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November 14, 1970 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-14

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Page Two


Saturday, November 14; 1970

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 14, 1970

Moscow Trio: Not in cultural isolation

Speakers ask physicians to start DAILY OFFICIAL
elinie for le nino dvinq--

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(The first of two parts)
Last night's presentation of
the Moscow Trio by the Uni-
versity Musical Society fulfill-
ed a long-time ambition of mine
which I have harbored since a
concert given by the U.S.S.R.
State Symphony in the Winter
of 1969: To hear a live chamber
ensemble of Russian musicians
fresh from a life-long musical
development in tne U.S.S.R.,
free from recent literalist Wes-
tern performance-style tradi-
tions. Reports from such reliable
sources as Harold Schonberg in-
dicate that students in Rus-
sian conservatories still under-
go a basically Nineteenth-cen-
tury training routine: p i a n o
students still develop their tech-
nique on such romantic fin-de-
siecle fare as Liszt operatic tran-
scriptions and Rubinstein's (An-
ton's, not Arthur's) Kalmen-
noi Ostrow.
It is only within the last few
years that any pianist in the
U.S. has dared to program such
pieces 'in concert - prior to
that time he might have been
laughed off the stage. H o w-
ever, in the wake of the cur-
rent Romantic revival in t h e
arts, enterprising musicians such
as Raymond Lewenthal, E a r 1
Wild, and John Ogden have be-
gun to tantalize staid U. S.
concert stages with character
pieces by such forgotten 1 a t e-
romantics as Alkin and Schar-
wenka. Concert repertoire is not
the only change in store for the
average concertgoer, however;
the regimented, literalist inter-
pretations of the late 50's and
60's (exemplified by such con-
ductors as Szell, Steinberg, a n d
Leinsdorf) are now giving way
to a freer more "romantic" ap-
proach. Tempi are "loosening
up:" within the basic pulse of a

(Continued from Page 1)
ment, and that drugs seem a part
of the rebellion.
He said treatment of drug abuse
should only concern itself with
those who honestly wanted it.
Meyers added that drug-help cen-
ters should not be concerned with
people using marijuana.as a Social
drug, saying that these people do
not really want to be changed.
Meyers said patients of the cen-
ters must have problems severe
enough to warrant the effort to
solve them, and that it is the doc-
tors' duty to look for people who
want help in the jails, hospitals,
and ghettoes.
Dr. J. Thomas Ungerleider of:
the UCLA Medical Center listed
a set of possible reasons for drug
abuse. Among them were affluence
and boredom, the emergence of
the "friendly, local campus drug
dealer" as a folk hero, peer group
pressure and rebellion against
In addition, he said that drugs
are "ideally suited for escape from
He said knowledge of the use of
drugs is important in the treat-
ment of any patient, and that a
standard question in any physical
examination should deal with drug
He cited as an example the lack
of reliable information about
drugs in standard newspapers,

adding that young people have should be lessened but not abol-
had to rely on underground news- ished, 35 felt that the law was
papers for factual information on adequate, and only one felt that
drugs. the penalty was not severe enough.
A survey was conducted of the l The results of the survey, how-
doctors present on the new fed- ever, were inconclusive, since over
eral law about to go into effect half of the doctors attending the
decreasing the penalties for use of conference were not present wnen
marijuana. The law provides for the poll was taken.
up to one year imprisonment or Dr. Henry Brill from the Pil-
probation for the first offense. grim State Hospital in Westj
Of 294 doctors polled, 125 felt Brentwood, N.Y., concluded the
that the law should be abolished, symposium with a brief summary
133 felt that it was too severe and of the week's proceedings.
iltary coup toppes
government in Syria

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to
Room 3528 L. S. A. Bldg., before
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub-
lication and by 2 p.m. Friday for
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap-
pear once only. Student organiza-
tion notices are not accepted for
publication. For more information,
phone 764 8270.
Day Calendar
Football: U-M vs. Iowa, Michigaa
Stadium, 1:30 p.m.
* Bandorama: William D. Revelli,
conductor. Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
University Players and Engl. Dept. ;
*Mankynde," yToronto Players, True-
blood Theater, 8 p.m.
3200 S.A.B.
Current Openings in.S.E. Area, others
Academic Dimensioi Syst., Inc., South-
field, Dir. of Prog. Dev., IPhD in educ.,
and public school admin., Coord, teach-
ing or, curriculum exper.
Solar. Div. of Int'l. Harvester, Harper
Woods; sales engineer, engrg.-degree and
2-4 yrs. in sales.
Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, bio-chem-
ist, med technologist or pharmocolo-
gist, MA or 1 yr. closely related study.
Dept. of Treasury, Detroit openings,
special agents, intelligence, BA min.
12 hrs-acctg., or JD or MBA, 1 yr. prof.
acctg. or investigative exper. qualifies
BA for appt. at higher level; apply
early, exam to be given, men only ap-
proved by civil service, nature of work
Detrex Chem. Indust. Inc., Redford,
Mi., research chemist, BS/MS, and 2 yrs.
in dev. and fo rmulti
in dev. and formulation of chemicals
for metal cleaning or other c h e m.


