Thursday, November 19, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, November 19, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven DruA By The Associated Press As the nation gropes for an answer to its drug- abuse epide- mic, many new local efforts are emphasizing the help that young people can give to other young - people who are in drug trouble. In New Haven, Conn., the pro- ject is private, a storefront call- ed Number 9, as easygoing, in- formal "youth crisis intervention center," run by young people. "Basically," says cofounder Ted Clark, 26, "we've found that kids have an intuitive sense of how to. help other kids." Organizations like Number 9 which got its name from the Beatles song, "Revolution Num- ber 9" - are beginning to spring up across the country, with the *. young people sometimes work- ing largely alone, sometimes as part of a community's overall program. Order Subscription Today 76.4-0558 hel.p: Whether in New Haven, or in Phoenix, Ariz., San Mateo, Cal., all the programs try to offer guidance and therapy to youths in trouble, all reflecting vary- ing aspects of the nation's ef- fort. In New Haven, for example, the help comes from young people skeptical of more estab- lished routes of treatment. "The whole concept of Num- ber 9 is that the agencies are failing," Clark argued. "They're failing morally; they're failing in terms of their responsibility to the community, and they're great big copout centers." But an established agency in Connecticut disputed this, coun- tering that 'such informal cen- ters are mainly for middle-class white youths who are not usual- ly on hard drugs, while the rec- ognized agencies must aim at prolonged, intense treatment of those who have demonstrated a clear desire to quit using drugs. A center in Phoenix, in a large white house in the downtown area, also has a problem of in- formality vs. formality, even though it is a part of a larger community program. "We're kind of on a razor's edge;" said Bill Thrift; manager the Phoenix center. "We're try- ing to help heads, but we get our support from the straight com- munity. If we lean too much to- ward the heads, the straight community says we're a bunch of filthy hippies selling dope out of the back room. But if we're Coast-to-coast counseling SURVEY TAKEN: too straight, we're narcs and work with the cops. It gets to be a drag sometimes." The Phoenix center, called Terros House (a misspelling of the Latin word for earth) of- fers help 24 hours a day to any- one who needs it. But it also comes under a local "umbrella" organization, the Community Organization for Drug Abuse Control, suggested by the coun- ty medical society to coordinate the entire community effort. Just south of San Francisco, San Mateo County's community drug program includes a county hospital ward, mental health centers and two "drop-in cen- ters." More than 1,000 young- sters used the drop-in centers, located in an old house and an abandoned restaurant, during a recent month. The centers are manned by volunteer college students. "We're trying to get young people addicted to something beneficial in society," said Bob Yutzy, 26, a counselor. "We don't say, "Don't take drugs." Maybe the kid had a good ex- perience with LSD. "The majority of the kids com- ing in used drugs to turn off the world. We ask them if they want to live the rest of their lives like that and I've never heard one say he did. We tell them the reality of what you stand to gain or lose with drugs and let them make the deci- sion." Volunteers h e 1 P maintain Number 9's three major facil- ities, a storefront, a "crash pad" for drug users to sleep in emer- gencies and an arts lab for painting and working with clay, leather and other materials. The storefront's walls carry posters and signs about polit- ical and social causes. Here, young people can relax and "rap" about what disturbs, amuses or inspires them. 'I thought Number 9 was a theater group," said a 20-year- old girl, who said she had just dropped out of high school and been "thrown out of the house." "I was curious, very lone- some," she said. "Each time I walked in, I felt a little better when I walked out. It's a very relaxing place." She kept com- ing back, she said, "to help my- self and to do something to help other kids who have problems." Although drug abuse remains the most common problem at the center, other difficulties - single girls who are pregnant, those with sex and dating an- xieties, family problems-some- times come up. In fact, coun- selors said, most young people can only learn to deal with drug dependence by beginning to understand the personal prob- lems that made the drug attrac- tive. One feature common to the various centers is a strict pro- hibition against drugs on the premises. "Nobody's allowed to have anything in his posses- sion," Clark said, "and if we find out about it, we really won't let him come around. It's as drug-free an environment as you can have." Young people unclear about free speech. SAN DIEGO, Calif. UP) - A national task force has releas- ed a report indicating that a majority of American y o u n g people lacks "any consistent understanding or conviction about the exercise of free speech." The results of year-long sur- veys of about 90,000 persons up to the age of 35 were m ad e public by the Education Com- mission of the States, a non- profit organization set up in 1964 with funds from the Car- negie Corporation. Later fin- ancing has come from the Ford Foundation and the U.S. Office of Education. In a random sampling across the nation, those interviewed were asked if they would permit Americans to hear these state- ments by radio or television- "Russia is better than the Uni- ted States," "Some races of peo- ple are better than others," "It is not necessary to believe in God." Sixty-eight per cent of adults from 26 to 35 said they would refuse to permit the broadcast. So would 94 per cent of boys and girls 13 years old and 78 per cent of youngsters 17 years old. The fourth group question- ed in the survey, 9 year o l d s, was considered too young for the problem. Somewhat different figures were obtained when the ques- tions were asked separately. The statement, "It is n o t necessary to believe in God," would be permitted by 49 per cent of the 17 year olds and 55 per cent of the adults, the com- mission said. "Russia is better" would be allowed by 56 per cent of the adults and 49 per cent of the 17 year olds but only 21 per cent of the 13 year olds. "Some races are better" would be aired by 37 per cent o fthe adults, 31 per cent of the 17 year olds and 16 per cent of the 13 year olds. A separate "national assess- ment" of the ability of y o u n g people to write and u n d e r- stand was made public as 1 4 0 national educational leaders and U.S. governors, including Dela- ware Gov. Russell Peterson, chairman of the commission, ar- rived for three days of meetings of the commission's steering committee. The writing tests were given to students in 2,500 schools and to nearly 8,000 adults inter- viewed in their homes. They showed marked improvement in writing through the years - until their formal school ended. Dems to ban' TV on floor, of convention WASHINGTON VP) - The Democratic National Commit- tee's rules commission voted tentatively last week to ban roving television cameras from the floor of their 1972 nominat- ing convention. It rejected a proposal that no interviews by Ielectronic means-radio and tape record- ers - be permitted while the delegates are conducting busi- ness. If this is adopted finally it means television newsmen with sound equipment could interview delegates but the picture por- tion would have to be picked up f'om cameras above the conven- tion f loor. The ban was voted after lengthy discussion and the pro- posal was watered down to bar only television cameras. Press and radio equipment were in- cluded in the original wording of the proposal. One of those who fought the rule, Joseph Crangle, chairman of New York's Erie County Dem- ocratic Committee, said he would seek a reversal at the commission's next consideration of the matter. A. June Franklin, an Iowa state legislator, protested the proposed television camera ban, declaring "it looks like we're trying to blast the press for what happened in Chicago" in 1968. Drug counseling at Number 9 o1r college future looks better and better For clothes that look and feel new let us dry - clean your clothes for campus. Our special process- es make clothes look their best-and that says a lot for you. *fhA 7 9H9 3 r L _ YMI 1 ' LOWER OVERHEADS FOR US MEAN LOWER PRICES FOR YOU 1. Cash 'n Carry -no bookkeeping costs 2. Drive thru pickup-no delivery costs. S MiNOR N DAID f fN FDf