Saturday, November 21, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine 0.MM~m oti . Ofenej Pae. in MICHIGAN OHIO STATE (30) (71) (53) (65) (60) (72) (85) (27) (42) (32) (22) Paul Staroba (195 Jack Harpring (229) Guy Murdock (215) Reggie McKenzie (225) Tom Coyle (228) Dan Dierdorf (240) Paul Seymour (235) Don Moorhead (200) Billy Taylor (200) Fritz Seyferth (202 Glenn Doughty (195) SE LG C LG RG RT TE QB TB FB HB (82) (65) (57) (52) (62) (75) (80) (10) (22) (16) (42) Bruce Jankowski (188) John Hicks (247) Dick Kuhn (221) Tom DeLeone (221) Phil Strickland (225) Dave Cheney (227) Jan White (209) Rex Kern (184) Leo Hayden (214) Larry Zelina (193) John Brockington (200) Defense (91) (99) (39) (82) (90) (33) (70) (14) (21) (35) (23) Phil Seymour (215) Tom Beckman (245) Henry Hill (220) Pete Newell (225) Mike Keller (210) Mike Taylor (217) Marty Huff (230) Frank Gusich (190) Bruce Elliott (176) Tom Darden (190) Jim Betts (185) LE LT MG RT RE WLB MLB WOLF DHB DHB S (83) (70) (68) (67) (87) (88) (63) (32) (28) (26) (3) Mark Debevc (220) George Hasenohrl (248) Jim Stillwagon (225) Ralph Holloway (230) Ken Luttner (209) Stan White (222) Doug Adams (214) Jack Tatum (208) Harry Howard (192) Tim Anderson (200) Mike Sensibaugh (182) cN O R t US SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: TERRI FOUCHEY and ELLIOT LEGOW -Daily-Thomas R. Copi Woody -Daily-Thomas R. Copt Bo Blue, Bucis teeter to By PAT ATKINS Special To The Daily COLUMBUS - What hap- pens on the football field this afternoon does not teeter on the predetermined statistics of efficient offens- es, high ranking in the polls, impenetrable defenses, or even the noise of the crowd - although all those help compose the balance board. For this game compares to no other Michigan - Ohio State game in the history of the Big Ten -- two unde- Beated teams meeting to set- tle the conference champ- ionship. When the comparing is over and the board balances, the un- The Michigan-Ohio State game begins at 1:15 and will be tele- vised on WXYZ-TV, channel 7. It will also be carried over radio stations WWJ, 950 AM; WPAG, 1050 AM; WAAM, 1600 AM; WUOM, 91.7 FM and WCBN, 650 AM. knowables of fumbles, of in- juries, of mental preparedness, of game breaks, and the weath- er (which promises to be clear), will decide the winner. Sure, Don Moorhead and his receivers have gained more than 1000 yards and scored seven touchdowns, whereas everyone * knows Rex Kern has had his troubles this year with 343 yards passing and two aerial touchdowns to his credit in one less game. But Ohio State has rushed for 2519 yards in eight games to Michigan's 2471 yards in nine. "It's the little things that win the big football games," Ohio State Coach Woody Hayes said in his post-practice press con- ference yesterday. "That's why I do things like take my play- ers out of the dorms on nights before important games. I've done it on and off for years." Michigan Coach Bo Schem- bechler has said before that Ohio State is not his biggest worry. "I worry more about what we do in terms of n o t making the mistakes, of n o t helping them. If we can avoid the mistakes and play enthus- iastic football, we'll be in the game," Schembechler reported. A difference exists, however, in worrying about a team and thinking about them, and now that only one game remains, neither Schembechler nor Hayes denies that they've been obliv- ious to the other's team until this week. What they've seen each other mold, is, not surprisingly, two fairly similar teams, since both coaches prefer running to pass- ing and steady defenses to showy offenses. The teams are one-two in total Big Ten offense, Michigan aver- aging 5.3 yards per play and Ohio State 4.9. They're one- two in rushing average as well, the Buckeyes leading 4.8 to 4.7. Where the difference lies this season is in passing. Michigan tops the Big Ten there, also, and Ohio State is far behind. It is in passing offense that Schem- bechler places some of the game's balance. "Neither one of us has to rely on the forward pass. Passing could be extremely important in this game. However, both of us can do without it - except when we meet each other." Schembechler said. With Kern bothered all sea- son by a sore shoulder, H a y e s has been forced to go to Ron Maciejowski when he's needed reliable passing. "Occasionally, Kern slips one in there like he used to. but he just doesn't have the same release. It's obvious -Daily-Thomas R. Copi MIDDLE GUARD HENRY HILL (39) drops Ohio State's heralded fullback Jim Otis (35) during last season's 24-12 trouncing of the Buckeyes. Otis, who is now playing with the New Orleans Saints, has just taken a handoff from quarterback Rex Kern (10) who will be calling the signals for Ohio State again today. Other Wolverines ready to lend a hand are Pete Newell (82), Fred Grambau (92), Marty Huff (70), Mike Taylor (33) and Mike Keller (90). on this and that Columbus, OhiO: the night before.. . eric siegel COLUMBUS Friday night. Ohio State versus Michigan. In Columbus. High Street, the main drag that weaves the Ohio State University campus with the bookstores, bars and small pharm- acies and clothing stores that belong to the town, is bursting at the seams. People are everywhere, IR the streets, on the sidewalks, in cars and on motorcycles, chanting and screaming. It's worse than Colorado Avenue in Pasadena on New Year's Eve, when people line both sides of the street to celebrate the New Year and wait for the Rose Bowl Parade, and November 20 is not even a holiday. and there is no parade scheduled for Saturday morning. The cops are out in force, too, dozens of them, in cars and on foot, but, for once, Ohio police are not trying to suppress or enforce anything. If anything the flashing