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November 12, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-12

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Page Six


Thursday, November l2, 1970

Pa e S xT E M C IG N D I YT u s a,.o e b r 1 , 1 7


Seattle 7 face conspiracy trial Monday


TACOMA, Wash. (P) - Seven
young people go on trial here
Monday on federal conspiracy
charges stemming from van-
dalism at a U.S. federal court-
house in Seattle last winter.
The defendants and the govern-
ment already are arguing the
case's significance.
The defendants, who e a 11
themselves the Seattle Seven,
and their attorneys claim t h e
trial is the nation's second ma-
jor conspiracy trial, the l e g a 1
battle of the Chicago Seven be-
ing the first.
"Plain rubbish," says U. S.
Atty. Stan Pitkin. His office
drew up the conspiracy indict-
ments after Seattle's federal
courthouse was defaced during
a demonstration last Feb. 17, the
day after the Chicago Seven
verdicts were handed down.
"Conspiracy is quite often an
included count in any criminal
case," Pitkin says. "It could be
conspiracy to commit bank rob-
bery, distribute heroin or par-
ticipate in a civil disorder."
Charged with conspiracy to
damage the federal courthouse,
which was sprayed with paint
and had some windows broken,
are Michael Lerner, 27, Charles
C. Marshall III, 25, Jeffrey
Dowd, 20, J o s e ph Kelly, 24, y
Michael Abeles, 19, Roger-Lipp-
man, 22, and Susan Stern, 27.
An eighth defendant, 19-year-
old Michael Justensen, is s t i l
Lerner also has been charged
with using interstate telephone
lines to incite to riot. Addition-
al charges of crossing s t a t e
lines to incite to riot have been
filed against Marshall, D o w d,
Kelly and Abeles,
Lerner came to Seattle f r o in
Berkeley, Calif., and spent a
year as a visiting professor of
philosophy at the University of
Washington. His contract was :

nxot renewed. Marshall, a poli-
tical science graduate of Cornell
University, Kelly, Stern and
Abeles, formerly were members
of Students for a Democratic
Society. Lippmann, a former
student at Portland's Reed Col-
lege, and Dowd have been as-
sociated with leftist groups in
Lerner, charges that th, trial
is an attempt by the govern-
ment to "smash the New Left."
"The whole future of t h e
New Left is on trial," says Lern-
er, claiming the trial a diver-
sionary move by the @overnment
to draw attention away from
the nation's economic prob-
Marshall says Seattle has been
singled out as a target area
for repression by the national
administration. He s a y s al-
though there were about 30 de-
monstrations throughout the
country Feb. 17, "there was only
one federal-level indictment
coming out of these demonstra-
tions and that was in Seattle."

Marshall asserts. Seattle was
chosen because of its "isola-
tion" and because the defend-
apts are not as well known na-
tionally as were the Chicago
Pitkin disagrees, saying "it's
a local case."
"There's no national signifi-
cance," the U.S. attorney adds.
"There are cases pending in-
volving violent civil disorders
throughout the country."
He says those cases "run the
gamut from damaging govern-
ment property to interstate
travel to incite riots."
Lerner says demonstrations
will be staged in Detroit, Los
Angeles, New York, Philadelphia,
Washington, D.C., Boston, Mil-
waukee, Minneapolis and Seattle
when the trial opens.
He also told newsmen recent-
ly that defendants will attempt
to talk to the jury without be-
ing disruptive. Marshall and
Lerner plan to defend them-


Lerner says U.S. Judge George
Boldt, who will preside, may
think the defendants are dis-
turbing the trial, "but the jury
will know we are not."
Defense efforts are being sup-
.ported by a Seattle Liberation
Front (SLF), a loosely knit
group of militant organizations
that assume the SLF name when
they act together.
Boldt ordered the trial moved
here from Seattle when defense
attorneys asked that the charges
be dismissed because of pub-
licity in Seattle adverse to the
defendants. The judge rejected
the motion and instead shifted
the trial to Tocoma, 25 miles
south. He also rejected a motion
that he disqualify himself from
the trial.
The Monday Night Class
Family Dog, San Francisco
The Thursday Night Class
7:30 Rackham Audit.
Group Marrioge New Families
8:00 Fri. Canterbury Hse
Books, Writing & Language
2:00 Sat. Canterbury Hse.




ns r~ar':;stm##i-::::"::;:::;:,;;;:;;;";::<;cirii!f" Physics Lunch Seminar: . Helimin-
ski, "Brute Force as an Experimental
DAILY OFFICIAL Technique, or CRAP(s) the Hard Way,"
P&A ColIoq. Rmn., 12 m.
BULLETIN M.H.R.I. Lecture: Dr. I. Biederman,
State U. of New York at Buffalo, "Re-
.:::::;. . . ..::; ^.:.r":::::;:::::-:::,":::::::-:;; ":; cognizing Patterns and Recognizing
Objects," 1057 MHRI, 3:45 p.m.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an Center for Coordination of Ancient
official publication of the Univer- and Modern Studies and Dept. of Hu-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be nanities, College of Engineering: Prof.
sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o rm to C. Smith, MIT, "The Historical Inter-
Room 3528 L. S. A. Bldg., before dependence of Technology and Art," 229
2 p.m., of the day preceding pub- w. Engin., 4 p.m.
licatign and by 2 p.m. Friday for . Speech Student Lab Theatre: "Char-
Saturday and Sunday. Items ap- lie" and "Dylan," Arena Theatre, Frieze
pear once only. Student organiza- Bldg., 4:10 p.m.
tion notices are not accepted for International Center Tea: Interna-
publication. For more information, tional Center, 603 E. Madison, 4:30
phone 764-9270. pm
Religious Affairs Seminar: "Toward
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 An Understanding of Homosexuality,"
Guild House. 802 Monroe St., 7 p.m.
Univ. Symphony Orchestra: J. Blatt,
Day (GatenaarfL e
a Calndar, conductor and Robert Courte, viola
Postgraduate Medicine: International soloist, Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
Symposium on Drug Abuse, Rackham, Moon films: NASA films on unman-
8:45 a.m. ned Ranger, Surveyor, and Lunar Or-
(Continued on Page 7)



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