. Informal r e f e r e n d a held throughout the medical, dental and law schools indicated which books students would want to buy through the student store. The bookstore plans to sell all books at a 9 per cent discount, comprising a straight 5 per cent reduction and the 4 per cent sales tax exemption. The only units for which books will not be sold at the student store are the Officer Education Programs of the Army, the Navy 'U, reveals plans for budg9et cut Most vacant faculty positions will remain unfilled while maintenance projects will be delayed, in order for the Uni- versity to make the emergency one percent cut in its current General Fund budget, the University Record reported yester- day. The State Constitution bars the state government from engaging in deficit financing. Since projected tax revenues in 1970-71 were reduced as a result of the auto strike, the state has had to cut its current fiscal year budget, and has thus required the recipients of its funds to cut their budgets. The state has cut $735,047.36 from the University's current general fund budget. According to the University Record, the official publica- tion of the University administration.,President Robben Flem- -Associated Press JESUIT PRIEST PETER FORDI and Sister Susan Davis reply yesterday to charges by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover that their antiwar group planned to disrupt Washington utility lines and kidnap a federal official. The East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives denied the charge and said that a lawsuit is being con- sidered. SClergy group denies Hoover s accusations WASHINGTON (N)-An anti-war group of Roman Catholic priests, nuns and laymen denied yesterday accusations made by FBI .Director J. Edgar Hoover that they had planned to kidnap a White House official and disrupt utility lines here. Hoover, testifying before a Senate appropriations sub- committee last Friday charged that the East Coast Conspir- acy to Save Lives was planning to demand ransom in the form of an end to American bombings in Iidochine and a release of "political prisoners." -Associated Press Map shows population shift Bureau of the Census map (above) reveals the changes in population of the states over the past ten years. The Bureau released its final totals on the 1970 census yesterday. See story, page 3. KELLEY RULING: Voter registration approved for 18myear-old Michigan residents Atty. Gen. Frank K yesterday that qualifie residents over 18 years be registered to vote Federal Voting Rights The attorney gener was contained in a let Rep. Jackie Vaughn troit, who had asked status of those betwee: be clarified as thetSupi prepares to rule on th tionality of the Voting Kelley said that el cials may not refuse persons between the and 21 but suggested Kelley ruled registrations be kept separate un- between the ages of 18 and 21 for d Michigan til final disposition of the issue by failure to meet the age require- of age may the U.S. Supreme Court. ment," Kelley's ruling said. under th e Although Michigan voters re- Kelley also said that Michigan Act. jected a proposed 18-year old vote law requires that in order to vote al's opinion amendment on Nov. 3, Kelley not- one must be registered not later ter to State ed that the federal act supersedes than the fifth Friday preceding III, D-De- the Michigan age requirement. He the election. that the said that the federal act is the ni 18 and 21 "supreme law of the land." "It must also be noted that the remeCourt "Since it is necessary under school districts and other govern- he constitu- Michigan law for qualified electors mental units will hold elections at Rights Act. to be registered, it is incumbent various times throughout 1971," ection offi- upon election officials to register the attorney general said. He add- to register as electors all persons who a r e ed that generally these tre pri- ages of 18 qualified and, in doing, they may maries and elections of local of- that such not refuse to register a person ficials, millage or other proposals. - I WTIU , n+ .+ _1-_..+.,_-f " ing has requested the follow- ing actions in a presentation to deans and directors. -Appointments to positions in the General Fund budget (which includes all funds for teaching and administrative positions) that are currently unfilled or which be- come vacant be deferred for the balance of the fiscal year. Any ex- ceptions to this, in cases of "de- monstrated critical need" will re- quire approval by the appropriate University vice-president; -Vice-Presidents delay main- tenance, remodelling and rehabili- tation projects and equipment purchases in sufficient amount to produce savings in the General Fund budget of at least$200,000; -P r o p o s e d expenditures for temporary help for the winter term and the spring half-terms be curtailed to "the fullest possible extent"; -All equipment requisitions be deferred except for those "found to be necessary to meet critical needs"; -Funds which become available in unusued salary accounts not be used for any other purpose; -Any proposed expenditures for supplies, travel or other expenses be scrutinized for possible defer- ment or elimination. "These steps are designed to assure that no salary of present. personnel will be affected," said Fleming, "and that we may be able to produce the necessary