Friday, November 20, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Friday, November 20, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine 1~ h:. Michigan seniors take final bow The Court By BETSY MAHON What's going on down in Co- lumbus this week end? Michi- gan plays Ohio State in t h e Game of the Year - everybody knows that. Saturday's contest will be special in a different fashion for a host of varsity players who will be playing their last game for the Maize and Blue. One of the most outstanding of the group is quarterback Don Moorhead. After spending his sophomore year watching Den- ny Brown, Moorhead took over the starting spot last year and passed for 1134 yards and five touchdowns. He rushed for 585 yards and set a Michigan total __ offense record. With one game still left this year he has rush- ed for 373 yards and passed for 1049 m o r e along with seven touchdowns. In last Saturday's humiliation of Iowa Moorhead gained 153 yards to break the 23 year old total offense mark of 3487 yards held by All-American Bob Chappius. Coach Bo Schembechler has always been high on Moorhead, noting, "We have as g o o d a quarterback as there is in the country." Moorhead's co-captain, mid- dle guard Henry Hill, has made an equally important contribu- tion to the team. Last year he had a hand in 90 tackles and led the team in tackles for loss- es. He made the All Big-Ten second team and copped honor- able mention All-American. When asked about his chances for All-American honors f o r this year, Hill answered, "If it comes out that way, it's cool. But my goal is the same as the ati team's: we want to win them all." Hill may get both wishes as he has 43 solo tackles this year combined with assists on 30 others and is considered by many to be the best middle guard in the Big Ten, if not in the country. If the Wolverines had a ver- satility award it would have to go to another senior - safety Jim Betts. He spent two years as a backup quarterback. But this year, Schembechler moved him to safety, noting, "Betts is the third best quarterback in the Big Ten, but as long as and that1 )e teER A. LEE KIRK daily sports NIGHT EDITOR: MORT NOVECK Don Moorhead -on this I WoodysHayes ready and 'Waiting ________________________eric sieges. . .wm COLUMBUS OHIO STATE Coach Woody Hayes sat on a bench in a small, #y vestibule outside the Buckeye's practice dressing room here yesterday, with a slight smile stretched slowly across his face. "The most important game of my career?" Woody asked, echoing a reporter's question. "I expect it is. It's the most recent." Woody's response brought some friendly laughter from the 20 or so reporters who had gathered to hear what the man had to say, but his easy-going, joking manner wasn't fooling anyone. Woody has played some pretty important games in his career, including three Rose Bowl games and a number of battles for the conference championship, but Saturday's showdown with Michigan has a few added factors which make it take on some added significance. Hayes is a man who rarely forgets a defeat. Indeed, in * his 19 years as the Buckeyes' head coach, he has lost only 42 games. In his last three years, he has lost just once, in that historic 24-12 game in Ann Arbor last November. Rarely in his career has he been beaten by the same coach two years in a row. And last year was the first time in his Big Ten career he went into the last game of the season with an undefeated record and lost. And there is some incentive on Hayes's side to beat Michigan Coach Bo Schembechler, who was an assistant under Hayes for five years here. As OSU's athletic counselor Jimmy Jones said yesterday, "Bo wants to show the old master once again that he's learned his lesson well. And Woody, having learned a lesson last year from a former assistant coach of his, wants to show that it's not going to happen every year. Then, too, there is some suspicion around here that Woody is blaming himself for last year's loss to the Wolverines. It has been said more than once that the Bucks were overconfident before the game, and it has been hinted that Hayes did not do enough to destroy that overconfidence. Whether or not Woody erred before last year's Mich- igan-OSU game is a moot question now. Although he did not come right out and say it, Woody made it clear yester- day that he was leaving no stone unturned in preparation for Saturday's game. Is there any difference between practice this week; and the practices the previous two years, when the Buckeyes also battled the Wolverines for the conference championship? "I'd say we're a little more serious this year," Woody said slowly. Is he doing anything different this year? "I'm taking the players out of the dorms tonight (Thursday)," Woody sai "The dorms are jumping, and the players can't get any studying done or get any sleep ." Hayes's desire to win Saturday is, despite his affable manner, no joke. Perhaps one reason he responded jokingly to whether this is the biggest game of his career is that he realizes all too well that it is. Woody said yesterday that he has probably looked at Michi- gan's films for the last time. He had played on all the emotional and psychological factors one could think of. He has run his team through all but a final warm-up workout scheduled for this afternoon. He has praised Michigan's team, and yesterday he also praised its coach. "He was always a fine coach," Hayes said, recalling the days when Bo was his assistant. "There's a feeling