-Daily-Randy Edmonds

BEIRUT, Lebanon (JP)-Defense
Minister Hafez al Assad, fervid
Arab nationalist and advocate of
all-out war with Israel, staged a
military coup in Syria last night,
a spokesman for the ousted lead-
ership said.
Assad, 40-year-old air marshal,
overthrew the Marxist leadership
of the ruling Baath party and ar-
rested President Noureddin Atassi
and Maj. Gen. Salah Jadid, the
party's assistant secretary-gen-
eral, the spokesman told a news

movement different themes may
receive a slower or a faster
Unfortunately, my pet theory
of "cultural isolation" in t h e
U.S.S.R. harboring a burgeon-
ing Nineteenth-century p e r-
formance tradition just bit the
dust yesterday afternoon a f t e r.
discussing musical conditions in
Russia with the members of the
Moscow Trio (Dimitri Bashki-
rov, piano; Igor Besrodny, v i o-
lin; Michael Chomitzer, cello).
The members assured me that
they were entirely familiar with
recordings of Szell, Schnabel et
al. (formulators of recent musi-
cal taste in Western musical

SMankynde': People

Mankynde is not, as some
might expect, a stuffy "moral-
ity" play out of some textbook-
it is a vibrant piece of the
original guerrilla theatre, com-
plete with rapid action, burles-
que humor, clear-cut division
between good and evil, and oc-
casional polemic on the side of
the good guys.
The good guys are of course
God and his representative on
earth, Mercy, played as a bishop
by the Poculi Ludique Societas
of the University of Toronto in
this unique production in True-
blood Aud. The bad guys are
the Devil, Myscheff and the
Vices, and the battle is fierce.
This is a play designed for
the people, not the "audience,"
tnd go the Societas has elimi-
nated the artificial distinction
of cast and spectator. The orig-
inal medieval players burst
right out into the crowd with
their travelling rigs, and the
Societas brings the crowd right
onto the stage. All must partici-
pate in the drama of Mankynde.
The play is brilliantly staged
and executed. The bad guys
made their entrances and exits
through the mouth of a giant
devil, and when the monster
demon Titivillus appeared, he
was accompanied by a firecrack-
er and pouring smoke. The good
guy was appropriately majestic;
he seemed heads taller than
the earthly vices, and his pure
blondness emphasized his holi-
Titivillus was the clear hit
of the evening-as he always
must have been-with giant
home-made genitals p a i n t e d
bright pink hanging from strings
around his waist and flopping
as he menaced the audience.
The vices seemed like a group
of mischievous children, mak-
ing dirty jokes and hitting each
other. They were silly, greedy,
and nasty, but alone they were
not harmful. It took Myscheff,
the mastermind, to make -hem
into a .power.
But to make the play work,
their gaiety must be attractive.
They appear very happy crea-
tures, always singing and laugh-
ing; mankind does not fall into
an obvious pit, it is more a pit
of ignorance, of slavish devo-
tion to the', Great Evil - The
All three vices - New Gyse
(David Lausner), Nowadays
(Bruce Salvatore) and Nought
(Magda Grosberg, a woman, of

course) -were marvelous clowns
who made full use of the called-
for buffoonery. Their jokes were
very elemental and very funny.
The audience was fully in-
volved, as when the vices took
up a collection of "pennies for
the devil." The interchange was
very colloquial; a Vice would
calmly ask a spectator to hold
his cane.
The plot and symbols were
all as simple yet effective as the
bawdy humor. The demon 'ame
complete with a gilded net for
Mankynde, who carried a spade
which symbolized his need tc
work the earth and be humble.
When he succumbed, Mankynde
took off (most of) his clothes
to remind the audience that all
are also Adam, fallen into
The stage consisted of the
demon's mouth (on the left), an
ominous gallows, a pulpit, and
a figure of the Madonna and
Child. The vices wore reds and
oranges, Mankynde green and
brown to symbolize his affilia-
tion with the earth, as tiller
and creature made only of soil.
The priest wore first white and
then red as Mankynde fell into
As Mankynde is tempted into
death by hanging himself, the
Priest (shades of Tony Rich-
ardson and Tom Jones) bursts
in to cut him down. There is
still hope in Mercy-the bis-
hop's name-if Mankynde will
There is much action in the
play, dancing, singing, fight-
ing, a quick kick in the rear,
and even a very graphic elimi-
nation episode performed by
But it is also a forum for the
sermons of Mercy, the bishop,
which open and close the play'
with its strong moral 'esson.
"Doctrine shall be your defense,"
Program Information 662-6264
Due To The Showing Of
"Mother Goose Birthday Party"
Sat. & Sun. At 8 P.M. & 3
P.M., "2001: A Space Odys-
sey" Will Show At
6:15 & 8:45 ONLY
On Sot. & Sun.

