See Editorial Page
, i43iau
Cloudy and generally crummy
with diminishing winds
Vol. LXXXI, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 21, 1970 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
ed policy
In an uneventful session
yesterday, the R e g e n t s ap-
proved a change in the educa-
tion school's bylaws which will
allow students to sit on the,
school's executive committee
in an advisory capacity.
The bylaw amendment, recom-
mended by Dean Wilbur Cohen of
the education school, authorizes
the governing faculty to "arrange
for students, not more than three
in number . . . to participate in
meetings of the Executive Com-
mittee in an advisory capacity."
The committee "currently con-
0 sists of "the dean and six faculty
The executive committee is re-:
sponsible for governing the edu-
cation school, subject to the
faculty's approval. Executive mat-
ters such as budget expenditures
and decisions on faculty promo-
tions, tenure and hiring and fir-
ing are all determined by the com-
In the past, the committee has
dealt largely with administrative
decisions in the school, said Arthur
Coxford, associate -professor of ed-
ucation. "With the school's cur-
rent increase in administrative
help, hopefully the committee will
be more of a policy-making body,"
he added.
The Regents also approved a
modified statement of their no-
work, no-pay policy for striking
faculty members. Accepting a ver-
sion revised by the Senate Assem-
bly - the faculty representative
body-in October, the Regents de-
leted passage specifying discipli-
nary action. These passages had
drawn sharp faculty criticism
when the original policy was pass-
ed by the Regents in June.
The current status of negotia-
tions between the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
and the University on an action
plan for equal employment of
women was not discussed at the
Fedele Fauri, vice president for
state relations and planning, said
the University has not yet received
information from the department
indicating where HEW and the
University differ. "We cannot
change or reform our affirmative
action policy until we receive fur-
ther notice from HEW," Fauri
The two newly elected Demo-
crat}ic Regents-James Waters and
Paul Brown-sat in on yesterday's
meeting. They will assume office
in January.
for recruiter incident
Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS) was fined $200
last night, as Central Student
Judiciary (CSJ) handed down
its decision on charges stem-
ming from the disruption of a
DuPont recruiter's interviews
Jan. 29.
Two of three individual de-
fendants in the case, William
Sacks and Jerome Goldberg, were
declared not guilty. The third co-
defendant, Richard Feldman, was
given a $25 fine which was sus-
The maximum penalty that CSJ
could have levied would have been
a $250 fine and four months sus-
pension of SDS' privileges as a
student organization. The co-de-
fendants could have been fined
$50 each.
The trial proceedings began last
March when the Engineering
Placement Committee and the lit-
erary college charged SDS and
nine individuals with violating
Student Government Council reg-
ulations during the lock-in of a
DuPont recruiter in West Engi-
neering Bldg.
SGC regulations prohibit "in-
dividual or mass acts that destroy
University property or significant-
ly interfere with free movement
of persons or things."
The regulations also prohibit
"intentional disruption of Univer-
sity functions by depriving others
of needed quiet, light, heat or
other physical conditions of work."
Since last spring, CSJ has su-
spended the cases against five ofc
the original nine co-defendants,r
who are no longer students. Pro-
vision has been made that would
enable the Engineering Placement
Committee and the literary collegei
to re-institute charges if the de-(
fendants re-register at the Uni-t
CSJ has also dismissed chargesr
against one defendant who was
"mistakenly identified and did not
participate in the events of Jan.
29," according to the nine pages
CSJ opinion statement.I
See CSJ, Page 10i
-Associated Press
Goody, goody Bo to beat Woody
In the midst of a steady drizzle, Wolverine Coach Bo Schembechler, right, walks quickly off the
plane in Columbus yesterday as members of his team, left, Marty Huff, Dan Dierdorf, Tim Killian
and Bill Berutti deplane after him. Meanwhile already in Columbus (below), members of the Ohio
State Buckeye band serenade their team during a short work out Thursday.
Jeury to study protest
-Associated Press
NATIONALIST CHINA DIPLOMATS watch yesterday as UN members vote on the admittance of
Communist China.
. "
Communist China wins majority
in UN but fas to gain entrance
SAN JOSE, Calif. (i) - T h e
Santa Clara County grand jury
has launched an investigation in-
to the violent pre-election demon-
stration here against President
The jury's announcement issued
Thursday night also criticized lo-
cal police for inadequately plan-{
ning for Nixon's appearance.
Rocks and eggs w e r e thrown
Oct. 29 at the President, G o v.
Ronald Reagan and U.S. Sen.+
George Murphy left a Republican
rally in San Jose Civic Auditor-.
"Evidence presented indicates
that felonies were committed the;
night of the Nixon rally," grand.
jury foreman Ernest Renzel said
in the jury statement.
