.3 TEr, Airbigan Dafly Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. * ~ l~r I. - ?- rte, ---sir: ;;:7:1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER a moral commitment to life t THE PURPOSE of a university is life not death. Studying life in all its f o r m s - its origins, environment, internal workings, social relationships and artis- tic .and physical creations - is the work of a university community. For a university to aid in death is a betrayal of its purpose, perverting t h e character of its teaching, research and function in society. "Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind," wrote John Donne and this is true for all of us. This University, however, is engaging in research for the military which is di- rectly leading to the deaths of literally thousands of people in Southeast Asia. University researchers are now refin- ing capabilities of infrared detectors to sense the heat of enemy troops, missiles and vehicles; airborne radar apparatus to locate moving ground targets and map battlefield terrain; acoustic devices to monitor sounds of enemy activity and seismic techniques to pick up vibrations of troop movements. In other areas University researchers are working on how to keep tanks going in high ;dust' areas, countermeasures against aircraft and missiles, underwater communication systems and many other projects to improve military effective- ness. T[OUGH UNIVERSITY scientists and engineers are not building better bombs or manufacturing naplam, their efforts to pinpoint people for destruction are just as necessary for the military to wage war. No matter what one's personal feelings are about Vietnam and the international political situation, it is simply inappro- priate for a university to help kill peo- ple. This University receives more money from the Defense Department f o r re- search than all but four other colleges and universities across the country. One- sixth of the total sponsored research ef- fort here is funded by the military. One result of this involvement with the military is classification of projects and strict security at some University facili- ties. Over half the military projects here are classified, preventing the results of some of them from reaching the general scientific community for years. The University does have a policy, es- tablished three years ago, to deal with military and classified research, two in- terrelated yet different problems. The policy says the University will not engage in any project "the specific pur- pose of which is to destroy human life or incapacitate human beings" or for which the University cannot identify the spon- sor, purpose and scope of the research. Presently, however, there is no public record of the purpose and scope of indi- vidual University classified research pro- jects for members of the University to consult. All that Is available is a listing of projects by confusing and often inac- curate titles. A committee was set up at the time to monitor all proposed classified research projects. The group meets in secret and does not reveal information about, or its decisions on, individual projects to the public. Through March of this year, the latest period for which figures are available, the committee reviewed 119 proposed projects and rejected only one as inap- propriate. This suggests either that the commit- tee is not doing its job, a conclusion for which there is little evidence, or more probably that the ground r u 1 e s under which it is working are inadequate. The committee has continually approv- ed projects which a r e at this moment leading to the death of human beings be- cause any scientific investigation can be phased so the "specific purpose" of the Editorial Staff MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN, Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN project is not to kill or injure human be- ings. HOWEVER, PEOPLE are being killed and the responsibility lies somewhere. While some are opposed to the Vietnam war, military researchers here continue to provide instruments of death for the military in the name of advancing tech- nology and aiding the careers of them- selves and their students. No amount of rationalizing can alter the basic truth that the University is aid- ing in the killing of h u m a n beings. Whether or not this slaughter is justi- fiable (which it emphatically is not), the University has no place in this type of operation. Apologists for military research argue that any research could conceivably help kill people. One cannot believe, however, that these intelligent men are so naive to think their research will not be used to improve military effectiveness when pos- sible. They claim their work is necessary for the national defense, yet both the United States and the Soviet Union have enough atomic weapons to destroy the earth. Ov- er one trillion dollars has been spent on armaments since World War II and it has not brought us any closer to peace. IN FACT, University military research is not even aimed at defending the United States. Emphasizing surveillance and target acquisition techniques, w a r research here focuses on defeating guer- rilla wars of national liberation that threaten U.S. interests in underdevelop- ed countries. Researchers often contend their work results in important civilian applications. If they are really concerned about civil- ian-oriented problems, however, they should work on them directly, j