Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 19, 1970 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 19, 1970 Firebomb damages drugstore "Closed by mankind's violent insanity," reads a sign in front of Campus Corner drugstore, exten- siVely damaged by a fire bombing early yesterday morning. According to police reports, two officers on patrol at about 2:52 a.m. saw three persons cross State St., go to Campus Corner, "light an incendiary object and throw it through the window of the door on th ePackard St. side." The police chased and appre- hended one of the three man. Store owner Larry T r o x e I11 blamed the arson on 'three guys from Alabama who used to hang around here." Troxell, however, could think of no reason why the three might have done it. He said that a brick was thrown through the window followed by the "incendiary object" which he described as a "half-gallon can of gas." Although no official estimate of damage has been given Troxel es- timated losses of $15,000, stating that most of the damage consisted of "general merchandise." The man apprehended in the incident, according to police re- ports, is William Gary Martin, a resident of Alabama who now lives in Whitmore Lake. Martin was arraigned yesterday afternoon in District Court where he demanded a pretrial examina- tion, which was set' for November 25. A bond of $5,000 was set by ~Judge S. J. Elden and after failing to meet it Williams was sent to the county jail. The incident remains somewhat of a mystery, however, as no mo- tive for the arson has as yet been determined. Police are still search- ing for Martin's two accomplices. Ann Arbor Fire Chief John Wil- liams described as blaze as a "pretty good fire," and said that damage extended. for 10 feet in- side the door. Called to the fire at 2:45 a.m., Williams said it was necessary to evacuate 11 persons from apart- ments on the second floor. No one was seriously injured as, Williams, explained, "The sprinkler system had it pretty much under con- troL.'' Rejetet Jurors In Seale trial (Continued from Page 1) ercised two of their 60 preemptory challenges. Garry rejected one juror yesterday who appeared to have no obvious bias or prejudge- ments of the Black Panther Party, was 36 years old (the average age of the first panel of 50 prospective jurors is nearly 51), and was at- tending college part time. Garry explained afterwards that he believed the prospective juror was misrepresenting himself. The juror had told the court he knew "nothing" about the Black Panther Party, and also said that despite having a full time job, five children, and attending night school, it would be no hardship for him to serve on the jury for a long period of time. "I don't believe him,"- said Gar- ry. "And even if he's telling the truth, then anyone who is 36 and going to college and can sit here and tell me he doesn't know any- thing about the Black Panther Party is not going to sit on my jury." Garry called the juror a "sleep- er" who was trying to say the proper things that might get him chosen to sit on the jury. COME TO TOWN and COUNTRY RESTAURANT COMMITTEE FORMED: { 'U' to aid handicapped students' Decision not toinspect Model Cities area hit (Continued from Page 1) been no overall planning. Knauss says he hopes the new committee will provide a solution to this problem. Patch adds that the University provides no special services for handicapped employes of the University. However, he said any service provided by OSS for stu- dents will also be provided to staff members if they request it. Within the Housing Office, House commi eourt ban of WASHINGTON (P) - A House committee announced yesterday it will challenge a court order against its report on alleged radical cam- pus speakers by revising and re- issuing the report-and prohibit- ing the courts from interfering. The maneuver "sets the stage, for what may well become an his- toric confrontation between the Congress and the federal courts," the House Internal Security Com- mittee said in a statement. Public printing of the report- which lists college campus speech- es by 65 persons that the commit- tee says are revolutionaries, mili- tants and Communists-has been prohibited by U.S. District Judge; Gerhard A. Gesell. The committee is appealing Ge- sell's order. { t 1 i 1 t Charlene Coady, who handles any curbs, building ramps and in find- problems that come up in terms of ing suitable housing." housing, says dormitories provide He adds, that much more needs sufficient services for handicap- to be done. Besides making Uni- ped residents, and the University versity buildings accessible to will make special accommodations handicapped student, he believes if necessary. the University should apply pres- Joel Cordish, Grad. says, "Two sure to store owners, especially years ago, there were virtually no those on University and State St., facilities for handicapped stu- to provide ramps if their stores d'ents. Due to the untiring works have steps. of Charlene Coady, much has been Most of the handicapped students done since then in cutting out that are here came, says one stu- dent, because of the University's reputation as an educational in- S to fight stitution, despite the lack of facil- eYvonne Duffy, "72, says she be- lieves she "should not be denied Pr 1uW0 i Sthe best education. Although she has encountered some problems, of legislative powers the Consti- especially when the only available tution gives exclusively to Con- elevator in her dormitory keeps' gress, not the courts. breaking down, she feels that Gesell ruled the report attcmpts "most people are very helpful." to "black list" the named speakers Duffy says she is also hampered from further campus appearances by the lack of curb cuts and and thus violates their constitu- ramps. She stresses that along tional free speech rights, with classroom buildings, social facilities should also be made ac- "Stripped of all its legal ver- cessible to those in wheelchairs. biage," Ichord said, "Judge Gesell's Ony plays that go on in either' decision holds that revolutionary Trueblood or Hill Aud., she ex- activists, many of whom are ad- Treoo or ilAu.shex voatingstsmioeny tdesmtrtiodplains, are not easily accessible. vocating