The decision for a full grand
jury probe followed two weeks of
hearings by a three-man commit-
tee of the grand jury, including
testimony and reports by dozens
of police officers and others pres-
ent at the rally or demonstration.
Renzel's statement did not men-
tion reports that a shot was heard
or that a man was seen with a
weapon during the demonstration.
"It is also the opinion of the
jury that better planning a n d
foresight on the part of respon-
sible authorities could have avoid-
Professor cites social factors
in consumer spending decline
ed the bulk of property damage
and that more manpower could
have resulted in better crowd con-
trol," Renzel said.
Responding to the grand jury
statement, Police Chief R a y
Blackmore said he had 360 men on
duty. "We, offer no apologies for
the law enforcement used in the
course of the President's visit," he
"The President arrived on time,
he left on time, and no persons
were injured," Blackmore s a i d.
"The overuse of force could have
resulted in injury or even death.
So what is everybody investigat-
Blackmore said that after the
rally 1 a c k of manpower forced
him to withdraw his men from a
line around the entire block
housing the auditorium to a small-
er area immediately around the
That allowed an angry, chant-
ing crowd estimated at up to 3,-
000 to swarm through the audi-
torium parking lot to within a
few yards of the door by which
Richard Nixon, Murphy and Rea-
gan moved to their motorcade.
Several cars in the motorcade'
were damaged by rocks and 50 to
100 cars in the lot were damaged
by demonstrators standing on
their roofs.
Communist China yesterday won
a simple majority favoring its ad-
mission to the U.N., but failed to
garner the two-thirds vote neces-
sary for entrance.
The General Assembly voted 51
in favor and 49 against seating
Communist China and expelling
the Chinese Nationalists. Only the
earlier adoption of a U.S.-backed
resolution requiring a two-thirds
vote succeeded in keeping t h e
Chinese Communists out.
The United States reacted with
a statement saying that a new
situation had arisen, and declaring
it would examine its implications
OSO 'advocate' posts created to
represent student constituents
in full consultation with "our
friends and allies."
The statement added that t h e
United States was not prepared to
drop its opposition to depriving
Nationalist China of its U.N. mem-
This indicated that the Unite'd
States might be ready to accept a
solution which would provide for
continued presence of the Na-
tionalists even if Peking were seat-
It was the first time in 20
years that supporters of Peking
had won a majority, and m an y
U.N. diplomats believed it fore-
Social problems have caused
consumer spending to decline, ac-
cording to economics Prof. George
Speaking yesterday at the final
session of the 18th annual Con-
ference on the Economic Outlook,
Katona, program director of the
University Survey Research Cent-
er, addressed the group of eco-
nomists on "The Consumer Before,
During and After the Recession
of 1970."
*Referring to a possible change
'In the economy, Katona said "Al
turning point depends on people'
perceiving good news. No good
news has as yet come. Improve-
ment requires solving the prob-
lems that face our society."
He predicted consumer demand'
would remain "sluggish" in the
near future, despite the impact of
rising incomes.
In developing this thesis, Katona
cited the Vietnam War as a pri-
mary cause of the present econo-
mic conditions. He said 1969 was
a disappointing year because in-
flation accelerated while Presi-
dent Nixon, newly elected, failed
to end the war.
Extensive defense spending has
caused people to feel that "great
social problems threatened o u r
society." said Katona, "and there
was not enough money to solve
The social problems of the day
- racial conflict, inner city prob-
lems. violence, generation g a p ,
and pollution - are matters re-
The economist stressed that
1970 had witnessed a decline in
consumer spending for automo-
biles, housing, major appliances
and leisure-time pursuits. Attend-
ing this decline, he said, has been
the growth of consumer appre-
This trend had been antici-
pated as early as the spring of
1969 in the Survey Research Cent-
er's Index of Consumer Sentiment.
The index measures changes in
consumers' willingness to buy.
"The Index of Consumer Senti-
ment continued to decline in the
first half of 1970," Katona said,
"but at a much slower rate than
in 1969. In the third quarter of
1970 the Index advanced slightly.".
University economists at the
conference have predicted an in-
crease in the gross national pro-
duct, a decline in the rate of in-
flation and an increase in unem-
ployment for 197L
Four new staff members in the
Office of Student Organizations
(OSO) are ready to serve as "ad-
vocates" for student groups who
need information or help in or-'
ganizing programs.
The new advocacy positions were
created by the Office of Student
Services (OSS) Policy Board to
help student groups "get through
bureaucratic channels."
Each of three advocates will'
work with a particular student'
constituency: blacks, women, and
college governments and organ-
izations. There is also an enter-
tainment direct or to aid campus
groups in putting on concerts and
speaker programns.
