Huey Newton, Minister of Defense
of the Black Panther Party, spoke last
night before a capacity crowd of over
5,000 in Hill Aud.
The entire crowd was searched for
concealed weapons before they were
allowed to enter. In addition, cameras
and tape recorders were prohibited.
Newton introduced the concept of
Intercommunalism, "the new philoso-
phy of the Black Panthr Party," as
opposed to internationalism.
"I only have one single message, and
it is not based on fancy phrases. It is
based on survival," he said.
Though the speech, sponsored by
the Black Student Union, was sched-
uled for 8 p.m., a large crowd had
already gathered an hour earlier. The
crowd was ordered to form two lines,
one female and one male, so they
could be searched before entering the
Once inside, people were prohibited
from smoking and congregating in
groups, and they were ordered to re-
main seated at all times. Once Newton
entered, a spokesman said, no one
would be permitted to enter or leave
the auditorium.
The audience during the wait chant-
ed "all power to the pople," "Free
Bobby Seale, free Ericka" and "Death
to the facist pigs."
In the meantime, speaker systems
were being brought outside to accom-
modate the mass of people unable to
enter the crowded auditorium.
Newton finally appeared about 9:15,
surrounded by 11 guards.
He told the crowd that the party
switched f r o m its internat
philosophy because of its rea
that nations no longer existed.
that since the U.S. controlledt
nomic and political affairs o
countries they could no lon
called nations.
"How can we say nations exi
the U.S. is an empire?" he ask
And he described the wor
system of communities-collec
institutions serving the people
but mastered by a central figu
He attacked groups trying
ganize a nation within the U.
"the U.S. won't let nations exis
miles away in Cambodia an
He equated the plight of otl
tions controlled by the United
to that of blacks in America.
ionalism He then cited Communist China as
alization an example of the kind of extensive
He said community that the world would
the eco- eventually have to become.
of other He said that the U.S. would serve
nger be as the urban area of the community,
and that the rest of the world would
ist when be the "countryside."
He added that this theory was al-
ready being implemented in Latin
tions of America, where instead of making the
's needs, normal progression from feudalism to
are. capitalism to socialism, emerging
to or- countries were going directly from
S. when feudalism to a form of socialism. He
st 10,000 preferred to call these countries "lib-
id Viet- erated territory.''
He said that in this worldwide com-
ther na- munity all men would identify with
d States each other because of the simple fact
that they were human beings.
The way to achieve such a com-
munity was to place before the "ruling
circle" a choice between life or death,
he said, and hope they chose life.
Newton described "dialectic mate-
rialism" as the system from which
the Panthers' philosophy was derived.
He said the phrase meant the applica-
tion of knowledge and theory to al-
ready existant situations.
He described the Panthers as social
scientists, urging the crowd to adopt
the dialectic arguments until they
reached a logical conclusion, presum-
ably the one reached by the Black
Panther Party.
He cited the means the Panthers
used to derive their present theories
about revolution. He said the revolu-
See OVER, Page 8
Huey Newton
See Editorial Page
lA&f iAu
Cloudy, chance
of rain
Vol. LXXXI, No.66 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November18, 1970 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
State leg
isla tors
cut HEW
rej ects
on sex
LANSING (R) - Legislative
negotiators y e s t e r d a y an-
nounced a $635,048 cut from
this year's University budget
in a measure to add $62 mil-
lion to the State's dwindling
tra r 'Thar uaac n
____ _.v.
ureasury. 1nere were also in-
dications that further budget
paring may be required before
Vice President for State Rela-I
tions and Planning Fedele Fauri
said thatthe University was "sur-
prised" as until Monday higherl
education budgets were not in-
cluded in state budget cuts.
Fauri said that the amount of
money pared-one per cent of the
University's state appropriation -
was especially signifcanttbecause
the cutback came after five
months of the fiscal year have
A slowdown in the national
economy and costs relating to the
General Motors strike were given
by the House and Senate Appro-
priations Committees as reasons
for the cut and for possible fur-
ther budget cuts.
As yet the University has not
planned where the money will be
cut from or which programs, if
any, would be held up, Fauri said.
Yesterday's cutback for the Uni-
versity will be from this year's
budget and has no relationship to
the three per cent cut that is
planned by the University to be
made, if necessary, from next
year's budget.
expected soon
An official of the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare yesterday rejected the University's recently submit-
ted affirmative action plan for equal employment of women.
"The University has not given HEW the committment
that is required in order for our department to advise federal
agencies that the University is now awardable for federal con-
tracts," said John Hodgdon, of the Chicago regional HEW
President Robben Fleming said last night he had not
heard of HEW's reaction to the University's plan. He -and
Fedele Fauri, vice president for state relations and planning
and head of a delegation that spoke with HEW officials in
Chicago, are expecting a writ-_
Daily-Jim wallace
Wellman speaks yesterday on Communism
Speaker lectures on
-Daily-Jim wallace
Senate Appropriations Chair-
man Charles Zollar (R-Benton
By MARK DILLEN Harbor) said he did not expect'
"Radicalism is here to stay and the person most respon- the $62 million would be sufficient
" to cover State losses from the auto
sible is Richard Nixon," communist Saul Wellman told a strike.
Politics and Literature class yesterday. State Budget Director Glenn
"The ruling class," he explained, "constantly bails us Allen added that possibly "in Jan-
Sout with their attacks." uary something in addition to the
$62 million will be required."