around here not to bet against Woody when he wants to win one big game," Jones said almost as an afterthought to two reporters leaving his office in the athletic building. With Michigan's victory over Ohio State last year, and the Wolverines "revenge" win over the Spartans this year, the same could be said in Ann Arbor about Bo Schembechler. I- Moorhead's healthy he's my boy. Jim is going into his senior year and he's just too good to have on the bench. He can help our defense." Betts has more than reward- ed Schembecher's trust. He is the sixth leading tackler on the squad with 57 kills, has broken up nine passes and returned two interceptions for 53 yards. He also substituted at quarter- back for one play when Moor- head was shaken up in the Tex- as A & M game, leading the Wolverines to a touchdown from the one. Defensive teammate and fel- low senior Marty Huff is also in line for Big Ten honors at the middle' linebacker position. Last year he led the team in so- lo tackles and scored on a block- ed punt. This season he is again the leading tackler with 76 and he is tied for the lead in inter- ceptions with 5. Another defensive standout, who will be playing in his last game as a Wolverine, is end Phil Seymour. Two years ago as a .iunior he was named to the, All Big Ten team and was one of the team's leading tacklers. He sat out the most part of last year with a knee injury. His speciality is tackling players for a loss and he has done just that 14 times this year for a net loss of 91 yards. An outstanding defensive line- man who will be lost at the end of the season is right tackle Pete Newell. As a sophomore he won the Frederick Matthaei award and last year was the team's second leading tackler. This year he has made 70 kills and is only 6 away from the team lead in that category. The last but not least of the graduating defensive stalwarts is wide linebacker Ed Moore. He was a starter the past two years and this year has been sharing the linebacking chores with junior Mike Taylor. He has still been able to make 38 tack- les and break up three passes. Another hard working defen- sive lineman is tackle Dick Mc- Coy. He was a starter as a soph- omore but has since been ham- pered by injuries. He has seen a limited amount of action this season but has had a hand in four tackles. Switching to the offense, the front wall will be losing the ser- vices, of strong tackle Dan Dier- dorf. He was the workhorse of the squad last year, logging al- most three hundred minutes of playing time and should retain that distinction this year. He made the All Big Ten second team as a sophomore and the first team last year and is al- most a shoo-in to repeat that feat. Dierdorf's counterpart on the other end of the 1 i n e, quick SWave health for big game The Michigan football team is apparently in good health for its upcoming clash with the Ohio State Buckeyes. The bumps and bruises which have been hindering the squad all season seem to have healed rapidly. Billy Taylor, who bruised his elbow against Iowa, has been prac- ticing all week and is progressing well. Jim Betts, who has missed playing time in the last two games due to a twisted ankle, is improv- ing daily. He is expected to be at full strength on Saturday. Tight end Tom Huiskens, who has been bothered by a slight knee injury is viewed as doubtful, for the game, but is expected to travel. The only Wolverine who won't make the game is guard Werner Hall. Hall has a pinched nerve in his shoulder which has not re- sponded and he will definitely not play this Saturday. -i -- second team all-Big Ten selection at middle gu ard last year, will with tomorrow's game in Columbus. tackle Jack Harpring will also be playing his last game as a Wolverine. He was awarded Big Ten honorable mention last year and, despite being hobbled by a shoulder injury all season, combines with Dierdorf to make the Wolverine front row one of the strongest in the conference. The third graduating member of the offensive line is right guard Werner Hall. He saw quite a bit of action last season and was a starter this year un- til he was sidelined w i t h a pinched nerve in his shoulder. After Saturday's game the Wolverines will be looking for someone to replace both their split ends Paul Staroba and Bill Harris. Staroba h a s come on strong this season after a rath- er disappointing junior year. He is the Wolverines' leading re- ceiver, having hauled in 29 pass- es for 463 yards and one touch- down. He is vying for Big Ten honors in the p a s s receiving bracket. Harris was Michigan's second leading pass receiver last year with 14 catches for 290 yards and one touchdown. He suffered a knee injury in a futile attempt to catch a pass in the dying minutes of the Rose Bowl and was never at full strength dur- ing the season. He still saw a close out his career at Michigan good deal of service and snared a pass for a" ten yard gain. Another versatile Wolverine playing in his last g a m e is wingback Bill Berutti. He start- ed his career as a quarterback but when Don Moorhead secur- ed the job he made the switch to his current position. He snag- ged a 17 yard pass and rushed for 36 yards so far this season. Playing his last game in the backfield is fullback . L a ne e Scheffler. Subbing for Glenn Doughty in the Rose Bowl he gained three first downs in Michigan's o n l y scoring drive and during the current season he has rushed for 215 yards and scored five touchdowns. Showing hisbprowess for the last time