AND TRASH HALF-BAKED GARBAGE See Editorial Page Y Bkt 43Iaitjblp~ IGNOBLE High--46 Low--37 Cloudy, colder slight chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 63 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 14, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages Urge plan to initiate drug help Drug symposium ends talks after week-long session By EUGENE ROBINSON Housing office projects $150 dorm rate hike By GERI SPRUNG Students planning to live in the University residence halls next year may be faced with a substantial increase in housing rates. The Office of University Housing has estimated an in- crease of $150 per student to cover projected increases in salaries of service and maintenance employes as well as to meet rising prices. The expected increase in residence hall fees is not con- nected with the three per cent cut in academic department budgets announced last week. All residence hall costs are paid out of a special fund made up entirely of student fees. The budget cut will be from the general fund. The housing office has presented their estimate to the -Associated Press Heyns announces resignation He1yns quits Berkeley post to return to'U Chancellor Roger Heyns of the University of California at Berkeley resigned yesterday after five years in one of higher education's most turbulent posts and will return here as a professor of psychology and education. Heyns, vice president for academic affairs here from 1962 to 1965 and literary college dean from 1958 to 1962, was one of the leading contenders in 1967 for the presidency of the University. Heyns will return to the University following the appoint- The International Sympo- sium on Drug Abuse ended yesterday with a plea for the attending physicians to initi- ate community - based d r u g treatment programs. Roger Smith, of the Manin Open House in Tiburon, Calif., said it is up to the doctors to take the in- itiative in starting drug-help cen- ters. He said the doctors' role should be that of community or- ganizer, not of drug expert. He explained that the emphasis of the centers should be on cre- ating new life styles, centered around alternatives to drugs such as yoga or transcendental medita- tion. John Frykman, who called him- self a "renegade Lutheran minis- ter," said these treatment centers should give honest and open treat- ment, and should avoid the clin- ical atmosphere of most doctor's offices.. He a dded that physicians should not direct the programs because of possible mistrust, especiallyi ghetto areas. He emphasized the importance of placing ordinary people in key program positions. He also said that each different community program should have its own specific method of drug treatment, and that this method should remain essentially con- ystant. , He advised the doctors to per- iodically invite outside observers into the programs to criticize and make suggestions for improve- mEgi Bellizio, an instructor at Salinas Union High School in Sa- linas, Calif., told of his experiences in the field of drug abuse. He was given three years leave from his job to travel and survey the drug situation all around the country. He advised the doctors to "sit down and rap with kids about the ,kindsof problems they have in themselves." The other doctors dealt mainly with the reasons for the sudden rise in drug abuse. Dr. Frederick Meyers, from the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco, claim-' ed the entire country is divided into three main sub-cultures: the establishment, the young sub-cul- ture, and the black sub-culture. ' He said the last two factions are rebelling against the establish-i See SPEAKERS, Page 2 1 -Daily-Tom Gottlieb Crowd listens to Stephen at Canterbury House last night Magical mystery tour: Prophet Stephen and a cosmic caravan I Residence Hall Rate Commit- tee, a board composed of rep- resentatives from the various h o u s i n g units, which will make a final recommendation in mid-December. Committee chairman Edward Salowitz said the recommendation could either be higher or lower than the housing office's estimate. The housing office's estimate does not include any change in dorm services. Salowitz also said that the anti- cipated increase will cover higher wages, which are part of an ex- pected settlement between the University and the American Fed- eration of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME) which will be negotiated at the end of this year. i According to Salowitz, if the settlement is substantially differ- Sent from their projection, resi- dence hall rates will probably go up or down accordingly. Students living in Fletcher Hall, Oxford Housing and Baits Hous- ing would be faced with smaller increases because they do not have board contracts. The committee's recommenda- tion will also be based on possible increased operational costs, in- creased services and service cost- cuts. The committee is considering increased service in terms of un- limited food programs, soft-served l ice cream, carpeting in all halls, additional linen service, and in- Reply, on, 'U' hiring report du~e By SARA FITZGERALD The Chicago regional office of the Department of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare will complete its response to the University's re- cently submitted affirmative ac- tion plan for equal employment of women by next Tuesday, sources indicated yesterday. The University filed the plan with HEW on Nov. 3, after it had given the University 30 days in which to submit a program to correct alleged inequities in th e University's hiring of women. Fedele Fauri, vice president for state relations and planning, said that HEW is still "checking out some aspects of their response with their legal counsel before is- suing a reply." Fauri is the head of a delega- tion of University representatives which met with HEW officials on Tuesday to discuss the University's program. John Hodgdon, of the Chicago HEW office said that the program covered "all areas of the Uni- Group fails. °to kidnap g overnor 1 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.I)A