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November 15, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-15

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Page Six


Sunday, November 15, 1970






for any


Al Ackerman and
Jeff Lewin

The University of Michigan is
not an entity unto itself thata
does not affect, by its actions, out-
side individuals. However, the ad-
ministration of this University is}
not willing to face up to thisl
reality; therefore, it is the job
of another group to bring the
University to this realization. This PO LLS O PEN 10m4
job falls upon the students. TheA
University cannot be moved by a
group of eleven students whoF
merely dispense $18,400 per year to
other people. The student body,
and especially th2 Student Gov-
ernment Council, must move from
a position of passive dissent to
a position of active. radical re-
sistance. Writing letters to the dUNIONn(downstairs
newspaper. or writing letters to \ YI JUI/
Fleming are no longer successful
tactics, even if t h e y once were.T
The students have to actively go
into the offices, go into the class-
rooms, and go into the streets to
What is it about the University
that must be changed? There is
no problem in pointing things out.B
The University must immediately
end its policies that lead to poli-
tical repression here and abroad. *
' This includes an immediate ces-
sation of all War related research.
and all research on social con- POLLS ALSO AT SCHOOLS and DORMS
trol. The University must end its
policy of allowing racist, sexist and
imperialist connected corporations =

Jeanne Lenzer, Marnie Heyn,
Paul Teich and Brian Spears



The University continues in its
failure to be responsive to its
constituency of students, teaching
fellows, faculty, and non-academic
staff. As candidates for SGC, we
hope to overcome the elitism of
both the far Right and the far
Left to make SGC an activist or-
ganization, supporting programs in
the interest of all students. While
it is our hope that we can ac-
complish our objectives without
resorting to coercive tactics, we
realize that situations will arise
which require- a militant stance.
As student leaders, we express our
willingness to engage in any non-
violent action in support of any
cause backed by a broad spectrum
of the student body, but we will
use such tactics only when all
other channels have been exhaust-
ed. In our estimation, the crucial
issues confronting SGC are:
ON-CAMPUS SGC is not omni-
potent, but it can be a powerful

activist organization, serving the
students in the following areas:
A. Rights-SGC shounld dedi-
cate itself to preserving the con-
stitutional rights of all students,
teaching fellows, and non-aca-
demic employees of the University
against any threat, whether that
threat be from the Regents, the
Administration, or students.
B. Money-The University pre-
sently refuses to make use of fed-
erally insured loans which would
allow each student to borrow up
to $1500 a year, for five years,
without paying any interest until
graduation. SGC should establish
such a program through the
Credit Union.
C. Food-To fight the exorbi-
tant cost of food in Ann Arbor,
SGC should establish a University
Grocery Store, funded and or-
ganized in the same manner as
the Bookstore.
D. Teaching Fellows - SGC
should vigorously support the
Teaching Fellow's Union, and it
should exert strong pressure on
the Administration to recognize
the T.F.U.
E. Housing-SGC should devel-
op funding mechanisms for the
construction of low-cost student
housing, using the formula pre-
sented by the Tenants Union to
the Regents as a basis for plan-
ning, In the meantime, SG C
should establish a list of avail-
able apartments, to save students
from having to deal with the no-
toriously costly and untrustworthy
Ann Arbor realtors.
F. Women-SGC should back
up the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare in ending
the discrimination against women
in the hiring practices of the
G. Day Care - SGC should es-
tablish a day care program for
University mothers, relying mainly
on student volunteers to man the
day care facilities.
H. Tenure-SGC should work to
place students on tenure commit-

to recruit on this campus. The
University must end completely.
the ROTC program on t h i s
campus, not implementing t h e
half way measure proposed by the
faculty, and supply scholarships
for those students now on ROTC
scholarships who would be unable
to attend the University. T h e