u s t as they are n o w solving explicit military problems. They further believe they are not re- sponsible for what the military does with their technology, shifting responsibility to the political leaders of the country. The same lame excuse was used by the Germans who developed the V-2 rockets, constructed the crematoria and provided the instruments of war for the Nazis dur- ing World War II. The problem, and it is not a simple one, is defining a procedure to bar war re- search which results in the death or in- jury of human beings. It would not serve a useful purpose to bar all research projects funded by the Defense Department f r o m campus. Through several historical accidents, the military is the sponsor of much of the nation's basic research that is only per- ipherally related to waging better wars. ONE MUST THEN DECIDE if it is pos- sible to judge whether projects di- rectly result in killing people. Apologists for military research argue, for example, that people might suggest automobile re- search inappropriate because cars k i11 people. When the University t r i e d to screen classified projects on the basis of their "specific purpose" it failed and new standards are needed. If a committee can use common sense to screen proj ectswith this criterion, why can't it judge them with another - whether the direct re- sult of the project is death? Another approach would be to bar all research the actual results of which are secret. Classified research is undesirable for the atmosphere of free inquiry neces- sary in a University community to ad- vance knowledge. More importantly, s u c h an approach would rid the University of most of the projects designed to improve military ef- fectiveness in killing because m o s t of these projects are clasified. The University now defines classified research as any project for which an in- vestigator requires a security clearance, even though the results of the work are not secret. This definition is not sacred, however. By barring only research the results of which are classified, one would allow, for example, historians to consult classified documents and scientists and engineers ~7O..helgntf acrd Tribune Syndcate "The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things: of DDT-and mercury-and what pollution brings." Letters to The Dal HEW report (Editor's Note: This is a copy of a letter sent to President Robben W. Fleming on Sunday.) President Fleming: RECENTLY YOU suggested that the women of the University take upon themselves the task of writ- ing an affirmative action program to answer the HEW report which exposes discrimination by the Uni- versity against women. We object to your suggestion for three rea- sons. First of all, since you refuse to give the women in the Univer- sity access to the HEW report, you make it impossible for them to write an affirmative action pro- gram which would respond to the charges made in that report. Secondly, the Department of Health, Educationand Welfare put the responsibility of ending discrimination on the University. not on the women who are the vic- tims of the discrimination. Third- ly, we believe that women must not only be involved in creating the University's affirmative actio: program but must be guaranteed that their proposals will be fol- lowed. It is time for you to recognize that, because the University of Michigan has the responsibility to end its discrimination against wo- men, it must immediately release the HEW report and guarantee women the power to enact correc- tive programs. Coalition of Students for a Democratic Society Students to Support the Auto Workers Ann Arbor Tenants Union Ann Arbor Womens Coalition Nov. 8 FOCUS To The Daily: AN ARTICLE entitled "HEW Withholds 'U' Contracts" in the Daily of Nov. 6 refers to a com- plaint filed last May with the U.S. Department of Labor by a chapter of FOCUS on Equal Em- ployment for Women. FOCUS is approximately one year old, and this chapter includes women employed in biology, econ- omics, education, labor, psycholo- gy, and law. Some of these women are affiliated with the University -most are not. They live in sev- eral cities in southern and western Michigan. Today there are several groups of women at the U of M organized and working in the area of sex discrimination. FOCUS conceives of its function as initiator and catalyst of actions which promote the practical out- come of equal employment for women wherever employed. We hope that the action of withhold- ing Federal contracts will serve to draw the attention of those who manage large institutions to some of the inequities that womCn face. Mary N. Yourd, '38LS&A Jean L. King, '68L Co-spokes women for FOCUS Chicanos To the Daily: TWO WEEKS AGO, the Daily ran a series of articles wh ic h showed that the School of Social Work was using bureaucratic pro- cedures (red tape) to prevent the Chicano Social Work students from contacting Chicago appli- cants to the School of Social Work. Shortly afterwards. Student Government Councill (SGC) voted $75 to the Chicano social work students, in order to help them overcome the red tape being thrown in their way. This was an especially significant alloca- tion because SGC has just turned down several requests for money, due to a shortage of funds. Thus, the fact that SGC allocated money to the Chicano Social work stu- dents showed SGC's belief that the situation at the School of Social Work was of particular import- ance to students