bold' plan to kidnap Minnesota Gov.j Harold LeVander, hijack an air- Splane and use hostages to free Angela Davis and other prisoners was broken up by police and FBI agents yesterday, authorities re- ported. -'ment of a successor, which he said will take place no later than June, 1971. Heyns took over leadership at Berkeley just a year after the "Free Speech Movement" demon- strations which resulted in hun- dreds of student arrests. During the following years, his administration was under constant pressure from radical students on one side and a conservative Board of Regents on the other. M a j o r disturbances occurred on the campus over the "People's Park" and other issues. Heyns' administration called in outside help from the National Guard on several occasions. By MARK DILLEN This morning, into the valley of life ride the 200. At least, that's what th'ey say. Stephen and his 200 followers are a caravan and they're leaving on another trip- a link in a Journey to gain recruits to their communal life-style. It's hard to say where they're going or where they've been, but their message was clear last night at Canterbury House and a lot of people came to hear them-enough to cram the small room to an unreal capacity. Someone asked the people to sit on each other's lap to make room for everyone. They willingly com- plied and the caravan began a discussion of "yang" and "ying" and "four marriages," usually be- tween two males and two females. "Four marriages," they explain- ed, are the result of a balance of "ying" and "yang." One interpretation is that "ying" is the positive force in the world, the embodiment of assertive qual- ities, while "yang" is the negative tween the sexes), you do it on force, the quality of being recep- your own side." tive. The night really seemed to be- In.these marriages, they claim, long to Stephen. Despite the "life is realized on a higher plane." crowding, most people sat for "We don't force anybody to do nearly three hours as the simply- anything," one explained. "We do clad, bearded, long-haired figure what gets us high. But we're all quietly explained his philosophy. trying to realize our god-nature As a sweet smoke drifted over so we don't get hung up on mas- parts of the room, it appeared culine or feminine praise and most of the long-haired auidence blame and all that. understood what he said. The crowd seemed to really en- He called himself a "psychedelic joy the three hour discussion, es- H aldhmefa"sceei pecially, the part about sex. Every- Martin Luther," and said he was one dug it. on the way to "enlightenment" "It's good to lay down and be and was trying to show others the rubbed and give all that juice to way. her," said one male describing his nocturnal activity. Stephen, their leader, who led the discussion most of the eve- ning, described sex in terms of doing what is natural: "Homosexuality over the long run creates too much of an im- balance. But what happens in this country is that when you can't make it across the spark gay (be- Officers went to a southeast Speakir Minneapolis apartment at 3:50 sign. Hey a.m. and captured Ronald L. ing man Reed, 20, a fugitive from Omaha my caree wanted on charges of attempted "In pai bank robbery. They said they time to found on him hand-written notes problems ng of his decision to re- 'ns said yesterday, "Tak- y considerations into ac- have decided to continue r in a different capacity. iticular, I've wanted the study the organizational of universities today History department adds more relating to the plots. '> 'eand to teach in that area," he Reed, for whom no permanent added. address was listed, did not resist. A reporter from Berkeley's stu- uJereRSS A sawed off shotgun and a loaded dent newspaper, said last night of erelass .38 caliber revolver were found in Heyns' resignation, "Our initial the 'apartment, police said. reaction on campus was very fav- By JIM WILE orable because people didn't like At least two other persons were the chancellor." As an alternative to large im- at the apartment but they were1 "But I think once the euphoria personal lectures, the history de- not apprehended, authorities said. has worn off, the realization will partment has recently initiated a The search was carried out with ' sink in that the next chancellor program of seminar-type courses. their permission. will be a Reagan appointee, and The project, regarded by depart- A spokesman for the FBI at the likelihood is a swing to the ment chairman Prof. Sidney Fine Minneapolis said, "We are filing a right and a change for the as an "attempt at improving un- federal complaint against Reed worse." she concluded. dergraduate education," is an op- charging him with conspiracy to' Allan Smith, University vice tion now open to all junior con- plan a hijacking of an aircraft." president for academic affairs, centrates in history. said he is "delighted" with the The four-credit classes are cen- Reed and Larry L. Clark are appointment. e ound' se sorca- charged with attempted robbery "Heyns is an excellent teacher tered around specific historical of the Ames Plaza Bank at Oma- and his halftime appointment in trends or events such as the ha, Neb., Oct. 20. Clark is bein th- S-hcol of Education will bring French Revolution or urbanization held in St. Paul, Minn., in lieu of us on, of the most knowledgeable in America. $15,000 bond. Reed also was sought persons in the country to deal Class size is limited to 15 and in connection with a St. Paul bank with the problems of higher edu- is designed to create a small col- robbery. cation in that program,". he said. lege atmosphere within the larger - - - - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - seminars to program Stephen and most of his cara- creased residence hall library serv- versity." He added, 'Dis van travel in converted, .brightly ice. tion against women is no colored school buses. He will be in Also under discussion are ways, problem to correct. Ther Ann Arbor through today under at the same time, to cut costs for a lot of work ahead