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November 19, 1970 - Image 1

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Windy and cloudy,
chance of rain tonight

Vol. LXXXI, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 19, 1970 Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Jurors rejected


n Seale



Special To The Daily
NEW HAVEN, Conn.--A possible request for the electric
chair for Bobby Seale loomed large here yesterday as defense
and prosecution attorneys rejected 21 more prospective jurors
in the trial of the Black Panther.
Seale, 34,,the national chairman of the Panther party, is
on trial along with Connecticut Panther leader Ericka Hug-
gins. Both are accused of murder, kidnapping resulting in
death, and conspiracy to commit both of those crimes in the
May, 1969 slaying of New York Panther Alex Rackley.
The 21 rejected jurors bring the total number rejected to
39, with the first juror yet to be seated. But a clear pattern is
emerging which seems to indicate that State's Atty. Arnold



Although the University has not yet determined what areas
will be affected by the State Legislature's $735,048 emergency
cut in this year's appropriations to the University, Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Allan Smith yesterday said he does
not anticipate increasing student tuition to cover the cuts.
Tuesday legislative negotiators announced budget cuts of
one per cent for all four-year, state-supported colleges and
universities to add $62 million to the state's treasury.
Of the total $735,048 University budget cut, $692,950 is
from the Ann Arbor campus, $23,003 from the Dearborn
branch campus and $19,095 from Flint's branch campus.
Explaining the difficulty in determining which areas of
the University's budget to cut, Smith said, "Any cut in the
anticipated budget is tough, - - -

return to
GM plant
DETROIT (I)-Return of 3,000
long-striking employes to a Gen-
eral Motors plant today was vetoed
yesterday by the United Auto
Workers Union.
But the UAW left undisturbed,
at least for the time being, plans
of 2,500 others to begin returning
to another plant.
A nationwide UAW s tr i ke
against GM now in its 10th week
will not formally end until union
ratification of a new national con-
tract on which voting winds up
There was no explanation from
union headquarters in Detroit why
workers had been ordered not to
return immediately at a Fisher
Body plant at Grand Blanc, Mich.,
but no such order had been given
a similar plant at Kalamazoo.
Local unions representing em-
ployes of-the two plants have ap-
proved overwhelmingly both the
new national contract and at-the-
plant working agreements which
supplement it.
They also had agreed with local
management to return to work
without awaiting a formal end of
the strike.
Don Ellis, UAW regional direc-
tor for the Flint. area, pointed out
the union had not called off its
GM strike and that it still wasn't
"absolutely ceitain" the new con-
tract will be ratified.
General Motors said it would
welcome any workers who return
today either at Grand Blanc or
Kalamazoo, but James Huffman,
s h o p committee chairman at
Grand Blanc, said "orders came
down from the international" for
no one to go back before Monday.
The UAW local at Kalamazoo
said it had received no such orders
and that make-ready crews would
begin reporting at midnight yes-
terday, skilled tradesmen today
and production workers tomorrow.
A Fisher Body local union at
Grand Rapids reported it sent
back make-ready crews yesterday
and planned to return production
workers Monday, when results of
the ratification vote will be known.
There was a groundswell yes-
4 terday in new contract approval,
with 27 units voting to ratify and
bringing to 53 the number thus
far approving out of 155 separate
GM-UAW bargaining units around
the country.
The strike has had long-range
economic effects, sending the un-
employment rate in the state up to
9 per cent and across the nation
to 5.6 per cent.

