Saturday, November 7, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Saturday, November 7, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Meeting a 'Pigeon' over lunch Grievance advocate to handle complaints (Continued from Page 2) sloughed off McGinniss. "N o . We don't have that much power. I'm not saying that we don't have power. All I'm saying is that it's less than what Mc- Ginniss indicat-s. Good book, though, especially if you've been through it. Lot of truth in it." He had a breathing spell so he sat on the edge of the table and relaxed. Pigeon Kicker was his first film, and he said he learn- ed a hell of a lot about making movies. This publicity stuff was the part he liked the least - eight cities in eight days, inter- view after interview after inter- EXLUS"VELY OF ENGLAND ,view. "My next film, I'm look- ing forward to that. A Load of Maltese Moonshine. It's about some people who try to smug- gle birth control pills into Cath- olic Malta. A comedy like The League of Gentlemen. Then I'll be working of the movie of David Halberstam's novel, One Very ,Hot Day. I'm trying to get Halberstam and James Jones to write the screenplay. It will be my answer to The Green Berets." Max Gurman interrupted. There was a disk jockey, Beas- ley or something like that, who wanted an interview. W i l s o n slid off the table and grimaced. "OK. Sure." The men from WAAM and WPAG reappeared with their interviewers. T h e s e two characters, one an uneasy man in a green irridescent suit and the other a garrplous fellow with a large gold ring, came to eat the lunch. Then they duck- ed out and brought in two rath- er distraught looking "voices" to do the work. Pretty clever. The. executives gulp the filets while the other schlmiels-t h e guy from WAAM actually had on a WAAM blazer - do the in- terviews. With the interviews on the spools=' and pads, people filed out. I just sat there. Needless to say, I'm not often invited to these things, so when I am in- vited it warms the cockles of my heart. After meeting these For the Student Body: * EVI'S' ( DENIM * "BUSH JEANS $10 CHECKMATE State Street at Liberty people, after talking with them, after eating their food, I al- most felt obligated to give the film a good review and lure, all of you rascals out there into the State Theater. I mean, I like these people and I really do want to see their film do well. Will I sell out? Well, not all the way at any rate. The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker isn't a very good film. It is clever at times, and Bob Walden has an inno- cence that can make you over- look some of the movie's faults. But it suffers from a fatal malady: It doesn't seem to know where it's going narratively or thematically. It's one of those pictures that hopes its exist- ence will create its essence, and we all know that doesn't happen unless the filmmaker's name is Antonioni, and the viewer feels compelled to find a message or at least . to fabricate one, at peril of losing his intellectual credentials. New York City, though, ain't Rome, and direct- or John Dexter ain't Antonioni. The film follows the exploits of Jonathan, a twenty f o u r year-old Princeton graduate who has come to New York to find himself. He drives a cab and says some witty things and is afraid of marriage and goes to wild fag parties and has a friend named Winslow who wears a motorcycle helmet even though he doesn't have a motor- cycle, and he meets a girl named Jennifer, who has also come to New York to find herself. Only. somewhere along the way, some- where between driving his cab into the Hudson and lying in the hospital, Jonathan discov- ers that .. . he's like a pigeon. I guess. Jennifer says to him, "It's reality Jonathan, that's what gets you down." That may be what gets Jonathan down, but what gets me down is un- reality, like driving your cab into the Hudson or telling you that it's reality that's getting you down. Jordon Christopher, who stars as Jonathan, is the same young man who, a few years back, wed Richard Burton's ex, Sybil. As an actor. Christopher isn't Bur- ton (and I don't even like Bur- ton). He's too stiff, too much the cool stud of the American movie tradition. Jill O'Hara, acclaimed in Promisces, Promises,, is suffi- ciently sweet and innocuous as Jennifer. And the small bits by Kate Reid and William Red- field as Jonathan's parents have their moments. But Christopher is at the center of the film, and he leaves a void. There is also something to be desired in the film's inconsist- ency of tone. It shifts suddenly from high to low gear, so that what begins as