ex- penditure reductions with the least impact on academic programs." State hits CMU over spending LANSING (JP)-- Central Mich- igan University's revenue over a three-year period was $4 million more than the school estimated in its budget requests, says the State Auditor General's office. In addition, said a 101-page re- port dated Oct. 6 for the three- year period ending June 30, '1969, the estimated surplus reported in budget requests was understated by $1.24 million; the university had more than $1 million in pro- jects not included in its requests; and there were numerous short- comings in the school's purchasing procedures. A university spokesman said the school had just received a copy of the report and was not pre- pared yesterday to make an im- mediate statement. Auditors said most of the un- reported additional revenue was from student fees and was used in university operations. However, the report said "in preparing budget requests, it is essential that the university follow the budget instructions carefully to avoid misunderstandings between the See CMU, Page 8 1 r a b , e The eleven members of the group, charging that Hoover and the Air F o r c e, said Rock. was trying to set the stage for increased pressure on leftist These units supply their students groups, said yesterday that a lawsuit for defamation of char- with books. acter or libel is being con-* sidered. Hoover said Friday the principal leaders of the group were brothers Daniel and Philip Berrigan, two priests presently serving sentences in a federal prison at Danbury,! Conn. The Berrigans issued a state- ment earlier denying Hoover's assertion and saying he should "either . . . prosecute us or pub- licly retract the charges he made." A Jesuit priest, Peter Fordi, of Jersey City, N.J., said in yester- day's news conference that many of the members know the Berri- A gans socially and through church work, but that there is no con- nection whatsoever between the group and the priests. Categorically denying the, charges, Father Joe Wenderoth said about such plotting: "our philosophy and our tactics would, not allow it." "I hope this is far-fetched," Fordi said, but Hoover may have harm +,.ino I'M indlnna the nnhlc I THE DAY THE CLOCK FELL IN What time is it? Who knows By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, depend- ing on whom you asked on campus. With clocks registering as much as two hours difference from one campus location to another, for the past couple of weeks, the theory of relativity has been rapidly picking up momentum. A typical example was report- ed by Sue Mikula, '74, who de- scribed the situation in South Quad Sunday night: "I looked at five different clocks and each one showed a different time." Particularly ticked off are the secretaries in Angell Hall where various clocks have been alter- nva n, nna hrfa c. an dn a of the Burton Tower clock have been out of order, but they are apparently controlled independ- ently of the central switchboard and simply have their own me- chanical problems. Also afflicted with the tem- poral jitters is the Student Pub- lications Building, where t h e clocks have consistently regis- tered an hour fast for over two weeks. Daily makeup man Mar- ion Keith commented: "It doesn't bother me any. I'm so busy working that I don't have time to look at the clocks." Prospects for speedy repairs appear slight. Plant Manager Don Wendel's office appeared surprised by inquiries about ir- regularities in the University's timeni'oes A snporman there "The state director of elections advises that he presently knows special elections which have been called to be held in the month of January, 1971, in half a dozen districts throughout the state," he said. "Inorder to qualify to vote at any such election, registration prior to January 1 would be re- quired," Kelley said. The federal law takes effect on January 1. "I would therefore suggest that, as an 18-21-year-old person must register prior to the issuance by the Supreme Court of its decision, the registration card be kept sep- arate from registration cards of other electors so as to be readily available for disposition following issuance of the court's decis- ion ..." Kelley said that it would be un- wise for him to make a statement on the constitutionality of the federal act, since it is now pend- ing before the Supreme Court. He noted, however, the G o v. Milliken - on advice from Kel- ley's office - has told U.S. At- OSS policy unit urges HEW report release By GERI SPRUNG The Office of Student Services Policy Board directed Vice Presi- dent for Student Services Robert Knauss last night to urge Presi- dent Robben Fleming to release the HEW report on University hiring policies toward women and to express the board's concern that the report has not been made public. The board further stipulated that if Fleming turns down the board's resolution, a meeting will sity's treatment of women and that the charges levelled against the University should not be kept secret. The board's resolution did not direct Knauss to directly release the report as. it was addressed to Fleming. Knauss said he had re- ceived a copy of the report in order to work on proposals for changing University policy with- out knowing he would later be asked to release it. Instead, the board directed Knauss "to express to the admin- WNMIWf