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November 07, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-07

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At Reasonable Prices
Above includes Baked Potato,
Salad, and Texas Toast
includes Baked Potato and Texas Toast
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Next to State Theater

iage three




NEWS PHONE: 7640552

Saturday, November 7, 1970 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Page Three

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-newsbrief s
By The Associated Press
THE GOVERNMENT yesterday filed suit against General
Motors Corp. for allegedly refusing to notify purchasers of three-
quarter ton pick-up trucks manufactured between 1960 and 1965
that the wheel structure is "subject to sudden and catastrophic
The suit, first ever to be filed under the National Traffic and
Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, seeks a court order requiring GM
to warn purchasers of the approximately 200,000 pick-up trucks, and
seeks civil penalties of $400,000.
A TERRORIST BOMBING struck the Rochester area for the
third time in less than a month yesterday, this time damaging a
Jewish temple in the suburb of Henrietta.
No one was injured and authorities declined to comment on the
similarities between the latest explosion and the earlier ones.
Previous explosions have damaged the federal and Monroe County
office buildings, two black churches, two synagogues, and a union
leader's home. Several of the explosions were triggered simultaneously.

Jobless rate at
_ x
seven-year high
WASHINGTON 0A-Spreading effects of the General Mo-
tors strike caused more job layoffs last month 'and pushed
the nation's unemployment rate up slightly to the highest
point in nearly seven years, the government said yesterday.
The total number of unemployed remained almost un-
changed from September's 4.3 million but seasonal factors
resulted in a one-tenth of one per cent rise in the unemploy-
ment rate to 5.6 per cent of the work force.
The increase was considerably less than some Demo-
cratic officials had claimed in accusing the Labor Depart-

at State & Liberty Sts. PREMI E
Program information 662-6264,
-OPEN 12:45-SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, 9


PRESIDENT NIXON named Asst. Atty. Gen. William D.
Ruckelshaus to head the federal government's battle against
pollution yesterday.
Ruckelshaus will administer a new Environmental Protection -Associw
Agency that will pull together employes in 15 separate governmental osap st
agencies and start prosecuting antipollution law violators. Government official points to unemployme



*The Sidelong
a . Glances of a
Pigeon Kicker
Meet Jonathan.
heryday he graduated Princeton
he became a New York taxi driver.
(Then, he met Jentnifer.)

The new agency will work mainly in enforcing the law and
Ruck elshaus told reporters: "We're going after the polluters."
THE REQUEST by U.S. consular officials for a third visit
with three American officers held in the Soviet Union has been
turned down, a State Department spokesman said yesterday.
The officers, along with a Turkish general, have been held by the
Soviets since Oct. 21, when their plane crossed into Soviet Armenia1
from Turkey.
Even though plans have been completed for the release of the
Turkish general, the State Department would not confirm reports
from Moscow that the three Americans will be released.
* s *I
SCIENTISTS AT the University of California yesterday re-1
ported the discovery of a method to detect whether a baby will
be born with an often fatal lung disease.
The procedure involves measuring the ratio between two fatty
compounds sloughed off by an infant into the amniotic fluid that
surrounds and protects him before birth.
A doctor at the school said control of the illness known as hyaline
membrane disease, could save thousands of lives yearly.

, Police continue hi
for FLQ terrorist~

ment during the political
campaign of holding back the
figures until after last Tues-
day's election, a charge the
government denied.
A slightly shorter work week
also resulted in a drop of 33 cents
to a $121.03 average weekly pay-
check for some 45 million rank-
and-file workers, the report said.
"The effects of the automobile
strike really dominated the -em-
ployment situation over the month
and really obscure . .. underlyingj
ted Press economic changes," said HaroldI
nt hike Goldstein, asst. commissioner of
_ ~the Bureau of Labor Statistics. j
In another report heavily af-
fected by auto industry develop-
m es athe bureau said lnasti
mettebra adidsrawholesale prices took the biggest
jump in more than 14 years,
i t eight-tenths of one per cent, large-
ly because of a 5.9 per cent hike
in new model 1971 auto, prices.
Goldstein said the strike of
some 325,000 United Auto Workers
had a "substantial" effect on the
total decline of 610,000 manufac-
Minister turing jobs during the month, but
ght. that the exact number of layoffs
Oct. 5 by from the strike was not possible
)porte was to calculate.
and found Strikers are not counted in the
unemployment figures but neither
has b e e n do they show up on payrolls, thus
,h fr,-.. taffecting the drop in employment.

Arabs bomb
Israeli 1itY
By The Associated Press
A bombing attack by Arab ter-
rorists in Tel Aviv yesterday shat-
tered the calm in the Middle East
where a cease-fire has recently
been extended.
Two bombs exploded in the
crowded bus-station-area of cen-
tral Tel Aviv, killing one person
and wounding 34.
Palestinian guerrillasinbroad-
casts from Iraq claimed respon-
sibility for the acts, calling them
"part of a guerrilla drive to sabot-
age the newly extended cease-fire
in the Middle East."
Meanwhile, all was quiet along
the cease-fire lines, with Egypt,
Jordan and Israel heeding the
U.N. regest that there be a 90-
day cease-fire extension.
Jordan and Israel appear will-
ing to extend the cease-fire in-
definitely, but Egypt has warned
it will agree to no further exten-
The bombing was the first ter-
rorist explosion in an Israeli city
since October, 1969.

