Sunday, November 22, 1910 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 557 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 0-10' 11-15 16-2O 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 1 2 3 4 5. 1 day 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.55 1.80 2.05 2.30 2.55 2.80 2.80 5.20 7.40 9.40 11.20 2 days 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.60 5.10 5.60 5.60 10.40 14.80 18.80 22.40 3 days 2.40 2.90 3.60 4.30 5.00 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 7.60 14.65 21.10 26.95 32.20 4 days 3.20 3.90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.80 9.80 19..16 27.60 35.30. 42.20 5 days 3.90 4.80 5,90 7.00 8.10 9.05 10..00 10.95 11.90 11.90 23.45 34.00 43.55 52.10 6 days 4.50 5.60 6.80 8.10 9.40 10.50 11,60 12.70" 13.80 add. .55 .75 .85 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 N.B. Each group of characters counts as one word Hyphenated words over 5 characters count (this includes telephone numbers) 13.80 1,80 2760. 3.60 40.20 5.40 51.60 7.20 61.80 9.00 as two words 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line, FOR RENT OWN BEDROOM in 3-man house, right on Whitmore Lake. $67/mo. Available end of Dec. Call 449-2743. 15V69 1 BDRM. APT. to sublet beginning Jan. 761,6725, 5-7. 22071 ROOM FOR4 RENT. Female preferred. From Jan. or earlier. Clean, phone, use of refrig. Call Sue, 764-9492, 8-5. 93C71 FANTASTIC 3 bdrm. apt. w/fireplace has rm. avail 2nd semester. Need 1 or 2 rmmtes to live w/2 easy-going girl grads. Close to campus. 662-8292. 09C73 3 OR 4 MAN APT. Jan.-Aug. Fireplace, porch, 2 bedrooms. Very reasonable. 781-6087. 94C92 DESPERATE-Need 4th male in 4-man apt. for winter semester. Mod. apt. Anytime, 769-0849. CF' 815 PACKARD-Single room for grad or professor.. Share kitchen, eat with 2 other students. Avail. Dec: 15 and Jan., 1. 665-4738. 81070 ROOM FOR RENT-Jan. thru May. Great location. 769-6028. 77C69 SUBLET: 2 bdrm./2 man apt. Laura or Sue. 761-4433. 24C69 1 BRDM FURN. apt. avail Jan. 1 $165/1 mo. w/parking. 769-9197. 38C71 ATTNTION MARRIED STUDENTS -- Have several 2 & 3 bdrm. town- houses in College Park, Ypsilanti. Immed. occ. Many of you are eligible under S.H.A. 235 Interest Subsidy Prorgram. $120/mo., $200 do w n. Lo- cated near Holmes & Prospect Rds. Open 12-5 daily. 483-8310. 39071 4 MO. LEASE, near campus, TV, wash- er and dryer, pking, liv., meals, % of double in prof. frat. $55/mo. Call hse. mgr, 761-9417. 56070 Directly on Campus MOD. UNITS avail. Dec. 20. Beautl. fully furn., a/c, ble. ZFICIENOT. 1-BEDRM., 2-BDRM. Call 668-6906 for info., appt. Ct. FOR RENT SEEKING young couple to share 4- bdrm. house in January, $150 per couple/mo. Call 665-6580. 81C61 ROOMMATES WANTED! Charter Realty "Fine Campus Apartments" 1335 S. Univ.-665-8825 19Ctc ROOMMATES NEEDED! Albert Terrace 1700 Geddes 761-1717 65-8825j 20Ctc LOOKINGI Why not tell people what you are looking for? Teil them cheaply, yet effectively in Daily classifieds, 764- 0557, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 764-0557. CD68 PARKING SPACES for rent on E. Uni- versity. Call 769-7975. CC 2 BDRM. FURN. units on campus. avail. for fall. McKinley Assoc., 663- 6448.. lSCtc NEW FURN. apt. for 1 or 2. Dahlman Apts., 545 Church St. 761-7600. OW BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - my home, elec., draft or tapes, pick-up-delivery. 