Page Six
Saturday, November 7, 1970
Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 7, 1970
Draft resistersfind Canada 'harrowing
EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the cur-.
rent ironies in Canada is the status'
of U.S. Army deserters and draft
resisters who fled northto pro-
test what many of them said was
a growing militarism at home and
a lack of personal freedom.;Under
Canada's War =Measures Act recent-
ly imposed to combat terrorism
spawned by separatist groups, many
of the Americans are finding life
across the border somewhat har-
rowing. Here is the story of one
of them.
MONTREAL (AP) - The Amer-
ican deserter stopped. The man
facing him had a gun.
Policeman or terrorist? To a
U.S. Army deserter in Quebec
under Canada's recently impos-
ed wartime security measures, it
does not make much difference.
The, deserter wheeled - too
"Halt," said the man with the
gun, quietly.
The man, a police detective,
beckoned with his pistol. And
before the, day' was out, t h e
American, 23, a veteran of Viet-
nam who had deserted the 21st
Division of the North American
Air Defense Command, h a d
been searched, questioned and
ordered out of the country.
Broke, frightened and aware
that getting caught back in the
United States woulld mean pri-
son, 'he stayed in Canada. He
sent for some money and went
Many of the 200 American de-
setters and thousands of draft
dodgers in Montreal were al-
ready there.
"We used to be a resting place,
an open sanctuary for these
kinds of people," says Pauline
Vailloncourt, a political sci-
ence professor with contacts in
Montreal's deserter community.
"Since the War Measures Act,
though, this is clearly not the
The government invoked the
war measures Oct. 16 at the
request of Quebec Premier Rob-
ert Bourassa and Montreal May-
or Jean Drapeau, who feared
insurrection. Labor Minister
Pierre Laporte and British dip-
lomat James Cross had been
kidnaped by the Quebec Libera-
tion Front, a terrorist group
seeking' independence for the
province. Laporte was strangled
by his abductors.
Police began using the war
measures to search and arrest
without warrants. They took
more than 400 persons into
custody in 1,600 raids. Federal
troops began guarding public
figures and key buildings.
Legally, t says Bernard Mer-
gler, an attorney representing
many of those detained under
the war measures, American de-
serters and draft dodgers should
not be affected by the act.
"There's nothing in the act
that refers to them at all. They
could be affected only if their
presence wasn't legal in the first
place-if, for instance, they
hadn't applied for immigrant
status. This was so even before
the act," he explains.
But practically, says Prof.
Vaillancourt, the sharp increase
in police raids made it much
more likely that deserters who
hadn't applied for immigrant
status, might be picked up.
"Just my luck," said the
American deserter. "I came up
here and find troops and police
on the hassle-and that's just
what I'd tried to get out of by -
coming to Canada. Montreal
was supposed to be a nice, quiet
place where nobody bothers
He had come to Canada on
Sept. 1.
He panhandled and took odd
jobs, like painting a couple's
house for a few dollars and some
food. He took a cheap room in
the McGill University student
community, shaved his beard
and lived openly. Work was hard
to find, but the students and
street people were friendly.
He thought he might go on
to England, where he had lived
with his mother as a child and
where had joined the U.S. Army
so he did not apply for Cana-
dian immigrant status.
Neither had several others
among the 200-odd deserters he
encountered in the Montreal
area. But not many in the group
were worried about it.
"Until the war measure," said
the deserter.
"I was sitting in Drug Aid
talking to friends-when you're
on an acid trip and you Creak
out they give you tranquilizers
and calm you down-I wasn't on
a trip but just talking to friends
-when the first rumor came in.
"Somebody said martial law
had been declared. I decided
this was one thing that had to'
be taken into consideration. I
split back to my place and I
stayed there a couple of days,
just sat and wondered what the
hell was happening."
Finally, he decided he could
not sit in his room forever. He
waited until 3 a.m. Oct. 20 and
went back to Drug Aid. From
there, he walked to a friend's
basement apartment in a gray-
brick building on a street corner.
"I was in the process of being,
busted," he said. "I didn't even
get across the street before I
saw the man with his pistol. I
didn't know who the hell it was.
I thought it might be the FLQ.
But I played along because he
had a gun.
"He escorted me downstairs,
where there were two or three
more. And I saw they were cops.
They had submachine guns and
one had a rifle with a sniper
scope on it."
The deserter and four others
were searched, taken to a police
station, and then into a police
van to immigration offices. He
was given 10 days to leave Can-
Beyond that date, however, he
was still in Montreal, growin
another beard and thinking
about cropping his wavy brown
hair into a crew cut. He was
practicing, a limp and talking
about puffing out his cheeks
and lowering eyelids with pads
of cotton to chahge his appear-
For $10, said his friends, he
could purchase a completely
new set of identification papers.
