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November 15, 1970 - Image 10

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Sur#Jay, November 15, 1970

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sur.~iay, November 1 5, 1970



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By The Associated Press
Air Force passer Bob Parker guid-
ed the cadets to a thrilling 31-
14 victory over Rose Bowl bound
Stanford yesterday and bested the
Indians' Jim Plunkett in a battle
of top quarterbacks.
Ernie Jennings caught t h r e e
of Parker's passes for touch-
downs, two of them in the fierce
second half attack by the Falcons.
Stanford was ranked number six
in the nation prior to the game.
Trailing 14-10 at the half, A i r
Force carried the fight to the fav-
ored Indians as the third quar-
ter began, diiving 68 yards for the
go-ahead score. A yard from the
goal line on fourth down, Jen-
nings made a running catch of a
short pass as Air Force w e n t
back into the lead.
The next scoring drive by the
Cadets in the fourth period cov-
ered 80 yards with Brian Bream,
one of the nation's leading col-
legiate ball carriers, going the last
Yellowjackets stung
SOUTH BEND - Notre Dame's
top-ranked football team scramb-
led from behind inathe last quar-
ter yesterday for a. 10-7 victory
over the unranked Georgia Tech
Denny Allen plunged two yards
for the winning touchdown, cli-
maxing an 80-yard drive that fea-
tured a 46-yard pass from J o e
Theismann to Ed Gulyas.
Georgia Tech's third quarter
touchdown was a pass play from
Eddie McAshan to Larry Studdard
that covered 66 yards. The 5-foot-
10 Studdard outran the Irish de-
fenders the last 40 yards.

A 10-yard Notre Dame punt
put the unbeaten Irish in trouble
again in the closing minutes, but
Clarence Ellis pulled them out by
intercepting a McAshan pass.
Cornhus hers bowl bound
LINCOLN, Neb.-Halfback Joe
Orduna ran for four touchdowns
and fourth-rated Nebraska inter-
cepted seven passes yesterday as
the Cornhuskers blasted Kansas
State 51-13 to clinch a tie for the
Big Eight Conference football title.
The victory makes Bob De-
vaney's Huskers 9-0-1 overall and
6-0 in the Big Eight and sets up

Indians scalped

( next week's game against Okla-
home, the second place club.
The Orange Bowl committee
announced that it has invited the
Cornhuskers to their Miami bowl
game. Nebraska coach Devaney
said that his players will vote on
the invitation today.
The seven interceptions came off
Wildcat quarterback Lynn Dickey;
the Big Eight's all-time leading
passer and set a new Nebraska
team record.
Orduna, a senior who sat out
last season after knee surgery,
turned in his finest game of the
year, running three, 16, two and
one yards for his touchdowns.

Marshall grid squad
killed in plane crash


KENOVA, W.Va. (W) - A twin-
engine jetliner carrying Marshall
University's football team, boost-
ers and crew crashed in flames
into a muddy hillside near here
last night, killing all 75 persons
aboard, authorities reported.
The Southern Airways DC9
crashed in a ball of fire midway
up a hillside-the last hurdle for
planes on approach to the nearby'
Tri-State Airport.
A Kenova Fire Department offi-
cial said "after the plane hit it
seemed to explode."
The crash site is in southwest-
ern West Virginia, about 12 miles
east of Huntington, where Mar-
shall's campus is located.
The four-engine jet was making
the approach at the airport at
Huntington when it crashed in a
light fog and drizzle.
A spokesman for Southern Air-
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ways in Atlanta, Ga., said the $4.5
million craft, a DC9 capable of
carrying 95, was carrying 70 pas-
sengers and a crew of five. He
said it was the only plane Mar-
shall had chartered:~
Graydon Hall, executive vice
president and general manager of
the carrier, said, before leaving
Atlanta for the crash site, "Our
information is still sketchy . .. We
have no information regarding
any condition or causes...
Witnesses said they were "rock-
ed" out of their chairs from the
concussion of the explosion.
John Young, who lives about a
half mile from the crash site, said
he "heard this loud noise . . I
ran out to see what it was and all
I saw was a big ball of fire."
"Nobody could have survived
that," Young said.
Albert Rich, whose . house also
is about a half mile from the
scene, said he first thought the
loud noise was lightning. He went
out to see.
"I heard this one bang and a
minute later there was this ter-
rific bang which shook the whole
house. I ran outside to see if
there was a storm, and I saw this
flash over the hill," Rich said.
He said the plane skimmed the
top of an abandoned house just
before it crashed.
Positive identifications of those
aboard were 'not made, pending
transport of the bodies from the
rural scene to a National Guard
Armory at the airport, where a
makeshift morgue was set up.
The team was returning from
Greenville, N.C., where it suffered
a 17-14 loss to East Carolina yes-
terday afternoon. The plane had
been due to return by 7:30 p.m.,
the FAA said.
Less than two months ago, on
Oct. 2, one of two chartered planes
carrying the Wichita State Uni-
versity football team, coaches,
boosters and others, crashed in
the mountains in Colorado, killing
31 persons, including 13 football
The Marshall tragedy was "the
worst domestic air. crash this
year," a Federal Aviation Agency
spokesman in Washington said,
and it was described as one of
the worst in history involving an
athletic team.
The crash also was the worst in
West Virginia air travel history.

