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November 11, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-11

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Page Eight


Wednesday, November 11, 1970


to bargain
(Continued from Page 1)
concessions of "major signifi-
cance" in the talks.
The resumption of auto pro-
duction by GM by Dec. 1 or the.
possibility that the strike would
run into the New Year hung in the
balance of the stepped-up bargain-
ingefforts. /
GM says it must have a new
contract by Wednesday if it is to
get back into production by Dec. 1.'
Several sources say the strike
In Sunday's paper, The Daily
reported that Claire Rumel-
hart, women's advocate in the
office of student organizations,
is a member of Probe. Rumel-
hart is not a member of that
could run into the New Year if a
new contract is not wrapped up
this week.
A news blackout was imposed
last week when negotiations be-
came more intense, and no offi-
cial statements have been made
regarding the talks.
Most reports of concessions made
by the company and the union
involve the union's demand for a
return to an unlimited cost-of-liv-
ing wage escalator and for a sub-
stantial pay increase in the first
year of a three-year contract.
One recurring report is that GM
has agreed to move toward restor-
ing the unlimited formula under
which wages rise upward with the
Consumer Price Index and that
the union has agreed to abandon
its demand for a company-paid
dental care program.
GM also is reported to be mov-
ing upward by between 10 or 13
cents in its last, prestrike offer to
raise wages in the first year by
38 cents hourly. The union w a s
asking a wage increase starting at
61.5 cents.'
The current average hourly wage
in the industry is $4.02 and the
automakers estimate they spend
an additional $1.75 an hour in
wages and fringe benefits.
The strike, which began Sept.
15, has idled 400,000 GM workers
and thousands more in industries
which supply the auto giant.

Physicians. discuss narcotics,
explore history of drug abuse

-Associated Press
Charles de Gaulle, 1890-1970
Rites for De Gaulle
to e held tomorrow

(Continued from Page 1)
service. The participants will also
include Prime Minister Edward
Heath of Britain, President Gus-
tav Heinemann and Chancellor
Willy Brandt of West Germany,
and the kings of Jordan, Belgium:
and Ethiopia. Several leaders from!
African states which once were
under French rule will be there.
Pompidou is traveling to Col-
ombey today to pay his respects
privately. It will be his first visit
there - De Gaulle never invited,
him - since he became president
in June 1969.
De Gaulle was b o r n in Lille
Nov. 22, 1890. He was graduated

ed division. Refusing to accept
the French Cabinet's decision to
surrender, he w e n t to England
and organized the French Resis-
tance movement.
De Gaulle returned to Paris af-
ter its liberation and became pre-
mier of a provisional government.
Weary at the wrangling of poli-
ticians, he resigned in 1946.
Called back to power in 1958
because of the crisis brought on
by the Algerian uprising, De-
Gaulle emerged in 1959 as presi-
dent with strong powers. He put
down a French officers' uprising
in Algeria and eventually granted
Algerian independence. He gave

(Continued from Page 1)
taken orally, according to Elliott,
they have to be consumed in large
quantities to quell the desire for
narcotics. Since these drugs are
in limited supply, the economic
feasibility of such use is doubtful.
Also, Elliott pointed out, the
drugs are only crutches and mere-
ly serve as a substitute for the
real thing. They do not really,
solve the problem of addiction.
He expressed doubt that the
majority of heroin and morphine
addicts would accept the antagon-
ists. The drugs do not create a
feeling of euphoria, but merely
lift the patient out of his present
state of disphoria. Many addicts
would rather be addicted to a drug
that gives them joy and excite-
ment than to a drug which has
little or no effect upon them,
Elliott believed.
In a press conference, Elliott
spoke briefly about marijuana. He
said that he was, for the most
part, undecided about whether it
should be legalized.
"I think what would happen if
we legalized marijuana at least
for a generation is that we would'
have a double drug problem, mari-
juana and alcohol," he said.
He also expressed his fearsthat
marijuana users might turn to
hashish or other derivatives of
the plant, but indicated he did
not feel punishment was the
TU1 submits
'plan to HEW
(Continued from Page 1)
temporary hold was placed Oct.
28 on a $350,000 contract with the
University's Center for Population
Planning. HEW's Contract Com-
pliance Division notified the
Agency for International Devel-
opment (AID) that the University
was "not awardable" and that
contracts must be held up pend-
ing an agreement with the Uni-
versity on hiring practices.
Eleven other universities have
had federal construction or re-
search contracts held up until
action plans are negotiated which
will eliminate* discrimination in
hiring practices.
The HEW action will hold up al
new federal contracts and con-
tract- renewals of the University
until negotiations are completed
The University annually conducts
about $66 million worth of feder-
ally-sponsored research.
The action stems from an in-
vestigation conducted last August
by HEW in response to allega-
tions of sex discrimination by the
University which were filed by
the Ann Arbor FOCUS on Equal
. Employment for Women.

SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (W) -
The Marin County Grand Jury
yesterday indicted black mili-
tant Angela Davis on charges of
murder and multiple counts of
kidnaping and conspiracy stem-
ming from a courthouse shoot-
out that left four dead.
Davis, 26, was indicted along
with Ruchell Magee, a San
Quentin convict already under
indictment for the murder of
Superior Court Judge H a r o 1 d
Haley, 65, in the shootout last
Aug. 7 during an attempted
Prior to the indictment, Davis
was charged locally only in a
murder warrant issued by a
Municipal Court on information
from local authorities.
The former UCLA philosophy
teacher is jailed in New Y o r k,
fighting extradition to Califor-
nia. She was arrested Oct. 13
in a Manhattan hotel on a fed-
eral warrant charging unlawful
flight to avoid prosecution. At
I the time she was on the FBI's
10-most wanted list.

Yesterday's indictment charg-
es both Davis and Magee with
kidnaping, attempting to hold
hostages for ransom, and con-
spiring to kidnap, commit mur-
der if it failed, effect the escape
of Magee and two other con-
victs, and .conspiracy to effect
the "rescue" of the Soledad
Brothers. The Soledad Brothers
are three black convicts in San
Quentin, awaiting trial on
charges of killing a white guard
at Soledad State Prison.
The indictment was returned
after a day~long session. It
charges that Mageeandt w o
other convicts, James McClain
and William Christmas, joined
in a plot with Davis and Jona-
than Jackson, a 17-year-old Los
Angeles youth who is a brother
of . George Jackson, one of the
Soledad trio.
It said the plot resulted in the
kidnaping attempt, which led
to the murder of Judge Haley,
the kidnaping and wounding of
Asst. Dist . Atty. Gary W.
Thomas and three women jurors.


Dr. Havelock F. Fraser, from ginally scheduled, to give a speech
the Lilly Research Laboratories in on sedative-hypnotic drug abuse
Indianapolis, gave a historical among adults, was ill and unable
view of patterns of drug abuse. He! to attend the symposium. H i s
said that the first recorded use of paper was read by Dr. Harris Is-
poppy derivatives as intovicants bell, of the University of Ken-
began about 5000 years ago in tucky College of Medicine.
Sumeria. University Philosophy P r o f .
He traced the development of Abraham Kaplan, attempted to
drugs up to the invention of hero- explain the rise of drug abuse in
in as a substitute drug for mor- sociological terms. He said that
phine. today's youth had established a
Dr. William R. Martin, in a "cult of feeling," which "sets it-
press conference, cited experiments self against human thought as a
which gave evidence of a syn- significant experience, for t h i s
drome present in rats recently thought is irrelevant."
withdrawn from morphine. Dr. The drug symposium is sched-
Martin is from the National In- uled to continue until Friday. Dis-
stitute of Health in Lexington, cussions today. will center around
Kentucky. the topics of stimulants, hallucino-
Dr. Carl-Magnus Idestrori, ori- gens and marijuana.
Inic Davis in Calif.


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from the elite military school of French colonies the option of in-
St. Cyr, fought in World War I, dependence or continuing associa-
was wounded three times, decorat- tion with France. Most chose in-
ed for gallantry and was captur- dependence.


The outbreak of World War II
found him a colonel. After the
German break-through he was
promoted to general of an armor-

r . S v"r":....:-:""",v'rv"'n:."vS r:.iF



(Continued from Page 2)
pean Studies, D. Schenker, Teaching
Fellow, eSoviet Youth Today," 2 00
Lane Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Speech Student Lab Theatre: "Char-
li" sni"Tlr ",Aao Thr r

The Ann Arbor Chapter of Z e r o
Population Growth will host Guy Lar-
Scom, City Administrator and William
Bott, of the Chamber of Commerce for
a program questioning "No-growth
policy for Ann Arbor?" The meeting
will be Tuesday, Nov. 17. at 7:30
p.m., in aCnterbury House. 330 May-
nard St. Ann Arbor area residents are
'rged to attend.


In these tense years he was sev-
eral times the target of assassi-
nation attempts.
As president, De Gaulle ofter
drove his allies to despair, order-
ing French military forces to with-
draw f r o m the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and telling
NATO headquarters to move out
of France. He also vetoed British
entry into the European Common
De Gaulle survived a riotous
student-worker strike in t h E
spring of 1968. He had pledged
to retire if voters rejected a refer-
endum for government centrali-
zation, however, and quit the
presidency in 1969 when they did


lie and jyian, arenal Teatre, * * *
Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m. I UM Circle-K Club meeting. November!
The Stanley Quartet: E. Grzesnikow- 15, 7:30 p.m., 3B Union.
ski, violin; 'Rosseels, violin; R. Courte, * * *
viola; J. Jelinek, cello: Rackham Lec- Meeting of Students of Objectivism on
ture Hall, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Department of English Lang. and SAB, Room 3516.
Lit. and Univ. Players of Dept. of
Speech present Poculi Ludique Societas Zeta Phi Beta - Phi Beta S i g m a
of the U. of Toronto in Mankynde, one Weekend, "Always Together," Friday,
of the most important morality plays. Nov. 13, 9:00 - 1:00 a.m., Benefit Dance.
No other production is known to the 50c or 25c and 1 can of canned goods.
sponsor, so it provides a rare opportun- Saturday, Nov. 14, Markley Hall, 75c.
ity to see Morality play, Performances ---
in Trueblood Theatre, Nov. 13 & 14,
8 p.m. Reserved seats will go on sale.
Thurs., 12:30 in Trueblood Box Of-
Tic, amisio $150For the student body.

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