485-2463. 10J7S DESPERATE! WANTED AT ONCE! ANY JOB OF CLEANING-OFFICE, APT- MENT, HOME, ETC. YOU NAME IT! WE CLEAN IT! GENE'S SERVICE CO., 663-8998. 65567 STUDIO ONE RECORDING STUDIO With lowest possible rates in area. 4- tracks. Call 761-6199 morn./eve.rlISM WELDING, BRAZING, soldering, repW and fabricating. Reasonable. Ce0l Tom, 668-8229. JA SALES CONSULTANT PLACING SALESMEN IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS" 2155 Jackson Rd., Suite 101. 769-8270 Ftc FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND ' 10'x50' REGAL MOBIL HOME. Good FOUND-Key chain w/ 5 keys-Little condition. On lot, carpeting, A/C. red triangle "key to victory." Call $2500. Call after 5:30, 482-3424. 665-5498. AF 18975 -. -------- LOST - Reddish blonde, blue eyed,- STEREO-Zenith portable-cheap. Great hyper 24 hr. a day kitten, E. Madison- condition--fine sound. 761-3063. S. Division area. Call 761-8291 please. 62B70 AB BIKE, 2 large baskets. 769-9173. 88B69 LOST - Brown crochetted scart betwn.' y- P&A and U Towers. Great personal ELECTRA 120 elec. typewriter. $75. 761- value. 761-4713. 82A69 4931, Lynn. 85B69 LOST-Silver ring with letters MJFAJK ANTIQUE fur coats from $15 at Little around it. Call 769-7519. 59A69 Things, 215 S. State. 70B69 a d l7 59 __ _AYP-COA._FLEE-LINEDLOST: Blat k puppy near Diag. White ORAlS NAVY P-.COAT. FLEECE-LINED, markings on chest and three paws. NEVER WORN. Size 34. $30. 769-5729. Call 769-7193. 46Atc BA - .- BA-LOST - LARGE Siamese male cat near FOR SALE-Fur coats and fur pieces Division & Packard. Reward. 769-4009. for trimming fur machine, radio and 40A71 record player. 436 Thompson. 21Btc ---A----.- -- - REWARD for info leading to return of USED CARS man's brown leather coat, taken from Phid House Oct. 25, 1970. Call 1966 FIAT 1500. Good cond. After 6 p.m. 971-5612 after 6 p.m. 69A62 761-7618. 39N69 --- - LOST: 1 collie pup. 8 mo. old, black. LEAVING the country. Must sell Ram- with white tail, ruff, and feet, brownE bier '64 Classic. Good cond., four new mask. Wearing collar with ? a red tires and snow tires. $300. Call 764- barrel on it. Knows her name: Rama. 0298. 58N70 Call 769-4289 or 769-7761. Reward. 1967 VW BUG. New brakes. $850. 668- FOUND-A set of keys-2 car keys andE 7441 or 668-8315 between 5 and 7 p.m. 1 house key-found on the corner of 99N69 Packard and Mary. Call 761-7827 after 5 p.m. AD 1959 FORD 292 Auto. Very clean, good -- - ---_ -- - transportation. $250 or offer, after 6 LOST-Man's beige jacket with red lin- P.M. 971-1521. 79N69 ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769-z 7656. AE HELP WANTED LOST: Man's beige jacket with red lin- ATTENTION-Full time and part-time ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769-7656. house parents needed immed. for ex- AE , citing work in Ann Arbor halfway - - - - house. Call 769-0720, 971-6393 eves., WANTED TO RENT weekends; 434-3400 ext. 454 days. - 06H71 SENIOR GIRL wants single efficiency HA- ---pl apartment. Will sublet Jan. 1-Aug.' HELP RESEARCH conquer multiple 30. Call 662-6644 after 5. 