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November 22, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-22

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Bucks trample


Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS - Ohio State pulled a
dark curtain down over Michigan's fin-
est season since 1964 h e r e yesterday,
downing the Wolverines 20-9 and win-
ning the Big Ten. football championship.
The Buckeyes, spearheaded by a rug-
ged defense and helped along by three
Wolverine turnovers and a costly Michi-
gan penalty, pulled to a 10-3 halftime
lead and added 10 points in the final
quarter to salt away their second victory
in three years over the Wolverines.
The Wolverines, who had been averag-
ing over 30 points and 400 yards per
game, were held to just 155 total yards,
a second period field goal and a third
quarter touchdown.
"We didn't move the ball on the ground
and that hurt," said Michigan coach Bo
Schembechler, whose team totaled just
37 yards on the ground in 30 rushing at-
tempts. "We felt their defense would have
to crack somewhere if we were going to
win - but it didn't.

"Our defense was good," Schembechler
added, "but we just couldn't move the
ball and we helped them make points
with our mistakes."
Ohio State's Coach Woody Hayes, win-
ning his second outright conference title
in three years, also praised the Buckeye
defense. "I said last week our defense
was great, but it was even better today,"
Hayes said.
"I tell you right now if there has to be
a coach of the year it should be our de-
fensive coach," Hayes added. "The de-
fense was unbelievable - just absolutely
That Buckeye defense, which yielded
a meager 10 first downs, held the Wol-
verines in check throughout the second
half after Michigan had narrowed the
Bucks' lead to 10-9 at the beginning of
the third quarter.
The Wolverines started with the ball
at midfield four times in the half, but
they were only able to move in for the
score once.
That scoring drive came the first timle

the Wolverines had the ball in the second
half, covering 50 yards in 12 plays. Quar-
terback Don Moorhead, who finished the
day with 12 completions in 26 attempts,
completed four of five on the drive, in-
cluding a 13-yard scoring toss to Paul
Staroba with 8:30 left in the quarter.
Michigan missed an opportunity to
knot the score when OSU's Mike Ander-
son blocked the extra point attempt. The
defense then held the Bucks to s e v e n
yards in their next two series of plays,
and poor punts gave the Wolverines the
ball at midfield on both occasions. But on
both occasions Michigan failed to mount
a drive.
Then the Bucks, who had been going
nowhere in the h a 1 f, started heading
straight for the Michigan goal line. They
drove from their 27 to the Michigan nine
before Fred Schram kicked h i s second
field goal of the day at 10:49 of the fourth
quarter to give Ohio State a 13-9 lead.
The Bucks, who had been going to full-
back John Brockington through the first

three quarters, changed tactics in t h e
fourth quarter and started giving the
ball, to halfback Leo Hayden. Hayden re-
sponded to the challenge by picking up
35 yards on six carries in the six minute
drive. He was the game's leading rusher
with 117 yards in 28 carries.
"We had good success with the play
with Hayden carrying the ball," Hayes
explained afterwards. "We borrowed that
play from Michigan. It is in our book
and they must have borrowed it and re-
fined it - so we borrowed it back."
Shortly thereafter, though, the Buck-
eye key word was steal, not borrow, as
linebacker Stan White picked off a Moor-
head pass on the 23 and ran it back to
Michigan's eight yard line. Three plays
later, Buckeye quarterback Rex K e r n,
playing his finest game of the year, pitch-
ed to Hayden on the option, and when
Schram converted the Bucks led, 20-9.
The intercepted pass was one of the
costliest of the Wolverines' errors for the
..See OHIO, Page 7

-Daily-Denny Gainer

Jankowski beating Elliott for the score

See Editorial Page



~Ea itj

Windy with rain
turning to snow

Vol. LXXXI, No. 70

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, November 22, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

