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November 20, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-20

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See Editorial Page




Occasional rain,
windy and cool

Vol. LXXXI, No.68 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 20, 1970 Ten Cents

Ten Pages









*article sas
The text of the article in Science magazine is printed
on today's editorial page.
University officials have described the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare's demands for equal employ-
ment of women at the University as "totally unreasonable,"
according to today's issue of Science Magazine.
The magazine says that the criticism accompanied the
University's circulation of the HEW demands to the admin-
istrations of several other universities, in an attempt to gain
support for University resistance to the demands.
The magazine also summarizes HEW's requirements for
an affirmative action plan to end alleged sex discrimination
at the University. Both University and HEW spokesmen re-
fused to confirm or deny the validity of the magazine's sum-
mary of those demands, which have not yet been officially

The following is a summary of
Science Magazine's description of
the demands by the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare
concerning equal employment of
women at the University:
The achievement of equal
salaries for men and women in the
same category;
The payment of back wages
to each female employe who has
received lower pay than males in
comparable jobs over the last two
0 The achievement of a ratio
of female employment in academic
positions equivalent to availability
of qualified female applicants;
* The assurance that female
applicants for non-academic em-
ployment r e c e i v e consideration
comensuate with their qualifica-
t The assurance that the Uni-
versity will eliminate separate
male and female job classifica-
*0The achievement of a higher
ratio of women in doctoral pro-
0 The increase of female par-
ticipation on committees dealing
with the selection and treatment
of employes;
0 The assurance that all female
employes occupying clerical or
other non-academic positions and
who possess qualifications equal
to or exceeding those of male em-
*ployes occupying higher level po-
sitions be given primary consider-
ation for promotion to those po-
0 The development of a written
policy on nepotism which will in-
sure correct treatment of husband-
wife teams and;
* The analysis of past effects
of nepotism and the payment of
back wages to those discriminated
in this area over the last two
The University was asked Oct.
* to submit an affirmative action
plan for equal employment of
women which would incorporate
the HEW demands. The proposal
submitted by the University, how-
ever,dwas rejected by HEW last

released by the University.
The demands, according to the
magazine, include:
-The payment of back wages
to female employes who have re-
ceived lower pay than men in
comparable job categories over
the last two years;
-The achievement of a ratio of
female employment in academic
positions at least equivalent to the
availability of women employes as
determined by the number of
qualified female applicants;
-The institution of equal sal-
aries for men and women in every
job category in the University;
-The insurance that the con-
cept of separate male and female
job classifications is eliminated
through changes in recruitment
The federal government is cur-
rently withholding the awarding
of contracts to the University
pending agreement between HEW
and the University on the HEW
However, according to the maga-
zine, the University has chosen
to resist the demands.
University officials, the maga-
zine reports, have argued that "the
bookwork involved in determining
who had suffered discrimination
would be monumental."
)Roy McKinney, deputy director
of HEW's Contract Compliance
Division,' explained, that there-
quirement for supplying such in-
formation is clearly spelled out in
See 'U,' Page 10

-Associatedi Press
NEW ORLEANS POLICE attempt yesterday to evict a group of Black Panthers who have taken
over an apartment in a city housing project. In the upper picture, the heavily armed officers confront
a group of blacks in front of the project. Below, the police huddle behind an armored vehicle as it
moves toward the housing project.
Police In Ne wOrleans,


