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November 19, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-19

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Page Eight


Thursday, November 19, 1970

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 19, 1970



Foster in

Gridde Pickings
The hunchback of Burton Tower ran gleefully to the top of the
Bell Chamber, his mind intent only on' ringing those chimes. The
fugue slowly built to a deafening crescendo as Quusumado, the
Devil's disciple, swung gaily from the ropes.
Nickel cokes were removed and replaced by Grade A, Pasteurized,
homogenized, Vitamin D Enriched, ten cent milk machine. Interest
in the Daily waned as the Sports Staff died of thirst. Astabula, sens-
ing that something was amiss, snuck her way homeward to the
comfort of her niche in the corridor at the top of the stairs.
The magic football grew in the horizon. As it expanded it radiated
eerie colors, as if it was possessed by some radioactive force that
twisted its wavelengths. Steadily increasing in size, the oblate object
stretched beyond its limits. As the stress on its very fabric reached the
molly blum i wish that our parents had hard hat workers saying
that capitalists are casting the ideal of growth she said the growing
resistance to pesticides thought of the black panther consists

DETROIT (IP)-Joe Frazier, a
brutal punching machine, floored
Bob Foster twice with vicious left
hooks and scored a second-round
knockout last night in successful
defense of his world heavyweight
championship that set up a pos-
sible $10 million dream fight with
Cassius Clay.
The time was 49 seconds of the
second round.
Foster, the stringbean seeking
to become the first light heavy-
weight champion in history to

capture the heavier crown, took
the final count flat on his back,
his glazed eyes looking at the over-
hanging lights.
Only moments earlier, after a
good first round in which both
fighter landed with stinging jabs,
Frazier sent the challenger reeling
to the canvas with a hook that
splattered against Foster's jaw.
Foster, 6-foot-31/2 inches tall,
seemed to fall in sections. He rose
to his feet, groggily, his legs rub-
bery under him and after his

Wolverines continue

gloves had been wiped clean of
resin by referee Tom Brisco, heJ
sought to continue the battle.
It was fruitless.
Frazier, an awesome man in
a black beard and weighing 209
pounds against the frail-looking
188-pound frame of his opponent,
bored in and made the end merci-
fully quick.
The title bout was the second
half of a unique heavyweight
doubleheader. In the first bout,
over closed circuit television in
Madison Square Garden, George
Foreman of Hayward, Calif., also
scored a second-round technical
knockout over Boone Kirkman of
Renton, Wash., when the referee
stopped the bout 41 seconds into
the second round.
"I fought like I fight every day,"
Frazier said afterward, leaving the
ring in the sparsely-filled Cobo
"He stumbled into a good right
hand. Bob should never have come
Philadelphia 113, New York 106
Baltimore 111, Cleveland 98
San Francisco 90, Boston 89
Chicago 128, Cincinnati 107
Atlanta at Portland, Inc.
Milwaukee at San Diego, inc.
Memphis 119, Pittsburgh 111
Virginia at Floridians, inc.
Indiana at Denver, inc.
Buffalo 7, Toronto 2
New York at Los Angeles, inc.
Boston at Minnesota, inc.

back after that first knockdown.
"I saw him wavering. He had
'no business going on. When he
tried to protect his body, I just
went to his head."
The left hand blow was a high
one on the head. Foster was still
groggy and reeling when he was
led out of theering by his white-
haired handler, Bill Gore.
In the first round, Frazier press-
ed the battle, as is his style-"I
come out smokin'," he says-but
he never got within good enough
range of the backpedaling, swiftly
moving light-heavyweight cham-
Once in a corner, Foster lashed
out and knocked Frazier's head
back with a polting left. But Fra-
zier absorbed the blow and moved,
all the stronger.
A buzz saw, he was pounding
awayatthe bell ending the first
round, which Frazier was given
by a slim 10-9 margin. Then came
the climactic second.
Fighting in a low crouch, snort-
ing an growling like a enraged
bull, thegheavyweight champion
became a fighting demon.
"I want Joe Frazier," yelled Mu-
hammad Ali after watching t h e
heavyweight champion from Phil-
adelphia knock out Foster.
"You will meet me soon," yelled
Ali, who was stripped of his heavy-
weight title after refusing induc-
tion into the armed forces.
During the brief fight Ali kept
up a stead, raucous commentary
calling both fighters "chumps"
and "bums."


