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November 20, 1970 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-20

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t 3iiTan Bitj
Eighty years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Organizing to defend a sexist


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




(Editor's note: The following article is
reprinted with permission from the issue of
Science Magazine published today.)+
THE WOMEN'S liberation movement hasj
a new ally: the Department of Health,1
Education, and Welfare. HEW is demand-
ing that colleges and universities, under
threat of losing all federal contracts, stop 1
discriminating against women students and +
Furthermore, HEW is demanding that
female employes be compensated for finan-
cial loss suffered because of discrimination
over the last two years. The government
is currently withholding new contracts
from "the University of Michigan and from
at least three other campuses, pending
compliance with HEW demands.
The HEW action, begun last Spring, is
authorized by Executive Order 11246, which
prohibits discrimination by federal con-
tractors. The Order, amended by President
Johnson in 1968 to include sex discrimina-
tion, requires contractors to survey their
own labor practices and submit an af-
firmative action plan for correcting de-
ficiencies. HEW is charged with regulating
all federal contracts to educational insti-
of the order have been largely ignored and
still would be, but for the efforts of Bernice
Sandler, a staff member for the House
Education Committee, who founded Wo-
men's Equity Action League (WEAL).
WEAL, a Washington-based group with a
membership that includes several congress-

women, sent letters to women's groups at
campuses across the country advising them
of the potential power of Executive Order
11246. WEAL offered to assist the groups
in filing complaints against their respec-
tive campus administrations
So far WEAL has presented HEW with
over 200 complaints, including, according
to Dr. Sandler, charges against the entire
college and university system of New York
City, New York state, and California. Be-
cause of a shortage of staff, HEW is in-
vestigating the complaints a few at a time,

women factulty members (5.3 per cent ex-
cluding the School of Nursing), few female
administrators, and quotas on the admis-
sion of female students.
The complaint also charged that women
employes with degrees were assigned as
clerk-typists but were expected to perform
administrative duties for which men are
paid higher salaries.
HEW's demands of each institution dif-
fer, depending on the types of complaints
and HEW's subsequent investigation; but
the demands for Michigan (See story,

Certain campuses, notably the University of Illinois, are
quietly working toward an acceptable affirmative action plan,
although none are completed yet. But Michigan and certain
other institutions not identified by HEW officials have chosen
to resist.
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sity administrations in an attempt to gain
Officials at Michigan and other cam-
puses argue that the bookwork involved
in determining who had suffered dis-
crimination would be monumental. Roy
McKinney, deputy director of HEW's Con-
tract Compliance Division points out, how-
ever, that the requirement for supplying
such ;information is, clearly spelled out in
each federal contract signed by the uni-
versities. He says that HEW will allow the
universities extra time for bookkeeping
work, but will not grant a reprieve from
the regulations.
Other arguments heard from university
officials are reminiscent of responses of-
fered by employers during the early part
of the civil rights movement.
Many claim that compensatory hiring to
achieve higher ratios of women employes
will lower the quality of their staffs or that
they simply do not have the money to cor-
rect inequities. Some women have com-
plained to HEW officials of harassment by
their academic employers because of parti-
cipation in feminist activities.
IN SPITE of these similarites with civil
rights enforcement, HEW is pushing for
women's rights with a zeal unequaled in
many of its efforts on behalf of racial min-
orities. Dr. Sandler sees the preferred treat-
ment of women's grievances over racial in-
equities as a serious problem and says that
she will not be satisfied until her efforts
benefit women of all races.
"Too often," she says "discrimination
is thought to affect only black men and
white women."



but HEW officials insist that all the com-
plaints will be thoroughly investigated.
HEW's eagerness to clamp down on sex
discrimination is partially explained by the
political pressure that WEAL exerted when
it presented the demands; feminism is
currently a popular cause with several
members of Congress.
ANN ARBOR FOCUS on Equal Employ-
ment for Women, a group of students and
university employes, filed the specific com-
plaint against the University of Michigan,
charging, among other things, that the
university has only a small percentage of

Page 1) illustrate the nature of the re-
quirements for an affirmative action pro-
HEW officials expect some negotiation
of the exact terms of the demands, and
certain campuses, notably the University
of Illinois. are quietly working toward an
acceptable affirmative action plan, al-
though none are yet complete.
BUT MICHIGAN and certain other in-
stitutions not identified by HEW officials
have chosen to resist. Calling the demands
"totally unreasonable," Michigan officials
circulated copies to several other univer-

Mutilating the


1470. The Register ,
"Cover-up?-Don't be silly!-We were just giving them
a decent burial!"
Trying the trgermen:
What is the Army, hiding?

