Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan why then this restlessness? The auto workers: Homeward bound by SNtart i Re 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN Security for Huey: Repression vs. repression IHE SECURITY measures surrounding Huey Newton's speech Tuesday night in Hill Aud. have created debate over what precautions should be taken to as- sure the safety of a controversial campus speaker. On one level, the precautions taken by the Panthers are understandable. Such procedures as risking all those who enter- ed must be considered in the light of the Panthers' political situation. As revolutionaries, they cannot r e 1 y upon enemy security agents for their pro- tection. As black revolutionaries, their safety is constantly in jeopardy and self- defense is of the highest priority. With so many Panthers killed, in jail or subject to harrassment, frisking those who came to hear Newton seems more than justi- fied. Clearly, those who objected to the long wait in line to be searched were thinking of themselves and their small inconven- ience rather than the safety of the speak- er. But some of the other security measures seemed less necessary for Newton's pro- tection. It is difficult to argue that people were a threat to Newton if they did not sit completely still in their seats, as was sug- gested' by the threats of the organizers of the event. A security guard of 11 was protecting the stage and other Panthers and Black Student Union members were standing in the aisles. Why then, t h e Endorsements THE FOLLOWING endorsements for Student Government Coun- cil candidates were made in Tues- day's Daily: EXCELLENT: Paul Teich, Jeanne Lenzer; GOOD: Marnie Heyn, Andre H u n t, Brian Spears; ACCEPTABLE: Jeff Lewin, Jay Hack, Al Ackerman; NOT ENDORSED: Paul Travis, Hen- ry Clay, Russ Garland, Jim Kent, Mark Ruessman, Edward Steig, Bahr Weiss. -THE SENIOR EDITORS warning that no one leave their seats during the program (which some never- theless chose to ignore)? Why the threat against those who already submitted to search? A S WELL AS being unnecessary, these precautions were counter-productive in that they alienated a segment of the audience. When a spokesman threatened the audience to keep in their seat "or else we can't be responsible for your safe- ty," it seemed like the audience was be- ing subjected to a form of repression par- allel to what Panthers currently suffer. For those who saw historical analogies in the way the event was run, the situa- tion was frightening. When the audience seemed to respond most enthusiastically to threats of "taking their (political op- ponents') heads off," it was like a strange flashback to times when assassinations have been condoned by masses of people without question. But these repressive tactics used in the past and present to stifle freedom cannot be used by t h o s e who propose to liberate. Unfortunately, as long as the Panth- ers are enemies of 'the state it is likely that searches will be necessary in order, to have large public gatherings to hear Panthers. An example of the misguided response to this necessary precaution is the recent statement by President Robben W. Fleming. INSTEAD OF acknowledging the condi- tions that led to the necessity of the precautions, Fleming bemoans the fact that such things should be necessary in a University community. His statement "we want to know in the future well in advance of any such condition and to re- view whether appearances which must take place under such conditions are ap- propriate on this campus," creates a grave threat to freedom of assembly on campus. When radical groups like the Black Panthers are so often denied forums and systematically persecuted by forces with- in society, the case for their appearance in the University community becomes even stronger. As long as the Panthers are oopressed, their right to a forum here should be guarded zealously. On the other side, while the Panthers must chiefly con- cern themselves with their own self-de- fense, they must not let defense lead to their own sort of repression. -MARK DILLEN WILLOW RUN L AST THURSDAY, the fifty- ninth day of the UAW strike against General Motors, was typi- cal in many respects for the strik- erson thetpicket lie Oub e gates to the Chevrolet assembly plant a cold wind whipped dust off the road into the huddling groups of men. The rumble of heavy trucks on the road and the roar of airplanes approaching a nearby airport combined to drown out conversation every few min- utes. Overhead dirty gray clouds -characteristic of Michigan Novembers - were constantly swept on by the wind. However, last Thursday was dif- ferent in one respect. The day be- fore the UAW and GM had reach- ed a tentative settlement of the two-month old strike which has half paralyzed the nation's a u t o industry and' the men on the picket line had their car radios tuned in to news programs trying to hear reports on the proposed terms of the contract. For after weeks of fruitless bar- gaining, it appears that the UAW has negotiated a contract which will be acceptable to the union's rank and file. On a nationwide level, the settlement has been blasted by the Nixon administra- tion andbbusinessmen as inflation- ary, while locally some workers and union men believe the UAW leadership sold out on many key demands - especially plant griev- ances. However, most of this de- bate has been shrugged aside by the men on the picket lines. What was uppermost in their minds was the expectation that after t w o months of striking they would soon be returning to work, THE AUTO STRIKE was fought over the UAW's demands for more pay, early retirement, and an un- limited