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September 03, 1970 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-03

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Thursday, September 3, 1970


Page 5even

Thursday, September 3, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven



Steak and Eggs
808 S. State St.

Welfare protesters
continue church sit-in

'U' grad denied post
at Nebraska college

(Continued from Page 1)


1r ir t.au M aiIll

ins in Ann Arbor include the pre-
dominantly white Wit".
The sit-in started at First
Presbyterian Church on Aug. 19.
Negotiations with the church
broke down two days later when
Charles Thomas of ,EEIL and
Sandra Gtrard of WO were
asked to leavq and a temporary
injunction forbidding thm to
disrupt services was granted by
Washtenaw County Circuit
Judge William Ager.
After a hearing on Aug. 24 to
show cause why they should re-
main in the building, Thomas,
Mrs. Girard and their agents
and representatives were bar-
red from the churches by ano-
ther injunction.
Hank Bryan, vice president
of aDL, says he expects that
injunction to be served on the
people still sitting in Friday at
the First Presbyterian Church.
The second church takeover
came on Aug. 25, when t h e
groups staged a brief sit-in at
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic
Church.. They abandoned the
church when Thomas, Mrs.
Mnerson and two woman 'sup-
porters were arrested on tres-
passing charges.
The four are presently out on
bond and a hearing on a motion
to dismiss charges will be held
Sept. 29.

After the arrests, negotiations
resumed and on Aug. 29, an ad
hoc group of laymen and clergy
was formed to represent nine
churches in the negotiations.
The number has since been
raised to 10.
On Monday, representatives of
the ad hoc coalition met with.
representatives of the welfare
groups for a work session.
Tuesday morning, after a
sparsely attended Diag rally,
members of the BEDL and W RO
led a few student supporters to
the First Methodist Church,
where they began another sit
Since that time, five to twelve
people have remained in the
office of the senior minister,'
Rev. Hoover Rupert.
Tuesday evening, the Board
of Trustees of the First Metho-
dist Churhe met and made a
temporary decision not to take'
legal action as long as the occu-
pation remained in the one of-
fice room and did not disrupt
the normal activities of the
The administrative board yes-
terday enlarged on that decis-
ion by authorizing its leaders
to seek legal action if it be-
comes necessary, in order to
protect the property of t h e
, church.
Instead of holding the ne-
gotiating session that was to be
held on Tuesday, the coalition
of churches met privately and
drafted a resolution stating
that they "do not recognize
BEDL as sufficiently represent-
ative of the poor in Washtenaw
County to administer any funds
the churches might make avail-

Call 764-0558




-Associated Press
Mad, Madder, Maddox
Clenching his fist for emphasis,. Georgia Gov.. Lester Maddox
announces at a news conference yesterdaythat he has written
President Nixon to protest the indictment of two Augusta, Ga.
police officers. Maddox accused the federal government of turn-
ing policemen into scapegoats.
MayorJplice union
dispute RAM case

A University graduate stu-
dent has been denied an
instructorship by the Uni-
versity of Nebraska Board
of R e g e n t s for reasons
which were apparently poli-
The student, Michael D a v is,
Grad, has been a leading ad-
vocate of increased student
participation in University de-
He was notified last May that
he had been tentatively ac-
cepted for the post at Nebraska,
but in August, the Nebraska
Regents held a closed session
and. ordered the school to stop
processing Davis' application.
The Nebraska Regents have
not officially stated their rea-
sons for rejecting Davis, bu t
Regent Edward Schwartzkopf
has said the decision was made
because the board did not ap-
prove of his "social conduct."
Schwartzkopf said the regents
had "received information
which alerted us, so we kept
working on it."
Davis, a doctoral candidate In
the philosophy department, is a
former administrative vice pre-
sident of Student Government
Council. He was on the commit-
tee that drafted a set of Re-
gents By-laws proposing that
students be given the power to
make and enforce all rules gov-
erning non-academic conduct.
In March, he staged a four-day
fast in the Administration Bldg.
to support the adoption of the
proposed bylaws. Davis is cur-
rently a member of Central Stu-
dent Judiciary.
He had been recommended for
the post at Nebraska by .the
chairman of that university's
philosophy department and: the
dean of the school's College of
Arts and Sciences.
Davis has requested' the, of-
ficial reasons for the Nebraska
Regents decision, but has on 1 y
been informed that the Board
will meet again on Sept. 14 and
will then consider a reply to
The Davis case has caused a
major furor in Nebraska. Two
of the state's three major*news-
papers have supported the re-
gental decision.
Prof. Jerry' Petr, vice -presi-,
dent of Nebraska's chapter of
the American Association of
University Professors, said the
association had an interest in
determining if the Regental re-
jection of Davis has involved
"any breach of academic hiring
"I don't know exactly how
they based their decisions," said
Petr. "Davis had very good aca-
demic standings."
Davis has been reappointed
here as a teaching fellow. He
will teach two introductory phi-
losophy courses this term.




The statement proposed "the
immediate- creation of a
community-wide association' to
which we invite: BEDL, WRO,
NAACP, BULJ, Model Cities,
Community Center, OEO, repre-
sentatives of the churches and
other organizations concerned
with the poor and disadvant-
aged, to meet the needs of the
black and white poor in Wash-
tenaw County."
Early yesterday morning, the
executive board of the Ann Ar-
bor chapter of the New Mobili-
zation Committee to End the
War in Vietnam passed a reso-
lution in support of the WRO
and BEDL demands.

