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November 08, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-08

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See story,
Page 9.

See Editorial Page


Lw iwfl1~

:43 a t t]y

High-mid 50's
Low-upper 30's
Turning cloudy,
rain tomorrow

Vol. LXXXI, No. 58

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, November 8, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




H iding



bia Broadcasting System lobbyist
whose identity is classified as a de-
fense secret by the federal govern-
ment is serving as the nation's secret
standby censor.
The man who would oversee a plan
to keep defense secrets out of print
and off the air if the President de-
clared a national emergency is Theo-
dore F. Koop, a veteran newspaper
and radio executive who was the na-
tion's deputy director of censorship
- during World War II.
The existence of the secret censor
was disclosed recently in a letter to
Nixon by Samuel J. Archibald, Wash-
ington representative of the Univer-
sity of Missouri's Freedom of Infor-
mation center.
Though the identity of the nation's

standby director of censorship had
been public information during the
Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy
administrations, President Johnson
without explanation made the identi-
ty of the censor a defense secret.
The policy has been continued in
the Nixon administration despite the
recommendation of Herbert Klein,
the President's director of communi-
cations, that Koop's identity be made
public. Klein himself is confident
that Nixon ultimately will act favor-
ably on his recommendation.
"Herb has recommended on paper
that it be declassified," says a Klein
spokesman. "It just takes a while to
go through the system."
The'recommendation was formally
made to the President in mid-August,
the spokesman said.

No one in the federal government
seems precisely sure why the censor
was classified as a defense secret in
the first place.
However, Archibald was told that
the reluctance to declassify the cen-
sor's identity stemmed from concern
that it would publicize the adminis-
tration's "censorship plan" and in-
vite criticism from news media.
The censorship plan, last revised
in 1963, would go into effect when-
ever the President declares a national
emergency. It calls for 26 adminis-
trators, designated "executive reserv-
ists,' to report to a secret Maryland
headquarters near Washington, D.C.
These executive reservists, who in-
clude newsexecutives, businessmen,
professors and government officials,
would be in charge of administering

the "stand-by voluntary censorship
code" that has been drawn up in
consultation with news media. Under
the code, media would be instructed
not to publish information of value
to an enemy unless it had been clear-
ed with a censor.
President Kennedy considered in-
voking the code during the Cuban
Missile crisis of 1963 and President
Johnson considered the same action
during the Dominican criss of 1965.
But the code was never invoked.
Archibald became concerned with
the issue of the stand-by censor last
May, when he asked George A. Lin-
coln, director of the U.S. office of
emergency preparedness, s e v e r a 1
questions about federal plans for cen-
sorship of news, media during a na-
tional emergency.

Lincoln answered all of the ques-
tions except one about the identity
of the director of censorship, which
Lincoln said carried a "security clas-
In his letter to Nixon, Archibald
made no attack on the censorship
plan. But he pointed out that the
identity of the censorship chief had
always been a matter of public
"If any emergency justifies the im-
position of government censorship
in a democratic society, the members
of that society have a right to know
the identity of the censors," Archi-
bald wrote. "This concept is basic to
the democratic process."
The concept was honored, Archi-
bald contended, during both world

Archibald's letter did not name the
censor, whom it identified as "a lob-
byist for one of the giant corpora-
tions." The letter, however, closely
described the commercial activities
of CBS and sources within the gov-
ernment conceded that the censor
was Koop.
"It just doesn't make sense not
to name him," conceded one official.
"The names of the 26 persons who
would administer the system have
been made public."
But the office of emergency plan-
ning has steadfastly refused to iden-
tify the censor, although the officials
take pains to point out that the clas-
sification was originally imposed by
President Johnson.
Archibald, who maintains that
See SECRET, Page 10