be the sponsorship of the Office of students, such as having optional problem is resolved." Religious Affairs. telephone s e r v i c e, eliminating In a development, Gilb Some asked about'drugs and breakfast as a part of the meal manager of the Universi their role in Stephen's philosophy, contract, and eliminating meal service, held up about 1 Stephen sees drugs as a reactio service over Thanksgiving and the ters which claimed thatt to the excessive "gos" of society Christmas break. versity Record" and "U-1 to 'ec ''g"Other suggested changes may had allegedly distorted fa "Acid is a medicine for the ego; allow students to terminate their the University's hiring po an antidote to what is called sod contract and move into off-cam- PROBE, a group whose ciety," Stephen said, quick to add pus housing, eliminate converted of sex discrimination le that thens e on o rgroup rooms and provide money 'for HEW investigation last in understanding each other pro- maintenance and renovation in sent out 6,000 copies of t duced the same "high." older buildings. to women throughout th Despite his strange lifestyle, Before making any decisions, the sity. Stephen rejected the 1 a b e 1 of committee will be holding open Lutz claimed that cam freak. "I am not a freak. If I meetings in Bursley, West Quad is only to be used for " were a freak you should encase and Markley next week to discuss partmental business" and me in plastic and read the little any programs that might be de- group's use of Universit card at the bottom." sired. opes was "illegal." He said he didn't want to be a The committee submits their Lutz said, "My men ar "heavy;" that after he's gone, recommendations to the Director to know how much mai people should get together and of University Housing John Feld- goes through our departn say, 'Hey man, what happened?' kamp. it was obvious Tuesday As red, white and blue buses If he approves them, they will that many more letters th roll away this morning, that's be sent to Robert Knauss, vice were going through." what a lot of people are wonder- president for student services, and A spokesman for PROB ing. the OSS policy board. See 'U' BIAS, Page 300, arrested in Argentina scrimina- t an easy re will be fore this ert Lutz, ty mail 1,500 let- the 'Uni- M News" cts about olicies.\ e charges d to the August, the letter e Univer- pus mail inter-de- that the y envel- e trained 1 usually ment and morning Lan usual 3E claim- 2 university system. For a less for- mal feeling, the seminars are held both on- and off-campus. This type of experience has long been available to students in the honors program and more recently for senior history concentrates. This fall marks the first time that juniors may also participate. Tn addition, Fine says, some members of the department would like to offer history seminars to freshmen. He is hopeful that this can be done in the "not too dis- tant future." The courses are structured to emphasize "critical reading and class discussion," says program co-ordinator Gerald Linderman. "The small group-setting pro- motes an intellectual exchange of ideas," he added, placing students in a more active learning process. The seminars have created an enthusiastic response from the students taking the class. "The seminar is much better and more interesting than lectures," one student says. "There's more work to do but it's worth it." Enthusiasm is also high about the staff in charge of the sem- inars. One girl says she likes the class's personal level because she can get greater benefit from her instructor's knowledge. Another student likes the way his instructor helped build up the confidence of students and the way he encouraged everyone to talk. Those students who usually dominate the discussions have also been able to draw the less active students into participation by de- veloping a sense of group trust, Linderman says. The role of the instructor is usually one of gen- eral supervisor and information source, he explains. "There is a difficult transition in roles from lecture to seminar," says instructor Richard Latner, "but after people get used to it, the seminar can be a lot of fun." Another instructor, C h a r I e s Bright, says he feels some of the students were worried about the kinds and amounts of work in- volved, but once under way, their FIRST WOMAN CADET ROTC goes coed during anti-government strike BUENOS AIRES (P-More than 300 persons were arrested in cities throughout Argentina for participating in antigovernment demonstrations during a 36-hour general strike ending midnight yesterday. One man was killed in a disturbance at Salta, in the northern part of the country. A government spokesman said Thursday night the strike was 80 per cent effective in paralyzing -> the nations economic life, and tied up 98 per cent of the populous province of Buenos Aires. A laborer, 27-year-old Juan Roberto Diez, was killed in Salta, 800 miles northwest of Buenos Aires, and dozens of other workers were reported injured in clashes with police elsewhere. The strike-the third and last of a series of such actions called by the two-million-member General Confederation of Labor-started at noon Thursday. Most of the demonstrations occurred in the afternoon and evening, but factories and many stores remaind nosed vesterdav By ROBERT ARONOWITZ Leslie Jean Allen, '74, has brok- en the sex barrier by becoming the first female Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet in Univer- sity history. Enrolled in A i r Force ROTC, Allen hopes to be an aerospace engineer and possibly a test pilot in the Air Force. Several obstacles lie in Allen's path, however. One major diffi- culty is that the Air Force pres- time at Pontiac Airport - Al- len says her most immediate plan is to learn skydiving. She explains she gets a lot of excitement flying open seated planes of the "Snoopy and the Red Baron" type. Allen says she has a h a r d time classifying herself politi- cally. She is against the draft, although she feels if there is to be one, both men and women should be inducted. She adds