In recent SGC elections, one at-
titude and one type of thought has
been dominant in the candidates.j
Because of this, SGC is only re-
presenting a minority of the stu-
dents. Many students have lost in-;
terest in SGC as a worthwhile
form of student government as
shown in the presidential election
of last spring when less than 4,000
valid ballots were cast. Now SGC
is at k 2st, a form of government
by the minority.
On the issue of ROTC, SGC has
been extremely closed minded.:
Candidates have reflected each
other in their desire to do what
"the people" 'want. But this view
is held only as long as "the
people" agree with them. It is
popular to say that ROTC should
be removed from the campus. But
what about the people who want
to participate in an ROTC pro-
gram? Are they any less people
than people who are not interest-
ed in ROTC? ROTC has a right to
remain on campus as long as there
are students who want to partici-
pate in it.
A similar attitude has been held;
concerning interviewers from cor-
porations on campus. Those inter-
viewers have a right to come herej
if there are any students who wish!
to speak with them about job op-


1. The Coalition:
American Universities, such as
the University of Michigan, com-
prise main arteries of the Amer-
ican corporate society. Our multi-
versity produces technicians and
businessmen who are trained to
sustain the dominant social insti-
tutions. The next generation of
the ruling elite is processed here;
they will then staff and oversee
American society. Within the Uni-
versity, researchers and analysts
find shelter while they supply the I
government with the data neces-
sary to maintain control over peo-
ples within America and abroad. Y
Despite this, faculty members and
administrators often state that
the University is politically a n d
morally neutral. We believe that
the University neither is, n o r
should be, "neutral."
We see the University as uni-
quely equipped to be transformed
into an agent of change in our
society. From its present role as
a corporate and military-oriented
multiversity, it must be remold-
ed into a democratic and humane
community. The University should
be transformed into an active
force for political, economic and
social change. Our resources, our
technicians and our analysts, must
work toward a new society.
2. On SGC:
We feel that the S t u d e n t
Government Council can play a
vital role in initiating and sustain- MIyARNIE HEYN (top left)
ing changes in the University, and
the community. SGC has access to BRIAN SPEARS (bottom left)
diverse and important University
facilities: it has the power to ap- believe that American foreign pol-
point students to a number of all- icy has systematically obstructed
University committees (the Office and attacked the national libera-
of Student Services Policy Board, tion movements of underdevelop-
the University Resource Alloca- ed countries, we believe that all of
tions Committee, etc.) SGC, when the war research at the University
staffed by energetic, sensitive re- of Michigan must end. Student
presentatives, will be a dynamic Government Council can work to
and progressive influence through- establish a new Research Review
out our University. Board, which will have effective
3. On People of Color and the criteria for the screening of future
Poor: University contract proposals.
The Black Action Movement de- A second support which t h e
mands of last year must be im- University provides for the mili-j
plemented. Last spring the Uni- tary is its subsidy to the ROTC
versity community, including programs. Upwards of $400,000.00
many University workers, demand- is spent by the U. of M. yearly to
ed justice at this school for the maintain the facilities of North
black community of the state of Hall, and supportive services for
Michigan. The Board of Regents ROTC. We feel that all of the
agreed to those demands; yet they existing ties to the ROTC p r o-
have not been met. SGC resources gram of the Department of De-
should be focused on a continuing fense should be cut.
effort in support of the BAM de- A third area of University com-
mands. plicity is in its providing of re-
We will work toward opening cruiting facilities to the Ameri-
the University to Blacks, Indians, can armed forces, to the Defense
Chicanos. Asians, working c I a s s Intelligence Agency (and other
whites and all oppressed sectors of CIA-type agencies), and to mili-
American society. tary oriented corporations. We
But opening the University to propose: that there be a Univer-
those sectors is not enough. The sity-wide placement policy board;
University must restructure inter- that this board utilize the exist-
nally to eliminate institutionalized ing Office of Student Services'
elitist and racist policies, policy on recruiters, along with
4. On Women and the University: utilizing a policy which will bar
The University must serve the corporations from recruiting if
needs of women; and at the same they are producing or researching
time it must ensure that women war materials.


Jeanne Lenzer (top right)
Paul Teich (bottom right)
the University build 5000 units of
low cost housing for, the com-
8. We will work toward a com-
munity-wide governing body com-
posed of students, faculty, workers,
and administrators.
We view the University n o t
simply as a Board of Regents and
the Administrative staff but as a
community. All members of that
community are affected by Uni-
versity policy and so should direct
that policy.



