J4e £friizgn &ri1y Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Tuning in Nixon ., . 420 Maynard it., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. S.on a new wavelength 1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ U - 8!3 Y4M 4 41~r$#j 4 AA p4 x- 1 , ) \. .wWNAS4 i :: '. "Guaranteed to reduce casualties .@.0." LEAVING THE United States for a summer vacation is like waking up from a bad dream. Somehow, as the American border recedes, one feels sooth- ingly divorced from the political mess in Washington which determines the nature of one's life. Of course it is impossible to genuinely forget that all the problems are still there. But it soon becomes obvious that leaving the range of the nation's electric media magically weakens Nixon's hold on one's consciousness and allows a larger and more philosophical conception of the senselessness of our political lives. For some strange reason, as soon as I left, I relaxed. But it wasn't until I had already returned that I realized what it was that affected me so pleasantly. I discovered that learning about the affairs of one's country through week-old Newsweeks deadens the impact of daily emergencies w h i c h threaten to over- whelm people in the States. Events like the dumping of nerve gas into the ocean, killer smogs threatening the entire East Coast, the bombings at the University of Wisconsin and the shoot-outs on the West Coast seem less shocking. Reading the magazine you find yourself nodding your head-you're here and they're there. BEING IN A foreign country, I was able to feel that I was separated from those colossal problems. After dinner there were no Walter Cronkites to make me nervous, and it became difficult to accept the fact that in a matter of weeks it would be time to return. So, it wasn't hard to be apprehensive about crossing back to the States. As our car drove through the Mexican brush to- ward the Laredo border crossing, I didn't know what to expect. But I should have. Even before we reached the border, our radio was receiving Nixon's voice, and our minds quickly filled with the latest in- formation about the President's decisions and the Vice-President's trip to the Far East. LOOKING BACK, things were less up- setting when LBJ was in office. A sulking hulk with his Southern drawl and stitched-up gall bladder, Johnson was so easy to stand-up to and protest. He was real, he could be hated. More importantly, politics worked then. Johnson could be forced out of office by a political dem- onstration and a nation shocked by see- ing Americans lose the Tet offensive on TV. But this is not so with Nixon. The President, with his cool efficient image and his pretentious sincerity seems un- hateable. Who is he, after all, but an image on TV? For if something goes wrong with the American Way, our Pres- ident will quickly appear on television to tell us what has happened and appoint a commission to asuage our fears. AND WHEN the American Way needs to be changed, it never is. Instead, Nixon appears on the screen and sooth- ingly convinces us that it has, while leaving us the status quo. Of course, this doesn't always happen smoothly. Some- times there is a little confusion. But in the end we always learn what really happened. Nixon didn't call all college students bums; he really didn't say that Manson was guilty; and the locating of the Viet Cong communica- tions center wasn't really the basic rea- son for our invasion of Cambodia. We just thought these events had happened. When we go to bed, we can sleep with the assurance that it is useless to predict -or even anticipate-what will boggle our minds the next morning. Now I realize that students across the country who hoped to touch the con- science of the American people through political action were acting under the illusion that this was .a valid method of reaching people. But what did, they really do? They only played politics while Nixon played television. And he reached the American people, and they didn't. I'm upset that before I left I didn't know the only way to deal with Nixon politically is through the media. And it's upsetting to me that political relation- ships in this country must be seen in relationship to the media. When I left the United States I thought I was waking up from my dreams. But now I realize I wasn't fully awake until I had returned. ..n :> ,tea Tnbeua 1yidi " "If when the chips are down, the world's most important power, the United States of America, acts like a pitifui, helpless giant.. ** AN t S i .ri i i f¢ I ; ;,. y ,'a ', t'v l ?ti : . 1' 4 ra '. , , %z. E '+ y m a f* " /Iijl&dW-lWUW rmmmqwdammax Ivla' I I - , , , /10 11 ML OPol /Z I I I