THE EXTENSIVE publicity attending
the trial of Lt. William Calley may
tend to obscure the real issue involved 11,
the My Lai massacre, the Army's conten-
tion that the incident was an aberration
of official policy.
In all fairness to Calley, the trial has
only begun and his guilt of charges of the
first degree murder of 102 Vietnamese
civilians should not be presumed. But a
general discussion of 'the incident is es-
sential to an understanding of exactly
what the government is trying to do by
bringing Calley and members of his pla-
toon to trial.
The Army claims that no responsible
American unit would h a v e committed
this horrendous d e e d and is trying to
throw total blame for the massacre onto
the shoulders of the men in the platoon.
But an examination of the nature of
the war clearly shows that My Lai is only
one link in a chain of inhumanity per-
petrated by the U.S. Army against the
people of Vietnam.
N EVER BEFORE in a war have such vast
amounts of territory been destroyed
Almost the same
THOSE WHO have been seeking great-
er cooperation between the U n i t e d
States and the Soviet Union in space ex-
ploration can take heart in the recent
Soviet space achievement, Luna 17. It.
seems that finally the Soviets are adopt-
ing programs similar to ours that will
soon make whatever differences now pre-
sent between the programs irrelevant.
Not only did the Soviets land an eight-
wheeled vehicle of the kind NASA is
currently working on, but Lunokhod car-
ried cargo similar to that of Apollo 11
when it landed on the moon over a year
ago. For some reason both countries saw
it necessary to include symbols of things
that had nothing to do with each flight's
success. And, like they say, you need a
scorecard to tell the players.
For example, the Russians saw fit to
deposit, according to Tass, the official
seal of the Soviet Union, flags and pen-
nants of various Soviet states and a bas-
relief of Lenin.
On our first trip to the moon, we also
sent symbols, including an American and
state flags. There was also a plaque,
pledging goodwill and undersigned, of
course, by none other than President

by defoliants. The U.S. defoliation pro-
gram has deprived thousands of Vietna-
mese of their livelihoods. One naturally
asks if the next step is to take away their
It was for the Vietnam war that the
Army instituted the "kill ratio" and the
"body count." If one follows the number
of enemy soldiers supposedly killed by the
Allies, one would have come away with a
very impressive total. In fact, the total
would far exceed the North Vietnamese
capacity to put men into uniform or the
capacity of the National Liberation Front
to recruit supporters.
If the body count is an accurate reflec-
tion of deaths attributable to our forces,
then from where did t h e extra bodies
come? The obvious, logical and often ver-
ified answer is that the bodies were those
of civilians.
Another link in the chain of inhuman-
ity is a military concept known as the
"free fire zone" which has been casually
accepted by the American public. A free
fire zone is an area in which all persons
are presumed to be Viet Cong or their
sympathizers and can therefore be shot
on sight. Such callous disregard for hu-
man life has unfortunately been exhib-
ited frequently.
And what does the widespread use of
anti-personnel weapons such as napalm
indicate about the Army's concern f o r
South Vietnamese civilians or people in
THE ARMY claims the acts perpetrated
at My Lai were an aberration. Yet the
manner in which this war has been con-
ducted belies such a statement. It is clear
that the massacre at My Lai was a logical
outcome of the mentality that the Army
engenders and the tactics which it em-
Why is it that the Army did not see fit
to employ a free fire zone in Germany
during World War II? Perhaps it is the
racist mentality that labels the Vietna-
mese "gooks" that has given the free fire
zone its unquestioned acceptability.
While the Army seeks to pin the blame
on Calley and- a few others, one hopes
that few Americans will be impressed by
the apparent sincerity with which the
Army denounces the act.
Considering that top ranking personnel
in the Army covered up the atrocity at
My Lai until a journalist dug up thefaots,
one would naturally question the Army's
sincerity in prosecuting wrong - doers
among its ranks.;

