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November 15, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-15

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Page Eight


Sunday, November 15, 1970

of WelFare
(Continued from Page 1)
Administration officials s a y
,privately they have not given up'
hope of finding nine votes for it in
Finance, a bare majority. The
Committee resumes work on the
legislation in closed session Mon-
day afternoon.
But it is clear that the best hope
for the plan rests in the move to
attach it as a rider to the Social
Security bill on the Senate floor.
That measure also has 1iot yet
cleared Finance. Chairman Rus-
sell B. Long (D-La.),. estimates his
group will finish it within a week.
Williams said flatly that, even
if Finance continues to reject the
Family Assistance Plan as he ex-
pects, "we are not going to filli-
buster the Social Security bill."
The committee this week will
vote on a revised version submit-
ted by the administration just be-
fore the October recess began.
The principal change calls for a
year's delay, to July 1, 1972, before
the plan would be in full effect
and for tests of it in two areas of
the country in t h e intervening
Burger asks
, ,.
end to Civil1
suit 'juries
(Continued from Page 1)I
The first "agenda item" he ad-
vanced was eliminating jury trialI
in automobile personal-injury cas-
es that are tried in federal courts.
As a second "agenda item" Bur-
ger broadened his discussion to all,
civil cases in federal courts. Hec
noted that in England juries do
not sit in civil cases with a fewc
exceptions such as libel and sland-1
er cases.
"The next budget for the federalc
courts includes $14 million fort
jury fees. Ponder a moment on the
savings in dollars, the saving int
time and the reduced confusion,
if we could cut that by 40 perY
cent, allowing the full 12-membert
jury for criminal cases, and devote
the saving of time, money and
lawyers to better use."
Burger's third "sample agenda ~
item" was the suggestion complexE
business cases be heard by judges
assisted by economists or o t h e r
specialists. England uses that sys-
Howard C. Leibee, professor ofI
physical education is the authori
of "The Law and the Spectator,"1
a chapter in "Crowd Control for
High School Athletics" recently
published by the American Asso-
ciation for Health, Physical Edu-
cation, and Recreation. Thei
manual discusses one of the most
pressing problems in secondaryi
school programs - crowd controlI
at athletic events.

(Continued from Page 2)
Babcock School of Indust. Mgmt.,
Wake Forest Univ.
InstituteforvParalegal Trng.
NOV. 17
Thunderbird Gr. School of Interna-
tional Mgr.
New York Life Insurance Co.
NOV. 18
CNA Insurance
Econ. Dev. Admin., Dept. of Commerce
Lincoln Nat'l. Life
Stanford Univ., Admissions
NOV. 19
Loyola Univ. Gr. School of Business
NOV. 20
Chemical Abstracts Service
Travelers Insurance
NOV. 23
Carnegie-Mellon Univ., School of
Indust. Admin.
Southern Methodist Univ., Sch. of
Bus. Admin.
NOV. 24
U.S. Navy
U.S. Marines
NOV. 25
U.S. Navy
U.S. Marines
DEC. 1
American Academic Environment
DEC. 2
National Security Agency
UM Circle-K Club meeting, Nov. 15,
7:30 p.m., rm. 3B Michigan Union.
Students of Objectivism meeting,
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 8:00 p.m. in the SAB,



-Associated Press
California fire
Workers sift through the rubble of a home in the small com-
munity of Smiley Park in the San Bernardino mountains yester-
day after a wind-swept forest fire roared through the town and
destroyed 20 homes.
15 vie for seats

Zeta Phi Beta - Phi Beta Sigma
(Continued from Page 1) thinks a primary concern of SGC weekend, "Always Together" Sat., Nov.
As a 'member of Radical Les- is to "create issues", and he hopes 14, 75c, Markley Hall.
bians Lenzer is chiefly concerned to work with the Black Student,
about fighting oppression. "There's Union (BSU) to increase student Ageless Science ofsYoga Instruction
a social and class change that has control over student life in such i the Yoga exercises s taught by
qualified instructors. Sponsored by
to be made," she explains, refer- areas as open admissions and the Self-Realization Fellowship. Call Linda
ring to what she considers the Martin Luther King fund assess- after 6 p.m. at 761-9825.
University's involvement with the ment. Chinese Students Assoc. sponsoring
military and its sexist and elitist Russ Garland also supports open an art showing of works by AlOysius
policies. admissions, University sponsored Kwan at the "Rive Gauche" (Madelon
Lewn and Ackerman cover tre low-cost housing, trial by peers, Pound House at E. Univ. and Hill) Nov.
14, :30- 1:00midnight. Also cele-
same issues in their platform but and an end to war research. brating China weekend.
their position is tempered. They Jay Hack believes SGC needs * * * *
advocate University sponsorship "active, radical members who will UM Graduate Outing Club, e v e r y
of government insured loans. a stand up for a better University." Sunday rain or shine, 1:30 p.m., meet
at Huron St. side of Rackham where
student grocery store, unionization To change the University's poli- cars wrill leave for an afternoon of hik-
of teaching fellows and expanded cies, he suggests that "students
low-cost housing. have to go into the offices, go into
They want to overcome "tile the classrooms, and go into the
elitism of both the far right and streets." Hack wants an end to For the student body:
the far left." If their ideas are not military research, increased low-
acceptable to the administration, cost housing, expanded input on
they favor taking a "militant grading and curriculum decisions,
stance," and will support "any and stricter recruiting guidelines. LARES
non-violent cause backed by a Bahr Weiss believes the relation-
broad spectrum of the student ship between the city and the Uni-. by
body. " versity should change to "one of Y
Lewin worked last year to es- mutual respect, not distrust." He Levi
tablish Inter-House Assembly and favors more parking structures




is currently on the Board of Gov- low-cost Housing, and prohibition
ernors of Student Residences. of automobiles in the central cam-
Ackerman worked last summer pus area. He also supports stricter
with migrant workers and is ac- recruiting guidelines, the elimina-
tive in efforts to recruit Chicano tion of student judiciaries in favor
students. of civil prosecution and pay for
Travis is running on a "plat- SGC members "proportionate to
form of wood and nails." When their mental labor."
interviewed, he professed an in- Jim Kent views violence as the
terest in low-cost housing, student biggest problem facing the Uni-
input to the Regents, and an end i versity community. Kent basically
to military research. favors the same programs as the
Hunt favors making the Uni- other candidates but would avoid
versity more sensitive by support- confrontation above all. Although
ing fulfillment of the BAM de- he agrees with the BAM demands
mands, more low-cost housing, and favors recruiting of minori-
improved orientation, greater em- ties, he disapproves of last year's
phasis on undergraduate programs strike in support of these de-
and an end to war research. Hunt mands.

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the pants thing, biggest
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polyester knits as soft
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