Longhorns romp
FORT WORTH - Second-rank-
ed Texas - fired by Jim Bertel-
sen's 54-yard touchdown romp on
the third play of the game -
buried Texas Christian 58 - 0
Saturday for the Longhorn's 28th
consecutive victory.
The defending national cham-
pions, knocked from the No. 1 rat-
ing in The Associated Press poll
last week, poured it on the Horned
Frogs with their burly star full-
back Steve Worster sitting on the
bench with an injury.
Bertelsen also scored twice on
three yard dashes while Texas
quarterback Eddie Phillips bolted
three and nine yards for touch-
* * *
Huskies runaway
SEATTLE - Sonny Sixkiller and
Greg Collins each fired t h r e e
touchdown passes in a record-
breaking performance as Wash-
ington thundered past UCLA 61-
20 yesterday in a Pacific-8 foot-
ball game.
The loss was the worst for UCLA
in 45 years as Washington ran
up 31 points against Tommy Pro-
thro's Bruins in the fourth per-
Collins hurled two 45-yard
touchdown passes to Al Maurer
and added a seven-yard touch-
down pass to Ron Preston.
Sixkiller, already second on
Washington's career passing list
as a sophomore, broke a number
of Washington records on his first
touchdown pass, a 52-yarder to
Bo Cornell.
Bulldogs growl
AUBURN, Ala. - Georgia, arm-
ed with a time-consumed ground
game led by sophomore tailback
Ricky Lake, struck for a pair of
fourth period touchdowns yester-
day and stunned eighth-ranked
Auburn- 31-17 in a Southeastern
Conference football game.
The mighty Tigers, averaging
more than 500 yards per game,
put 17 points together in a second
period flurry but couldn't solve
the Georgia defense thereafter.
Lake, a 185-pounder, cracked out
96 yards on 26 carries and scor-
ed touchdowns on runs of one
and forr yards. The second came
with 12:07 remaining in the game,
giving Georgia a 24-17 lead.

Mountaineers climb
Linebacker Dale Farley intercept-
ed a fourth-quarter Syracuse pass
here yesterday and ran it back 45
yards to set up a West Virginia
touchdown and ice a 28-19 vic-
tory, halting a gallant comeback
bid by the Orangemen.
Farley's steal came with three
minutes remaining in the game,
when it appeared West Virginia's
21-0 third-quarter lead was fad-
ing beneath a furious Syracuse on-
Razorbacks roll
ing specialist Bill McClard booted
three field goals, including a re-
cord breaking 60-yarder as the
seventheranked Arkansas Razor-
backs smothered SMU 36-3 Sa-
turday in a Southwest Confer-
ence football game.
McClard's 60-yarder hit the
cross-bar, bounced high into the
air and fell into the end zone. The
kick, aided by a 20 mile an hour
wind, broke the NCAA record of
59 yards set last year.
* * *
Rebels click
OXFORD, Miss. - Quarterback
Shug Chumbler took over for ail-
ing Archie Manning and threw
four touchdown passes in leading
12th-ranked Mississippi to a me-
thodical 44-7 victory over out-
manned Chattanooga yesterday.
Rockets rocket
DAYTON, Ohio - Toledo's de-
fensive squad helped sweep the
Rockets past Dayton 31-7 yes-
terday, picking up fumbles and in-
terceptions that set up scoring
Tangerine Bowl-bound Toledo,
is now unbeaten in 10 games this
season and holder of its second
straight Mid-American Confer-
ence title.
Sooners soar
LAWRENCE, Kan. - Sopho-
more Joe Wylie's sweeping runs
and Leon Crosswhite's stabbing
line thrusts brought Oklahoma a
28-24 uphill victory over Kansas
yesterday and kept the Sooners in
the thick of the Big Eight Cbn-
ference football race with fourth-
ranked Nebraska.