cost-of-living allowance - all of which the workers support- ed. And while these issues have been more or less settled, the ne- gotiation of local contracts in in- dividual plants appears to have been much less successful. For instance, at the C h e v y assembly plant, the workers h a d hoped to have the ventilation i the 1factory improved, and tele- phones installed near the lines, among other things. But in the negotiation of worker grievances, these demands were compromised, and although the men finally ra- tified the agreement, it obviously didn't excite them. As one work- er said: "They settled here, and I voted for the contract . . . I don't see much in it though." However, perhaps more than winning their contract demands for improved plant conditions, workers are anxious to return to work because of the grim financ- ial outlook they face. When the strike began many workers had saved some money in anticipation of being out of work. But now as these funds dwindle and winter approaches, the prospect of living on the $40 allowance strikers re- ceive from the union becomes in- creasingly depressing, making the workers more willing to settle. And though most of the men will encounter financial difficul- ties should the strike continue, they talk very .little about their own hard times, preferring to fall back on pride rather than out- side support - even from t h e i r families. As one worker put it: "My own money is gone but I will never let my wife work. She belongs at home." Another notes ironically that since the s t r i k e began his bills have really dropped - because he has no money to buy anything on installment. Per- haps the mood of the men was best summed up by a worker who said he needed "some" m o n e y, I Letters to The Daily Heil Hitler To the Daily: I ATTENDED LAST ni g ht' s lecture by Huey P. Newton and was amazed that your reporter could find any sense of cohesion, rele- vance, or knowledge in Mr. New- ton's oration. Furthermore, it as- tounds me how any responsible journalist could fail to describe the restrictive and degrading condi- tions that were forced upon 1 a s t night's audience. I shall start at the beginning- Arriving at Hill Auditorium at 7 p.m., I waited with the rest of the :expectant mass of 4,000 to get in and hear the words of one of America's greatest leaders. Upon a combination of pushing a n d being pushed, I finally made it to the door by 9 p.m., only to find myself roughly frisked by what I had considered a "brother," and then was commanded to find a seat in the balcony. IT WAS ONLY after all this has- sle and had gotten a seat that I realized what I was experiencing. It wasn't until then that it dawn- ed on me that I was observing a re-creation of the rise, the vigor, pomp and perversity of N a z i Germany. Nothing was missing, perhaps varied a little, but it was a 11 there. The Panther body-guard who fired up the crowd by repeat- edly screaming, "Right On!," "Power to thePeople," was mere- ly a resurrected S. S. Guard, and his phrases were just euphemisms for "Heil Hitler." The clenched fists only a var- iation of the open hand, the phrase "the people," only a sub- stitute for "Deutschland," and the black-garbed pubescent boys with their black barets, ready to strong arm people back into their seats, is Huey's answer to Hitler's youth. In fact, it must be noted, that the Panther's insistence, through the threat of violence, that everyone remain seated, far exceeded even the Fueher's paranoia. However, the climax to this ana- logy occurred when I decided to commit these thoughts to paper, along with the words of Huey, who by now, 9:30 p.m., had ambled on to the stage. It was then, while taking notes, that my pen and paper were confiscated along with those of the journalists next to me. IT MUST BE said that there is only one point, Land thank God for that one point,) where this analogy is inconsistent. Whereas Hitler was a great orator and em- ployed tight-well-written speech- es to stir a crowd; the rhetorical disability of Mr. Newton far ex- ceeds that of even my most boring and redundant professor. Not only that, but his know- ledge of Communist theory, social- psychology, philosophy, history, and all subjects touched upon in last night's lecture, is, to say the least, elementary, if not, down- right incorrect. In less than three hours, Mr. Newton emasculated Marxian theory, debauched Soc- rates by claiming to employ his method, exhibited a competence of physics worthy of a malpractice suit, and even managed to mis- quote a song by Rogers a n d Hammerstein. SUBSEQUENTLY, when first walking out of Hill Auditorium last night, I was cursing myself for opting Hamlet and Seven Sam- uri just to hear the babel of Mr. Newton. However, were it n o t for my experience last night, I would still be a Panther sympa- thizer, consider Huey P. Newton a prophet, and thoroughly believe yesterday's Daily article. However, my experience has shown me that even Nixon's vile, discriminatory, repressive police-state is not nearly as dangerous as the micro- cosmic nation which the Panthers had created in Hill Auditorium last night. -Mark Alan Farber '72 Nov. 18 "but if you have to make it you can." PERHAPS AN EQUALLY com- pelling motivation for returning to work is the growing sense of bore- dom and uselessness workers feel as the strike wears on. In Septem-. ber, there was no problem in building enthusiasm for the strike. Work in the plant last summer was reaching the point of insan- ity. Anticipating the strike, GM had its shifts working overtime each day and six days a week. So when the strike finally came, the men, worn ragged from work, were willing enough to leave their