To The Daily:
RESEARCH AT the highway
safety building benefits humans
and their illustrious machines
called cars, yet this research is
being conducted at the expense of
man's link to his origins, namely
the monkey. Many monkeys meet
their destiny every day at the
hands of charlatan experimeters
and the fantastic devices (inven-
tioins) they use to see what hap-
pens when cars smash into each
other. The human element of
course is substituted convieniently
by monkeys.
These devices include such
wheel shaft which is aimed at the
things as an air cannon, its fod-
der, a typical Chevrolet steering
chest section of a monkey strap-
ped tightly against a wall. The
air gun then detonated and the
steel shaft blows completely
through the chest of the awaiting
Sleds of course are used to dash
the animals brains upon the typ-
ical automobile windshield. There
are many more such devices but I
wish to look at what happens to
the carcass after its "scientific"
The body is usually photo-
graphed, taken to an anatomy
dissection room where ests are
made, and then thrown into plas-
tic containers for shipment to
God knows where!
Some monkeys, refuse to expire
after their methodological treat-
ment. These unfortunate critters
are thrown into their cages and
there await death, which comes
sadly and slowly, while the little
fur berarer writhes in agony. Some
last a few hours-many, however,
spend as much as two days before
they too must succumb to a much
appreciated death.
IN THE MAIN corridor outside
"Veridium," which is where the

creatures are kept, is a blackboard
on which the scientists notch the
kills. The day I was there the ex-
perimenters had jokingly scribbled
"anyone want the heads of two
Rhesus monkeys?", and someone
added, "forget the heads what
about the tails?!" Some sort of sex
perversion, I thought. Yet this
type of activity wouldn't be shock-
ing in the advent of its discovery.
At least it wouldn't be shocking
to me, but don't take my word as
fact as I am only a janitor who
worked in the building. See it for
yourself. Highway Safety is lo-
cated l just off Huron Parkway
Drive. Go there and converse with
your cousin (the monkey) who via
death makes automobiles a safer
mode of traavel for you! But go
there on an empty stomach for
you may not like what you see!
-Robert Joslyn
Nov'. 17
GJ..B. again
To the Daily:
MR. FAUMAN SETS forth in his
letter (Daily, Nov. 13) an impas-
sioned (if crude) plea for cessa-
tion of further criticism of the
Zionist state of Israel. To say that
his hateful diatribe lacked tact,
judgment and objectivity would be
something of an understatement.
His reference to "goddamn goyim"
serves no more useful purpose than
if perhaps someone were to refer
to students as "bums." He tact-
lessly refers to the alleged s i 1 e n t
Americans during the Nazi slaugh-
ters of World War II. How ironic
that his letter was dated Nov. 10,
the eve of Veteran's Day.
Since most of "the constant ar-
ticles about the imperialistic op-
pressive state of Israel" to which
Mr. Fauman refers were probably
written by me, I suppose I should
response to his choleric letter. Now
it does appear that some of the

Arabs are not particularly lov-
able, to say the least. Further-
more, their various spokesmen at
times are none too articulate and
they frequently handle the in-
scrutable English language in a.
manner something less than ele-
gant. However, it would seem to
me that any reasonable discussion
of such an intractable problem as
the "Arab question" should in-
volve an examination of both sides
of the dispute. Apparently my ef-
forts to provoke at least a casual
glance at the Arab point of view
were hopelessly doomed to failure.
to believe that anti-Arab projudice
is today the only form of racism
still held respectable by Western
liberals. I can remember last
spring when American planes with
Israeli markings were" pounding
Cairo almost at will; I heard not
a peep from the liberal anti-estab-
Mr. Fauman takes us Americans
to task for not speaking out
against German oppression when
we were so well aware of it. If I
had been old enough at the time
to punch a typewriter key, I would
have spoken out. Now, Mr. Fau-
man, I am speaking out against
hundreds of years of injustice and
callousness directedagainst the
Arabs. Let no history book fifty
years from now record that a 11
Americans remained silent in the
face of atrocities committee
against the Palestinian Arabs as
they rotted in their ghettos (re-
fugee camps).
-George H. Brown, Jr.
Nov. 13
Daily bias
To the Daily:
I SIT DOWN, for the third time,
to express dismay over the con-
tinued inadequacies in The Daily.
The first two times I stopped mid-

