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November 10, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-10

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See Editorial Page

I C, r

, rligaut

a t


Vol. LXXXI, No. 59

Ann Arbor,

Michigan - Tuesday, November 10, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



to discuss





discrimination charges



bud getS

Six University officials will
meet today in Chicago with
representatives of the depart-
ment of Health, Education and
Welfare to discuss affirmative
action plans to promote equal
employment of women at the
On Oct. 6 HEW gave the
University 30 days to respond with
a program to remedy what they
charged was discrimination in em-
ployment of women. The deadline
expired last Friday.
A temporary hold was placed on
a $350,000 federal contract with
the University's Center for Popu-
lation Planning Oct. 28, w h e n
HEW's Contract Compliance Divi-
sion notified the Agency for In-
ternational Development (AID)
that the University was "not
awardable" and that contracts
must be held up pending an agree-
ment with the University.
Vice President for State Rela-
tions and Planning Fedele Fauri,
does not forsee an immediate re-
solution of the conflict, viewing
today's meeting as an information
"We are going to ascertain whe-
ther HEW's position is t h e i r
original position and whether the
filing of new material by the Uni-
versity has changed anything,"j
Fauri said.
Fauri would not comment on
the new material, because it was
mostly in answer to HEW's letter,
which has not been released by
the University.
"After we return," Fauri said,
"I'msure that a statement will be
Although Fleming has said that
there may be "serious" disagree-
ment between HEW and the Uni-
versity on some points, Fauri said
he was unable to definitely tell
what those points may be. "There
may be problems, but I won't
know until I get there."
If the AID contract itself is to
be discussed, a hearing is re-
quired by federal law. Neither
IHEW nor the University has re-,

Calls for 3 per cent
reductions for '71-'72
Associate Managing Editor
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith has
requested University deans and directors to prepare tentative
cuts equivalent to three per cent of this year's salary budget.
The actual cuts, however, would be made from the 1971-72
budget, depending on the size of the University's allocation
from the state.
In his memorandum to the deans and directors, Smith
said that while efforts in Lansing to obtain funds would not
be relaxed, "it is unlikely that there will be incremental
dollars to finance everything this University should do next
Smith also'"pointed to the uncertain effect of the General
Motors strike on state rev-

-Associated Press
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY President Robert White charges
yesterday that a special grand jury disregarded evidence in its
probe of the shooting deaths of four students on the campus last
Jury report it
Kenit State president
WASHINGTON (M - Kent State University President
#obert I. White charged yesterday a special state grand jury

-Associated Press
Railway board recommendations
Lewis M. Gill (left) chairman of a presidential railway emergency board, and Secretary of Labor
James D. Hodgson announce recommendations at a White House news conference yesterday. Among
their suggestions are wage increases in steps through 1972 and the formation of a joint-labor in-
dustry committee for long-range study.
Fleming delivers address in
Texas to broadcaster's guild

disregarded evidence in its probe of the shooting deaths o quested such a hearing.
four students on the campus last May. In addition to the University,
"In my opinion," White said, "the grand jury report was 11 other schools have had federal
inaccurate, disregarded clear evidence and, if pursued in all construction or researchtcontracts
its nuances, would eventually destroy not only Kent State tempsrarelneotkedutilin
all ajo unierstiesin meria."plans are negotiated t eliminate
but all major universities in America." all discrimination in hiring.
The statement was White's first public comment about The University annually re-
the special grand jury report in which 25 persons were ceives around $66 million in fed-
indicted. No Ohio National Guardsmen were indicted. The eral contracts, most of which
statement came after a U.S. District Court judge last week would be subject to HEW rules.
.oveturnd a owercour rul The present action does not apply.
overturned a lower court rul- to contracts already let, but only
ing that witnesses before the to contracts and renewals.
grand jury could not publicly The holding action on the con-
comment on the indictments, tracts represents the first en-
forcement at the University of theI
' White said the grand jury's See 'U', Page 8

University President R o b b e n
Fleming spoke yesterday at the
15th annual Broadcasters Promo-
tion Association seminar at the
Astroworld Hotel in Houston,
Fleming, the keynote speaker,
emphasized that "the older
generation m u s t understand the
young; we cannot war between
Fleming told the audience of

over 300 that today's college stu- who is intent on placing a bomb
dents "are your children and in a building can do so on a,
grandchildren. They b r i n g with campus as well as he can in a
them all the values you have given federal court, a city council build-
them." ing, an industrial headquarters or
In his address, entitled "Today a union hall."
and Tomorrow and Tomorrow," Fleming called the tactics of
Fleming also discussed student student extremists "abuse, harass-
radicals. ment, obscene villification, ad-
"Campuses cannot be entirely vancement of highly simplistic
isolated from the rest of the so- new truths," and compared them
ciety," he said. "The mad bomber to those of the "Nazi youthful
----_ - _ bully boys."
But, Fleming continued, "the
" " " 1 totalitarians of the new truth are
not in and of themselves widely
influential on campus because
they are such obvious phonies.
Their analysis of problems is so
ia~n s case deficient that it can be defended
only by refusing to let it be re-

