Tir £ir4qw9zn taI Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Char es de Gaulle, 1890-19 70: The last from an era of giants 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: LARRY LEMPERT At Casablanca in 1943 with Churchill and Roosevelt to plan war By DAVID SPURR THE AVENUE Duquesne in Paris is a quiet enough little road. Two rows of tall and venerable shade oaks are ar- ranged on either side of the street in military style, and each old. oak is em- braced by an iron picket guard circling the base of the tree. The Countess de Saint Quentin rides by on the same bicycle she has been riding for the past 40 years. She wears an old wool coat and has a bottle of cheap red wine and a copy of Le Figaro packed in her wicker basket. She smiles politely at the Baron D'Esparron, a wheezy, plump old man with dirty socks under his sandals. The baron's little dog yaps at the old countess, and the old baron tugs him away in the other direction, murmuring father- ly words of admonishment as they b o t h waddle down the street. Behind the high grey wall on the left as you walk toward the Seine, hundreds of unseen, well-fed, well-behaved young men are shining their boots, marching stiffly back and forth in the dust, and poring over old accounts of colonial wars. St. Cyr - France's national military school. IT WAS HERE in the first decade of this century that a scholarly and aloof young boy with a monumental nose first dreamed of greatness. Those who knew Charles de Gaulle at that age say that he immersed himself so completely in the study of history that the legendary figures of the French past were more alive to him than those who shared his room or sat at his table. "De Gaulle, c'est la France", says old Mme de Saint Quentin. She sits in her ancient apartment, five floors up with- out an elevator, and watches the traffic pass by the tomb of Napoleon in the dis- tance. The heat doesn't always work in the apartment, and the old floorboards have begun to sag and split. But the walls hold the vacant faces of her noble ances- tors, and the furniture is Louis XIV. She hears a sentimental song from a huge, ornate radio in her parlor. "We French, you know, we didn't always agree with De Gaulle. In fact many of us very much disliked him, but you know, we al- ways voted for him anyway, because he demanded our support as a father de- mands discipline from his children. De Gaulle was a true man of state. It's very simple." And it was not only the fading aristo- cracy that gained a feeling of security un- der the absolute authoritarianism of De Gaulle's personal and political power. It was also the petite bourgeoisie -- a close- handed, cautious middle class reeling from the devastation left by two world wars; until the very end, even the students and workers felt awed by the aura of De Gaulle's personality, and by his fantastic, impossible dream of recreating France into the world's single great power. LIONIZED AS THE modern savior of France during World War II when he spearheaded the Free French movement, De Gaulle had a brief and stubborn bout with politics after the war. It ended in 1946 when he quit as leader of a provis- ional government riddled with factional squabbling. Following the failures of a series of poli- tical regimes that cast French society and economy into utter chaos during the next decade, De Gaulle again rose to power in 1958 as leader of the Fifth Republic on a wave of nostalgic nationalism. The new French political spirit em- braced De Gaulle's new constitution, which gave the president dictatorial control over the legislature - he had the power to dis- solve the national assembly. But it was not domestic policies that enchanted the French at that time. It was instead la grande illusion of French international greatness which De Gaulle's career and person symbolized in a time when France was suffering the humiliation of losing her colonies in Asia and Africa. And to the French mind, nothing is worse than humiliation. The high-pitched, almost desperate na- tionalism that seized the French people at that time is reflected in the indignant observation by novelist Romain G a r y : "It is a painful reflection on the state of our western democracies that the very reference to any idea of greatness makes them shrink and tremble with anger. One feels inclined to ask the western world if it considers Man a study in smallness. and if democracy should be viewed as an enterprise in avoiding heights and as a. jolly effort to have everyone wallow to- gether in mediocrity." De Gaulle in this springtime of his power said he imagined France as "the princess giving that country, long considered an integral part of France, its independence. -He rewrote the French constitution to give greater powers to the president. -He withdrew French forces from the integrated military commands of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and ordered American troops to leave their bases in France. -He blocked all proposals for any kind of supranational authority within the Com- mon Market, insisting that France remain free from outside economic intervention. -He vetoed British entrance into the Common Market. -He recognized Communist