An editorial...
IF ANY DOUBTS remained in the mind of the American public
about the lack of sincerity in President Nixon's constant
expressions of a desire for peace in Vietnam, yesterday's mas-
sive air strike against North Vietnam should have dispelled
Under the guise of retaliation for the downing of American
planes flying spy missions over North Vietnam, scores of U.S.
bombers unleashed a 29-hour attack of devastating proportions.
The strike was reminiscent of the incessant U.S. bombing from
1965 to 1968 that laid waste to substantial portions of the North
Vietnamese countryside-attacks that were terminated by this
country as a peace initiative.
Perhaps the most'incredible aspect of the strike is the
Pentagon's insistence that the attacks were warranted by the
firing of anti-aircraft weapors against U.S. reconnaissance
planes. As would any other country in the world, North Vietnam
has rightly pointed out that violations of its air space can not
be tolerated. In the context of international law, the U.S. claim
to free access for its spy planes over an independent nation is
The credibility of the Pentagon inits description of the
nature of the strikesis also open to question. While Defense
Secretary Melvin Laird claied thatio-ly antiaircraft batteries
In the southern portion of the country were bombed, Hanoi has
charged the raids struck many populated areas, communications
lines and economic establishments, and that they reached much
farther north than Laird indicated.
While there is no immediate way of resolving this dis-
parity, calculated inaccuracy on the part of the Pentagon would
be consistent with past performance. The massive nature of
the strikes, involving as many as 300 planes, also suggests that
the targets were more than anti-aircraft installations.
W HILE THE strikes have apparently been terminated -
for a time at least - they remain both a symbol of Nixons
determination to have his own way with the people of Vietnam,
and a grave reminder of the tragic nature of our continuing
military presence in Indochina.
Though not always of such a great magnitude of destruc-
tion, the manner in which the U.S. military has prosecuted the
war on a day-to-day basis closely parallels yesterday's bombing
raids in both purpose and effect.
Policies such as defoliation of wide areas of SouthVietnam,
forced urbanization of rural inhabitants and the use of "free
fire zones" to excuse the massacre of villagers believed to be
supporting the Viet Cong point up the continuing inhumanity
of U.S. attempts to dominate the country at any cost.
But yesterday's air strikes were more thand ust a symbol of
the military policies the United States is pursuing in Indochina.
They were, as well, a new indication that troop withdrawals and
peace proposals initiated by the Nixon administration are only
cloaks for continued effort toward U.S. military victory in
Vietnam. They were a 'sure sign that U.S. bombers, as well as
South Vietnamese troops indoctrinated, trained and supplied by
the United States, will remain behind to continue the war when
- and if - all U.S, troops have been withdrawn.
S ADLY, AFTER years of petitioning, marching and participat-
ing in a host of more militant actions, there are no clear
directions for movement against the war by those whose op-
position to the policy of the United States in Indochina was
only further confirmed by yesterday's bombing raids.
Only by freeing the people of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
from the coercive presence of the United States can we hope
to allow them an opportunity to end the fighting and build
nations based on the democratic principle of self-determination.

Navy sinks
ship off
SAIGON (R) - Three Amer-
ican vessels yesterday sank
an unidentified trawler they
presumed to be North Viet-
The action involving the trawl-
er was the first such incident since
February 1968, the Navy reported.
Although the Navy spokesman ad-
mitted "There was no indication
what the trawler had aboard," he
also said "it was obviously trying
to bring in some war supplies."
The spokesman said the trawler
was sunk less than six miles from
South Vietnam's southeastern
coatstline - several miles inside
South Vietnam's territorial wat-
ers which extend 12 miles from
the coast.'
The trawler was initially spotted
by a Navy P3A observation air-
craft scanning the South China
The minesweeper U.S. Endur-
ance then reportedly challenged
the trawler less than 12 miles from
the coast of the Republic of Viet-
nam shortly before midnight but
received no acknowledgement.
"When the trawler attempted to
evade," the Navy reported, "t h e
minesweeper fired two warning
shots across its bow using her
20mm cannon. The trawler and
the Endurance then exchanged
volleys of gunfire and the trawler
attempted to ram the mine-l
"The trawler evaded toward thef
coast and disappeared from radarx
screens of the U.S. ships in lesst
than 12 feet of water," the Navy1
spokesman said.
U.S. Navy search planes and
South Vietnamese Navy boats are
now reportedly searching forl
survivors of the trawler in thet
South China Sea about 75 miles
south of Saigon.1






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-Associated Press
BOMB BURSTS on map indicate where Defense Secretary Melvin Laird says U.S. jets bombed
North Vietnam while Hanoi claims the strikes occurred in an area ranging from Haiphong to
Hanoi. Carrier U.S.S. Hancock, right, apparently took part in the raid, carrying 7~5 bombers into the
Tonkin Gulf.
bombing attackso N. Vita

Largest set of raids
since 1968 bomb halt
Scores of U.S. warplanes continued massive raids into
North Vietnam yesterday in the heaviest bombing of the
North since October 1968.
Although the pentagon had originally claimed that the
raids were limited raids against antiaircraft and missile im-
placements in retaliation for shooting at American reconnais-
sance flights, they later acknowledged that U.S. pilots would
take advantage of the two days of raids to bomb supply dumps
and storage areas near the antiaircraft targets.
The U.S. announcements conflicted with reports from
Hanoi which said U.S. planes had repeatedly attacked many
populated areas, communication lines and economic establish-
ments. They added that attacks in the afternoon centered on

