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November 20, 1970 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-20

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Page Ten'


Friday, November 20, 1970

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 20, 1970

Labor dept. indicates
unemployment up for
Vietnam war veterans
WASHINGTON (M- Returning Vietnam war veterans are
having an increasingly tough time finding jobs despite special
government help, and the situation is likely to grow worse as
the war winds down, the Labor Department has reported.
Of some three million Vietnam veterans in the labor
force, about 200,000 or 6.5 per cent were jobless in mid-1970
compared with a national jobless rate -of 5 per cent at that
time, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Monday in its
Monthly Labor Review magazine.
The national jobless ra-te in the three months since then
has climbed to 5.6 per cent of the work force and if the
veterans' pattern following the same trend, their unemploy-
ment rate now would approch 7 per cent.'

Radical slate wins
four seats on SGC
(Continued from Page 1) but have also called for the in-
Lenzer, 1172; and Spears 1150. stitution of a work-study program
Only Jim Kent, a conservative, which would allow a student to

'UJ' resists
HEW order,
journal says
(Continued from Page 1)
each federal contract signed by
the universities, the magazine
Further, he is quoted, HEW will
allow the universities extra time
for bookkeeping work, but will not
grant a repreive 'from regulations
An HEW official reported Tues-
day that the agency has rejected
the University's recently submitt-
ed plan in response to the de-
mands. University officials are
currently awaiting HEW's written
evaluation of the proposed plan.
"I expect something Monday,'
Fedele Fauri, vice president for
state relations and planning said
The actions withholding the
federal contracts represent the
first enforcement of a 1968 execu-
tive order forbidding federal con-
tractors to discriminate by sex in
dEW has used this order t
block federal contracts at the
University and atgeleven othe
schools, pending agreement on
HEW proposals.
picket local
draft board
(Continued from Page 1)
she pointed out, "This action i
not for the draft board. It's for
the people who happen to pass
The picketers talked and joked
among themaslves, moved around
to keep warm, and spoke to people
passing by.
Five minutes after the protest
began, three people passing by
stopped and read the petition.
"Are you for anything positive?"
one asked. "What about a volun-
teer army?"
"I'm not for any military at all,"
Miller answered. "But at this time
that's not realistic. Ultimately I'd
like something on the order of the
United Nation's Peace Keeping
"I don't believe your first point
on the petition," the -ame person
continued. "It is the obligation of
a citizen to fight," he added and
"I enjoy talking to people like
him," Miller said. "At least they're
willing to stop-which is one of
the reasons we need this frequent
A f e w minutes later another
passer-by stopped. He signed the
petition but said he had certain
"A professional army is not a
happy prospect," he said, explain-
ing that the type of men who will
join will tend to have conservative
views of war and foreign policy.
"Conscription acts as a check
against a right-wing professional
army," he said.
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Joblessness among veterans has
risen in the past year as more
came home to compete in a slow-
ing economy, the report said. The
6.5 per cent veterans' jobless rate
in mid-1970 was up from 4.5 per
cent a year earlier, it said.
"As reduction in the armed
forces strength continues, others
will also be looking for work, at
least temporarily. With the num-
ber of veterans rising, there is
growing concern regarding their
employment situation."
President Nixon and his eco-
nomic advisers have pointed to
the slowing the war and t h e
nation's transition from a war-
time to peacetime economy as a
major reason for rising jobless-
ness. The report by the Bureau of
I Labor Statistics was the f i r s t
showing the specific effect on re-
turning veterans.
The report showed unemploy-
ment among Vietnam veterans4
aged 20 to 29 was highest among
those under225, with a jobless rate
of 8.7 per cent at mid-1970. It is
K probably higher now.
" While the number of Vietnam
veterans who did find jobs between
mid-1969 and mid-1970 rose 600,-
000, the number of returning vet-
erans climbed 700,000 during the
same period, adding 100,000 to the
jobless rolls.C
Veteransshave more special job
aid than non-veterans, such
rhigher unemployment compensa.-
1 tion, special government job train-
ing programs and GI Bill educa-I
tion benefits.
However, only about 20 per cent
of Vietnam veterans took advant-
age of vocational job training in
the past few years and even few-
er about 15 per cent - went back
to school under the GI Bill.
Veterans' re-hiring rights don't
have much effect because many
had little or no job experience be-
fore entering the armed forces, or
don't want to return to jobs they
held briefly before going to war.
the report said.
Many more veterans will pro-
bably eventually take vocational
job training before the eight-year
eligibility period expires, but far
fewer go to college because t h e y
didn't finish high school, n e v e r
planned to go to college and be-
cause many more young veterans
than non-veterans have families,
the report said.I

