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September 04, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-04

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Solstis s
Daily Magazine Editor
When the Tutorial Project's "free
school" opened its doors this summer
to 75 junior and senior high school
students, top educators in the Uni-
versity and the public schools ac-
claimed it as a valuable educational
innovation. But University officials
plan to demolish the school's building
soon to enlarge a staff parking lot.
Tutorial Project began the new,
school (named Solstis, a catchy spell-
ing for summer solstice) in late June,
in a house at 706 Oakland, rented from
the University Housing Office.
Warned by housing officials that
the house was drastically below code
and would be razed, school organizers
nevertheless moved in for the summer
simply because, they said, "there was
nothing else available". Operating six
days a week from 9 in the morning
to 1 a.m., University professors, high
school teachers and students them-
selves taught a wide range of couses
including creative writing, psychology,
Chinese,' Hebrew, sculpture, and T-

ite: Scho
groups The students painted the house
and fixed the plumbing, bookstores
donated books, paint stores donated
paint, and local corporations a n d
foundations donated almost $4,000.
A paid staff of three University stu-
dents directed daily operations, based
on policies formulated at weekly mass
meetings., The school received wide-
spread praise, including some from
Ann Arbor Superintendent of Schools
Scott Westerman.
The, Solstis staff started pressing
administration officials mid-way
through the summer to cancel demo-
lation orders and allow the school to
remain in the house,- - "we'll even
raise the money for the renovation,"'
says staff member Paul Keenan, '71 -
but so far University officials won't
budge. They insist the house is too
far gone to justify repairing, although
the University continued to collect
rent last year from its three apart-
The University plans to expand the
parking lot at the corner of State
and Madison to include the site where

ol or par
the house now stands. Eventually, the
whole 'block will be flattened for a
law school expansion.
"It's basically a question of eco-
rxomics," say Acting Vice President
for Student Affairs Barbara Newell.
Mrs. Newell says that Solstis has re-
ceived "enthusiastic response," from
the community, but has asked t h e
executive officers to oust Solstis even
if the house isn't smashed by bull-
dozers. She claims there are Uni-
versity faculty and students who need
the space more. Tutorial Project, the
sponsoring organization, is a divi-
sion of Mrs. Newell's own staff -
but "the school's clientele is mostly
high school and junior high students,"
she says.
University officials have issued a
temporary hold on the demolition
orders. Before they decide once and for
all whether they will keep the build-
ing standing, and for what purpose,
the Plant Department must inspect
the house to estimate the investment
required to bring it up to code. An

ing lot?
independent contractor has estimated
the cost at $2,000 for basic wiring
and structural repairs; plant depart-
ment chief James Brinkerhoff predict
"considerably more" if the h o u s e
must meet building code standards for
a school. It may cost almost as much
to destroy the house as to 'save it.
Demolition rates run from $1,000 to
Solstis students and their parents
are talking about occupying the build-
ing or chaining themselves to the rail-
ing if that is the only way to save it
from demolition.
Solstis directors will meet w i t h
President Robben Fleming, M r s.
Newell and Brinkerhoff today, and
then with students and supporters in
the Student Activities Bldg. at 7 p.m.
If the Solstis building is demolished
(Mrs. Newell expects the University
to decide by next Tuesday) the Solstis
school will be one (and its only) class-
room building short. The University
will gain more than a dozen 'parking

-Associated Press

See. Editorial Page

Si1Ar igT


Warm, humid,,
showers likely

Vol. LXXXI, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 4, 1970 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Sit-in at