.J. L. hACK





The time has long been due to
make the Student Government an
effective body for representation
that is pertinent to the needs of
the entire student body.
Andre Hunt, who was appointed
this semester to SGC, is actively
working to fulfill this need. If
-elected, Andre' will strongly push
for a relevant student government,
fighting for :
1. Recognition of student right
to make decisions regarding their
own actions.
2. Fulfillment of BAM demands.
3. Student assessments for Mar-
tin Luther King Fund (a refer-
endum passed by the Student
Body in the last election, but ve-
toed by the Regents).
4. Reevaluation of Parent's Con-'
fidential Statement which slaugh-
ters lower income groups.
5. Greater emphasis on under-
graduate curriculums and facili-
6. More class sections for pop-
ular courses (Remember when you
needed English 123, Psychology
171, etc., and then they w e r e
7. Meaningful freshman orien-
8. Lower dorm costs-
9. Lower off-campus housing
To be an effective organ of the
student's, SGC must maintain and

I. Curriculum SGC s i o u 1 d
work with the schools and col-
leges of the University to g i v e
students a big role in setting cur-
ricula, distribution requirenients,
and the like.
OFF-CAMPUS. It is self-indul-
gent to believe that SGC can rad-
ically alter the course of events
off campus. Nevertheless, it is vital
that the University take a standa
on key issues, and fight outside
problems as they reflect them-
selves at the University.
A. Education - SGC slh o u 1d
educate the University on what it
sees as the key issues, so that when
SGC acts, it will have the broad
support necessary to succeed.
B. Government - Because the
actions of Ann Arbor and s t a t e
officials directly affect all stu-
dents, SGC should create student
posts to communicate student
needs to these governmental bod-
ies. A student should be placed
on the Ann Arbor city planning
commission. We should establish
better relations with the Regents
and the state legislature.
C. Issues-We cannot shy away
from national issues and will sup-
port any appropriate actions to
end the war, fight poverty and
discrimination, stop pollution, or{
aid migrant farm workers, f o r
strongly support the referendum
which would place 2 students and

University must begin immediate-
ly to rectify the problems of in-
stitutional sexism that were
pointed out in the recent HEW
letter. The fact that the only fe-
male. Dean on this campus is the
Dean of the Nursing school must
be changed immediately. The Uni-
versity must admit that it has
failed in its promise to implement
the BAM demands of last year,
and must begin to change this pol-
icy immediately. The University
must reverse its policy of not al-
lowing the Gay Liberation Front
to hold its regional conference
here. and must make all effort to
aid GLF in organizing the con-
ference, to make up for its failure
in the past. The University must
reverse its policy towards the in-
terim disciplinary rules and agree
that students can only be tried
by other students. The University
must begin to build low cost hous-E
ing in the University area to com-
bat rising rents, and must make
the dormitories livable, and im-
prove dorm rates.
On the level of academic life at
the University, student's m u s t
be given a majority role on aca-
demic committees to reflect their


The relationship between the
city of Ann Arbor and the Uni-
versity must change. At present it
is too divided; it should be one
of mutual respect, not distrust.
More parking structures should
be built along with low cost hous-
ing, as a top priority. Also, auto-
mobile traffic in the square con-
taining N. University St., S. Uni-
versity St., State St., and E. Uni-
versity St. must be outlawed to
prevent pollution and traffic con-
All recruiting must be halted if
the company practices any form
of discrimination whatsoever. It
is up to the individual conscience
as to whether a person desires to
be racist; however it is not the
duty of the University to foster
All student judiciaries should be
dissolved; any complaints result-
ing from disruptions should be
handled by civil and criminal
courts. Student judiciaries are a
blatant form of discrimination.
I should be elected because the
level of competence of the SOC
should reflect the level of com-
petence of the administration.
SGC members should be paid
salary proportionate to their
mental labor in service of the stu-
dent body.