Panther eviction

Students elected a primarily .
radical slate of candidates to
Student Government Council,
and overwhelmingly approv-
ed a referendum calling for
the seating of two faculty
members and two students as
non-voting Regents, in the
elections which ended yester-
The results released last night
showed that only 11 per cent of
the student population had voted
during three days of balloting.
Seven students were elected to
SGC from a field of fifteen candi-
Chosen to full-year terms were
Paul Teich, '71, incumbent admin-
istrative vice-president, J e a n n e
Lenzer, '74, and Marnie Heyn, '71,
all members of the "New Coali-
tion," a radical alliance; the "For-
ward Party" of Al Ackerman,
'72L, an incumbent, and J e f f
Lewin, '73; and incumbent Andre
Hunt, '74. Brian Spears, '71, also
a coalition member, won election
to a half-year term.
Meanwhile, students in the lit-
erary college elected eight stu-
dents to full one year terms on the
executive council of the LSA stu-
dent government.
Elected to the eight-month old
body were Ed Roberts, '73, (613
votes); Fran Hymen, '73, (603); p0
Pete Prahar, '72, (598); B a r b A (S
Rackes, '73, (592); Rick Ratner,
'73, (532); James Bridges, '72,
(529); Paula Fried, '73, (513); and
Bob Schwartz, '72, (417).
Students approved by an eight
to one margin the referendum on
expansion of the University's Re-
The campaign appeared to be
characterized by general student
apathy. With no outstanding is- "No, no
sues, fewer than 3,500 students anti-draftp
voted, down sharply from 1 a s t
spring's elections when over 5,000 tors who pi
students voted. During last No- This wa
vember's balloting, some 9,000 during thei
students voted.hloated at E
The total vote of 1,275 in th e Yesterd
literary college represented onlyC YesteR
14 per cent of the college's en- Council to
rollment of nearly 12,000. the Selecti
All the votes in the LSA stu- signatures
dent government elections were
tabulated by 8:30 last night in against the
what LSA election co-director Re- send the si
becca Schenk termed "a much the state's
quicker count than we had ex- gressmen i
pected." Ray Karpinski is the The petitio
other co-director. -"Conscri
Commenting on the election, Jer- miitary is i
ry De Grieck, executive vice presi-
dent of SGC, said last night, " aims of a f
am very disappointed at the turn- -The dra
out. However I am very pleased tuted only w
that the entire new caucus ticket is directly th
won, and
New SGC members Teich, Lenz- -it shoul
en, and Heyn ran on a platform declaration o
condemning the University for its act of Cong
"complicity with the military, its temporary dr
sexist and elitist policies." They The petiti
plan to "work towards a com- T
munity-wide governing body com- people yester
posed of students, faculty, work- Meanwhile,
ers, and administration." board appear
Leading the vote were Acker- protest. "It v
man, Hunt and Lewin, with 1341, all," commen
1306 and 1304 votes respectively. Although
The other winners garnered these chairman of
totals: Teich, 1287; Heyn, 1199; told the boa
See RADICAL, Page 10 demonstratio
. See PROT


NEW ORLEANS WP) - Heavily court after they were unable to
armed police postponed efforts to pursuade the militants to leave
forcibly evict a group of Black the building, even wtih a show of
Panthers from their barricaded force including the department's
headquarters here yesterday after tank-like armored car.
a relatively quiet day-long con- The heavily armed law officers
'frontation. moved into the project to evict
Before police withdrew, one members of the National Com-
black teenager was shot three mittee to Combat Fascist (NCCF),
blocks away by an unknown as- a recruiting arm of the Black
sailant. This was the only shoot- Panthers, from their headquarters
ing incident all day. after three weeks of futile efforts
Police agreed to give blacks time to persuade them to leave.
to test the state's trespass law in Announced aims of the NCCF

First two jurors seated in Seale,
Huggins trial; one black chosen

ranged from improvement of liv-
ing conditions in the. project to
freeing all black prisoners, ex-
empting blacks from the draft
and organizing a rent strike.
Spokesmen said they operated
a free breakfast program for chil-
dren in the project.
After the police withdrew, Police
Supt. Clarence Giarusso said in
mid-afternoon that they would re-
turn in 24 hours unless there was
some change. Officials later said,
however, they would wait until
the courts disposed of the matter
even if it took more than a day.
No figures were released, but
apparently more than 280 officers
were involved in the case.
Black leaders and police agreed
neither law officers nor militants
in the building had shot the youth.
Police said the shot black youth,
Tyrone Curtis, was hit in the
stomach by shotgun pellets fired
from a building three blocks away
from the barricaded headquarters.
He was hospitalized for surgery.
About 1,000 blacks, most of them
teenagers swirled around the De-
sire 'Street Housing Project in the
area of the tense showdown. Black
leaders, working for a peaceful
settlement, shuttled back and
forth between police and the
The militants shifted to the
v a c a n t apartment building a
month ago, leaving their old head-
quarters-scene of a shootout with
police in September.
Giarrusso ordered a tank-like
armored car to the scene after
somer20 blacks blocked the first
See POLICE, Page 10

-Daily-Jim Judkis
er-by stops to sign anti-draft petition
1 draft protesters
ket local board,
t today," said the passer-by, pushing aside the
petition offered to her by one of nine demonstra-
cketed in front of the local draft board yesterday.
is a typical reaction received by the demonstrators
r hour-long protest in front of Draft Board No. 85,
Liberty and S. Main Sts.
ay's action was the first of what the Michigan
Repeal the Draft plans as a weekly protest against
Ne Service System. The picketers are seeking
on a petition