But he figured he would still
try to "make it to* England."
So he kept his U.S. passport
with a 'peace symbol -tamped in
blue near a whimsical notation:
"Caution, may be hazardous to
"It's a hassle," he said. "Com-
ing up here from the U.S. these
days is like jumping from the
frying pan into the fire."
Daily Official Bulletin
Day Calendar
Ger-ianic Languages and Literatures'
and center for Coordination of Ancient
ad Modern Studies: Holderlin Bicen-
tennial Symposium, Multipurpose Rm.,
Undergrad. Library, 9 a.m.
Football: U-M vs. Illinois: Michigan
Stadium. 1:30 p.m.
Soph Show: "Can-Can," Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, 7 and 10 p.m.
University Players: "The Odyssey: A
Modern Sequel," Trueblood Theatre, 8
International Coffee House: Rive
Gauche: "East Indian Night," Pound
House, 1024 Hill Street, 8 p.m.
Choral Union Series: Los Angeles
Philharnonic Orchestra, Zubin Mehta,
conductor, Hill Aud. 8:30 p.m.
U Fellowship, Huron Hills Baptist
Church, 3105 Glacier way, Nov. 8, 7:00
p.m. Film Special, "Urbana '70".
Small Photo Club Meeting this Sun.,
7:00 p.m. 3540 SAB. Members are en-
couraged to bring their slides or pic-
tures.* * * *
The Project Community presents a
Children's Film Festival, Sat. 10 a.m.
ao noon, Canterbury House - 330 May-
nard St. (from Fantasia) A World Is
Morn, Gulliver's Travels, Moon Bir d.
Tickets at door or 2547 SAB. Admis-
sion Charge.
Dr. James H. McElhaney, head
of the biomechanics division of
the Highway Safety Research In-
stitute and associate professor or
mechanical engineering attended
the 1lth International Congress
of Anatomy h e l d in Leningrad,.
Russia, last month.
In the historical Summer Pal-
ace he presented a paper, "'
Pourous Block Model for Cancel-
ous Bone." Prior to his arrival in'
Leningrad, stops were m a d e ir,
England to visit and confer with
researchers a the Motor Indus-
tries Research Association and the
British R o a d Research Labora-'
Occult textbook for Western
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tem, astrology as a true science,
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Paperoid cover $3.00; cloth $4.50.
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lowship, P.O. Box 713, Oceanside,
Calif. 92054.
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Palace defends duke
Freddie Hubbard
Fri., Sot., Nov. 6-7-9:30 P.M.-3:30 A.M.
Sun., Nov. 8-7 P.M.-12 P.M.
17111 Third, Detroit
Cover charge-No age limit-341-0770
Appeorinq Nov. 13, 14, 15-ROY HAYNES
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
LONDON U)) - Buckingham
Palace officials came to the de-
fense yesterday of the Duke of
Clarence, great uncle of Q u e e n
Elizabeth II, disputing beliefs that
he may have been Jack the Rip-
per, ghoulish murderer of the last
The duke could not have killed
at least two of the Ripper victims
because he was away from Lon-
don at the time, the officials said
after delving through the palace
Thomas Stowell, eminent sur-
geon who started the furor when
he said he knew the identity of
the Ripper, declined once more to
name the nobelman he says was
the murderer, but s a i d nothing
likely to end speculation that the
killer, known to have slain five
London prostitutes and mutilated
their bodies, was Edward, Duke
of Clarence.
London Sunday Times crime
writer Magnus Linklater delved
into Stowell's facts and descrip-
tion of the high-born suspect and
found they tallied with the ideas
of another expert - Donald Mc-
Cormick - who has just repub-
lished a b o o k on the 'Ripper's
gruesome career. Where Stowell
refused to pin a name on his sus-
pect, McCormick mentioned the
Duke of Clarence.
Officially, the duke died. of
pneumonia in 1892, but some his-
torians expressed belief he was a
homosexual who died "crippled by
syphilis in a mental hospital.
Stowell said his suspect was a
young bachelor w h o contracted
syphilis on a world tour and was
once arrested by police in a raid
on a homosexual brothel.
For the student body:
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Appearing Friday and Saturday nights
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761-3548 Sat & Sun
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If YOU would like to get involved in:
--Working with disadvantaged children
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--Raising funds to support campus and community service projects
If YOU would like to:
--Meet people
--Have fun
--Spend an hour or two a week helping someone else