Markle is looking for a jury
that won't be afraid to im-
pose the death sentence if
asked to.
In a significant move yesterday,
Markle asked Superior Court
Judge Harold M. Mulvey to excuse1
a prospective juror who said he
was against the death penalty at
all times. Mulvey complied with
the motion over the objections of
Charles R. Garry, defense at-
torney for Seale.
Garry contended that a recent
decision of the U.S. Supreme
Court does not allow a prospective
juror to be disqualified just te-'
cause he was opposed to the death
Although Mulvey overruled Gar-
ry's objection, and disqualified the
juror, Garry was allowed to in-
troduce evidence in support of his
contention, and may use The issue
of an improperly constituted jury
as grounds for appeal should that
be necessary later.
Under Connecticut law, the
jury in a capital case first renders
a verdict and then, if requested to
by the prosecutor, debates the sen-
Questioned about asking for a
death sentence should he win a
conviction, Markle brushed the is-
sue aside, saying "We're going
after a conviction first, we'll come
to that later."
However, in the previous trial
of Panther Lonnie McLucas, who
was also charged with kidnaping
and conspiracy to murder Rackley,
Markle anounced before the start
of the jury selection that he was
not going to seek the death pen-
alty. McLucas was eventually con-
victed of conspiracy to murder and
sentenced to 12-15 years in jail.
But yesterday Markle said, "The
Seale trial is not going the same
way as the McLucas trial."
He declined to say this meant,
he was considering asking for the
death sentence.
About half of the 39 prospective
jurors have been excused for
health or hardship reasons. Most
of the rest were excused by Mul-
vey after admitting, in the course
of grueling examinations by Garry
and Catherine Roraback; attorneyr
for Huggings, to having pre-
judged the case, or having a bias
that would make it impossible for
them to consider evidence and
testimoney in a fair and impartial
On only two occasions thus 'far
have Garry and Roraback been
satisfied that a prospective jurort
would be fair and impartial.
In both these cases, Markle has
used a "preemptory challenge" to=
excuse the prospective juror with-
out having to show a reason. InI
one of these cases, he did not ask2
the prospective juror any ques-
tions. His only apparent objection2
to the prospective juror was that(
the juror was approved by the de-
fense lawyers.
Defense attorneys have also ex-
See REJECT, Page 101

-Barb Jaffe
A sign of our tines
When a large billboard became available in the center of Columbus, Ohio State fans were quick to find a suitable use for the space. For
the past two weeks, slogans coined by the fans have been posted in an effort to advance the Buckeyes chances against Michigan on
Nov. 21. The right half of the billboard, not visible in the picture, responds to the phrase "In Ann Arbor they say: Goody, Goody,
Bo Beat Woody" with the question "We say: Who's Bo?" (See sto ry, Page 9.)


asks security plan

By EUGENE ROBINSON the kind of climate which ought to allowed to enter or leave the
In the future, groups who plan prevail on a campus," Fleming building.
to use University facilities for said. Fleming commented yesterday,
lectures or talks will have to re- The statement was issued in re- "I'm very concerned about the
ceive University approval for any sponse to Black Student Union matter of searching people to go
unusual security precautions, in- preparations for a talk Tuesday to a University lecture." He said
cluding physical searches, in ad- night by Huey P. Newton, minister that it was a matter of people
vance. of defense of the Black Panther being "free to come and go."
According to a statement issued Party. He said that he did not know
by President Robben Fleming, the Before entering Hill Aud., each of the BSU's plans to search the'
University will want to know be- member of the audience was crowd until late Monday after-
forehand any circumstances which searched for concealed weapons. noon.
might warrant such precautions, Also, no cameras, tape recorders, He said that the restrictions
and will review whether "appear- or sharp objects were allowed in seemed "totally inconsistent with
ances which must take place un- the building. 'university' type of climate."
der such conditions are appro- Once inside, the crowd was told He emphasized that his objec-
priate on this campus. to sit down immediately and re- tion was to the security restric-
"That it should be necessary to mansae.I.adtote tions, not to Huey Newton him-
search people attending a lecture main seated. In addition, they self. He said that people with all
on University premises is some- were informed that once Newton points of view are welcome to
thing which we find repugnant to began speaking, no one would be speak on the campus.
1-Ill . 1 1(eC~1____ 1