will be free from arbitrary restric-
tions, so that they may pursuej
their own interests. We demand
an end to the portrayal of women
as members of a lesser species, as
sex objects who are limited in ca-
pacities and interests. We will
work for the adoption and imple-
mentation of non-sexist policy and
practice in all academic depart-
ments and on all administrative
levels in admissions, employment,
supportive services, and media.
This would mean, for instance, an
end to the 45% admission ceiling
I for women in LSA; an end to the!
admissions and employment policy
which judge women by standards
that are arbitrarily higher and
more stringent than the standards
that apply to nen; the entering
class of the fall of 1971 should
be 51% female, reflecting s t a t e-
wide population figures; a free 24-
hour child-care facility which is
open to everyone in the commun-
ity. and under the direction of
those people who are immediately
affected by the center; the im-
mediate release of the complete
HEW report on women; a com-
plete list of all available Univer-
sity jobs to be distributed by
the University each month; ade-
quate financial aid and support-
ive services to enable women to
attend the University whether or
not they are solvent, married, or
mothers; and an end to Uni-
versity harrassment of Radical
Lesbians and Gay Liberation
5. On University Complicity
with Militarism;
We believe that if the current
wars in which the United States
Pnronman+ 1' isPan na nra +n h o


. ,,.-,.,+ ~v,;+; , . T rnrw ,r,,"} }}sir i io hi-

.6. On Education and the
As an educational institution,
this University reflects the worst
aspects of all the educational fa-
cilities of this country. Its teach-
ing methods are obsolete; it re-
gards students, and to some degree
faculty, as senseless automatons to
be processed by "experts; and
it ignores the legitimate intellec-
tual needs of everyone except those
for whom it was designed: white
ruling-class males. If this Uni-
versity is to attain any justifiable
position as an "institution of
higher learning," certain changes
are immediately indicated: the
University must establish realistic
programs to meet the academic
needs of oppressed sectors of our
society, such as women, blacks,
chicanos, and Indians; students
must be represented ,at least with
parity, on all committees that
make decisions directly affecting'
students' lives; the Teaching Fel-
lows Union must be recognized;
students must be able to-decide on
their own courses, majors, and de-
gree programs; faculty members
should be able to decide what work
will comprise their teaching load;
extensive, accurate, and client-
oriented supportive services should{
be provided, and available to all
members of the University and the!
surrounding community; and in-
service teacher training must be
established for the faculty and
teaching staff. This institution
must either live up to its motto of
"knowledge, wisdom, and the cour-
age to serve" or stop using it.
'7. On Housing and the University:
I Aevervnein the community


relative population on the cam- portunities. Z support tills rxran.
pus. In the end, the University It is interesting to note that the
should push for an open admis- SGC members who are most inter-
sions policy with enough financial sted in restricting interviewers are
aid so that coming to the Uni- not in the schools most often
versity will not be an unnecessary visited by interviewers from cor-
strain on any student. porations.

I stand on a platform of wood
and nails. Wood and nails? Yeah!
Wood and Nails. You might ask
why. Because I feel that a good
sturdy platform will last a lot
longer than a flimsy paper and
ink platform. How can you have
any confidence in a candidate
who stands on a platform which 4
will blow away with the f i r s t
strong wind. Now my platform is
about 8 by 10 and about 4 feet
off the ground, which I admit is
not very high, but it's high enough
for me. But I won't dwell on this,
I'll bow to precedent and give
my keen perceptive views on what'
I feel are the hot burning issues
of the day.
Housing: I favor free hous-
ing. I'm sick and tired of living
in a closet. It's too small to
have parties 'cause you can't fit
more than 20 people in it at.
one time.
Sexism: I support women in
their struggle for equal rights. Af-
ter all, they're people too.
War research: Disgusting, isn't
ROTC: I think ROTC should be
abolished. After all, all it is is a
bunch of guys following around a
bunch of other guys who all dress

All of the students have to push
together for these things to be
accomplished. On a campus of
35,000, twenty people will have lit-
tle effect, but large numbers will
be able to get the desired change.
The Student Government Council
must be one, but not the only, or-
ganization that helps galvanize
student opinion in an attempt to
reach these goals. To do this, it
needs active, radical members who
will stand up for a better Univer-

I think the most important is-
sue" in the campaign should be
violence on campus. SGC should
speak out strongly against vio-
lence whatever its source. We
should all work to resolve any po-
tentially violent situations because
we know from last spring, on
campuses all over, that the results
of these situations can be tragic.
SGC should be an influence
toward resolution of campus prob-
lens and a strong influence tow-
ard nonviolence.



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