96L70 sclerosis. Earn $25 by donating cere- 2. brospinal fluid. Need 21 to 40 yr. old ONE BDRM. APT, for married coupleI males or females. Call 764-0298 for ap- for Jan. 668-8481. 68L69 pointment. 00H71 ______- --- ------- j URGENTLY NEEDED - Inexpensive! LOOKING FOR A JOB? room now through April. Susan, 665- Talented or experienced or interested 2315. 75L69 in a particular field? Try placing a NEED SINGLE APT. for winter term. Mchi Di BSE E Call Jane, 769-9588. 44L69 IICES" or "PERSONAL" ad--and help - a fob find YOU. HDtc - ---- _ PETS AND SUPPLIES WANTED: experienced typist for cor- rections mathematical Ph.D. disser- FREE CATS - Siamese, seal and blue tation, Nov. 20. Must have access IBM pt., Tonkinese. 769-7543. 11T71 selectric. Write Katz, 5008 W. Iowa, ---_-_----_--- -. - -- - Chicago 60651. 4H64 SIAMESE CATS for sale: Red and Tor- toise point kittens, ready now. Please ROOM AND BOARD call 769-5953 before 9 p.m. TB ; BIKES AND SCOOTERS WANTEDf-1968-70 Honda or Yamaha 250-350cc. Pref. Scrambler. 434-27941 after 6 p.m. or write Room 541,Nat- I ural Resources. 03Z70 WANTED-250-250cc motorcycle, Honda pref. but Will consider other brand if locally serviced. 662-6372 eves. 86Z67 TRIUMPH, 1969 TR6C, 650 cc., low milage, mint cond. Call 769-0380. 9Ztc PERSONAL' ANTHROPOLOGY plus Finance equals Happiness. FD WANT TO FIND OUT where Alexander the Great and Charlemagne (also known as Karl Der Grosse) went? Want to know what Caesar veni-vidi- vici-ed? The Penguin Atlas of An-{ cient History and the Penguin Atlas of Medieval History, Penguin Books at Little Professor Book Center, 369 N. Maple (Maple Village Shopping Center, 662-4110 ). 23F69 STOP!!! TURN BACK AND READ PAGE THREE. THERE'LL NEVER BE ANO- THER ONE LIKE IT. TAKE NOTE, MARK AND THC***rr. FF HILLS . . . Is strawberry jelly a good color to wear in your hair? Only your1 hairdresser knows for sure. FF RECORDS!!! Oldies! 20,000 in stock. Send 35c for 2,000 listing catalog. Mail Orders filled.? RECORD CENTER, 1895 W. 25th, - Cleve., Ohio. Record Tapes. l0Ft c When you think of MEDICINE, think of us. VILLAGE APOTHECARY, 1112 South University: 20Ftc T THE PURPOSE of student govt. coun- cil is to serve students. If you need the help of an SGC member, contact Bill Thee, Rm. 17C, U Towers, 761- 9309. 49Ftc SINCE ALMOST all gem diamonds come from Africa, a brand label for a ring mounting does not guarantee the quality of the major diamond in the ring. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Univ.. 663-7151. F UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER and STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL present EUROPE $159.00 CHRISTMAS I3047 N.Y.-Mad.-N.Y. 12/21-1/3 $209 CP048 Bos-Ams-Bos - 12/21-1/5 $175 ON058 Det-Milan-Det - 12/22-1/3 $199 WANTED: freaky chick, good looking, willing to travel X-mas vacation with male university student and couple. 95F7C WILD FLOWER SALE - 1 off tag price of everything in store. Ends Satur- day, Nov. 28. Wild Flower - 516 E. William. F70 FED UP WHERE YOU'RE AT? Move inI as our maid and cook for your keep. Will be living with three outgoing grad students. Call 662-8543 betwn:! 5 and 7. FB PEOPLE INTERESTED in talking about Stephen and the caravan, A meeting is being held Thursday, Nov. 19, at" 8:00 p.m. at 702 S. Division. 