will be p 1 a c e kicker and offensive lineman Tim Kil- lian. He has kicked 13 f i e 1 d goals in his collegiate career in- cluding one in the Rose Bowl. He share the Big Ten mark for three field goals in one game. Although they never started or received much notoriety sev- eral other players have put in the same amount of work and time as the stars. Among these are offensive back Greg Harri- son who has rushed for 21 yards this season, defensive back Jer- ry Dutcher, who has made 10 tackles while playing on the sui- cide squad, offensive guard Ed Baldwin, center Mark Duffy, tight end Tom Nieman and of- fensive guard John Wolff. Junior -Wells IS COMING DECEMBER 6 Blues Festival Benefit -Daily-Sara Kruiwich MIDDLE GUARD Henry Hill (39) is a second too late to prevent Minnesota quarterback Craig Cur- ry (10) from getting a pass away in the 39-13 Wolverine victory against the Gophers. Hill, the The Blue Wave ... up from obscurity VCORDING TO reliable sources at the University Athletic Department, Michigan has a very good football team this year. According to Bo Schembechler, Michigan has a very good football team this year. And according to The Michigan Daily, Michigan has a very good football team this year. Unfortunately, good news doesn't spread as fast as it used to. The Michigan mogul has been obfuscated in the national press, which seems to have an obsession with the Texas- Ohio State-Notre Dame troika, while once-tied Nebraska and our own unblemished Wolverines quietly wallow in the third and fourth slots in this week's AP poll. Schembechler couldn't care less about rankings, and has repeatedly said so, while the Wolverines players have echoed their mentor's sentiments. Co-captain Henry Hill perhaps best summed up the team's feelings when he said, "I don't care If they rank us number 50 - so long as we are undefeated. This is a healthy attitude; it helps everyone keep their minds on the job at hand. Still, some of the coverage the Wol- verines have received in the national press, notably the New York Times and Sports Illustrated, has been muted, to say the least. Item:In this Sunday's Times, Ohio State notched a 10-7 "triumph" while Michigan "won" by 55-0. Item: In Monday's Times, the headline on the college foot- ball story read: "Ohio State, Irish face tough foes." Item: A Sports Illustrated story on the troika made only passing reference to Michigan. They were kind enough to dis- cuss the Wolverines triumph over Ohio State last season, but failed to find any explanation for it. "Did Michigan have bet- ter athletes?" the story queried rhetorically. "Not likely." Item: In a headline over the story of the Wolverines' tri- umph over Wisconsin, the Times referred to Michigan as the Spartans. . THE POMP AND PUBLICITY that has surrounded the 1970 grid campaign has been absurd, and at least Michigan can claim little part in the folly. In all the clamor surrounding the search for a "Mythical" National Champion, the Wolverines have lurked in the shadows. It should be remembered that all national championships are mythical. There has been talk of a national playoff system for years, but academic consiierations, tradition, and the existing bowl games have and will probably continue to maintain the status quo. If there are just two games with a strong claim to number one, they can settle it in a bowl . . . maybe. Ohio State, and USC resolved it all two years ago. Penn State could have play- ed Texas last year, but they conceded OSU the top slot and headed off for the Orange Bowl to get more money, little know- ing the fate President Nixon would bestow on them. This year ,the bowls will be in limbo until December when Texas faces Arkansas. A loss would knock Texas out of it, but by that time, Notre Dame will probably have de- cided on whether to go to Miami or Dallas, not knowing which game would have the greater status. If OSU beats Michigan (perish the thought), it would go to the Rose Bowl with nothing to gain and everything to lose. If Michigan beats Ohio .State, the Wolverines will most likely stay home. A return to Pasadena would be nice, but it wouldn't prove much. Maybe the Big Ten will mercifully send Michigan to the Orange Bowl to play Nebraska (fat chance), which al- ready has accepted a bid to play there, but if Texas and Notre Dame go unbeaten and meet in Dallas, they will only decide who is number two. Considering all the difficulties inherent in rankings and bowl bids, a problem compounded by television greed which moved the Texas-Arkansas game back to the tilend of the sea- son, it is hardly surprising that Schembechler and his charges don't even think about it. They have more important things to do. THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS fold stripes on velour, by Izod, for the individualist. Navy, red or olive are all combined with white to make a shirt with dashing appeal for your leisure hours. Casually styled with fourbutton placket, self-collar and " ribbed cuffs. Sizes S, M, L, XL g§ ~ '4 §§ § §§E I a S ;A -Daily-Jim Judkis WOLVERINE defensive tackle Pete Newell (82) signals a Michi- gan fumble recovery in the Minnesota game October 24. Three weeks earlier, Newell had been named Midwest Lineman of the Week by the United Press International for his performance against Texas A&M. For the student body: LEVI'S CORDUROY Slim Fits ......$6.98 (All Colors) DENIM 0bv .m V '5- OSTOR JOIN THE SPORT OF THE SPACE AGE PARACHUTING SERVICE TECUMSEH. MICHIGAN I i I Bush Jeans .. $10.00 I