(Continued from Page 1)
between police and students sup-
porting the BAM demands.
The Ann Arbor Police Officers
Association announced yesterday
that its attorney has sent a let-
ter to Harris demanding that he
retract the statement. The letter
threatens a libel suit against the
mayor if the statement is not re-

The name of
ficer involved in1
cident has not

the police of-
the alleged in-
been made




bertolt brechts

B lacks hit orientation


October 7-10


(Continued from Page 1) -
Program, the Michigan Union
and University Activities Cent-
er helped prepare and put on
the program, Short says.
However, he says he has had
problems in finding places to
accommodate 230 participants.
At the presentations by black
organizations yesterday, B S U
president Oliver Spear said the
group""s planning to resume a
Black Liberation School, which

was begun last April with 60
students. Then, it was called
the Black Tutorial.
This year, between 6:30 and
9 a.m. each weekday, BSU plans
to provide breakfast for public
school students and education
about black history. Spear said
that volunteers are needed to
cook, teach the children ,an d
drive them to school before the
program can begin.

Harris based his three page
statement on a report released
by a three-man committee com-
posed of Assistant City Admin-
istrator Donald Borut, City At-
torney Jerold Lax, and acting
Human Rights Director Robert
In the statement Harris urg-
ed that the police officer in'
question be prosecuted immed-
iately for a criminal act. The
officer allegedly attempted to
strike a black youth with his
nightstick while the youth was
pinned to the ground by anoth-
er officer.
Patrolman Paul Bunten, pre-
sident of the police officers as-
sociation, referred to the state-
men as "libelous" and said that
the mayor "publicly prejudiced
the guilt of one of our officers."

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THE ODYSSEY-A Modern Sequel
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a play from the.

The Daily Official Bulletin is, an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A. Bldg., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday- and Sunday. Items ap-
pear once only. Student organiza-
tion notices are not accepted for
publication. For more information,
phone 764-9270.


Day Calendar
Mich. Memorial-Phoenix Project in-
vites Univ. faculty to submit requests
for grants to support research within
scope of the term "peaceful uses of
nuclear energy." Requests for grants
of $3,000 or less most appropriate. Re-
turn applies. to Phoenix Proj. by Sept.
25; obtain applies. at Phoenix Mem.
Lab. on No. Campus, or call 764-6213.
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical History
Prize: awarded to jr. or sr. premed. stu-
dents in College of LS&A for best essay
on hist. of medicine. Freshmen in the
med. sch.lwho on Joint Prog. in Lib.
Arts & Med. also eligible. 1) Prizes of

December 2-5

Lydia Mendelssohn

$500.00 and $200.00. 1) manuscript shd.
be typed, double spaced, on one side
of paper only on reg. sized manuscript
paper, 3) manuscripts shd. be 3,000-
5,000 wds. long, 4) submit two copies,
5) manuscripts shd. be left at Rm
1220 Angell Hall by Dec. 1, 1970.
Museum of Art, Exhibits Museum,
Gen. Library and UGLI will all be
CLOSED Labor Day. They will keep
their regular hrs. for Saturday and
Placement Service
sNew "GRAD II" computerized pre-
selection placement service now avail.
to srs. and grad students who expect to
accept reg. employment within nexct
12 mo. Register immediately at Engin.
Placement Service, 128 H, W. Engin.
Bldg. Deadline, Sept. 15.
General Division
3200 SAB
Jobs in Ann Arbor area will be listed
in DOB as we receive them. Complete
list - 3200 S.A.B.
Edsel B. Ford Instit., Res. Asst., BS
in chem. or biol., supervised work on
grant-supported cholesterol and lipid
res. projects.
Federal-Mogul Corp.; International

, .

January 27-30 Trueblood

Mkt. Trainee, AB in bus, ad., or engr.,
assmt. in U.S., then overseas.
Uof M Personnel Offlce: Systems
Analyst and Senior Programmer, BA
in math, physics, or engr. plus 2 years
PL-1 or COBOL.
Wayne County Community Coll. -
Mgr. of Information Services, degree
desirable, exper. in media, prefer sub-
stantial academic exper., teaching or
admin. work.
Xerox Corp., BS in any major for
sales rep.
Christian Science Organization testi-
mony meeting, Thursday, September
3, 7:30 p.m. Room 3545 SAB.
The Ageless science of Yoga. In-
struction in the yoga exercises as
taught by qualified instructors. Spon-
sored by the Self-Realization Fellow-
ship. Call Linda after 6:00 p.m. at
Free University Steering Committee
meeting - first one - if you're in-
terested, -you're invited. 2nd floor of
Michigan Union (UAC offices) Sun.,
Sept. 6, 7:00. /
Gay Liberation Meeting, Thursday,
September 3, 8:30 p.m. 3R - Michigan
Meeting to select a Women's Organ-
ization Advocate in the Office of Stu-
dent Organizations:A Search, and Re-
commendations Committee will be
formed at a meeting beginning 7:30,
September 3, Main Floor SAB.

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