According to Lottie Piltz, college
government advocate and organ-
ization contact, the advocates hope
to act as liason5 to other Univer-
sity offices and to serve as an "in-
formation pass-through and co-
ordinator" for student groups.
In her role as advocate, she con-
New SGC:Gun the le ft make a differenceP
siders it her "primary responsi-
bility to overcome the tendency
of university education to in-
fantalise students."
"Student power involves taking
charge of the course of your life
and developing social responsibili-
ty," she explains.
Since her position is new, Piltz
is not certain what it will even-
tually entail. Presently she is con-
tacting college government units
and expects to help organize
groups in schools which don't hale
"Our prime commitment is to
our constituency first," she says.
Realizing she may have to act as
an intermediary between student
groups and the University, Piltz
adds that a "conflict situation
could be very educational."
The women's advocate, Claire
Rumelhart, works with women's
groups on campus, sometimes
helping "to take demands" to
President Robben Fleming. Her
role is not to be a "representative"
of women's groups but to act in a
"referral "capacity only.
Rumelhart says the advocates do
not want to become the leaders of
the groups they serve.
"I will try to maintain a large
library of information for use by
all women's groups," she explains.
"I also will make myself available
to find out information from the
University. I would like to help in
pushing doors open in the Uni-
versity so women will have access
to the people who need to hear
Util 1r~nx nw. nV ofh~,* uworha c
shadowed seating of Communiset
China .within two years.
It was plain that the Peking
supporters' insistence that the Na-
tionalists be expelled was the key
to the situation. Many U.N. mem-
ber countries recognize Peking and
want it seated but oppose expul-
sion of the Nationalists.
Thus the resolution declaring
that the representation issue was
an important question requiring a
two-thirds majority won 66-52
Peking's showing was due to a
tne gain of three votes w h 11 e
the opponents recorded a net loss
of seven.
New supporters were Austria,
Canada, Chile, Equatorial Guinea
and Italy. Two previous Peking
supporters, Cambodia and Maur-
itius switched from yes to no, but
this was not enough to offset some
wholesale changing from opposi-
tion to abstention.
Making the switch in that cate-
gory were Peru, Bolivia, Malaysia,
Luxembourg, Ireland, Botswana,
Cameroon, the Central African
Republic and Senegal.
M'hammed Yazid of Algeria,
spokesman for the pro-Peking
sponsors, said that their resolu-
tion got the "legal majority re-
quired for establishing China in
her rights in the United Nations."
He termed the two-thirds-vote
resolution "one of those U.S.
tricks," noting that it got fewer
votes this year than last.
Aquit first
My Lai trial
FT. HOOD, Tex. (A) - S. Sgt.
David Mitchell, who tearfully de-
nied the Army's charges that he
shot at unarmed civilians at My
Lai, was acquitted last night by
a military jury.
Mitchell was the first of 10
American GIs charged in the al-
leged massacre in South Vietnam
to get a verdict.
The seven-man military jury, in-
cluding six Vietnam veterans, ex-
onerated Mitchell of an assault
with intent to murder charge af-
ter six hours and 50 minutes of
deliberation. The Army cannot
appeal the case.
MfitahiM1. Qnr~cP. .nlA vp~pii
Daily News Analysis
This term's Student Govern-
ment C o u n c i 1 elections have
brought four new members to
SGC and returned three incum-
bents, all of whom consider
themselves "radicals" to some
But a turnout of only 11 per
cent of the student population
makes it difficult to generalize
about the significance of the
election results.
Among the seven winners, the
three more moderate candidates
garnered the most votes - Al
Ackerman, '72L, Andre Hunt,
'74. and Jeff Lewin, '73. They
based their platforms on ques-
tions immediately pertinent to
student grocery store. They aim
at working through available
legal channels rather than di-
rect outside confrontation but
they both agreed they would
support mass action if necessary
to achieve their aims.
Hunt's program also includes
reforms-improved course con-
tent, increased student decision-
m a k i n g and more effectiye
freshman orientation.
Hunt, an incumbent, has
worked this term and intends
to continue working on imple-
menting the Black Action Move-
ment demands for increased mi-
nority admissions agreed upon
by the Regents last spring.
Paul Teich, '71, former ad-
ministrative vice president of
Moreover, relatively conserva-
tive candidate Jim Kent, '72,
running on a platform con-
demning violence and recogniz-
ing the right of ROTC and cor-
porate recruiting to exist on
campus, polled only 24 votes
fewer than Spears.
Since the two groups elected
do have ideological similarities,
it is important, for the sake of
the students who supported
them in hopes of benefiting
from change, that they be able
to work together.
But whether cooperation be-
tween the moderate radicals
and the coalition is forthcom-
ing hangs in the balance-more
than anything else it will de-
pend upon what issues confront