jobs. As the strike got underway, however, boredom was quick to make its appearance. Daily rou- tines which began by fixing things around the house or doing s o m e work on one's car gradually lapsed into a growing restlessness over not being able to work - e v e n under oppressive factory condi- tions. By November, most men have grown weary of sitting at h o m e each day with nothing to occupy their attention save the ever-pre- sent television set. Trips away from home amount to shopping and the weekly requirement of spending four hours on the picket line. And by now even picket duty has grown boring. Picket lines are organized by the union to prevent the company from bringing in other workers or unauthorized personnel into the plant. In the beginning of the strike the workers at Chevy as- sembly were fairly militant, clash- ing with Washtenaw County Sher- iff's deputies on the f i r s t night over the right of picketers to stop and inspect cars. Then for the first few weeks of the strike t h e workers carefully checked 'the identification of each car which approached the gate, refusing to let anyone but management em- ployes past. By now however, workers on the picket line pass their time drinking coffee or sit- ting in their cars, waving at the management men who drive through the gate, and reminiscing about times, cars, and childhoods past. CONVERSATIONS AMONG the strikers analyze the merits of Fords or Chevrolets, Winchesters or Remingtons,. West Virginia or Kentucky, and wives or women. Younger workers try to draw at- tention to themselves by telling stories about their automotive or erotic exploits while older men stand more quietly, drawing on the conversation as they do on their pipes: reflectively absorbing the contents. Nearby, a white Christmas tree - put up in jest by workers a few weeks ago when prospects for the strike were less hopeful - could finally be laughed at as a joke. Now workers talked happily of a white Christmas - with t he~m working. So what has been the meaning of the strike? Certainly e v e r y worker suffered hardship. B u t just as certainly the misery, frus- tration, and contempt strikers of previous years suffered was par- ticularly absent throughout this GM strike. WHENTHE STRIKI began, some people, especially students, hoped it would serve as a spring- board for educating the public on the exploitive nature of G a n e r a 1 Motors. Others hoped the strike would raise the consciousness of the auto workers of the need for political change. The UAW on the other hand, fought the strike strictly as an economic battle ig- noring the political implications others were anxious to draw, Whatever the value to these positions, now as the settlement approaches, the debate over the meaning ;of the strike will ease as workers prepare to return to the factories. And it appears that with a better position in regard to in- flation than they had before, and prospects for retiring at an early age, few workers feel oppressed by their lives. White American workers may certainly be privileged in om- parison with the rest of the world. They don't demand much f r o m society, or the present outside of material satisfaction. Rather, they look ahead to the timewhen they can retire and return to the coun- try to enjoy life. If working on an assembly line is the price to be pair for arpleasant retirement, then they are willing to pay it. Under the new contract, most of them will be qualified for pen- sions by the time they're in their early fifties. In the meantime, there will always be newer cars to talk about, longer hunting trips to make and Johnny Cash has his own TV show. Working in an auto factory may not be the best of all possible worlds, but for the Amer- ican worker it seems acceptable enough. But last Thursday, the strike was still on and the men were manning positions on the picket -rather than the assembly-line. When picket duty is over, some of the men ,will return home. Others will get together with some friends to drink. And as one worker says: "My wife wants the strike to end quick because I come home drunk every time I picket." *1 I4 Garry: Snatching Panthers from the belly of the mo nster By JIM NEUBACHER NEW HAVEN, Conn. THE MAN IS 62 years old, and frustrated. Stockley Carmichael won't speak to him. A judge in California wants to put him in jail. A judge in New Haven won't let him talk about his work in public. The San Francisco police force wants their hands on him - preferably in a dark alley some- where. Bobby Seale calls him the "Lenin" of the court- room, and would rather defend himself than get an- other lawyer. And that, for Charles Garry, makes it all worth-{ while. Garry is the chief legal counsel for the National Black Panther Party, and at first meeting him, one would- think it strange that the chief legal counsel for the Panthers, should be a 62 year old white man of Armenian stock, who worked his way up through the burdens of Middle Americanism to become, not the most flamboyant radical lawyer in the country, just the most dedicated and effective. A lot of the Black Panthers thought it pretty strange too, when friends of theirs recommended they retain Garry to defend Huey Newton in Cali- fornia in 1967. In his book, Seize the Time, Bobby Seale tells of his apprehension of hiring a white law- yer to defend Huey. But that apiprehension wore off when Seale learned that Charles Garry wasn't in- terested in big legal fees, when he learned of Charles Garry's long experience as a radical lawyer. He learned that Charles Garry is not a lawyer w h o works for the Movement, but part of the Movement who happens to. be a lawyer. The Panthers hired Garry and soon after he got