basically a vehi- cle for one-liners, some of which are funny, ends up as a sad story about alieated youth and the struggle to stay unattached. Tone, tough, is very fragile, and the transition from comedy to drama must be skillfully done.' This is what Nichols relied on allmost exclusively in Catch-22. Pigeon Kicker shows what Catch would have been had it been welded together r a t h e r sloppily. Let's face it, our emo- tions just don't work like that. So The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker comes off like a lot of disconnected clips spliced into a !movie. Not even a filet mignon can change that. (Continued from Page 1) Adding that his office is not designed to supplant the regular channels for complaints-such as contacting a department official- Vandenberg says, "Only when people reach the point that they [feel they are not getting the straight story do they come to' me." Procedures for filing complaints were drawn up by Vandenberg. The complainant first has an in- terview with the gr;tevance officer, then Vandenberg notifies the head of the department involved in the complaint. The department head has 10 days to reply to the charge. The grievance officer then in- vestigates the case. After investigation, a prelimin- ary report is sent both to the city administrator and the department head who has another 10 days to Hunter hits city report (Cont inued from Page 1) officer has established a question- able performance pattern in relat- ing to black citizens." Hunter had participated in a three-man investigation of the incident which released its report, last August. On the basis of this report, Harris had asked that the case be turned over to the county prosecutor for possible criminal prosecution against the officer. The Police Department had dis- ciplined the officer earlier by placing a written reprimand in' his file which, according to police officials. will be considered when the officer is reviewed for a job' respond. A final- report is then made public and sent to the city government. Thy' report contains the facts and findings of the case plus recommendations from the grievance officer. Past recommendations have in- cluded improving police training to increase police sensitivity to citizens, and improving proce- dures for informing victims of offenses about the disposition of their cafes. During the investigation, no in- formation is made public until the final report is released. All per- sonal names are omitted in that report. Nine reports have been sub- mitted so far, Vandenberg says. The complaina'nts have represent- ed a cross section of the city pop- ulation-two-thirds of the com- plaints coming from white nnd one-third from blacks. Vandenberg also estimates one- fourth to one-third are middle and upper income citizens and two-thirds to three-fourths :are lower income citizens. In order to "insure objectivity." Vandenberg has kept his office independent from the city gov- ernment. Although he holds a contract with the city, he is not a city employe. Nevertheless, Vandenberg says he has received full cooperation{ from the city and has been given all the information he has re- quested.I -Associated Press. Arab arrested Israeli police arrest an Arab suspect in Tel Aviv yesterday after several bombs ripped through a Tel Aviv bus station, killing one person and injuring others. SGC SECRETARY: Mrs 'fantastic' (Continued from Page 1) Work on the bookstore, s h e notes, began in 1964. Other areas in which SGC works for students, 11 school face aid (Continuied from Page Is cut e1} IRISH 14 SADDLE LEATHER .CASUALS Made by the originators of the famous Desert Boot. Finished in a rich saddle-tan with dark edged Malayan crepe soles. Bench crafted and superbly comfortable. Come in for a fitting. From $18.00 MAST'fS SHOES 619 EL LIBERTY R[4, TRAO(MAImK WANT CONTRACEPTIVES PRIVATELY? We believe you're entitled to your privacy when it comes to buy- ing contraceptives. We're a nonprofit family planning agency and we offer you contraceptives through the privacy of the mails. We specialize in men's products (including two exclusive new European imports) -but we have nonprescription foam for women, too. And a wide 'assortment of books and pamphlets to answer your questions on birth control, family planning, the population problem and ecology. Want details? Write today: _-_--_-_ --_-_-_ _-_-__-__ _-----1 POPULATION SERVICES, INC. 105 N. Columbia St., Dept.D44A, CHAPEL HILL, N.C. 27514I Gentlemen: Please send me full details without obligation: I [ NAME. I ~I ADDRESS...... ........ ............. CITYS......STATE.ZIP.I -----_,._ ___ -_.