conservatories), so that "man-
nerisms" such as portamento
("sliding" between tongs on
string instruments) are only
sparingly used, as a dash of salt,
to suit one's taste. Indeed, the
Trio, although in the U.S. for
the first time, has concertized
extensively in Europe, assimilat-
ing performance styles there as
The opening work on I a s t
night's program, Tchaikovsky's
Trio in A minor, Op. 50, is the
most often performed of that
Russian master's chamber
works, the other two being a
string quartet and a sextet.
Composed in 1881 in memory of
he tells Mankynde. And when
Mankynde has fallen, God still
forgives and gives him a chance
to rise again.
But he must learn, "Your
body is your enemy." The con-
flict of good and evil is that of
flesh and soul; the priest and
the pure Mankynde wear shape-
less garments, but the Vices are
lewd, complete with tricolor
Not enough can be said for
Michael Erdman as the priest,
who never became pedantic and
seemed to gain power as he, like
Christ, suffered for Mankynde.
His voice was incredibly .strong;
Mankynde was weak in com-
parison, and occasionally hard
to hear.
But the rest of the cast were
alive in their roles. They spoke
their Midel Ynglishe perfectly,
and it was not too hard to Uim,
derstand for the most part. Very
often the actual words did not
matter; the burlesque would
carry the play.
This is probably the only full
production of its kind. The So-
cietas has performed several of
these plays over the last few
years, and this is their first trip
to Ann Arbor. The production
is a real gem; better to see ;t
than wait in line for 2001 again.

virtuoso pianist Nicholas Rub-
enstein, this trio would have
beenmore appropriately titled
Concerto for violin, cello, and
piano. The piano part is a
knucklebreaker, an orchestral
score piano reduction if there
ever was one, with equal tech-
nical fireworks required from
the violin and cello. In keep-
ing with the elegiac dedication
of the work, the poignant y e t
mournful opening theme of the
first movement closes the work
in a memorable fade-out at the
end of an otherwise tumultuous
finale. The work, taken as a
whole, is a rambling affair.
Tchaikovsky lingers lovingly
over good tunes in the first
movement, wreaking havoc with
its sonata form structure. To
counteract this basic structural
weakness, performers are best
advised to adopt, andrkeeptto,
one tempo with little variation..
Unfortunately, the Moscow
performers chose to exacerbate
these inherent structural weak-
nesses by succumbing to the ad-
mittedly beautiful melodies and
slowing down the already leis-
urely pace with which the move-
ment began. The cellist's hushed
understatement of the "elegiac"
opening theme was quite moving,
and the violinist's rejoinder in
the following phrase revealed
the patrician style of the Auer-
school - a firm, secure 1i n e,
silken tone, tasteful phrasing.
Remarkably enough, though
the news releases refers to the
trio as "three virtuoso soloists",
no three musicians could have
treated one another more defer-
entially within the context of
such an admittedly extroverted
work as the Tchaikovsky Trio.
In fact, the pianist played down
the Herculean sound of his part
a little too much for my taste.
I kept feeling that his playing
lacked the elan and dash that
he could have gotten away with.
The second (and last) move-
ment, a set of variations, simi-
larly degenerated into a series
of episodes, so that the work as
a whole simply didn't "jell."
(To be concluded tomorrow)
, |

(Continued from Page 1)
ed the organization had the right
to use the mail service because the
letters dealt with University busi-
The PROBE letter also asked
women to indicate changes they
would like to see the University
implement which would benefit
Among the changes PROBE sug-
gested in the letter were tuition-
free courses,tchild care facilities,
published lists of job openings and,
formation of a University em-

ploye grievance committee com-
posed of women rather than the
present committee which consists
of six men.
"We have received about 75 re-
sponses already," the spokes-
woman said, "which is very heart-
ening considering the letters
were only sent out a few days ago."
She said that many of the let-'
ters came back unsigned, "because
many women feel threatened that
their jobs will be taken away from

U' bias report due

He said the coup took place one
day after an emergency Baath
congress adopted a resolution fir-
ing Assad.
The spokesman, a member of
the party's international com-
mand, said he drove to Lebanon
to break the news of the coup.
Leftist Premier Dr. Youssef Zay-
yen also was arrested, the spokes-
man said. Assad seized control of
the state radio and television and
two government newspapers in
Damascus, he added.
Assad, a moderate in the so-
cialist Baath party, has blamed
Jadid's Marxists for Syria's crush-
ing defeat by Israel in the 1967
war. He also accused Jadid of pur-
suing Marxist policies at the ex-
pense of the economy and security
of this nation of 6 million people.
Reliable sources said agents of
Syria's air force intelligence serv-
ice rounded up Assad's opponents
and set up a guard at key mili-
tary and government buildings.
They said there was no outward
sign of tension in Damascus, capi-
tal of Syria, and that Assad had
not used tanks or heavy armor to
stage the coup.
Assad made his move after a
month-long government crisis that
grew from the power struggle be-
tween Assad's military wing of the
Baath party and Jadid's leftists










Good seats available
Group Rate Information
Call Carol High 836-3719
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i . .

(correction from Nov. 6)



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of Monday Starting the week of Nov. 15
Our new store hours will be:



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Mon-Thurs .........9:00 a.m.-5:30
FRIDAY ...........9:00 a.m.-8:30
Saturday ..........9:00 a.m.-5:30


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