the two southernmost pro-
vinces of Quang Binh and Ha
Tinh, however.
The reports also said a con-
siderable number of civilians were
Defense Secretary Melvin Laird
said the raids were confined to
areas below the 19th parallel, ap-
proximately 135 miles south of
Hanoi. Hanoi, however, said planes
had ranged as far as Haiphong,
Quang Ninh, Ta Tay and H o a
Binh areas.
Haiphong is 135 miles north of
the 19th parallel, and Hoa Binh
is 130 miles north of the 19th
parallel and 85 miles inland from
Laird said the raids would end
at 6 p.m. EST, and Pentagon of-
ficials later confirmed that they
ended about that time.
Reports from Washington a n d
Hanoi also conflicted on the issue
of whether U.S. planes had been
shot down over North Vietnam
during the raids. Laird mentioned
no losses of U.S. planes in t h e
strikes but North Vietnamese re-
presentatives in Paris said at least
five planes were shot down.
Eye witnesses in Da Nang, 100
miles south of the demilitarized
zone in the northern part of South
Vietnam, said about a dozen U.S.
Air Force F4 fighter-bombers took
off from that base shortly before
noon today under extraordinary
security conditions. It was n o t
known where the planes were go-
ing, but there was speculation that,
See U.S. BOMBERS, Page 8

WASHINGTON UP) - S e n a t e
Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield
and several other prominent Sen-
ators yesterday criticized U.S.
bombing raids over North Viet-
nam, and said they were likely to
retard progress at the Paris peace
Sen. Edmund Muskie of Maine,
said the raids "can only dim pros-
pects for peace in Indochina" and
their net effort "is likely to be
more fighting and killing, not
less." He said they implied "re-


newed reliance on military pres-
sure" to force a peace settlement.
Sen. George McGovern of South
Dakota called the U.S. air raids
almost beyond belief.
Mansfield said the attacks on
North Vietnamese targets mean a
resurgence of activity that could
delay settlement of the war.
Republican Sen. Mark Hatfield
of Oregon also said he is con-
cerned that the bombing "could
jeopardize chances for successful
Several senators who have gen-
erally supported the President's
Vietnam policy were unavailable
for comment.
However, one, Sen. Henry Jack-
son (D-Wash.) said he would have
no comment on the raids until he
is briefedby the Defense Depart-
ment tomorrow.
"What I need to know," Jackson
said, "is whether the re-establish-
ment of suppression raids is fully
Secretary of Defense Melvin
Laird announced that U.S. jets
had hit missile and antiaircraft
installations in response to "at-
tacks on our unarmed reconnais-

tivity, a renewed involvement,
and a possible delay in the settle-
Mansfield said he thinks the
raids will retard, but not eliminate,
prospects for a negotiated settle-
ment of the conflict. He said there
remains solid grounds for nego-
tiation, and "these things t a k e
But he also said the U.S. action,
in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia,
is evidence that despite U.S.
troop withdrawals "we are still in-
volved in a very significant way
in all of Indochina.

quit. Paris
peace talks
PARIS (P-A North Vietnamese
spokesman at the Paris peace talks
yesterday raised the possibility of
either a temporary or a perma-
nent boycott of the talks as a re-
sult of recent U.S. bombing over
the North.
A North Vietnamese spokesman
made it clear that antiaircraft
and missile batteries will con-
tinue firing at any American
planes which enter North Viet-
namese air space.
The North Vietnamese delegar
tion to the stalemated peace talks
called a news conference to de-
nounce the raids. U.S.nSecretary
of Defense Melvin Laird said the
raids were to hit North Vietnamese
batteries "in response to attacks
on our unarmed reconnaissance
N o r t h Vietnam's delegation
spokesman Nguyen Thanh Le said
the planes struck populous areas
and came very close to Hanoi and
Le gave no clear statement on
whether Hanoi would pull out of
the talks or wether it would fail
to show up at the 93rd session
scheduled for Wednesday.
To both questions Le replied,
"Wait and see."
At one point, Le said: "If the
United States continues its acts
of war against the Democratic
Republic of Vietnam (DRV), the
people and the armed forces of
Vietnam will resolutely punish
these acts of war . . . as deserved.
And. the government will take ap-
propriate action against this."
Last May 6, following similar
raids over the North, the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong delega-

Free Health

Clinic to open

U' student sentenced
in dorm beating case

Barring unforseen difficulties,
a free medical clinic known as
the Ann Arbor Free Health
Clinic will be open by the end of
the month. The clinic, designed
to help street people, will origi-
nally be privately incorporated

The purpose of the clinic will
be to serve the community in a
way which avoids the problems
common to traditional medical
facilities. "We don't want to
moralize or judge people," says
Dr. Owen Haig, one member of
a student-doctor committee for

treated because of the hassle in-
volved in going to local medical
Some persons with venereal
disease, for example, often al-
low themselves to go untreated
until they are near death, even
though they could receive free

der the University's malpractice
But the committee's drive for
affiliation appears to be snag-
ged, even though the Executive
and Policy Committee of Uni-
versity Hospital is presently con-
sidering the requests of the

A University student convicted
of participating in the beating of
two other students last spring in
West Quad, was sentenced Friday
to six days in the County Jail.
The student, Melvin Cross, '73

ficials failed to help his son while
the beating occurred."
John Feldkmap, director of uni-
versity housing, denied Zemmer's
charge, saying, "That's just not
true. The first person on the scene

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