Thursday, September 3, 1970,,
Fat cats weigh
The college football season this
year could well be suimed up by
a clever line such as "the rich get
richer." Almost all of last year's
powers look strong once again,
and very few new .challengers ap-
pear ready to 'move into the circle
of the nation's elite.
A possible exception is West
Virginia, which now appears ready
to assume a position as one of the
two finest, teams in the East. A
veteran backfield headed by quar-
terback Mike Sherwood and run-
ning backs Jim Braxton and Bob
Gresham could enable the Moun-,
taineers to match last year's 10-1
record, including another trip to a
It would come as no surprise if
Penn State once again fielded a
powerhouse. With the bulk of a
superb defense gone, the Nittany
Lions will rely on running backs
Franco Harris and Lydell Mitchell
to remain - on top in the East. Al
big offensive problems will be to
replace the leadership qualities of
departed quarterback C h u c k
Archie Manning returns to Ox-
ford, Mississippi for his final sea-
son, an$ should keep Rebel statis-
ticians busy compiling his re-
cords. With a veteran lineup, in-
cluding a bevy of capable receiv-
ers, Mississpipi should again chal-
lenge for national prominence,'
with Manning getting most -of the
press notices and a big push for
the Heisman Trophy,
the best team in the Southeast
last season, failed to receive an in-
vitation to a major bowl. They
should not miss this season. A
bumper. crop of sophomores, led
by quarterback Bert Jones, will
fill in for departed regulars. Tom-
my Casanova, a safety last year,
has been shifted to running back
anid was spectacular in spring
practice. The Tigers should chal-
lenge for the conference crown.
Alabama and Tennessee, peren-
nial powers, will also figure in the
Southeast. The Crimson Tide will
again feature the passing of Scott
Hunter, the receiving of George
Ranager, and the running of
Johnny Musso. Defense, an Ala-
bama tradition, has been weak in
late seasons and must improve for
Bear Bryant to roar again.
Doug Dickey left Tennessee and
the Volunteers now. feature a 28
year old head coach, Bill Battle. A
top-flight backfield and strong
line led by All-American Chip Kell
should keep the Vol offense pro-
Dickey, meanwhile inherited a
Florida team that was the surprise
of the South. Led by sophomores,
the Gators looked strong until
Carlos Alvarez, a spectacular split
end, was injured in practice, pos-
sibly out for the entire season. Now
Gator hopes rides with J o h n
Reaves, the nation's leading pass-
er as a sophomore, and talented
tailback. Tommy Durrance.
TEXAS AND 'Arkansas should
meet again to decide the South-
west Conference championship.
The depth of talent that Darrell
Royal has returning is staggering.
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All those interested in trying
out for the rugby squads should
report to the Ferry Field tartan
turf Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 9 p.m.
yin '76
Steve Worster, a powerful full-
back, will once again get the tough
yards, while Jim Berrelson com-
bines outside speed with great
strength. A powerful offensive line
led by Bobby Weunsch should
once again open holes.
The big problem will be at
:uarterback, where supersoph Gary
Keithly must supply the leadership
ability of James Street, who pull-
ed out both the Arkansas game
and the Cotton Bowl for the Long-
horns last year.
Arkansas will also field a fami-
liar cast. Bill Montgomery will
guide a potent offense with his
sharp passing and deft running.
Chuck Dicus and John Reece pro-
vide capable targets, and Bill Bur-
nett is taking dead aim at school
rushing records from the tailback
The Southewest will field one
powerful independent in addition
to the two perrennial conference
contenders. The Houston Cougars,
impressive winners over Auburn
in the last Bluebonnet Bowl,
should have little trouble main-
taining their fantastic scoring
pace. Leading rusher Jim Strong
is gone, but the aerial combina-
tion of Gary Mullins to E 1 mn o
Wright will be hard to stop.,
The Midwest features one strong
conference and one erratic one.
The Big Ten will be trying to
make up for a disastrous season
by fielding a better balanced as-
sortment of teams, but will have
to rely on Ohio State and Michi-
gan for national powers. The Big
Eight, on the other hand, may1
be even stronger than last year.
< grid p
Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
and Kansas State all figure to
have a good shot at conference
and national honors.