China and sought freedom from the influence of the two cold war powers - the United States and the Soviet Union. -He built France's atomic and hydro- gen bombs, and the means to deliver them. economic malaise which had caused it re- mained. Moreover, the aura of De Gaulle's personality which had once given him ab- solute authority now seemed oddly archaic. People began to make fun of De Gaulle for the first time. Students put up posters with a grossly caricaturized picture of the old general over the words, "Le chienlit, c'est lui!" (The pigsty-it's him!). An overproud D Gaulle finally stepped down from power in April of last year after a referendum on regional reforms failed. The man who had said, "I am only inter- ested in De Gaulle as a historical figure", at last retired to the rural tranquility of Colombey-les-deux-eglises. BY THE TIME De Gaulle retired, he had already become as legendary a figure in French history as Napoleon Bona- parte. He had taken on the habit of speak- ing about himself in the third person, like an old Bourbon king, and one got the im- pression that he already thought of him- self as a statue in a public square-cold, impassive, unapproachable. There were several attempts on his life, and even then De Gaulle seemed to hold himself above the situation confronting him. Once, when he and his wife Yvonne were making the 160 mile drive from Paris to Colombey, a group of sympathizers with the Algerian rebels opened fire from the roadside. With bullets shattering the car windows, De Gaulle considered it beneath his character to lower his head to protect himself, and remained erect until the danger passed. It is that kind of unshaken pride that has above all endeared the man to the French people for so many years, for it reveals an essential element of the French mind. That element is pride and some- thing more - something rooted very deep- ly in the culture and social consciousness of a people who have always been sur- rounded by hostile nations. De Gaulle represented an almost Ro- mantic spirit of greatness which seemed to demand that France transcend its social problems in order to achieve something higher He was not the kind of man who could roll up his sleeves and tackle the day-to-day problems of taxes, education, agriculture, and labour. He was a spiritual leader who suited the French need to "elever le debat" - to approach a ques- tion at its highest level. His career in a grander way reflects the mind of old Mme de Saint Quentin on the Avenue Duquesne, who is cold in the winter, but who takes comfort from the portraits of her ancestors on the wall. TO HAVE REJECTED De Gaulle's re- ferendum and vote the old general out of power last year was a historically signi- ficant action of the French people - an action which suggests that France is at last ready to look to its acute domestic problems rather than dwell on heroes of the past. But the French are still a cautious peo- ple. They look at change in the way a king who is afraid of being poisoned loks at his dinner - it might be good, but in any case it must be tasted very slowly. The question which remains, now that \ the king is dead, is whether French so- ciety can wash the dirty linen of its social problems without losing that spec- ial dignity and spirit which have made the French culture the greatest in the world. * * * (David Spurr is a former Daily night editor. A senior majoring in English, he has spent the past two summers working as a reporter in the Paris 4 4 * Charles de Gaulle in the fairy tales, or the Madonna in the frescoes, as dedicated toward an exalted and exceptional destiny. Instinctively, I have the feeling.,that Providence has created her either for complete success or for exemplary misfortunes." DURING HIS 11 YEARS in office, De Gaulle ran a one-man show. Premiers and ministers were sometimes reduced to office-boy roles. Policy statements w e r e often made at news conferences, where cabinet ministers learned about them for the first time. De Gaulle became famous for the words, "De Gaulle is not on the left nor on the. right. Nor in the center. He is above." In brief, these were some of his major actions: -He gave French areas of Africa their independence. -He rid France of the Algerian war by DE GAULLE CONSIDERED military and foreign affairs his special concern, and was always directly involved in decisions concerning those areas of government. As a result, however, a rapidly degenerating social and economic situation in the schools, factories, and farms was ignored. That situation finally exploded into an- archy in May, 1968, when students spread revolution in the streets of Paris, work- ers all over France 'went on strike, and farmers began dumping and burning their produce in public places. Aided by a massive show of military force supported mostly by the white-collar level of French society, De Gaulle finally restored order after several weeks, de- claring, "la reforme oui, le chienlit non" - reform yes, a pigsty no. De Gaulle had quelled the rebellion in AP the only way he knew, but the social and bureau of United Press International.) In formal presidential dress, 1959 0 * i . :. >:.... ;,;:.: :: 'fi x;! >' > ... : ;: ;