at the U of M. SGC HAD TWO basic reasons for its act. First, it realized the injustice towards Chicanos by the U of M - there would be 400 Chi- canos (since over 1 per cent of Michigan's people are Chicanos) at the U of M, if not for the rac- ism and national oppression which has limited the number to 30. Second. SGC recalled that one of the demands won by last year's BAM strike was an agreement by the U of M to enroll 50 Chicanos this year. SGC felt that the activi- ties of the School of Social Work could be part of an effort by the University administration to un- dermine the BAM settlement, and that we students have to defend our victory. The trend of the University's actions is clear - there is a con- certed effort to undermine t h e BAM settlement. ALL MEMBERS of the Univer- sity community should understand that if we allow the BAM vic- tory - which came after the most prolonged, massive, and militant struggle in the history of the U of M - to be sabotaged, then no future victory can be viewed as secure. The Young Workers Liberation League calls on all concerned members of the University com- munity to fight against the cyni- cal, corrupt, and racist acts of the University. In every possible way, but not limited to, letter writing, delegations to adminis- trative and legislative officials, and demonstrations, we should in- dicate our willingness to fight for the BAM demands, and to fight against all forms of racism at the U of M. We should all say to the U of M: End the run-around at the School of Social Work! Fully implement the BAM demands! No more racist practices of any kind! -Ann Arbor Branch, Young Workers Liberation League. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The pic- tures in Sunday's Daily for "Clonara: Where a kid can be a people" were taken by Photo Editor Jim Judkis.) Making the rounds of election night parties By MARK DILLEN Watching the climax of a political campaign can be exciting, yet discouraging at the same time. All the frustrations of the campaign - both collective and individual - at last surface at inevitable election night parties. The tension and the mystery are over; the candidates either celebrate victory or suffer defeat. For one new at watching these events, the pagaentry of Americana may take some getting used to. Last week's parties were no exception. In a way, I suppose it has to do with one's idea of what a party is. You have to be among your own kind to really enjoy yourself at a party, I think. Both Republican and pemocratic festivities were open to the public, but only those who really felt part of the organiza- tions could feel at home there. So, for mne, the mood was strange. I had decided to go to the Democratic headquarters at the Shera- ton Cadillac. For one accustomed to the Ann Arbor womb, the scene appeared particularly contrived. Three ballrooms w e r e slowly being filled: carefully manicured, commentators along with their cameramen set up in one room, ad- justing endless lines of electrical cable. In another room, decorated with Austin placards, a rock band was setting up. In all three, the "freebie" drinks that had made this hotel a f a v o r i t e "watering grounds" for all the "two fisted" journalists were being prepared. Hands clenched, I tried one. It was 8:30. Soon after, the politicos began arriving on the scene and my iden- tity with the celebrants began to go downhill. You could easily pick out the groups. There were firstly the suburban avante-garde.liberals. Gold lapel pins emblazoned "HART," or "LEVIN" or "WILLIAMS" identified them. It meant they had given their candidate $50 or more. (Austin, it seems, could only afford the standard circular pins.) Their wives gossiped and chatted; some had tired faces and when they smiled it seemed forced and ugly - as if the natural lines of dis- pleasure resented being disturbed. Their eyes and lips displayed arti- ficial colors and strange perfumes followed their starched hair around. Everything in its place. Their girls were their daughters. They were children-sophisticates. With polyethylene "straw" hats that spelled the names of their politi- cian, they giggled and talked about "the party" they were planning "up on the 11th floor." They manned a Pepsi stand at the ballroom's en- trance and gave men and others paper cup fulls as we went in and out of the ballrooms. That was the motion - in and out, In to catch a glimpse of your hero-candidate while you basked in the glow of his "charisma"' (look in the monitor and wave at it, boy"). Hours later, you would realize you had been following the same faces around all night. The girl in the pink dress, the liberal with the peace symbol cuff links . . . and the group of young rich kids. The child leader tried to look swarthy with his thin string of love beads showing above his shirt and necktie. As the evening went on, the crowds in the ballrooms grew, until 1:00, then leveled off. The middle-aged, still-believing blacks tended to congregate in Austin's room - I guess they felt more comfortable there. The band was good, but only a handful of young danced; the old just watched and drank some more. By midnight, most everyone was drunk. Cameramen became in- creasingly annoyed as the milling throng refused to keep out of their camera shots. One couple enjoyed playing "piggy back" as the mini- skirted lady rode her escort's shoulders, both precariously close to fall- ing. As they came in front of the live shot of