Herbert Klein

Jury acquits



of bank arson
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (1P)- A Super-
ior Court jury yesterday acquitted seven
persons accused of arson at the Isla Vista
branch of the Bank of America, which was
burned to the ground by a later fire in the
riot-tori college community.
The jurors reached no verdict in four
other arson cases, but convicted four de-
fendants of misdemeanor charges.
The $250,000 bank, considered by many
students to be a symbol of the Establish-
ment, was set ablaze shortly after mid-
night on Feb. 26. Gov. Ronald Reagan sent
in National Guard troops at the end of an
explosive week of protests, fires, and mass
County officials prosecuted the 11 indicted
persons, most of them University of Cali-
fornia students, not for the fire that de-
stroyed the bank, but for a blaze four hours
earlier that was quickly extinguished.
Though the jury convicted nobody of
arson, it convicted four defendants of mis-
demeanor rioting. One of those four was also
convicted of inciting to riot and another of
malicious mischief. The trial involved a total
of 45 charges against the 11.
The jury had deliberated 15 days follow-
ing an 18-week trial, the longest in Santa
Barbara history.
A final touch of drama in the trial was
added after the eight-woman, four-man
panel announced that two defendants, Wil-
liam Hoiland, 22, and Richard E. Fisk, 21,
had been found guilty of arson. Defense at-
torneys challenged the verdict, and one
juror, Joseph Keefe, a university librarian,
rose and said he disagreed with the guilty
Judge John A. Westwich then changed it
to "no verdict."
While the arson charges pertained to
the earlier fire, no-one was ever charged
with the actual burning of the bank be-
cause law officers were unable to link any-
one to the act.
Some people attributed the February dis-
ruptions that led to the burning of the bank
to the Vietnam war, others to outside speak-
ers and Isla Vista's large transient popula-
But students blamed crowded conditions,
high rents and poor services in the off-
campus community of 13,000 and a univer-
sity administration they felt had slapped
them in the face by firing a popular an-
thropology instructor.
'One in a billion'
frog to visit 'U'
A small plane will take off tomorrow
morning from Oxford, Ohio heading for
the University with one VIP passenger
A Miami University biologist will go along
on the charter flight as an escort, because
the star passenger is the "Guttman saddle
frog," named after Miami biologist Sheldon
' Guttman, who found it in a pond.
The frog is a type of albino with a saddle
shaped marking on his back formed by pig-
marl+ T+ I.T +is a th ,anrla *i a+ inprpctc+, TTi

-Associated Press
Funeral rites for Cardinal Cushing
Mourners crowd the Cathedral of the Holy Cross yesterday in Boston, as Cardinals
of the Roman Catholic Church attired in white vestments-a departure from the tra-
ditional black or purple-march down the aisle for the funeral services of Richard
Cardinal Cushing.
Fleming defends legality
of closed Regents -meetings

Nixon lowers
estimate of
welfare cost
WASHINGTON (P)-The Nixon adminis-
tration has told Congress his family-as-
sistance welfare reform proposal would en-
roll 4.6 million fewer persons and cost $300
million less a year than originally estimated,
it was learned yesterday.
Administration officials who disclosed the
sharply-revised estimates conceded their
motive was winning over Senate opponents
who argue that family assistance would
vastly increase welfare roles.
The new estimates are based not on eligi-
ble participants, as was done before, but
rather on the number of persons believed
likely to apply for family-assistance bene-
The reform measure, now stalled in the
Senate Finance Committee, would national-
ize the disparate welfare system and provide
a minimum cash floor of $1,600 a year to
a needy urban family of four.
It would also bolster job training pro-
grams and create a network of child-care
centers so welfare mothers could work.
The administration presented its revised
estimates to the Senate Finance panel in
October, saying the earlier figures "clearly
overstate likely numbers of program partici-
Under the new calculations, family as-
sistance would enroll 16 million persons in
1971 and increase the present $8.7-billion
federal welfare cost by $3.9 billion. The pre-
vious estimates were 20.6 million partici-
pants and a $4.2 billion increase.
The initial estimates assumed all eligible
persons would apply and made no provision
for a progressive reduction in case load "as
a result of the strengthened work require-
ments, employment and child-care pro-
grams," according to the documents.
The presentation cites the case in New
York state where only 25 per cent of those
eligible are drawing benefits from a welfare
program for the working poor.
The administration also indicated last
week it would be willing to abolish the
food-stamp program and apply the savings
toward a $2,200 income minimum, if Con-
gress wishes.
Officials emphasized, however, they still
prefer the $1,600 minimum plus eligibility
for an additional $860 in food stamps.