way and asked myself, "Oh what's
it worth? It will only be a one
way dialogue." I hope that this
letter, by pointing up the con-
cerns of a significant number of
students, w ill bring a response
from The Daily.
The article on the Huey Newton
speech is as good an example as
any. In it there was no attempt
to discuss 'the incongruity, t h e
diffuseness and the verbosity of
Mr. Newton's remarks, nor did it
take note of the restlessness of the
crowd and of the significant num-
bers who walked out after t h e
safety of such a venture seemed
assured. It made no reference to
the fact t h a t Mr. Newton was-
roundly applauded when he ad-
mitted, "Now maybe y o u don't
know what I'm getting at . ."
In the three articles on Steve
Gaskin and his caravan there was
never acknowledgement of the
contradictions in philosophy, the
curious attitudes toward sex roles
and the controversial method of
child-rearing. Moreover, there was
no mention of the widespread
negative reaction to the caravan
which many felt after listening to
Steven and his followers.
I, for one, am only beginning to
define my politics. I do feel, how-
ever, that the continued bias and
omission in The Daily is inherent-
ly bad; as bad as the bias of a
newspaper with opposite political
views - such as the New York
Daily News. It is just this sort of
bias in the m a s s media which
radical groups around the country
object to so strenuously. Judging
from your general editorial line, I
would say that this kind of bias
in your publication is not only
self-destructive but 1 s o, hypo-
-Tony Schwartz, '74
Nov. 19

To the Daily:
Newton's presentation as repre-
sented by M a r k Farber's letter
(Daily, Nov. 18) seems to corre-
spond to what is apparently the
general attitude on campus to-
ward revolution - it should some-
how be entertaining, appealing to
one's idealistic notions, and, above
all, should not be boring or inter-
fering with one's personal com-
Impatience with the practical
necessities of a n y revolutionary
programs and actions a n d the
theoretical foundations that must
precede them seems to be preva-
lent in the University community,
along with an attitude that some
form of revolutionary change can
be effected without years of edu-
cation and hard work.
The Black Panthers do not need
"sympathizer's" whose "support"
is dependent upon whether or not
the Panthers have the public
charisma and rhetorical ability of
an Adolf Hitler, or whether nec-
essary security precautions be-
c o m e personally discomforting
and thus a basis for rejecting the
entire Black Panther philosophy.
Those who use such reasons for
denying the validity of what Huey
Newton has said are ignoring the
realities of the present situation
in this country, and are hindering
the progress of the group most
seriously committed to making the
basichuman changes t h a t are
-Mike Martin
The Editorial Page of The
Michigan Daily is open to any-
one who wishes to submit
articles. Generally speaking: all
articles should be less than
1,000 words.




UAC--SI: Where does all the mone go?

THE UAC-SI travel committee
has some explaining to do.
Since school started in September,
the University Activities Center
and Students International have
done extensive advertising for
their coming season of charter
flights. Yet virtually all of that
advertising has been in direct vio-
lation of Civil Aeronautics Board
The Civil Aeronautics Board
(CAB) is a governmental regula-
tory agency for air travel. Section
214.34 of the board's economic re-
gulations clearlyastates that any
advertising for a charter flight
which quotes a per seat price must
specify what portion of the price
is for the air transportation, what
portion is for land tours (hotels,
busses, etc.) and how much is for
administrative expenses.
UAC-SI, however, lists only a
lump sum for each of the flights.
The rationale behind regulation
214.34 is that charter flights are
not designed as profit ventures and
charter participants are there-
fore entitled to know how much
of their money is being' used for

hotel will be completely occupied
by students . . . Relax and enjoy
yourself among people of your own
age group." However, a spokesman
for Hetland and Stevens, a hotel
chain which owns the Freeport
Inn, denies that the hotel will
cater specifically or exclusively to
The importance of regulation
214.34 should' not be underesti-
mated. When a charter flight price
is given as one lump sum, it is
extremely easy to conceal an extra
$20, $25, $30 or more above the
actual costs of the flight. An or-
ganization which sponsors 50
flights per year could thus make.
close to a quarter ofsa million dol-
lars in hidden profits.
Of course, many students take
the position that since charter
flights are cheaper than scheduled
airlines, there is no reason to
raise questions concerning the fin-
ancial situation of the charter
sponsors. Then, too, not one per-
son in a thousand is familiar with
CAB regulations on charter
UAC, HOWEVER, unlike indi-

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