Gridde Pickings
MICHIGAN 55, Iowa 0
Minnesota 23, Michigan State 13_
Northwestern 21, Indiana 7
Wisconsin 29, Illinois 17
Ohio State 10, Purdue 7
Nebraska 51, Kansas State 13
Boston College 21, Pittsburgh 6.
West Virginia 28, Syracuse 19
Colorado 30, Oklahoma State 6
Georgia 31, Auburn 17
Florida 24, Kentucky 13
Puke 42, South Carolina 38
Yale 27, Princeton 22
Oklahoma 28, Kansas 24
Miami (O) 10, Kent State 8
Temple 21, Buffalo 8
Rice 18,,Texas A&M 17
Air Force 31, Stanford 14
W -hington 61, UCLA 20
LIBELS over sge, incomplete
Army 22, Oregon 22
Cent. Michigan 47, Hofstra Univ. 0
Delaware 51, Boston Univ. 19
Harvard 17, Brown 10
Lafayette 31, Vermont 14
Pennsylvania 21,'Columbia 14
Bucknell 24, Lehigh 20
Dartmouth 24, Cornell 0
Massachusetts 24, New Hampshire 14
Penn State 32, Ohio 22
Rutgers 37, Holy Cross 7
Temple 21, Buffalo 8
Villanova 14, Navy 10
Amherst 35, Williams Col. 7
Connecticut 33, Rhode Island 12
Cortland St. 17, Central Conn. St. 10
Rochester 54, Tufts 26
Louisville 28, Cincinnati 14
Colorado 30, Oklahoma State 6
Iowa State 31, Missouri 19
Toledo 31, Dayton 7
W. Texas St. 23, Bowling Green 7
Drake Univ. 21, Southern Illinois 9
Wooster 19, Oberlin College 6
Notre Dame 10, Georgia Tech 7
East Michigan 60, Ball State 0
Kalamazoo Col. 25, Hiram College 13
Montana 24, So. Dakota State 0
N. Michigan 44, Northwood Mich. 10
W. Michigan 38, Northern Illinois 18
Carnegie-Mellon 21, Case West. R. 0

Denison Univ. 23, Ohio Wesleyan 15
Kenyon College 27, Adrian 14
Marietta Col. 13, Heidelberg'Col. 12
Ohio Northern 20, Findlay College 6
Wayne St. 12, Central St., 0. 6
Baldwin-Wallace 8, Ferris State 6
Mount Union 42, John Carroll 6
East Carolina 17, Marshall Univ. 14
Grambling Col. 55, Norfolk State 13
Louisiana Tech 27, S. Mississippi 6
N. Carolina Cen. 14, Virginia Union 0
Florida State 34, Virginia Tech 8
Richmond 40, Virginia Mil. 17
Virginia 54, Colgate 12
William & Mary 29, Davidson Col. 28
West Kentucky 14, Butler 0
North Carolina 42, Clemson .7
Wake Forest 16, No. Carolina St. 13
Memphis State 51, Wichita State 6
Mississippi 44, Chattanooga 7
Arkansas 36, South Methodist 3
California 35, San Jose State 28
Oregon State 28, Washington St. 16
Texas 58, Texas Christian 0
Texas Tech 7, Baylor 3
Idaho 42, Utah State 14
New Mexico St. 69, Lamar Tech 37
Arizona State 37, Utah 14
Colo. State Univ. 17, Pacific Univ. 8
New Mexico 51, Brigham Young 8
San Diego 69, Calif. Tech. 0
Toronto 3, Boston 2
Chicago 2, New York 1
Pittsburgh 6, California 1
Montreal at St. Louis, inc.
Vancouver at Minnesota, inc.
Minnesota 3, Vancouver 3, tie
St. Louis 1, Montreal 1, tie
Milwaukee 116, Buffalo 107
New York 126, Philadelphia 94
Baltimore 122, Boston 101
Chicago 120, Atlanta 116
Detroit at San Diego, inc.
Cleveland at Portland, inc.
Utah 106, Pittsburgh 102
Virginia 119, Floridians 97
Kentucky 149, Texas 132,
Indiana 128, Carolina 119
Pittsburgh at Utah, inc.


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