'U.S. asks end

called off
Actions planned
at other churches
One of the two Ann Arbor
churches occupied by welfare
groups was vacated yesterday, but
the groups continued demonstra-
tions to press their demands for
reparations funds.
Members of the Washtenaw
County Black Economic Develop-
ment League (BEDL) and the
W a s h t e n a w County Welfare
Rights Organization (WRO) yes-
terday morning abandoned the
First Methodist Church, where
they had been occupying senior
minister Rev. Hoover Rupert's 'of-
fice since Tuesday.
Another group of demonstra-
tors continued their occupation of
the First Presbyterian Church.
At i rally yesterday, members
of the groups asked for student
support at noon today at that
church. They plan to vacate the
church if a court injunction is
enforced. However, it is unclear
whether the injunction will be en-
forced today.
Group spokesmen claim the
church has over $1.6 million in4
assets, and recently spent $62,000
for research by the Institute of
Social Research on the subject of
ministers retirements. I
Supporters and members of
BE)L and WRO then marched
from the Diag to Grace Bible
Church where they picketed for
an hour.
Grace Bible Church was sym-
bolically selected for picketing be-
cause "it is one of the more con-!
servative churches in Washtenaw
County, and because it has 'yet to
make even an overture of a re-
sponse to the WRO and BEDL
demand for $200,000 for fall and
winter clothing for welfare chil-
dren," said BEDL vice-president
Hank Bryan.
"There will be a steadily in-
creasing campaign of occupations
and confrontations until .the con-.
science of the churches of this
county are awakened," he added.
See GROUP, Page 6



-Associated Press
Nieice Lombardi
Football giant Vince Lombardi ahah
Vince Lombardi, coach and general manager of'
the Washington Redskins died yesterday in Washington. Pic-
tured here watching a Redskins' exhibition game in Baltimore on
Jully 26, he entered the hospital the next day. See page eight
for story.
Sen. Griffin's brother
evict' striking1 tenant
A four-month legal battle between an Ann Arbor tenant and his
landlord - a brother of U.S. Senator Robert Griffin - has resulted
in the tenant's eviction.
The tenant, David Raaflaub, claims that his eviction August 26th
was the product of "trickery, deception and trespass," and that all
bgs possessions are being held illegally by the landlord, Hugh M.
Griffin was unavailable for comment yesterday.
The basis of the dispute apparently lies in the initiation of a
rent strike begun by Raaflaub and his two roommates in January.
According to Raaflaub, the entire modern apartment- building, located

arm -s build u
By The Associated Press
The U.S. government said yesterday it has evidence of
Mideast truce violations by Egypt and called on the Egyptian
and Soviet goyernments to halt a missile buildup in the'
Suez Canal cea'e-fire zone.
"We want the violations stopped," State Department press
officer Robert J. McClosky said in a public statement that
capped a U.S. effort to shore up the shaky Mideast cease-fire
and lagging peace -talks. "In the meantime we believe it is of
the utmost importance that the talks between the parties
.. proceed forthwith."
And several hours later, Israel -
asked the United States, in effect,
to take action against the Soviets
and Egyptians over the reporte P ff. u r
Suez caial missile buildup or face
the possibility of Israeli military
action. walAei01
In a tough speech at a meeting
of her Labor Party, Premier Golda
Meir said now that Washington an' thers
has conceded Egypt breached the
cease-fire with the canal missile
btilding "we now demand the PHILADELPHIA (R) -Pennsyl-
Americans take action." vania Gov. Raymond Shafer dis-
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe closed yesterday that commanders
Dayan said in Tel Aviv his gov- of state police and 'Pennsylvania
ernment haddecided on a plan for National Guard units have been
dealing with the reported missile
buildup. He also indicated Israel alerted to be ready for any emer-
might take military action to roll gency in connection with this
back the missiles from the cease- weekend's Black Panther, conven-
fire zone along the Suez Canal.
In other related developments, "This is a special contingency
-King Hussein of Jordan called plan that goes into operation
for cooperation between Palestin- routinely in the event of unrest
ian guerrillas and his government or potential unrest in any Penn-
to prevent further bloodshed in sylvania community," the gover-
Amman, which passed its first nor said.
normal day yesterday since heavy Then he urged the supporters
fighting broke out Tuesday night and critics of what the Panthers
between guerrillas and govern- call their "Revolutionary People's
ment troops., Constitutional C o n1 v e n t I o n,"
-At the United Nations in scheduled to start'tomorrow and
New York, U.S. Ambassador Char- end Monday, to 'calm the tensions
les W. Yost called on Secretary- in the nation's fourth largest city.
General U Thant with a personal Meanwhile, C h a r 1 e s Finch;
report on the U.S. announcement. chairman of the Philadelphia Co-
He also gave the U.S. evidence of ordinating Committee set up to
the violations to Mohammed El- assist the P a n t h e r iplanning,
Zayyat Egypt's U.N. ambassador. claimed that inteiest and probab-
-Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- ly attendance "has increased by
Wash), told the American Legion at least 500 per cent" because of
in Portland, Ore., the ' United police raids and arrests in search
See U.S., Page 6 ' Iof guns and explosives.