the violent destruction of Mary Iscaro, a blind student, our government and its istitu- says she has not found any prob- tions, have the absolute right of lems here. She says there is noth- ree speec w e a commitee of ing comparable here to the com- Congress does not possess the lull prehensive program for the handi- ight to comment on such activi capped at Wayne State University ti. where they provide taping facili- The report contends the campus ties' and locate textbook readers speaking circuit is a significant and braille writers. source of financing "for the pro- Although Iscaro believes those moters of disorderly and revolu- services are convenient, she is not tioAry activities among students." convinced that the University It is based on a 'Mrvey 'f 95 should create a "sheltered, unreal coilegesthat shows the 65 speak- world" for the handicapped. ers erepaid$10,000for155 Even with the many problems se s er he pa s108,0 fwoyr. 15the new committee has to face, speeches over the past two years. Knauss is optimistic. "The com- Ichord, in a speech Tuesday mittee," he says, "represents a night in St. Louis, said the court solid University commitment to order has "ominous implications" finding solutions to the problems and must not be allowed to stand. of the handicapped." By AARON HOSTYK The agreement between Model. Cities -and the Concentrated Code Enforcement Program not to in- spect housing in the Model Cities area on a systematic basis has come under attack by a member of City Council. The Code Enforcement P r o- gram was set up last January un- der a federal contract with t h e city. Its purpose was to use fed- eral funds to speed up housing in- spection and improvement in areas of the city with low quality housing. This area includes the neighbor- hood over which Model Cities, a federal program for economically depressed areas, has jurisdiction. If houses fall short of the city requirements they have to be fix- ed by the owners. The program has $437,500 to give away in grants to needy home owners. It also helps eligible homeown- ers obtain F.H.A. loans and choose contractors for home improve- ments. Dr. George Bowler, director of the enforcement program, indi-, cated that the decision not tohin- spect the Model Cities neighbor- hood on a block-by-block basis was made to give Model Cities "a chance to look over" the Code En- forcement Program. It was felt, in view of the de- pressed economic condition of the Model Cities area, it would be un- fair to the homeowners there to impose housing codes and 10 a n procedures on them without first consulting the Model C i t i e s Policy Board, Bowler said. Councilman Joseph Edwards ob- jected at Monday's City Council meeting to enforcing the program in one area and not in another as being "discriminatory." He contended that the policy was unfair to those outside of the Model Cities neighborhood be- cause they are subject to inspec- tion which they might not want, while Model Cities homeowners are exempt from it for the time being. Edwards also pointed out that this policy is unfair to Model Cit- ies homeowners who might want their homes inspected in order to obtain home improvement loans and grants. Bowler said, however, that Mod- el Cities homeowners could re- quest inspection in order to ob- tain a loan or grant. Bowler also claimed that he did not have enough staff to inspect the whole code enforcement area all at once and therefore had to be selective in choosing areas for inspection. Edwards said he knows people who "are afraid" to go through the City Hall Buraucracy and says they should not have to fill out a form to request an inspection but should have their houses inspect- ed automatically. 4, -Associated Press ROBERT LEONARD, Genesee County Prosecutor, walks to his office yesterday after he and his 18-member staff decided to have their upcoming pay raises spent on county drug abuse control and welfare programs. Flint officials to give pay for drug control FLINT (/) - Prosecutor Robert Leonard and his 18-member staff are in line for pay raises but but they've asked the county to keep the money and spend it, in- stead, on drug abuse control and welfare programs. That is "where the need is, for the present, most imperative," the prosecutor said. The Gennesee County Board of Commissioners already had Leon- ard ticketed for a $1,000 annual increase and his staff of 18 for three per cent boosts when they requested it take the money back. Instead, the prosecutors s u g - gested the money be devoted to ex- tra emphasis on control of drug abuse and to meeting welfare costs occasioned by already h i g h and mounting unemployment. Leonard and his staff wrote the commissioner: "In an area where unemploy- The Ann Arbor School Board expelled two black students from Pioneer High School Wednesday night for their alleged role in the Sept. 30 disturbance in which an estimated $14,000 damage was done to school property. The expulsion of one student was suspended "subject to his fu- ture behavior," according to Ann Arbor School Superintendent W. Scott Westerman. The board unanimously decided on the expulsion orders in less than fifteen minutes as over 200 people crowded the meeting cham- bers to hear the decision. 4 a -_'lII + GIANT LO(k UP 203 ft. Poster (black & white) 29th Annual Poor Richard's Folk Festival 75c ADMISSION Friday, Nov. 20 9-1 FREE REFRESHMENTS Newman Center Basement 331 THOMPSON for information call 663-0557 4 Fine Food Chops, Steaks, & Shrimp Soul Food Home Cooked Open Pit Barbeque -Open- ' 6 a.m. till 9 p.m.-Mon.-Thurs. 6 a.m. till 3 a.m.-Fri. -Sat. 8 a.m. till 7:30 p.m.-Sunday 730 NORTH MAIN Delivery and Catering 769-2330 i Send any black & white or color photo up to 8x10" (no negatives please) to: RONALD JAYE Poster Service P.O. Box 43 Plainview, N.Y. 11803 Enclose cash, check or money order (no C.O.D.'s) in the amount of $3.50 for each blow-up. Original material returned un- damaged. Satisfaction guaranteed. Allow 30 days for delivery. Add 45ยข for postage & handling. 137 NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE -ZIP.. 11 ... --- """""" .,,, - . rock & roll jamboree I SRC UP Iron Horse Exchange Carnal Kitchen Light Show, I I E utO'm m-w I i