OTTAWA W) - The head of the ers of Quebec


Royal Canadian Mounted Police
said yesterday police have "taken
most of the leadership" of the ter-
rorist Quebec' Liberation Front
(FLQ) "out of circulation."
Commissioner W. L. Higgitt of
the RCMP said it is only "a matter
of time" before the kidnapers of
British Trade Commissioner,

Pierre Laporte are caug
Cross was kidnapedC
members of the front. La
kidnaped five days latera
murdered Oct. 17,
Higgitt denied there h
any letup in the searc.
kidnapers and killers.
"One phone call cou

;ii forte e
Id be the


End of draft to hur


DR. EDMUND ANDERSON, Pharmacologist
University of Illinois, Medical Center
Lecture & Discussion-6:30 P.M.
10:30 A.M.-"The Holy Spirt and Drug Experience"
Calvin Malefyt
1001 E. HURON

tional Guard drive to sign up
Vietnam and other war veterans
has fallen short of its goal,
foreshadowing serious prob-
lems for the Guard when the
draft ends.
In a report to the National
Governors Conference yester-
day, the- guard warned of in-
creasing difficulties in sustain-
ing "Acceptable manning and
readiness levels as the draft is
"It appears probable that
Guard strength soon will com-
mence to sag, perhaps to dan-
gerous levels, unless steps are
taken very quickly to make
Guard Service more attractive
on a voluntary basis," the re-
port said.

Guard units in the first six
months of the recruiting drive
enlisted an average of only 900
veterans a month, about 30 per
cent of the 3,000-man-a-month
Waiting lists of applicants
have dwindled and the attrition
rate among guardsmen as of
August was running at 70 per-
"The zero draft will nave a
major impact," said Maj. Gen.
Francis S. Greenlief, the Guard's
deputy commander, in an inter-
There's a lot of c o n e r n
being expressed by the National
Guard Association and the Army
itself over whether the Guard
will be able to make its

James R. Cross and the murder- answer," he said in an interview.
------'"One lead is all we want and it
will fold like a deck of cards."
N The police commissioner said
that progress may have been im-
peded by a widespread fear of the
FLQ, but he declined to confirm
uthat so-called assassination lists
seized by police over the past two
Greenlief said new induce- years originated with the terrorist
ments will have to be found to organizati00 names have been
replace the draft. And on various lists, and poice
Proposals under discussion in- and theirifamilieshaveobe
elude higher pay, re-enlistment ae w ath n lete
bonuses, added pay for duty In a the t
state emergencies, improved re- twoan lephone cas over pas
tirement benefits and exemption Thirty-eight Canadians and one
of Guard pay from income American were arraigned through-
taxes, out Quebec Province Thursday
More important, says Green- night on charges ranging from
lief, belonging to the Guard will seditious conspiracy to common
have to become socially ac- assault.
ceptable. The America, Richard Hudson,
"The guardsman's boss, his 24, was charged in Quebec City
wife, his neighbors and his with advocating the acts, designs,
friends will have to demonstrate principles or lines of conduct of
to him that belonging to the an illegal organization - presum-
Guard is a fine thing. But if ably the FLQ.
the antimilitary attitude still Hudson, who said he was born in
exists in the nation, then mak- Alabama. denied the charger A
ing the Guard's strength will be preliminary hearing was set for
damn difficult." Nov..13.

LANSING (R) - A three-judge
panel of the State Appeals Court
yesterday proposed new standards
for deciding whether obscenity
and pornography cases violate
state and federal constitutional
guarantees of the freedom of-
The court said it was proposing
"a new test" that would judge
whether the intent of the dis-
tributor was to pander or appeal
to prurient sexual interests of the
receiving audience. The Court said
henceforth it might decide ar-
bitrarily that the material in-
volved might be Qbscene.
The court, in an opinion by re-
siding Judge John Gillis of Grosse
Pointe, proposed a legal test
whereby "the publisher of the
material loses any claim to pro-
tection under the First and Four-
teenth Amendments if his primary
intent in publishing the material

is to appeal to the recipient's
prurient interest in sex."
The new proposals were ad-
vanced, the three-judge panel
said, because of failures of the
U.S. Supreme Court over the past
"13 years" to reach agreement on
doctrines that could "be consid-
ered a decision of the court bind-
ing upon all lower federal and
state courts."
The state court made the an-
nouncement in an opinion uphold-
ing conviction of two Grand Rap-
ids men on charges of selling or
dispensing pornography at the
Capri theater and Capri book store
It is the right of the defendant
to publish, rather than the right
of the material to be published,
which should have been examined
by the Supreme Court, the judge

State court revises
ohbseenity guidelines


! i Tne oesT nmerican TlIMS or Tne aecaae.

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