failed to win over Spears by 24
The number of students voting
was 3489, roughly 11 per cent of
the total enrollments.
On the referendum, "Should two
students and two faculty be seated
with the boardofRegents, said
students and faculty to have all
regental privileges except the right
to vote?" the count was 2502-369
for approval.
Ackerman and Lewin also con-
demned theUniversity, this time,
for its "failure to be responsive
to its constituency." In a state-
ment last night, Ackerman said
that SGC should work to develop
a coherent program for forcing
the University to meet its respon-
sibilities to the community.
Incumbent Hunt campaigned to
make SGC "more effective and
representative." He has worked to
help implement the Black Action
Movement demands for increased
minority admissions and is active-
ly interested in improving student
life and the University as a whole.
Each of the candidates elected
to the. LSA student government's
executive council have expressed
strong support for the establish-
ment of an LSA assembly com-
posed of 40 students and 40 fac-
ulty members, whose decisions
would become literary college
policy unless vetoed by the LSAI
Likewise, all eight students feel
they will' best accomplish their
reforms through discussion with
LSA faculty members. Prahar,
Rackes and Bridges advocate a
student strike if important pro-
posals are opposed, but they and
the rest of the new members op-
pose the use of violence or dis-'
Roberts has indicated that he
will act primarily as a spokes-
man for the Black Student Union
and will work towardimplemen-
tation of the Black Action Move-
ment demands, agreed to by the
Regents after last year's strike.
Hymen and Fried, who ran on
the same ticket, generally agree
with other members on reforms,

spend one term each year in a
job related to his field of interest,
rectiving credit equivalent to a
term's work at the University.
Rackes, Ratner and Prahar, who
ran with Roberts on the Coalition
for Change ticket have all placed
much emphasis on bettering com-
munications with the LSA faculty
as a meahs of achieving reform.
They have indicated support for
such academic reforms as extend-
ing pass-fail to most or all
courses, abolishing distribution re-
quirements and instituting the
LSA government reform proposal.
Bridges supports extension of
the pass-fail option and abolish-
ment of distribution requirements
but feels student representation on
a joint student-faculty legislature
should be less than that of faculty.
Schwartz, re-elected to his seat
has asked for increased counselling
services, the institution of a LSA
General Assembly and implemen-
tation of the LSA governance pro-
This afternoon the Credentials
and Rules Committee of SGC
meets to certify the election re-
Stokes wins prize
Political Science Prof. Donald
E. Stokes is co-author of "Political
Change in Britain," a book which
has been given a $1,000 Woodrow
Wilson Foundation Book Award
for 1970.
The award is given annually by
the Foundation and the American
Political ScienceAssociation for
the "best book in goyernment,
politics, or international affairs."
Stokes, chairman of the political
science department and a program
director in the Center for Political
Studies of the Institute for- Social
Research, shares the award with
co-author David Butler, a fellow
of NuffieldCollege, Oxford.
The Woodrow Wilson selection
committee cited the work as "an
impressive analysis of the well-
springs of political behavior and
political change in a modern dem-

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Cycling for peacet
Raguhbir Singh, a cyclist with red turban and green shorts, 1
is on a five-year round-the-world bicycle tour for peace. While1
bicycling in Philadelphia yesterday, Singh was stopped by two
policemen who were concerned about the long sword danglingx
from his cycle. "I don't care whether you're bicycling around thet
world for peace or not, buddy," the officer told Singh.
Police postpone Panthert
eviction in New OrleansI
(Continued from Page 1) When project leaders sought a!
police advance toward the build- truce, Giarrusso told them police
ince had no objection to the NCCF
"Go away, pigs." they shouted. being in the city-owned buildings:
A few bottles were thrown. but only as legal tenants, not as
Police, temporarily retreated The City Housing Authority had
when an officer was hit by a turned down the militants' offer
bottle. They returned soon after, to pay rent for the 'quarters and:
crouching and running behind the asked police to evict them.
armored car. "If they come out peacefully,
There was no indication how they will simply be charged with
many militants were inside the trespassing," Giarrusso said.
buildings. Windows were sand- As for police efforts to persuade
bagged. them to leave, the spokesman said:
After taking over the building. "We don't negotiate with pigs."
the NCCF announced it had been Police quietly evacuated the im-
invited into the project by "the mediate area early yesterday. Of-
people" and said they were the ficert said they warned about 400
only ones who could tell them to nearby residents, mostly black, of
leave. a possible clash.
"We offered to pay them rent The Desire project, a near-
and they would not take it, so we slum, have over 1,000 apartments
took it to the higher authority, in a complex of buildings.
the people," a spokesman said. -- - -- --

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