- --- - _ - promotion. staff members of the center for Meanwhile. Larcom, at the population. mayor's request, undertook a re- Stuart Baggaley, a senior ad- investigation of the incident which ministrative assistant at the cen- resulted in last week's report. ter, said of the suspension, "There - -isn't even a contract yet." He ex- plained that, although the center ....... (had accepted the program,*no for- mal agreement between AID and the University has been arranged. Commenting on the possible ef- fects on the center if the program is permanently delayed, John Takeshita, professor of public health, said it -would not under- I mine the program." The center is "extremely busy in other activities," he added, and stated that if the program is blocked "we won't suffer that much." adds Mrs. S., include the Legal Aid service, and housing. Mrs. S. is quick to emphasize that she serves Council members as a friend and not as a mother- image. She feels that her opinions about students differ from those of most people her age because of her working with SGC. "The length of their hair or the way they dress means noth- ing to me. I like them as the per- sons they are," Mrs. S. says. "I've worked with so many students from the most radical to the most conservative." De Grieck says that when can- didates were being sought for the Office of Student Services (OSS) vice presidency Mrs. S. was in- vited to apply, but she said that she did not want to be any closer to the administration than she al- ready was. One of Mrs. S.'s greatest assets, according to De Grieck, is her "phenomenal knowledge of the University. Mrs. S. really does provide Council's continuity," he continued. Mrs. S. explains that if she didn't like working with SGC .she would not have kept her job so long. Working with SGC, she adds, is "extremely helpful in understand- ing the changing times. It's really an education." Council members find Mrs. S. a bit unusual for an older person. She explains that when she w as& hired OSS specifically sought an. older person, and the students were astounded at the first meet- ing to find a gray-haired secre- tary. Now, seven years later, if you ask Mrs. S. how she likes her job, you'll see her smile benignly and say, "I dearly love it," and if you ask students what they think of Mrs. S.. they'll say, "She's fan- tastic!" oss o ens info service (Continued from.Page 1) scribing his work, said that day- time requests generally concern office locations, events a n d teachers' phone numbers. At night, he adds, calls are more likely to concern counseling serv- ices, drugs or 'depression'. When someone calls who is de- pressed, Partridge explains, "You talk to them-an hour or two hours and try to locate the per- son's resources to help them solve their problem."~ Along with the student coun- selors, there are also 10 profes- sionals from the OSS counseling office and the counseling division of the Bureau of, Psychological Services who provide help. 9 WOME'S COMMUNITY DINNER Women from the 3rd Brigade will/speak about Cuba Sunday, P.M.-CANTERBURY POTLUCK Sponsored by SISTERS RISING 4 Why isn'ta big company like General doing more to clean u the environment? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _p How much can one company do to clean up the environment? 'Until the problems of pollution are under control-until its effects are reversed-no company can ever be doing "enough." What follows is a listing of things General Electric is doing to ease environmental problems. Some are new. Some are as old as twenty-five years. Should we be doing more? Yes, of course. Every company, should. These are only a few of the more important ones. But every day sees us take more steps in many more directions. *'General Electric is working toward a process that will use bacteria to convert garbage into a high-protein food for cattle. One possible answer to the mounting garbage problem. .Modern, pollution-free mass transit from General Electric is carrying more and more commuters into cities without their cars. GE pioneered the development of nuclear power plants. Ainuclear plant makes electricity without making smoke. While there is still the problem of thermal effects, it's being tackled on a site-by-site basis and can be solved. But for now, increasing demands for power can be met without an increasing output of air pollution. ' GE has developed a waste- treatment unit to significantly reduce the water pollution from ships and boats. We have been chosen by the federal government to solve the problem of jet-engine noise for the aviation