Dave Wesley, president of BSU,
had no reaction to the statement.
He said, however, that he felt that
too much emphasis was being
placed on the security precau-
tions, and not enough on Newton's
seerch itself.
Other reactions to the security
measures were varied. History
Prof. Gerhard Weinberg, chairman
of the Senate Advisory Committee
of University Affairs (SACUA)
was reluctant to comment, saying,
"This is a matter that the Uni-
versity's Civil Liberties B o a r d
is looking at."
However, he did say that he
thought there were severe c i v i 1
liberties problems to such actions
on campus by "anyone under any
Robert Knauss, vice president
for student services, had mixed
feelings about the subject.
"I was concerned about the se-
curity question," he said. "Any
time you've got the use of public
buildings, I find it very trouble-
some to have these restrictions im-
He added, however, that "under
current restrictions, I find noth-
ing legally wrong with imposing
restrictions." Knauss cited o t h e r
University events at which the use
of cameras or tape recorders has
been prohibited.
Under present rules, when the
Universityrents a building to an
organization,'the group has a right
to exclude or restrict whomever
they wish, he said.
Knauss also emphasized that
the major objection was to the re-
strictions and not to Newton h i m-
He said that he could apprec-
iate the concern of BSU on secur-
ity reasons. However, he expressed
doubts over the actual effective-
ness of the search.

for lots of plans are laid for
the full year. We will have to
revise these plans on a make-
shift basis which is always
Smith- said he, talked briefly
with President Robben Fleming
concerning the budget cuts, but
did not have time to talk with the
deans'of the schools and colleges.
But, Smith said he prefers not
to make budget cuts "across the
board"-a flat, percentage figure
applied evenly to all the Univer-
sity's schools and colleges.
"I would rather see selective
cuts from different places (in the
University,)" Smith said.
Several devices Smith suggested
to accommodate the budget cuts
include freezing all vacated staff
positions and equipment and re-
habilitation expenditures.
"If some of these devices could
be used, the impact on the opera-
tional units would be lessened,"
Smith said.
Last week the University an-
nounced a possible three per cent
budget cut which would not take
effect until 1971-72. The state's
budget reduction request-which
will be effective this fiscal year-
has no relation to last week's pro-
posed cuts.
Smith said he does not antici-
pate any more cuts from the state.
Tuesday's cutbacks resulted from
a slowdown in the national econ-
omy and costs relating to the
General Motors strike, the state
House and Senate Appropriations
Committees said.
Senate Appropriations Chair-
man Charles Zollar (R-Benton
Harbor) said he did not expect
the $62 million would be sufficient
to cover state losses from the auto
According to its constitution,
the state cannot operate on defi-
cit spending.
Legislative measures aimed at
increasing state revenue include:
-Deferred capital outlay on
programs totaling $13.97 million.
Included in this category are the
proposed new capital, a Grand
Rapids state office building, pre-
fects at state colleges and univer-
sities and mental health facilities;
-Reduction of payments to
nonpublic schools (parochiaid) of
$12.2 million. This reduction, in
effect, was ordered by the voters
in the Nov. 3 elections when a
majority approved a constitution-
al amendment halting state aid to
nonpublic schools.
-Program reductions and de-
ferments of $3.1 million. Cuts here
amount to trimming state pro-
grams such as grants to school
districts for community - school
specialized instruction programs;
-College cutbacks of $2.84 mil-
lion. The legislature put no re-
strictions on where universities
and colleges should make these


Regents to
dorm acts
The Regents will discuss stu-
dent morals in dormitories in a
closed session with University of-
ficials as the Regents begin two
days of meetings here today and
University Housing Director
John Feldkamp along with re-
presentatives of the Health Ser-
vice and counseling office will dis-
cuss visitation hours, the use of
drugs and sex in dormitories and
respond to Regents' questions on
the subject.
"Some months ago the Regents
asked to discuss with people in the
dorms their perceptions of these
problems," President Robben
Fleming explained.
Fleming emphasized that the
secret meeting will be purely for.
informational purposes and that
the Regents will not take any ac-
tion on the situation.
"If anybody makes a speech,
they (the Regents) get asked by
the audience about drugs and sex
on campus and they want in-
formation," Fleming said.
He added that the Regents were
not specifically concerned w i t h
the situation in any single dormi-
tory or any particular problem.
The Regents public session to-
morrow has a comparatively un-
eventful agenda with the Regents
scheduled to receive reports on la-
bor relations and sources of re-
search funding among others.
Fleming said earlier this week
that he will comment on negotia-
tions between the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
and the University on an action
plan for employment of women.
In addition, the Regents are ex-
pected to approve the appoint-
ment of Roger W. Heyns, chan-
cellor of the University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley, as professor of
education and psychology here.
One reason that this month's
Regents meeting will be so un-
eventful, sources say, is that de-
tailed proposals on several con-
troversial issues such as the Of-
fice of Student Services' recruit-
ing policy and a University policy
on use of facilities are not yet
ready for submission to the Re-
Some of these sensitive proposals
will conceivably not be brought
before the Regents until t h e i r
January meeting when two newly-
elected members, James Waters
and Paul Brown, take office.