MISSOURI lost Terry MacMil-
lan, Jon Staggars, and several.
linemen, but returns one of the
country's leading rushers in Joe
Moore. James Harrison is a
strong fullback, and either Chuck
Roper or Mike Farmer will take
over for MacMillan. Mel Gray,
the split end is perhaps the fastest
player in college football, a n d
will provide a threat to any
The Huskers of Nebraska were
confere'hce co-champions 1 a s t
season and return a strong de-
fense and their usual impressive
bulk. Van Brownson was a capable
quarterback, and Joe Orduna had
two strong seasons at running
back until an injury sidelined him
last year.
Jack Mildren will get to do.more
himself at Oklahoma with Steve
Owens gone, but an exceptional
crop of sophomores . may make it
unnecessary. Roy Bell was a
strong runner last year despite
injuries, and will get rushing help
from talented sophomore 'Joe
Wylie. Greg Pruitt, another soph,
will head up the receiving corps.
The word at Kansas State. or
rather two words, is Lynn Dickey.
Dickey led the Wildcats into
prominence last year and could
take them to the top with his
powerful and accurate arm. Favor-
ite receiver Mack Herron is gone,
but receiving is in capable hands.
A top secondary will help, as the
long time doormat of the Big
Eight makes a strong bid for a
successful season.
ROSE BOWL champion South-
ern California looks likes a prom-
ising candidate for a fifth straight
appearance. Jimmy Jones may
live up to expectations this sea-
son, and if he does, the offense
will be spectacular. Clarence Davis
and Charlie Evans key the ground
game, and the defense is awe-
some, with Tody Smith and Char-
lie Weaver leading the assault.
Pro scouts will spend a lot of
time around Palo Alto this year,
and the object of their attentions
will be a tall strong. quarterback
named Jim Plunkett. Stanford,
led by Plunkett, was one of the
least lucky teams in the nation
last season, narrowly misssing an
undefeated season by losing t w o
games and tieing one, all in the
last seconds of play. Plunkett has
excellent receivers and capable
runners, but All-American line-
backer Don Parrish will be missed.
FLASHY MISSOURI haltback Joe Moore (45) is corraled by at
Michigan tackler during last year's game at Michigan Stadium.
The return of 1,otential All-American Moore and a strong sup-
poi-ting cast give Missouri a good shot at national honors this
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Athletic administrators named
We will teach you how to Sail
Thursday, Sept. 3-7:45 P.M.
Associate Sports Editor
Two former Michigan coaches
were named to the top two ad-
ministrative posts under Athletic
Director Don Canham in a shake-
up of the Athletic Department an-
nounced July 17 and approved by
the Regents the same day.
Dave Strack, who coached the
Wolverine basketball squad to
three Big Ten titles and three
trips to the NCAA tournament,
finishing second in 1965, was ele-
vated from business manager to
the position of Associate Athletic
Don Lund; the coach of Mich-
igan's 1962 NCAA baseball cham-
pions, was appointed to the posi-
tion of Assistant Athletic Director.
The changes in the department
were necessitated when Chalmers
"Bump" Elliott. resigned as Asso-
ciate Athletic Director to assume
the position of Athletic Director
at the University of Iowa, where
he had been an assistant football
coach in the 1950's.3
The Associate Athletic Director
position was established late in
1968. Elliott was, named to the,
post following ten years as Mich-
igan's head football coach. The
move paved the way for Bo
Schpmbechler's entrance as the
Wolverine grid coach last season.
Elliott had gained his reputation
on the. Michigan sport scene in the#
late 1940's when he and his broth-
er Pete were All-Americans here.
As Associate Athletic Director,
Strack continues many of the
duties as business manager. He
also manages the department's
Lund, who served as Detroit
Tiger player, development director
prior to accepting the Michigan
post, manages alumni fund-rais-
ing organizations, such as the
Victors and the M' club. He also
coordinates special events, a n d
ticket promotions,'serving as liai-
son with the NCAA, and assist-
ing Canham in public relations.
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Lund has called his new posi-
tion "a challenge," and has also
stated that he is "flattered tak-
j 'ing the place of Bump Elliott."
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At the time of his appointment'
Sirack said, "I've enjoyed work-
ing in an administrative capacity
since I left coaching, and I'm
happy to assume the additional
duties of this important position.",
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