industry. Our present jet is already quieter than those on the passenger planes of the Sixties, and yet it's nearly three times as powerful. GE designed and built an undersea habitat called "Tektite." Several teams of scientists have lived in the habitat while studying coral- reef ecology and ocean pollution. We're designing an earth-resources satellite which will be used for a worldwide survey of the oceans. A first step toward the ultimate control of water pollution. Our newest jet airplane engine, for the DC-10, is designed to be smoke-free. Of course, there's more to jet exhaust than just smoke. And . _ _ I .. , _ _ _ _ _. - _ I _ _ __ the c types coml amot virtu ment solut costl work othe Gen prob envir beca busir custo impo willa and t that f Electric p complete combustion of many s of solid waste. Complete bustion drastically reduces the unt of leftover ash, as well as ally eliminating air pollutants. The problems of the environ- t are many. And some of the ions will be difficult and y. But, as you can see, we're king on them. Why are we running this ad? We're running this ad, and rs like it,to tell you the things eral Electric is doing about the lems of man and his ronment today. The problems concern us use they concern you. We're a ness and you are potential mers and employees. But there's another, more irtant reason. These problems affect the future of this country his planet. We have a stake in future. As businessmen. And, FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION State at Huron and Washington Church-662-4536 Weslev-668-6881 Dr Hoover Rupert, Minister Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister R. Edward McCracken, Campus Minister 9:30 a m.-Family Worship. Sermon by Rev. Fred B. Maitland, "Family Life in Brazil." 11:00 a.m.-Sermon by Dr. Hoover Rupert, "Burning Questions: What Is Right?" WESLEY FOUNDATION ITEMS: Sunday. Nov. 8, 5:30 p.m. - Celebration, Wesley Lounge; 6:15 p.m.-Dinner, Pine Room; 7:00 p.m. - P r o gr a m, Wesley Lounge. Monday, Nov. 9, 12:00 noon - Luncheon Discussion with Bart Beavin-"Christian- ty and Foreign Policy," Pine Room. Thursday, Nov. 12, 12:00 noon - Luncheon Discussion with Bart Beavin-"Does the Church Keep the Poor?," Pine Room. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Ministers: Robert E. Sanders, John R. Waser, Donald A. Drew, Brewster H. Gere Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Mr. Sanders. HURON-HILLSBAPTISU--- ---- HURON HILLS BA PTIST CH URCH UNITY OF ANN ARBOR 310 S. State St. Phone 663-4314 Marlyn William White, Ministej Ron Johnson, Associate Minister 11:00 a.m.-Sunday Service-Ron Johnson. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Study and Prover Class -Mr. White 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday-Prayer and Counseling, also, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. -Healing Service-Mrs. Mattern. Center open Mon., Wed., and Fri., 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, Center open at 6:30 p.m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH On the Campus- Corner State and William Sts. Rev. Terry N. Smith, Senior Minister Rev. Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant WORSHIP FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Ave. SUNDAY 10:30 a m.-Worship Services, Sunday School (2-20 years).. WEDNESDAY 8:00 a m.-Testimony Meeting. Infants room available Sunday and Wednesday Public Reading Room, 306 E. Liberty St. - Mon., 10-9; Tues.-Sat., 10-5. Closed Sun- days and Holidays. "The Bible Speaks to You," Radio WAAM, 1600, Sunday, 8:45 a.m. For transporf'otion call 662-0813. CAMPUS CHAPEL (Corner of Forest and Washtenaw) Minister: Rev. Donald Postema 10:00 a.m.-"Out of a Fish's Belly." 6:00 p.m.-"Another Chance." 7:15 p.m.-Discussion on "Homosexuality" led by members of Gay Liberation and Rad- ical Lesbians. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 306 N. Division 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Alfred T. Scheios, Pastor Sunday at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m.-Worship Worship Services at 9:30 and "Five Ways to Manage Terry N. Smith. 11:00 a.m. - Trouble," Rev. simply, as people. We invite your comments. Please write to General Electric, 570 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. BETHLEHEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 423 S. Fourth Ave. Telephone 665-6149 Ministers: T. L. Trost, Jr., R. E. Simonson Worship Services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Church School at 9:00 a.m. LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL r I I I