roils open tor iinal clay ot MA
elections following light turnout

By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN Polls will continue to be set up)
Voting was slow again yesterday at the following locations: thel
in the second day of the semi- Union, the Fishbowl, the Under-
annual Student Government Coun- graduate Library, the Frieze Bldg.
cil elections. and the North Campus bus stop.
Elections supervisor Vic Gut- Schools which will have polling
man estimated that 1,500 students places are: the medical school, the
cast ballots in yesterday's voting, school of education, the law
bringing the two-day total to school, the-engineering school (at
about 2,700. both East and West Engineering
With seven council seats and a Buildings).
referendum at stake, election bal- During meal hours only, these
lotings ends today. dormitories will have voting booths
"I would encourage all students set up: South Quad, East Quad,
to vote today," urged Jerry De Markley, Bursley, and Alice Lloyd
Grieck, executive vice president Halls.
of SGC. "Otherwise," he cau- Candidates for the seven Coun-
tioned, "they will get a student cil seats include: a coalition of
government which may not rep- Marnie Heyn, Paul Teich, an in-
resent their interests." cumbent, Brian Spears and Jean-


'ne Lenzer; incumbents A n d r e
Hunt, Al Ackerman, and Henry
Cley; Jeff Lewin, running with
Ackerman; Jay Hack; Russ Gar-
land; Paul Travis; Bahr Weiss,
and an informal alliance of Jim
Kent, Edward Steig and Mark
The referendum reads as fol-
lows: "Should two students and
two faculty be seated with the
Board of Regents, said students
and faculty to have all regental
p r i v i l e g e s except the right to
De Grieck appeared dismayed by
the low voter turnout for the first
two days. He explained that al-
though voting at central campus
locations had picked up yesterday,
fewer ballots were cast at the var-
ious schools and colleges and dor-
Gutman atributed the lag in
balloting to "poor campaigning."
"No major issues were involved,"
he explained.
Many voters yesterday seemed
apathetic about the election.
Poll workers became bored as
few students voted. One residence
hall voting station got fewer than
10 votes at lunchtime yesterday.
Another poll worker pointed out
that the voters were amazingly ig-
norant of the candidates' posi-
tions. As shespoke, a student ap-
proached the booth, He inquired
about the election and then told
her that he couldn't vote because
he "just didn't know enough about
the issues."
Election procedures were the
standard ones which have charac-


U' to aid handicapped students

"Many handicapped students have been
reluctant to come to the University be-
cause they believed, perhaps correctly, that
there was a lack of facilities and pregram-
ming for them here," says Vice President
for Student Services Robert Knauss.
Hoping to ease this problem, Knauss has
apointed an 11-member committee to make
recommendations on actions the University
can take to help handicapped students.
The committee met for the first time
three weeks ago, and committee member

He says students are told that they
should come to check out the facilities here
and if they think the facilities are adequate
they should come. Students are reminded,
however, that they will be on their own.
The usual problems for the handicapped
include housing, transportation, parking
and special problems for the blind. For
those that cannot walk long distances,
there is the problem of the spread-out
nature of the campus.
Approximately 10 per cent of the ap-
plicants will definitely have problems, he

pus do not conform to the state codes for
the handicapped. State investigators were
on campus two weeks ago to inspect the
Douglas Sherman, assistant vice presi-
dent and director of capital planning, said
"nothing too serious was found wrong."
However, a written report on the investiga-
tion is expected this week.
Other problems students encounter are
unrepaired sidewalks, broken elevators,
and unshoveled sidewalks.
There are very limited special services
offered to handicapped students through


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