enues as another matter of
concern. "We b e l i e v e that
planning now will get us in a
position next May or June to
make w i s e r decisions and
greater gains in program im-
provement than if we wait up-
til the Legislature has acted
to start the process," he said.
According to guidelines set down:
by Smith and President Robben
Fleming, in a letter last week, a'
cut in the salary budget would
not necessarily mean a cut in any
individual's salary.
Fleming and Smith said the
purpose of the cuts in the salary
budget is to provide funds for a:
salary increase next year.
"Resulting savings would bel
available to support salary and
wage increases, to support higher
priority programs," and to be re-
distributedto the various units,
Fleming said.
Fleming also suggested several
ways in which possible cuts from
the salary budget could be made:
-A flat percentage cut on all
-Specific program cuts which
would be made by the dean or
director of each unit;
-Increased enrollment without
proportionately increased c o s t s,
such as by admitting more stu1-
dents at the start of second term
after * many others customarily
-A systematic increase in the
teaching load of the faculty;
-Limitation or removal of
"small or unpopular' courses;
-A tightening up of "the re-
view of the need for replacement,
or replacement at the same level,
of positions vacated by death, re-
tirement or resignations;"'
-A review of "the possibilities
for increasing r e v e n u e sources
from school or college activities
or from outside sources."
In his memorandum, Smith also
listed several. items "which simply
must be met with new dollars."
-A $1.3 million increase in the
Opportunity Awards Program and
other student aid items, in line
with the Black Action Movement
demands met by the Regents last
-$491,698 for maintenance and
utilities in new buildings, such as
the new Modern Languages Bldg.
or the Power Center for the Per-
forming Arts;
-Increased costs of municipal
services, utilities, insurance, se-
curity and postage, estimated at
$659,867; and
-$500,000 to meet the cost of
increased demands on the Com-
puter Center.
Although not listed as a "must"
See 'U', Page 8

to bargain
DETROIT (R') - Negotiators in
the eight-week-old United Auto
Workers strike returned to the
bargaining table yesterday report-
edly for nonstop talks aimed at
reaching agreement in the strike
against General Motors by to-
Today's deadline must be met if
GM is to return to full production
by Dec. 1, officials said.
Such an agreement could then
be submitted to the 350-man GM-
UAW Council tomorrow for its ap-
proval and the next step would be
a ratificationvote by GM work-
ers across the country.
The plan for a long day-night
session was reported by a highly
placed and usually reliable source.
From another source it was
learned the union has called its
25-member International Execu-
tive Board to meet today in De-
While negotiations are being
conducted under a news blackout,
there have been reports of pro-
gress from other sources in t h e
last three days. Negotiators met
for 10-plus hours both Saturday
and Sunday.
The UAW, while saying that
"newspaper and other speculation
about' an imminent settlement
currently are without foundation,"
did not deny there had been sub-
stantial'movement toward agree-
ment within the past several days
of bargaining.
The strikfe, called Sept: 15 to
support the UAW's wage and
fringe benefit demands, has idled
400,000 in GM plants in the Unit-
ed States and Canada and has re-
sulted in thousands of layoffs in
supplier plants and related indus-
The union has summoned its
GM Council to Detroit tomorrow,
an action which usually follows
contract settlement.
The union said that this time,
however, such a meeting was ne-
cessary whether or not there was
a new national contract. It said
plans must be made for strike con-
tinuance if there is no new con-
tract by tomorrow.


citicism of campus speakers of- - --
IJ 0 Ivarious political shades "are ju-
dicially naive as well as funda-
mentally unworkable and ulti-
tax mately undesirable. a
10Re aX When asked whether he would ' *
like a federal grand jury to probe 4 , a a . - .. - - -u ^