Eldridge Cleaver out of Vacaville and kept Huey Newton out of the gas chamber in California. NOW THE FAITH that Bobby Seale put in Charles Garry becomes even more personally rele- vent as Charles Garry comes to New Haven to try to keep Bobby Seale and Ericka Huggins out of the electric chair in the Alex Rackley murder case. Last Sunday night, Garry sat in an old green terrycloth bathrobe on a small couch in a small and spare guest suite at the Yale University Law School dormitory. He drank scotch on the rocks out of a paper cup and talked about the other obvious ques- tion: Assuming the Panthers choose you for their chief legal counsel, why do you choose to work for them? "Because I'm a revolutionary," he says matter of factly. And therein lies the reason Charles Garry is frustrated. Being a lawyer is almost the epitome of working through the system. "You're damn right it's frustrating," he says. "I share the beliefs of his clients, and Garry says this is true in his case. For starters, he calls himself, "at least a socialist." "I don't like to be stuck in a narrow category with a label. Let me put it this way: I firmly believe, without equivocation, that the means of production must be take over by the people. And that has to be done, in this country, in the American way." What the hell is that? "I don't know for sure." he says. Well Mister Garry, some historians would say that the American way is through violent revolu- tion. "I think it's been proven that the established powers won't give up their powers without violence." he says. SO, WHEN your clients are not clients or rather don't know really what to call it. They are part of the oppressed, part of the colony here that the Mother Country is vamping on, and fucking over, and shitting on and screwing. "The Panthers are more than political prisoners, they are prisoners of war. "Black people in this country," Garry says, "have completely lost confidence in the system. The Pan- thers are not members of the system who broke the laws, but rather soldiers in a battle of total. resis- tence to the system. When one understands the Panthers, in this way, one can understand Charles Garry, when he says' that the prosecution of Bobby Seale and Ericka Hug- gins is not a political prosecution but an act of war by the states. Garry is banned by a court order from discus- sing specific details of the Seale case on the record. Ma mm m mm N MM ~ mm m mm m mm WN #EN #:IN##NE:si: i ss%:%i i~i i:i::: i: vi: v ::48:3::: Garry professes to have no real faith in the law, in the courts, in the process. He doesn't view himself as an advocate or an officer of the court, but rather as a combatant locked in struggle with the system, on the sys- tem's home territory. He fights to keep people out of the clutches of the courts. C#!il::18. and a good mechanic. Just wait until t h e y get (George) Sams (the chief state witness) on the stand." Leonard Weinglass, co-counsel for the defense in the Chicago 7 conspiracy trial, speaks highly of Gar- ry's ability as a lawyer. "They told me that there's air conditioning in this courtroom," Weinglass said, referring to the scene of Seale's current New Haven murder trial. "Well they're going to need it when Garry gets Sams on cross examination." Garry's record also backs up his claim. In, his 32 years of law practice, Garry has had a large number of radical clients. His record of keeping, clients off death row and out of jail was one of the reasons the Panthers chose him. In the Oakland shoot out case he got three out of five trials to end in hung juries, and never put a single witness on the stand. And Garry does it for peanuts. As part of a four- man law firm, he has a one-fourth responsibility in the firm's overhead expenses of $22,000 a month. His only request to the Panthers has been that they pay that share of the expenses. He lives on his share of the profits from the cases of his other three part- ners. *My partners share my aspirations, they under- stand," he says. That's a significant plus for Garry because the Panthers are $100,000 to $150,000 be- hind in expenses and foresee only going more in debt. The attorney for Erika Huggins, Catherine Roraback, is also said to be completely broke. But Roraback, like Garry, works becausq she be- lieves in what she is doing. Prior to New Haven, Garry spent five months in San Francisco winning the acquittal of six chicanos accused of murdering a policeman. He is now missing a trial in Oakland and there is a bench warrant out for his failure to appear. The Huey Newton retrial is scheduled to begin in Janu- ary when the Bobby Seale trial will almost certainly be in progress. . colleagues and you all believe that power must be in the hands of the people, and the establishment won't give up power without violence . . . well, you have a lot of political trials on your hands. The phrase "political trials" however, bothers Garry. "I don't think the Bobby Seale trial is a political trial," he says. So he explains what he means. "I divide criminal law up into four categories. In the first you have crimes of Property. Jean Val Jean types of crime, where a man steals to eat, or sup- But he did say, that the case poses a particular prob- lem for him. Usually, Garry would appeal to the jury for an acquittal of his defendant, not because they were victims of an act of war by the state, but "in the American way, showing Panthers as general vic- tims of established racism members of the system entitled to all the rights of that system. He would try to convince the jury that the prosecuter is in- fringing those rights, that the prosecuter is out to "get" Bobby Seale. But the Alex Rackley murder case, in which V