Levin, the- cameraman shouted his disapproval while the crowd yelled its approval. And all the while, the politicians made their token appearances before "their people." Ex-Detroit mayor Jerry Cavanaugh led a winsom, stylish woman (probably in her twenties). He was there for the ritual. He knew he'd be asked by the older-looking-than-on-TV commentators for a com- ment. "Want to be on TV?" he asked his companion. She signified no and sank back into the crowd, puffing nervously on a cigarette. An old drunk approached Cavanaugh. "Hi, Jerry;" he blurted out, his arm embracing the new corporation lawyer. Then, turning to his new audience and the camera he thought was live, "I just want to tell you he's the best goddamned mayor this town ever had." Somehow, the party was over as quickly as it began. Stragglers and newsmen downed the final drinks. Black porters ini white uniforms began to pick up the trash in what would be a day's effort. The new Populism was going home to bed, not knowing, nor m u c h caring whether Levin had won. Politics hadn't really been discussed much. Epithets were launched at Republicans if they appeared on the TV's, but little else. A giant poster of Levin behind the speakers' podium had persisted in tilting earlier in the evening. One zealous worker drew cheers when he mounted a ladder and attempted to straighten it out. He failed. Somehow, the whole evening was that way. I decided to see a friend at the GOP party down the street at the Hilton, wondering what differences I would find. The Hilton's ball- rooms were no different than the Sheraton's and all the physical sur- roundings led me to expect a repeat performance from the Republf- cans. But everything about the atmosphere at the Hilton was inverted. A four-piece dixieland band had replaced Austin's rock band. Middle- aged ladies talked; but with little emotion. When I asked the few men standing about whether Levin would defeat Milliken', they responded, "who knows?" Everything at the Hilton seemed too cosmetic. There was no push- ing and shoving to see the candidates - only about a fifth as many people were here as down the street. The drinks cost $1.50 here. A band of street people had accompanied me down from the Demo- cratic party. Later, when the band began to play "hava nagila," they danced the hora. I joined. We laughed and enjoyed. Maybe we taught the Grand Old Parties something about parties that night. I 4 MI m 9 balancing teac-ups Sexxe Pickings: A night with Werner von Braun nadine cohoda.. This column is for women only. I am sorry to make such a sexist statement but the editors of News- week, Madison Avenue and Group W Productions, producers of the Mike Douglas TV show, leave me no choice. You see, Newsweek ran an ad last week for the Mike Doug- las show which listed "100 men who turn women on." Mike Doug- las' name was asterisked and the note at the bottom of the ad said, "several million women a day." nI am assuming "turn on" does not refer to drugs here. Madison Avenue isn't that advanced ) You can see now that this ad would interest women because they now know who it is they like. And you can likewise see that it would be of no interest to men, except those 100, none of whom w e r e University students, faculty, ad- ized list, for example, is William Buckley. William Buckley? Well, he may dress very nicely, and he certainly is articulate, and has very vivid eyes. But my goodness, those politics! Can you imagine that conservative in bed? Farther down the line we have Pablo Casals. Now Pablo may play a mean cello and all, but honestly girls, don't you think he's just a little bit too old to - well, you know - turn anything on but the record player? And there's Tom Jones. N o w this is admittedly a toughy. Group W Productions may be correct here. After all, on his TV show Tom did have multitudes of fe- males shrieking and writhing in the aisles, offering him t h e i r earings, necklaces, bracelets, and other trinkets. And if that isn't Ponti (maybe for Sophia Loren) and Werner Von Braun? But still and all, this is only my opinion and maybe Group W Pro- ductions knew whereof it spoke. Maybe these 100 men are THE 100 turners on. Chances are Group W undertook extensive sociological studies to determine just who has it and who doesn't. And who am I to argue with Group W? I am curious about one thing. I wonder exactly who is Number One among the 100. Who out of thosegturners on REALLY turns the greatest number of us on. Well, ladies, that's not hard to determine if you enter our first annual Sexxe Pickings. Just circle the man who turns you on the most. And he who garners the greatest number of circles wins! (Space permits us to run but 88 of the 100 select men.) Sex'xe Pickings Mario Andretti Alan Arkin Charles Aznavour Burt Bacharach Christiaan Barnard Warren Beatty Harry Belafonte Jean-Paul Belmondo Leonard Bernstein Marlon Brando Charles Bronson Yul Brenner William Buckley Richard Burton Michael Caine Pablo Casals Johnny Cash Maurice Chevalier Cassius Clay . Barnaby Conrad El Cordobes Franco Corelli Bill Cosby Joseph Cotten Ossie Davis Howard Hughes Engelbert Humperdinck Mick Jagger James Earl Jones Tom Jones Louis Jourdan John Kerr Burt Lancaster Claude Lelouch. Liberace John Lindsay Marcel Marceau Dean Martin Lee Marvin Marcello Mastroianni Groucho Marx Steve McQueen Robert Mitchum Joe Namath Paul Newman David Niven Rudolf Nureyev Laurence Olivier Aristotle Onassis Pablo Picasso 4i 1