The Ann Arbor War Tax Coun-
seling Service is urging telephone
owners to "hang up on war" to-
day during a 12:15 p.m. mass
eeting at the local phone com-
The group is requesting phone'
owners to pay their bills minus the
10 per cent Federal tax levied by
Congress in 1966, urging that the
tax money be donated instead to
* presentatives of the striking
eneral Motors workers.
"Every penny of the Federal
tax goes to pay for the Vietnam
War," a group spokesman s a y s .
"The boycott demonstrates t h a t.
you are opposed to the war and
are acting conscientiously on your
The group stresses that the pro-
test is not against the telephoney
company, but rather "is a de-
monstration against the illegal use
of our tax money."
One spokesman for the tax re-
aors says the action, which is
nation-wide "is a meaningful,
peaceful way to express opposi-
tion to the war."
"What we are doing here," he
says, "is what the government
should be doing. Instead of spend-
ng money on war, it should be
ending money to improve the
quality of the lives of our citi-
The group claims that the r4-

the incidents last May, White
said, "I think a federal g r a n d
jury would help answer some
questions which remain in t h e
general public mind.
However, he said, "I'm in no po-
sition to call for one."
"Of the many studies and re-
ports of our tragedy," he added,
"probably none was so disconcert-
ing to the campus community as
the essay report of t h e special
state grand jury. The report's in-
dictment of the university, coup-
led with a court order forbidding
witnesses to comment on the re-
port, a d d e d further to campus
tensions - at Kent and in the

city,, s ac tion in p onceii

Mayor Robert Harris yesterday
took issue with recent criticism by
the head of the city's civil rights
agency on the city's handling of a
controversial case of police "mis-
conduct" during the black admis-
sions strike last spring.
In a statement issued last Fri-
day, Robert Hunter, acting direc-
tor of the Human Rights Depart-
ment, sharply attacked a recent
report on the incident by City Ad-
ministrator Guy Larcom, Jr., who
recommended that the officer not
be prosecuted.

Following Larcom's report, Har-
ris had announced the city would
not press charges against the po-
liceman in the case.
The officer involved is alleged'
to have aimed a blow at a black,'
T. R. Harrison, '73, who was al-
ready pinned down by another
officer during a clash at the Ad-'
ministration Bldg. last March be-
tween supporters of the Black
Action Movement and the police.
Calling Hunter's statement "in-
accurate" and "gratuitous," Har-
ris objected to what he described
as factual errors.


Hunter had criticized many of
Larcom's reasons for calling for
dismissal of the case, citing last
spring's killings at Kent State
University and Jackson State Col-
lege as examples of the conse-
quences of police over-reaction.
Harris said Hunter showed a
"basic disregard for civil liber-
ties," by stating that the officer
in question had established a
"questionable performance pat-
tern" toward black people.
Stressing that the complaints
against the officer had been dis-
missed for lack of merit, Harris
said that "he (Hunter) would be
the first to object if a civilian's
arrest-not followed by conviction
-were taken into account in a
similar fashion."
In addition, Harris said Hunter's
statement incorrectly implied that
punishment is the purpose of em-
ploye's discipline as well as the
purpose of criminal law.
"Discipline proceedings (of city
employes) are not designed to
punish but to deter employes
from flouting rules laid down by
their superiors and to weed out
employes who are unduly likely to
violate such rules again in the
future." Harris stated.
Hunter had participated in a
three-man investigation of the
BAM incident which released itsl

futed." He added that most stu-
dents have "a sound. instinct
againstany such nonsense."
"Now that the election is over,"
Fleming said, "we need no longer
pretend that it is a simple ques-
tion of 'gutless' administrators
and faculty at one extreme, or
simple, clean-cut idealists who
occasionally engage in naughty
acts at the other extreme."
Fleming went on to say that "It
is quite true that a visit to any
major campus will bewilder most
adults. What looks like a Hallo-
ween masquerade takes place
daily, although, as you walk across
campus, you will find far more
o r d i n a r y than extra-ordinary

Drug experts hold talks

The first widespread abuse of amphetamines
began during World War Two when Japanese
soldiers were given a supply of 'speed pills' to
inspire their fighting, said Dr. Masaaki Kato dur-
ing yesterday's symposium on drug abuse.
Kato is one of several experts from around
the world meeting here this week in a program
designed to aid the physician in dealing with
drug problems.
The program, sponsored by the Dept. of Post-

that "there has been some effort to legally
limit production of amphetamines," and added
that these drugs are used as crutches. He em-
phasized the psychological dependence acquired
from continued use of these drugs.
"The need for control (of amphetamine usage)
should be based on the hazards of the drugs and
the level of control should be based on the medical
usage of the drugs," said Dr. Dale Cameron of the
World Health Organization.
He added that the major use of amphetamines
is in the treatment of obesity, and the effect of

'Froggie goes a courtin' at 'U'
The Guttman Saddle Frogand
it Sheldon Guttman
essgurdianoy tMim Ui
arrived here yesterday m:orig
by special airplane....
The frog, named after<its
guardian, has a yellow body and
dark brown mottled "saddle" of
igetoitIbak steonly such type of frog ever re- J;"
ported anywhere.4<< >«:
Guttman, an assistant pro-
fessor of zoology at Miami Uni-
versity and Professor G e o r g e
Nace, director of the University

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