1. MICHIGAN at Ohio State
(pick score)
2. Illinois at Iowa
3. Northwestern at Michigan St.
4. Indiana at Purdue
5. Minnesota at Wisconsin
6. Yale at Harvard
7. Miami (Fla.) at Syracuse
8. Kansas State at Florida State
9. Kansas at Missouri
10. Oklahoma at Nebraska


Louisiana State at Notre Dame
Baylor at Southern Methodist
Arkansas at Texas Tech
Colorado at Air Force
Stanford at California
Oregon at Oregon State
Southern Cal at UCLA
Maryland at Virginia
Pitt at Penn State
Grambling at Southern U.

GUILD- House

upward trE
The Michigan defense, coming
off two consecutive shut out vic-
tories, moved from the twelfth
position up to number seven in
total defense nationally. On the
year, the Blue defenders have sur-
rendered less than 237 yards per
game, and only six touchdowns
Against the rush, the Wolverines
have been touched for a mere 809
yards, an average of 89.9 a game.
The leading team against the
ground game is seventh ranked
Louisiana State, which has allow-
ed a paltry 46.0 yards running per
The statistics also show that
Michigan has outscored its op-
ponents 279 to 70 so far this sea-
son. The -Michigan scoring total,
an average of 31 points a game,
put it fifteenth in scoring in the
For the student body:

?nd"in stats
The 70 point total on the Blue
defense works out to 7.8 points a
game, good enough for fifth in the
country. The national leader in
that category, Dartmouth, has
been reached for 42 points in eight
games, an average of 5.3.
The only defensive category in
which the Wolverines are ignored
is pass defense, and there, an-
other Big Ten team figures promi-
nently in the lead. The North-
western Wildcats are ranked sec-
ond against aerials, allowing less
than 31 per cent of the passes
thrown against them to be com-
In team offense, the Wolverines
are mentioned only in rushing of-
fense. Michigan's running offense
moved from fifteenth to tenth na-
tionally as a result of picking up
468 yards against Iowa, and is
averaging nearly 275 yards a
The leading rushing team in the
country is the number one ranked
Texas Longhorns. The defending
Southwest Conference champions
have gained at a rate of 361 rush-
ing yards a game.
In the individual statistics, two
Michigan players are rated. Billy
Taylor has cracked into the rush-
ing category, placing nineteenth
in the country. Taylor has massed
880 yards, for a nine game average
of 97.8.
Senior Paul Staroba jumped
from sixth to fourth this week in
punting. Staroba, after 47 punts,
is averaging 41.5 yards per punt.
The national leader in punting is
Marv Bateman of Utah whose toe
is worth 45.2 yards every time he
touches the ball.

-Associated Press
REFEREE TOM BRISCOE signals the end of the count for Bob
Foster as he is knocked out after 49 seconds of the second round
in his fight with Joe Frazier last night at Cobo Arena. Foster was
floored twice in that round, first by a cyclonic left hook, and.
finally by a flurry of rapid jabs climaxed by another left, hook
to the jaw.


"The- Argument Against


with the Military"
BOB ROSS, Survey Research Inst.
(Authentic, cooked by Mrs. Lee Anh)
6 P.M.
for reservations call 662-5189 by noon Friday
7:30 P.M.

By ELLIOT LEGOW 'of major collef
Who's number one? in the United
Texas, Notre Dame, and Ohio poll.
State have all been ranked as the The eyes of
nation's top football team at some fans are focu
point this season, and there are but many of
plenty of loyal rooters who would bother to vot
boost Michigan or Nebraska'for half of the v
the top spot in the polls. Even weekly poll.
Arizona State received a vote for The votersE
first place in this week's Associat- or sports bro
ed Press poll, to see a lotc
The college football polls are spokesman sail
something th a t everybody talks uted around tl
about, but seemingly nobody can tern which ma
do anything about. Actually, there tain sectionsE
a r e 58 selected sportswriters supposed to p
around the country who do the regionalism.
voting in the AP poll and a panel Of the 58 vo

ge coaches who vote
Press International
the nation's football
sed on the AP poll
the selectors never
te. Sometimes only
otes are cast in the
are all sportswriters
)adcasters who "get
of football,"han AP
d. They are distrib-
he country in a pat-
xy tend to favor cer-
although the poll is
reclude any type of
oters 15 of them are

pollsters play God

State Street at Liberty


The peoplewho take
a load. off your stomach
now take
a load off your feet.