665-7295. Let's help each other get straight. PERSONAL PERSONAL PETER BOWEN'S at Alice's, getting it NEWLY MARRIED couple needs 1-bed- RADIO as art form. WNRZ-FM STEREO on for folk people. Sat., 9 p.m. ALH. room apt. Call 668-6893. FC64 103, Ann Arbor. FC 50c. 74F68 - _---- --- - - - .PAINTING - Student desires painting For those with eclectic tastes: STUDENTS IN PSYCH 577 need cloth- jobs, all kinds. 4 yrs. experience. Call ing, costume jewelry, shoes, etc. for a 662-4736. FD NEW RECORDS FOR SALE rummage sale at Ypsilanti State Hos- -- - -- Captn Beefheart's Trout mask replica pital. Get rid of all you can. Call RICHARD LEE, Inc. (double album) $5.00; Tony Williams Judy 7i9-6857 or Rick 769-2642. FA Professional photography for publica- newest $2.50; Wild Sanctuary $2.00. HIGHER EDUCATION - SECONDARY tons, informal portraits, wedding Cal] Amy, 769-7761 between 5-7 p.m. EDUCATION; SOCIAL - ECONOMIC candids, etc. Phone 761-9452. FD FDtO DEVELOPMENT. Directories of Post- - tion. New, innovative approach, Inex- ABORTION IS LEGAL in New York. ARE YOU up against a wall? If not, pensive. Effective, Write: Intercept/ For referral to accredited hospitals, get next to MARTY's Wall of Slax. Sociocom, Harvard Square, P.O. Box call 212/663-9825, 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Marty's Saffell & Bush 317, Cambridge, Mass. 02138. 72F70 61F6S 310 South State Street I ~rn rnn nL~T- -r WAITRESSES, and other restaurant employees, past and present: The{ Daily wants info on conditions in kit- chens in local restaurants. Call Dan- iel Zwerdling at 764-0562, leave mes- sage. Ftc TV RENTALS - $10.40 a month In- cludes free delivery, service, and pick- up. No deposit. Call Nejac-662-5671. 31Ftc BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh neg- ative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4. Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission. Michigan Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti CHRISTMAS: 1. 12/22-1/5 2 Det/Ams/Det 2. 12/20-1/2 2 Det/Malaga/Det SUMMER: 3. 5/4-6/6 4 Det/Ams/Det 4. 5/5-6/26 7 Det/Ams/Det 5. 5/15-8/15 12 Det/Ams/Det 6. 6/26-8/26 8 7. 7/1-8/15 6 Det/Amns/Det 8. 8/1=9/1 4 Det/Ams/Det PERSONAL r MICHIGANENSIAN (mish e gen en ce en)-n. The yearbook of the Univer- sity of Michigan stressing innovation and the "un-student" life; sometimes refered to as the 'ENSIAN. FF EUROPE $159.00 $175 $219 $159 $169 $189 $209 $209 $219 i PRICE SALE at Wildflower. 1 off 483-1894 everything in store. Sale ends Sat., Ftc Nov. 28. WILDFLOWER, 516 E. Wil- 11am., F70 WHO SAYS classified ads are too small to be read and remembered? You're OUR FthRADI O ing thbehour onf reading this one aren't you? And thewolf. Larry Monroe, 1-6a.n just try to forget our phone number: Tuesday-Friday, midnite-6 a.m. Sat- 764-0557Ft urday. WNRZ-FM STEREO 103, Ann .. __- Arbor. 2F57 WILMA'S WAITING-Far ou at the Also, a Complete Range of Travel Services: Rail Passes; Car Leases & Purchases; Motorcycles; Intra-Eu- ropean Charters & Many More. Open only to U of M students. fa- culty, staff and their immediate families. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER OF OUR TWO OFFICES: WORLD-W IDE CHARTER 211 South State Street or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 A-ORRI_! FREE KITTENS! Blk & whte & orange ON058 Det-Munich-Det 12/22-1/3 $199 BOARD IN A SORORITY! Lots of corn- & whte long-haired males; blk fe-,I Cp050 Det-Geneva-Det 12/21-1/5 $199 pany. Good food. Winter term. Call male. 6 wks. 769-1325 persistently. . CA043 Det-Lon-Det - 12/33-1/4 $175 Jody. 761-2806. Leave message. Q7E7Q 14T69 SUMMER: DETROIT DEPARTURES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY Advertisements may be removed from publication, but will be billed according to original number of days orders. This policy is applicable as well to ads requiring prepayment. i.e., no refunds. CANCELLATIONS & CORRECTIONS MUST BE MADE BY 12 NOON OF THE DAY PRIOR TO THE DAY THEY APPEAR IN THE PAPER. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discrimi- nate on the basis of sex, color, creed, or national origin to any ex- tent (i.e., "preferably" is still dis- criminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be disclosed p r i o r to publication. Advertisers names may NEVER be revealed. Number of lines in advertisement is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. A WORD: Hyphenated words under 5 charac- ters. Hyphenated words over 5 char- acters, i.e., phone numbers-2 words. --- : :;: j I I I i i ::: :;; THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is rapidly approaching and now is the time to start getting your gift list in order. May we suggest a gift of recorded music . . . it will be appreciated for many years. 417 E. Liberty mUSiC SHOP Phone NO 2-0675 snack bar in the basement of the Mich. League! Delicious food, good company, insane prices. Open 7:15- 4:00 daily, except Sun. 62F69 NEED 1 OR 2 GIRLS; now or in Jan. YIG rn hpqaiyaI~ 4-man mod, apt. 769-7544. 08Cc TYPING: print shop quality onv I9M ___________________________ executive. 663-0980. 32J58 ROOM FOR RENT Jan. 1: male stu- dents, frigidaire; light cooking; fur- nished rooms. 436 Thompson St. 84071. FOURTH GIRL needed for furnished 4- man. Modern, on campus. Jan.-Aug. $65/mo. 662-3349. 81170 GIRL WANTED to sublet mod. apt. Own bedroom. 761-5003. 66069 2 BDRM. FURN, units on campus, avail. for fall. McKinley Assoc., 683- 6448. SoCtc SUBLET: M~odern Apt. 2-bedroom 2, 3, or' 4-man. Available around' December 15. 761-1928. 15C65 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Large, mod. 2 bdrm., air-cond. apt. 1111 S. State St. Call 1-353-7389 1-864-3852 Ctc FEMALE RMMTE. needed to share huge 2 bdrsn, apt. w/2 other girls. On campus, new: 761-7600. Ctc SEEKING young couple to share 4- bdr. house in Jan. $150 per couple/ mo. Call 665-6580., 76C69 2 MAN FURN. APT. for rent after Dec. 1. Close to carpus. 761-6566. 63071 MUST SELL living, dining & bdrm. furniture. Very reasonable. 769-3769 or 761-9407. 05W69 ALLIED 339 STEREO Receiver. 40 watts. Exc. cond. $95 or best offer. Call 663- 9634. 30W70 BARGAIN CORNER For Professional Typing, term papers and theses CALL DIANA - 439-1313 30Jtc THESES, PAPERS (incl. technical) typ- ed. Experienced, professional; IBM Selectric. Quick service. 663-6291. 42Jtc EXPERFENCRID SECRETARY desires work in her home. Thesis, technical typing, stuffing etc. IBM selectric Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jte MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS FENDER, STRATOCASTmR GUITAR with case, good condition. $125. 