-Daily-Jim Judkis
Mammoth Blue ballet

Defensive end Pete Newell (82) smashes into Illinois quarterback Mike Wells (12) and
causes his pass to go errant. Newell led Michigan's harassment of the 111ini offense
in the Wolverines' 42-0 shutout yesterday.
Probe claims 'U' distorts
news on HEW bias report

Amid indications that student leaders
may take legal action to prohibit closed
sessions at Regents meetings, President Rob-
ben Fleming has defended the sessions on
the grounds that they conform to state law.
Fleming, in an Oct. 28 letter to Student
Government Council President Marty Scott,
said private discussions involve either oc-
casions when "the subject would be pre-
jpdiced by premature disclosure" or when
the Regents simply wish to discuss some
matter informally and without any action
The letter was a response to an SGC re-
quest for information on when and under
what procedures the Regents have met
secretly, Scotts said yesterday.
The Regents typically spend about 14
hours in their monthly meetings here, only
four of which are usually public. State Atty.
Gen. Frank Kelley ruled in August, 1969
that any action taken by the Regents in
accordance with their rules must be done
in public session.
In the letter, Fleming said the Regents
have long believed that they are not re-
quired to discuss publicly actions which they
feel must be "momentarily confidential."
Fleming said the Regents act privately on:
-"Local property purchases within fixed
monetary guidelines which are not made
known to the purchaser;
-"Negotiations with one or more candi-
diates for a particular position without mak-
ing this information public until later;"
-Nominations of "architects for appoint-
ment by the State Budget Director without
mvAinrknrmtan nomc iintil thorv n,'o

named items a g r e e d upon in secret.
Similarly, public minutes of Regents meet-
ings often refer to approval of numbered
exhibits which are never described.
During closed sessions in the past the
Regents have taken private action on staff
and faculty salaries, general fund budget
figures and the establishment of a policy
that "students who were arrested and have
forfeited bond would not be allowed to re-
register until the criminal case was disposed
Scott said SGC is investigating these al-
legations to see if they are true and can
be proved."
See REGENTS', Page 10

A women's group fighting alleged dis-
crimination in University employment prac-
tices yesterday accused University adminis-
tration publications of "news manipula-
Probe, a group of women University staff
members and students whose avowed pur-
pose is to "upgrade the position of women
in the University," charged that many Uni-
versity information releases suppressed and
distorted news of the recent investigation
by the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare.
HEW recently blocked federal grants to


the University and 11 other schools because
of sex bias in hiring and employment prac-
tices. President Fleming is scheduled to
meet with HEW officials in Chicago Tuesday
to discuss plans to end the discriminatory
In a statement yesterday, Probe gave ex-
amples of news coverage they believed was
Probe said an Oct. 6 University press re-
lease indicated the University on its own
initiative provided HEW investigators with
extensive statistical informaton.
"The Unversity as a federal contractor
is required by law to provide whatever in-
formation HEW asks for," the statement
said. "They had no choice in the matter."
The women also said the release tried to
justify low positions of many women em-
ployes by inferring that all employes who
are wives of students are "temporary"
More importantly, the women asserted,
apparent increases in female employment
in top level University jobs and decreases
in lower positions are not the result of fairer
practices as they claim the University sug-
A story in the Oct. 15 UM News said "sig-
nificant increases in top employment clas-
sifications are evident, while corresponding-
ly significant decreases in the lowest cate-
gory" had been achieved for women."
Probe claimed lay-offs and automation
are responsible for the apparent decrease,
while the increase in women in top level
positions is caused by "manipulation of job
titles not nonmotinne "

GM, UA Wintensify bargaining

DETROIT (AP)-It became increasingly apparent yester-
day that General Motors and the United Auto Workers are
engaged in make-or-break negotiations to halt a strike now
in its eighth week.
Some indication of whether a settlement or continuing
stalemate will result from the current talks is expected by
Hopes for a settlement have been raised because a special
subcommittee of negotiators has been operating under a
news blackout for the past nine days, and top-level sources
have indicated there has been progress toward possible settle-
ment in the past three days. News blackouts usually are called
only when settlements are near.
The TUAW has summoned its General Motors Connnil.

At-the-plant working agreements, which always supple-
ment the national contract, are the likely key to whether
there wil be a settlement this week and a return to production
this month by General Motors.
Thus far there have been 79 local-level settlements out
of 152 separate UAW-GM bargaining units. Of these, 34
have been in so-called key plants vital to GM's return to
The tempo in local-level settlements involving such
things as working conditions has picked up in recent days.
There were seven reported Thursday and Friday and four
additional settlements were reached Friday night.
At the General Motors Building, where the central nego-
tiations are conducted an extra elevatnr was nnerating Aver

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