-C- -
Petitioning now open for:
1Central Student Judiciary
8 Seats
Petitions and information available at
SGC offics (1st Floor SAB)
Petitions must be in before Sunday,
Nov. 22, at 5:00

in the northeast, 12 in the south-
east, 16 in the midwest, six in the
southwest, and nine in the far
The midwest votes are distribut-
ed so as to favor the Big Ten at
the expense of the Big E i g h t.
Twelve votes are from Big Ten!
territory, and only four are from
the Great Plains states where the
Big Eight schools would attract
The result of the geographical
weighting of the votes has been to
favor Big Ten and Southeastern
Conference teams in the polling.
The distribution is n o t on a
population basis, like some critics
of the over-weighted East charge.
Writers in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
or Spartanburg, South Carolina
get votes while major cities like
St. Louis, Baltimore, and Cincin-
nati are shut out.
One of the strongest things
about the AP poll is the lack of
concern shown by the voters.
Many of them never bother to
cast their votes and others "just
forget it" from time to time. A
tight race for the number one
spot tends to bring out more vot-
Despite the inadequacies of the
poll it is generally accepted by
sports fans as the final arbitor of
the dispute over the nation's top
football team. T h e Associated
Press began its polling of football
writers in 1936 to replace the old
Knute Rockne and Rissman Tro-
phies awarded to the nation's top
college football squad.
There have been major struc-
tural changes in the poll since its
beginnings. In the pre-World War

II years there were nearly 200 vot-
ers, and each selector -voted for
only ten teams until several years
ago. Another innovation of the
1960's was the institution of the
post-bowl final poll. It hasn't yet
been decided if there will be a
final poll next January.
Michigan has had a history of
success in football polls since be-
fore the inauguration of the AP
poll. In 1932 and 1933 the Wol-
verines were recognized as t h e
winners of the old Knute Rockne
Trophy. The AP poll listed Michi-
gan first in a special post-season
poll in 1947 and again gave the
Wolverines the top ranking in
1948. Since then no Michigan
team has ever taken first, but five
have finished in the top ten.
Michigan's Rose Bowl team of
1964 took fourth in the poll, high-
est since 1948, and last season's
Wolverines wound up eighth after
their upset win over the previous-
ly top ranked Ohio State Buck-
The UPI takes a different ap-
proach in its rating system by
polling 35 of the nation's top foot-
ball coaches. Among those coach-
es who get votes,are Ara Parase-
ghian of Notre Dame, Michigan
State's Duffy Daugherty, N or t h-
western's Alex Agase, and Ohio
State's Woody Hayes.
There's no assurance of more
fairness in the coaches' poll and
coaches may at times be likely to
favor t h e i r own teams. Hayes,
when asked who he voted for in
this week's coaches' poll kept the
public guessing with his tart re-
sponse, "I don't think you have
any right to ask me that."




Alka-Seltzeralways helped bring you fast
relief from too much to eat or drink. Now
Alka-Seltzer helps bring you fast relief for
tired feet. Just send us $3.00. That's all. And
we'll send you an inflatable hassock made of
heavy-duty wipe-clean blue and white
vinyl. In the shape ofan Alka-Seltzer tablet.
Let your tired, aching feet sink into
its soft folds. Use it for a back rest.
A wobbly volley ball. A pop sculpture.
Or one-third of a couch.
We weren't happy just to help
relieve your upset stomach; heart-
burn; acid indigestion; headache;
sore, stiff, aching muscles and
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Now we can help your feet get
back on their feet again.
Please send me.-Alka-Seltzer Hassocks "i
f at $3.00 each.E
(Add state tax where applicable.) j

Imagine skiing the "Gentle Giant,"
Jackson Hole, with Suzy Chaffee
and Pepi Steigler. It's part of
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round-trip air fare from your
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and a free pair of SALOMON SKI
BINDINGS! Glamorous former
U.S. Ski Team member Suzy and
Olympic gold medalist Pepi will
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It's easy!l Just write a funny caption for this
whacky Botr Cram cartoon. Use "SALOMON
BINDINGS" in the caption somewhere and mail
to us along with the cartoon, your name, address
and ski dealer. Enter as many times as you like.
Contest closes midnighthDecember 31, 1970. En-
tries will be judged on the basis of originality and
humor and remain the property of A & T Ski
Company. Top runner-up entries will receive free

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THE BUST BOOK: What to Do Until the Lawyer Comes
GUSTIN REICHBACH. "Everyone should have one, next to the
family Bible and the I Ching."-Rolling Stone.
"For your own protection, make it a bestseller."
--Chicago Seed. $1.00
IV-F: A Guide to Draft Exemption
By DAVID SUTTLER. "The closest thing to a how.to-escape-the-
draft manual that can be legally published."-Harvard Crimson
"If you are male, between the ages of eighteen
and thirty-five, a book that may well save your life
is IV-F."-Michigan Daily. $1.50




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