665- 5910. 12x69 GIBSON SG CUSTOM GUITAR, case. Three gold Humbucking pick-ups. New 3 weeks ago. Was $600, asking $490. But any reasonable offer con- slderedz 769-7283. 24X73 APOLLO MUSIC CENTER -Guitars & Amps Fender Martin Gibson Guild Arb Ampeg "Priced-Right Deals" 322 S. Main 769-1400 X74 CAR SERIYCES, ACCESS. FOR SALE-2 new studded snow tires. Size L78 x 15 (9.15 x 1.5) with Pon- tiac wheels. $60. 665-0505. 62871 ROOMMATES WANTED FEMALE TO COMPLETE roomy 4-man beginning Jan. 769-3379. 21Y71 2 GRAD GIRLS need Jan. apt. or others to get one. Call 763-2858 per- sistently. 20Y69 2 GIRLS NEEDED - 4-man apt. S.Q. area. $60/mo. 663-7396. 04Y70 4TH ROOMMATE wanted for 2-bdrm. modern apartment. Call Debby-665-1 3279. 99Y71 MALE TO SHARE 2-man, starting Jan. 1. Own bedroom. Must be neat. Call 761-4772. 89Y691 OWN BEDROOM in large house for one i together undergrad girl. Occupancy now or in January. $68.7$ plus utili- ties. Dishwasher, washing machine and dryer, fireplace, near campus. 769-3215. Yto JAN.-4TH MAN needed for 2 bdrm. apt., good location. $70/mo.; lease ends April. 668-8506 or 761-2680. 35Y69 NEED FEMALE roommate. Sublet 4 mo. lease beginning Dec./Jan. 761-3861.; 61Y6S OWN BEDROOM in large house for one together undergrad girl. Occupancy now or in January $68.75 plus utili- ties. Dishwasher, washing machine and dryer, fireplace, near campus. 789-3215. YXC I GIRL wanted for mod. 4-man start- ing Jan. 769-4022. 32Y71 3RD GIRL wanted beginning Jan. Own I bdrm., 1 blk from campus. $60. 665-1 0870 after 5. 31Y71 ROOMMATE NEEDED 3-bdrm. cottage Jan.-Apr. $55 ma. Whitmore Lake 449- 4996. 34Y70 THIRD GIRL needed for two bedroom apt. Very near campus. 764-5073 after 6:00. 18Y70 4TH MAN needed for 4-nan, two-bdrm modern apt near campus. $70/mo. Call 761-5969, 96Y-70 4th MAN WANTED for 4-man, two- bedroom modern apt. near campus, med. center. $66.25/mo. Call 665-7501. Ytc FALL-NEEDZD 2 roommates, furnish- ed, modern 4-man, $75/mani Ric, 1- 721-6398. 23'71 LOST AND FOUND - LOST: Orange knitted scarf on S. Univ. Wed. night. Call Jon, 663-8440. 17A69 j FOUND-Black puppy, 8 wks. old, cor- ner Ingalls and Ann. Identify at 769-5412. AF PHOTO SUPPLIES AT CENTURY The Best in Good Used Cameras WE BUY, SELL. TRADE Everything Photographic DARKROOM SUPPLIES LUMINOUS PAPER Repairs on all makes Century Camera t At our new location) 4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd. LI 9-6355 CA007 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/8 $159.00 CP049 Det-Ams-Det 5/6 - 6/6 $179.00 CA008 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/24 $159.00 CA009 Det-Lon-Det 5/15 - 8/15 $199.00 1 CA001 Det-Lon-Det 6/28 - 8/28 $219.00 1 CA002 Det-Lon-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00{ CA010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2 - 8/19 $219.001 CA051 Det-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/1 $219.00 W0052 Det-Tok-Det 7/31 - 8/31 $429.00 SUMMER: N.Y. DEPARTURES CA014 Bost-Lon-Bost 5/14 - 8/13 $199.00 CA030 N.Y.-Ldn-N.Y. 6/26 - 9/1 $209.00 CA013 N.Y.