Marchers leave for church sit-i

Harris reasserts position on
police case, despite criticism

Mayor Robert Harris yesterday
reiterated his recommendation
that evidence of police brutality in
a case resulting from last spring's
campus strike on black admissions
be turned over to the county pro-
secutor. Harris has been threaten-
ed with a libel suit by the police
union and roundly criticized by
the Republican minority on the
Council for his earlier statement
on the case.
In a three page statement, the
mayor replied to his critics. "The

at 1000 Oakland, was a "shoddy'
"'There was no hot water, the
garbage cans had no lids, painting
promised was 'not done, and at
times the washing machines didn't
work," he said.
Tenants in eight of the twelve
apartments withheld their rent,
ciimed Raaflaub. When Griffin
began negotiations with a tenants
committee, only Raaflaub and his
roomates - John Wimsatt and
Richard Amaro-Valesquez - con-
tinued striking because, Raaflaub
said, "there was no real improve-
ment." A legal battle then follow-
e with Raaflaub, a law graduate,
re.resenting himself.
By May, Griffin had given Raa-
flaub and his roomates "notice to
quit" -.- seven days notice to leave
the apartment. However, a" court
order w a s necessary to enforce.
this. This Raaflaub claims w a s
rzver served on him..
Instead, Raaflaub alleges, Grif-
fin c a m e to his apartment on
August 25th, warning him that,

(Republican) press release avoid-
ed the hard question posed by the
facts found by the investigating
committee," he charged.
He also said that the police
union's press release incorrectly
assumed a certain point. "The As-
sociation's press release wrongly
assumed that there is a prejudg-
ment of guilt whenever a govern-
ment official decides a case should
be forwarded to the prosecutor; if
this were true, policemen would be
prejudging ordinary cases every
day as they forward them to the
county prosecutor."
Police union president P a u 1
Bunten, deferred comment on the
mayor's statement.
Councilman Lloyd Fairbanks (R-
Fifth Ward) said yesterday he
viewed the mayor's stand as a
"political ploy" of the mayor. He
feels that the mayor should have
had the courtesy to discuss his
actions with all the members of
the council before taking his
In yesterday's statement, Harris
rejected the idea that his actions
will have caused a great pretrial
publicity. He says, "In the wake
of the Collins trial in which a jury
was seated despite fantastic pre-
trial publicity about the case, the
Association needlessly doubts the
ability of the officer in question,
who was never named, to get a fair
trial because of the remarks at
the Council meeting."
He denied speeding up or delay-
ing the release of the investigating
committee's report. He adds, "The
nnr,'rtime ..T wra~a elrt.C 'ix ih a'i. T

Harris reiterates his earlier
stand that if a police officer with-
out provocation deliberately hits
a man with a riot baton while the
man is pinned by another police-
man the officer should be tried
like any civilian.
"And despite the howls of poli-
ticians and police unions, t h e
prosecutor should t r e a t such a
case the same as he would had the
accused been a civilian. If that
means going to trial, the jury will
decide the guilt or innocence,"
Harris said.

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