red (Ohio State) and blue (Michigan) lights on their cars only add to the festive air around the OSU campus. Tonight's demonstration, to borrow a term from the politico, is by far the largest and noisiest of the week, but it is not the first. Wednesday night, reporters who had been spending the week here wondering where all the kampus kolor they were sup- posed to write about was, found out what Columbus is about before a big football game. Late that night, a spontaneous crowd of about 2000 students gathered on the campus for a march, chanting slogans and shouting for a Buckeye victory. Wednesday's demonstration, and the overall excitement in the dorms on campus, prompted OSU's Coach Woody Hayes to move his players from the dorms to a local hotel two nights before the game instead of one so they could get more sleep. By Thursday, with the excitement for the game mounting, whole sides of buildings were covered with sheets with painted slogans about the game. Some of the wording on the signs-- though not the sentiment-even affected the prudent sen- sitivity of the chauvenisic local police, who entered dorms and told the residents to remove what they isaid were "objectionable" signs. Then Thursday night, Columbus exploded with student sentiment for the first time since the anti-war demonstrations this spring. Students who had been rational about the game in the afternoon ("I think we might have a little more incentive and I hope we win," was a typical comment, "but I'm not sure we will,") were running along High Street with bugles, banners and pots and pans, jumping into convertibles with their tops down and a dozen people jammed into them in the 30-degree night. "Beat Michigan . ... Beat Michigan....... Go Bucks .... Beat Michigan .... We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan .... We're Number One .... We're Number One." But even Thursday night was just the prelude. Today-24 hours before game time-the number one song in town is the Ohio State fight song, and it's blaring from just about every building that has electricity. And today was Senior Tackle Day, the day when the Buck- eye seniors go up and tackle a dummy to symbolize the final day of their careers before the hootin', hollerin' Buckeye hero- worshippers on the OSU campus. That started the night. It's still early as far as the eve of the Michigan-OSU contests go. Everyone's already gotten tanked up on their 3.2 beer and has yelled and shouted every possible variation of the Go-Bucks-Beat Michigan slogan, but from the looks of things now, they'ie nowhere near ready to stop. In fact, the OSU student government and Columbus city and police officials expect the celebrating to go on through Saturday night. They've arranged to block off a large chunk of High Street after the game for a block party victory celebration, and local barowners have stocked extra barrels of beer. Everyone is looking to avoid a recurrence of situations here two years ago after the suner sohs of '85 whinned Purdue 13-0 from the films," Hayes explain- ed. As a consequence, Hayes has had to depend more heavily on the belly offense than Michigan has. "We like to give the ball to the fullback and to do that you need the belly," Hayes said. 'The play makes the back and we'vehad consistently g o o d fullbacks. We're going to stick with it." Buckeye fullback John Brock- ington, with 15 touchdowns and 963 yards rushing this sea- son, is heads above the efforts of the numerous Wolverines who've played at that position - Fritz Seyferth, Bill Taylor, and Lance Scheffler. The most potent scorer f o r Michiganhas been, not Taylor the fullback, but Taylor the tailback. From his preferred posi- tion, Taylor has crossed the goal line 10 times and he's trav- eled altogether 880 net yards with the pigskin. Despite Kern's nagging i n - jury, Hayes will be starting his captain quarterback today. The other wounded Buckeye, L a r r y Zelina, will not likely start, but will be available on the side- line. Schembechler remains s t i11 wary of Ohio State's passing attack. "I have great respect for both Kern and Maciejowski," he said. "I'll tell you this, though, we'll start Moorhead." Though Moorhead ranks be- low three other quarterbacks in Big Ten statistics, he has be- come the Wolverines' most ir- replaceable player. "Moorhead is the most effective quarterback we've faced," Hayes noted. Neither flashiness, nor size, nor stamina, but efficiency and ef- fectiveness have been the trade- mark of both Moorhead and the Michigan offense. That could be said equally of Ohio State's rushing offense. although Hayes looks to the specialty teams in this game as factors. "We worked on our kicking game in particular this week because that's very impor- tant now this late in the season," he said. "Our offense is better than last year. They had a perfect first half against Minnesota" Hayes added. "Our defense has been superb." When the offense has been unable to move for either Michigan of OSU, it has been the defense that kept them both undefeated. Middle guards, Jim Stillwag- on of Ohio State and Henry Hill of Michigan are rated the best in the Big Ten. "I would say we use a little more slant on defense than Ohio State," Schembechler ex- plained. "They're a little more even and use the wolf in the pass rotation less." With linebacking and second- ary speed equal to Michigan, Ohio State will make it diffi- cult for the Wolverines to run wide as they're used to doing. "We haven't played a team the caliber of Ohio State," Schembechler said, "and they haven't played a team the cali- ber of us." This afternoon, on national television, the teeter-totter com- paring of two top-caliber teams will come to rest with only one team up. ... ;: - .: :3:~-