Wellman visited English Prof. Cecil Eby's class to discuss Gov. William Milliken endorsed
the Spanish Civil War. He had fought with the Communists the committee-proposed changes.
in that struggle, and has since worked for the adoption of The committee had boosted the
communism in th-is country. proposals submitted by Milliken
In 1952, Wellman was arrested for "conspiring to teach last week by $3.4 million, adding
4 and advocate the overthrow of the government," under the cut oi state suppoited fou budget
Smith Act which has been repealed. The charge was later colleges and universities.
overturned by the Supreme
The 57-year-old revolutionary is -
now a union leader in Detroit.
Most of the students yesterday
seemed interested in Wellman's
opinions on the left today. *4
Students vote yesterday in SGC elections
Voter turnout sparse in SGC
election as balloting continues
ten response from HEW by to-
On October 6, t h e University
was given 30 days to file an affir-
mative action plan which would
correct alleged inequities in its
hiring of women. T h e charges
arose f r o m HEW investigations
last August.
HEW has held up federal con-
tracts at the University and elev-
en other schools, pending agree-
ment between HEW and the
schools involved. At the Univer-
sity, a proposed $350,000 contract
will be held up until HEW and the
University can agree on a plan.
. Hodgdon said t h a t settlement
with the University was an on-go-
ing negotiating process, but that
HEW and the University w e r e
"just a little way down the road
towards settlement."
"Discrimination a g a i n s t wo-
men in our society is not an easy
problem to correct," he said, "and
there will be a lot of work ahead
before this matter can be resolv-
Fleming said that HEW would
discuss the University's plan in a
written response. "We will then
see if the deficiencies are correct-
able," he said.
Fleming indicated that if the
HEW response was received by to-
morrow's Regents meeting, he
would probably comment at that
time on the negotiations.
Peace Vigil
to protest
draft callst
Members of the Michigan Coun-
cil to Repeal the Draft will hold
the first of several peace vigils
tomorrow at noon at the Ann
Arbor draft board office.
The vigils aim to educate as
many people as possible to the
fact that the draft is not a part of
the Constitution," says Council
co-chairman Sandy Miller.
Tomorrow's vigil will last one
hour, during which participants
will "peacefully picket" the office.
Council members will also cir-
culate apetition against extend-
ing military conscription beyond,
June, 1971, when the Selective
Service Act expires.
The petition, which is being dis-
tributed in colleges and communi-
ties throughout the state, charges
that conscription is "inconsistent
with the aims of a free society."
Although the Selective Service
Act does not expire until June, the
See PEACE, Page 8
He likened the state of the na-
tion to that of a kettle of water
reaching its boiling point. Just as
the water can not boil until it
reaches 212 degrees, so revolution
can not come in this country until
all conditions are met, he said. I
Wellman cited "the general
trend" toward a socialist revolu-
tion. The inability of governments
to carry out regular functions,
such as the failure of New York
City's government to cope with'a
three-inch snowfall last winter,
was a symbol of the system's "de-
cay," he said.
Another symbol of "decay," he
Less than five per cent of the
student population voted yester-
day in the first of three days of
Student Government Council elec-
According to Elections Director
Vic Gutman, about 1,400 students
cast ballots yesterday. Gutman
expects that by Thursday after-
noon 4,000 to 6,000 students will
have voted.
A survey of polling places yes-
terday found voting lagging. One
election worker reported that in
an hour and a half barely three
dozen persons voted.
"I was a little bit dismayed by
the turnout at lunch," she ex-
'plained, adding that those who
did vote seemed "incredibly non-
knowledgable a b o u t the candi-
Students' reasons for not voting
appeared split between those who
think that "SGC never accom-
plishes anything anyhow, so why
vote" and those who say "I don't
know anyone who's running and I
don't care either."
One sophomore promised that
she intends to vote "if I ever have
my ID with me when I pass a
past, the Universityarea is cram-
Smed w i t h. campaign materials.
Posters and leaflets are plastered
on all available wall space in many
dormitories and campus buildings.
Students can cast their ballots
today at the Undergraduate Li-
brary, the Michigan Union, and
the Fishbowl from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m.; at the medical school from
noon to 4 p.m.; at the engineer-
ing school from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
and at Bursley Hall, South Quad
and East Quad at meal times.
LSA student government elec-
tions will also continue today,
with voting at the same stations
as the SGC election.
Additional polling places which
were not open yesterday are: the
North Campus bus stop; the Law
Quad, and the Bus. Ad. Bldg.
selection begins
Special To The Daily
NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Eighteen prospec-
tive jurors were excused here yesterday and
none seated as former Chicago Conspiracy
defense attorney Leonard Weinglass joined
the defense staff in the first day of jury
selection at the Bobby Seale trial.
Weinglass appeared late in the day with
chief defense attorney Charles Garry, and
Early yesterday morning, Superior Court
Judge Harold Mulvey met with the attorneys
for both parties, the defedents, and the first
50 prospective jurors from a total panel of
Of those 50, only one was black and only
one was considered by defense attorneys to
be "young." The average age of the prospec-
tive jurors appeared to be nearly 40 or 45.
Garry made a statement for the record
before the jury selection process began not-
cause the witness was a policeman or other
state agent.
"In as far as credibility is concerned, that
means nothing," he warned.
Twelve of the prospective jurors were ex-
cused yesterday because they had previous
social or business relations with members of
the state attorney's staff.
Four other prospective jurors were ex-
cused by the judge on the recommendation
of attorneys for both sides. All of these