By JIM NEUBACHER pective jur
Special To The Daily told the cc
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - T h e familiar wi
first two jurors were seated here Party, he h
yesterday in the trial of Bobby to whether
Seale. One of them Dennis Adams, bad influen
is a 64-year-old black man. Adams to
He joined Franklin J. Diljer of old Markle
Wolcott, Conn., the forty-forth to consider'
prospective juror to be examined, necessary ii
who had become the first select- Diljer is'
ed for the jury earlier in the day. who works'
Seale, national chairman of the guard.
Black Panther Party, is on trial After sea
along with Connecticut Panther who will wE
leader Ericka Huggins. Both a r e jury selecti
charged with murder, kidnapping arate room,
resulting in death, and conspiracy Harold M. N
to commit both of these crimes. not to discL
The charges stem from the slay- one.
ing of New York Panther A 1 e x In his e:
Rackley in May, 1969. Markle for I
Adams, the fifty-ninth p r os- questions cc

or to be interviewed, ishment, surprising nearly every-
ourt that while he is one in the courtroom. "I forgot,"
th the Black Panther he said later.
lad "no impression" as It has appeared that Markle is
they were a good or seeking a jury that will not be
ce on societyn afraid to impose the death sen-
Id state attorney Arn- tence.
he would be "willing Aloce.r
" the death penalty if Also yesterday morning, the
n this case. first black prospective juror, Lloyd
a 42-year-old mailman Seals, was examined. He was ex-
weekends as a security cused following objections f r o m
Markle when Seals told the court
ting the two jurors, he did not believe Bobby Seale
ait out the rest of the could get a fair trial from the
on process in a sep- state.
Superior Court Judge The attorneys examined 35 more
lulvey instructed them perspective jurors yesterday, bring-
uss the case with any- ing the total number of prospec-
tive jurors examined to 72.
xamination of Diljer, The average age of the 72 pro-
the first time asked no spective jurors has been about 50,
incerning capital pun- according to calculations made by
the defense staff. Three of these
persons have been black.
Defense attorneys used another
"pre-emptory challenge" yesterday
to remove a juror. They have now
used three out of an allowed 60.
~ r teThe challenge permits the at-
torneys to dismiss a prospective
a "rebound" in cor- juror without stating their reason.
an increase of nearly The courtroom has remained
1. orderly as the jury selection pro-
the unemployment cess settles into a routine. It it still
n" the rate of wage expected that itewill take at least
at this effect should four weeks to select the 12 jurors
erns of wage increase and four alternates.
ons in the auto in- There was one small disruption
in the courtroom yesterday. Mary
Clulee, a matronly woman from'
ming year and a half' Wallingford, Conn., told prosecut-
f sustained and sub- ing attorney Markle that she felt
eimposition of policyv -,p rlimnote rv acn iirn ha

draft, and plan to
igned petitions to
senators and con-
n Washington.
n maintains that:
ption of men for the
nconsistent with the
ree society;
ft should be insti-
hen the United States
reatened with attack;
.d be preceded by a
f war and a specific
ress establishing the
on was signed by 34
employes of draft
ed to be ignoring the
will not affect us at
ted one employe.
Sandy Miller, co-
the anti-draft group,
rd's employes that a
in would take place,
'ESTERS, Page 10

Panel seeks
to end college
NEW YORK W) - Deploring
pressures from the political left
and right to get universities to
embrace their causes, 100 promi-
nent scholars formed a committee
yesterday which will seek to in-
sure that universities' central con-
cerrs is "to advance and trans-
mit knowledge."
The scholars, who are from nine
nations, include six Nobel prize
winners. The formation of the new
panel, which will be called the
International committee on the
University Emergency, was an-
nounced in a news conference in
New York, Berlin and Rome, link-
ed by telephone.
"The obvious dangers are acts
of terror," the committee said in
a statement released in the three
cities and also distributed in Lon-
don and Paris.
"But the deeper danger, not
visible in the daily headlines, is
the steady erosion of morale and
the retreat from that ordered free-
dom that makes possible compe-
tition in ideas and cooperation in
inquiry," the committee added.
"The intrinsic interests of aca-
demia are now being sacrificed to
considerations foreign to its cen-
tral concern to advance and
transmit knowledge."
Speaking in New York, Prof.
Charles Frankel of Columbia Uni-

Profs see rise in jobles

University economists have p r e d i c t e d an
increase in the gross national product (GNP), a
decline in the rate of inflation and an increase
in unemployment for 1971.
Economics Profs. Saul Hymans and Harold
Shapiro presented details of the 1971 economic
forecast yesterday at the opening of the Univer-
sity's two-day annual Conference of the Economic
Prepared by the Research Seminar in Quan-
titative Economics, the report forecasts an overall

The report also predicts
porate profits amounting to a
six per cent over the 1970 leve
Stating that increases in
rate, would normally "dampe
increases, the report said tha
be offset by the recent patter
established by the negotiati(
dustries and others.
"We forecast that the con
will mark the first period o1
stantial real growth since the

m - -

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