-Lon-N..Y. 6/29 - 7/30 $209.00 Open only to U of M students, facul- try, staff, and immediate families. UAC Travel, 2nd floor Michigan Union 763-2147 or 769-5790. 2Ftc CUSTOM PHOTO FINISHING. & W. Specializing in 135mm. 662-9817. 1803 Hill. 05F73 Get ACTION with Daily Classifieds 1 Rent your I ...... ....,.z ti1 I I Take I-94 to Southfield Expr. North to FRESHMEN, sophomores, juniors: Navy Roommate w aviation officer information team will Roommate w~ VithI 13 Mile Road-then East to be on campus Nov. 24, 25 in placement Woodward and North office. See us about AVROC program. (Michigan Bank, Security and Di er 90F71 QssifeU Charges accepted) . -~fe C1Dt. RATES REDUCED 1-6 p.m. Sun. Union --- - - ------ -- - Billiards and table tennis. F69 Nikon FTN black body and 55 mm. - - - Micro Nikkor - 7 mo. old. Perfect cond. 769-1976 eves. 70D63 TRANSPORTATION APPEARING NIGHTLY RIDE NEEDED Wed. 11/25 to Lancaster-n 2 Phila. exit region of Pa. Turn. Liberal sharing of expenses considered. CallM David, 761-7305. GB MON DAY Through REED RIDE Washington, D.C. forThRD Thanksgiving. Share cost. 663-1019. 95G69 THE RIDERS WANTED to Denver. Leaving around Dec. 15. 665-7935 weekends. JO HN A M ORE .E 71G6£ TRIO Read and Use Daily Classifieds THE RESTAURANT --. I- Monday thru Friday 1 1 :30-2 a.r 4 ;- Saturday 4-2 a.m- Closed Sundays 2161 W. Stadium-For Reservations Call 662-2545 6 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Instruments and accessories, new and used. Lessons, repairs. 209 S. State. 665-8001, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. $ HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Unavailable instrumnents, repairs and instructions - 209 S. State, 665-8001. x 2 EV-4A speaker systems. Cost $200 each, 3 mo. old. Sell $145 each. Call 761-6608 after 6 p.m. 33X69 -" x -~ 3 SOMETHING BOLD TO CLIMB INTO They're here! The latest look on the ets nTwho set-in font pockets and twenty inch bottoms give you the definite fashion lead. MALE'S dou- ble breasted bells get you up with a high rise back and a low rise front for that split level look. Sorry guys, but gals love'em too.Grab them in ali solidsand patterns. - Once you climb into them, you won't want to be out of them. * SLACKS, JEANS & THINGS CLEARANCE SALE of Afganistan sheep- skin coats. $50 at Little Things, 215 S. State. 08W69 Sam's Store for LEVI'S i 3 HI-FI, COLOR TY, RADIO repair. Rea- sonable. 769-6250. XDtc FOR SAL I GIRLS BIKE, also portable Royalite typewriter. 761-7844 from 7-9 p.m. 14B71 "LAISSEZ-FAIRE bumper stickers, 30c each. 663-6804. 13B69 wq r p1b BLUE DENIM Super Slims Button Fly Traditional Bels ..... Q'-. 98 6.98 7.50' 8.00 SHORT WAY LINES Special Service to Detroit Metro Airport Thursday, Nov. 25th LEAVE MICHIGAN UNION AT A PERSONAL GIFT ::The I7o10qraflluledl ?f CIRCLE PIN '' is a ca-nialms tradition many sizes and finishes to choose from STERLING or GOLD FILLED No charge for engraving from $3.75 to $8.00 06 Low Cut & Regular Waist in Light & Heavy Weight Denim. Several Brands 4.98-7.00 CORDUROY I:I-rVeI+ 4as Sunday-7:15 p.m. Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality -Dr. Melvin Hugen CAMPUS CHAPEL 7:20 A.M. 9:20 A.M. 10:05 A.M. 11.1n A A 12:05 P.M. 1:25 P.M. 4:20. 5:05 6:35 9 -3 P.M. P.M. P.M. PV, 2:05 P.M. 2 .5 n PM I III i I