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Daily s
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A& 40P
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Cloudy, chance
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Vol. LXXXI, No. 2AAnn Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 3, 1970 Free Issue
Sixteen Pages
Wel fare
two churches
Sit-ins continued at two
Ann Arbor churches yesterday
while church leaders consid-
ered the demands of two wel-
fare groups fpr immediate
funds totalling $170,000.
During a three-hour meeting
last night, the Administrative
a : ;lwBoard of the First Methodist
Church committed the church to
a7 ' x , raising $25,000 for the "poor and
disenfranchised" people of the
County within three months, but
r$failed to specifically designate an
}. agent fog administering the funds.
However, the two groups are
demanding $50,000 from the First
' Methodist Church immediately
and .recognition as agents of the
county's poor.
The two groups are the Wash-
tenaw County Black Educational
D e iv e l o p m e n t League, Inc.
(BEDL) and the Washtenaw
County Welfare Rights Organiza-
tion (WRO). Members of t h e
groups have been sitting in at the
First Presbyterian Church since
Aug. 19 to press their demands.
They moved into the First Metho-
dist Church Tuesday.
The protesters say they will stay
r e 'at both churches until they are"
Dily-Richard Lee. forced to leave.
In addition to the money from
relax on Dtag- the First Methodist Church, the
welfare groups are demanding
immediate sums of $100,000. from
)n 1iag to the First Presbyterian Church and
$20,000 from St. Francis of Assisi'
' Catholic Church, according to
Mrs. Kate Emerson of WRO. The
o-7sin 1 S funds would be used to clothe
the school children whose par-
ents are on welfare.
SCHROCK The payments which the groups'
ily received a tour of central are demanding would be the first
1the registration line, but had installments in reparations pay-;
the rgistrtihoning bujts aments which would eventuallyt
in student housing projects: total $60 million dollars f r o m
nt, village in the northeast county churches, These f u n d s
would provide clothes, housing,r
a, were first pitched Monday daycare centers, cooperative food
for those who were unable to stores, a medical and dental cen-f
arkets wter, training programs and drug
- abuse centers.s
has told TU representatives The demands stem originallyI
)bject to the tents as long as from the "Black Manifesto," aE
and the tent housing does not document which calls for nation-
develop, " We will step in and . wide reparations of $500,000,000 to
blacks from churches and pro- c
Fleming said at a meeting poses programs to utilize the 1
Tuesday with Steve Burghardt funds. However the present sit-
and Lynn Listor of the Ten- See WELFARE, Page '7'
ants Union, and Marty Scott, -
president of Student Govern- |
ment Council.e
four in' blast
at Wisconsin
WASHINGTON (R) J. Edgar Hoover, director of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, yesterday ordered a nation-
wide search for four men sought in connection. with the
bombing of the Army Mathematics Research 'enter at the
Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin.
The FBI identified the fugitives as Karleton Lewis Arm-
strong, 22, Dwight Alan Armstrong, 19, his brother; David
Sylvan Fine, ,18, and Leo Frederick Burt, 22, a summer stu-
dent at the University of Wisconsin.
A 33-year-old physicist, Robert E. Fassnacht, was killed,
and three other persons were injured in the blast, which
-Daily-Richard Lee
Charles Thomas addresses sit-in supporters.
Tent villagers
TU tents
ByW. .
Fall term students not on
campus while winding through
a good view of the, newest1
the Tenant's Union small te
Diag area.
The tents, -now about ten
night as emergency housing f
find units in the local housing T
President Robben Fleming
that the University will not o
no sanitation problems develop
spread. Should such problems
remove it (the tent housing),
'Police, clash.,,.
with myo n
SBAM case
bias to
An nvrstigation into charges;
that the University discriminates
against women will resume thisI
week as officials of the Depart-
ment of Health, Education andI
Welfare plan to probe Universityj
files and personnel.
The complaint against the Uni-
versity was filed with the U.S.
Department of Labor last May by,
a local group-the Ann Arbor FO-
CUS on Equal Employment for;
Wonien (FOCUS) Two weeks ago
an HEW investigating team began
looking into the charges.
"So far, we +r on't have any veri-
fiable evidence of overt discrimi-
On 11R~s
probe on sex
resume a~t
nation on the basis of sex," says of women by the University is
Clifford Minton, head of the HEW discriminatory," a spokesman for
Mayor Robert Harris and the
union representing the city's po-
lice officers clashed over a state-
ment made by the mayor urging
a that a police officer be prosecut-
ed immediately for his actions
during the Black Action Move-
hent class strike.
The statement by Harris; made
before City Council Monday night,
referred to allegations that the
police officer attempted to strike
a black youth with his nightstick
while the youth was pinned to the
ground by another officer 'The
incident allegedly took place dur-
ing a confrontation last March,
See MAYOR, Page 7
F. .
," !
The University appears to have
cooperated with the Tenants Un-
ion by temporarily halting the
water sprinklers and other main-
tenance operations in the Diag
"This fall, as usual, most stu-
dents have been unable to f i n d
suitab*e' housing in Ann Arbor
at prices which are reasonable
by any stretch of the imagina-
tion," said a Tenants Union leaf-
let. "In fact, this year, hundreds
of students cannot find any place
to live at all."
John Feldkamp, director of
university housing, yesterday dis-
agreed with the Tenants Union,
saying that "this is a smooth year
in finding students housing and if
there is an absolute shortage, I
am unaware of it."
or the Titual for rep
Minton adds that he and his
assobiates have found "adminis-
trative and procedural deficiencies
in personnel administration which
appear to operate to the disad-
vantage of women."
Members of FOCUS and other
local- groups backing'the discrimi-
nation charges claim that there
are "more stones to turn over" in
the investigation.
"The HEW team is concentrat-
ing on individual cases while our
complaint was that the whole pat-
tern of admission and employment
* )
dents, who had no opportunity to
pre-register, were particularly up-
set with thY inconvenience of the
long lines.
One transfer student, Bob Ap-
plebaum, Grad, criticized t h e
closing of Waterman from 11:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. as "indefensible."
No answer was typical as stu-
dents explained why they had
not pre-registered. 't
One graduate student said that
his department's courses a r e
changed around so much, pre-re-
gistration would be pointless.
the group said yesterday.
Another member of FOCUS,
Kathy Shortridge, said it was dif-
ficult to come up with individual'
cases. "Women are rightly hesi-
tant about coming to HEW-they
are very vulnerable," she said.
"We don't necessarily, think the
talks will be recriminatin~g, but
women are still in a difficult, posi
tion," Mrs. Shortridge added.
"If women) are afraid and have
something to report, they should
call me."
The basis for the complaint is
an executive order by former Pres-
ident Lyndon Johnson' forbidding
job discrimination on the basis of
sex by federal contractgrs.
FOCUS said the charges against
the University stem from several
"Nearly all clerical workers in
the University are women, yet any
complaints in reference to their
work goes to a board of six men,"
a spokesman said.
She also pointed out that only
6.6 per cent of the entire faculty
are women and only 4.8 per cent
of all full professors are women.
Only 10.8 per cent of all associate
professors are women and 7.2 per
cent of the assistant professors are
Today, the HEW team will re-
sume interviewing people, going
through University files, and hold
random spot checks.
A report will be filed when the
investigation is completed.
occurred on Aug. 24.
The four people being sought are
charged with sabotage, destruc-
tion of government property rand
conspiracy in connection with the
Fugitive warrants for the four
were issued after what Hoover
described as "a very extensive in-
Fine was described by the FBI
as night editor of the Wisconsin
student newspaper, the D a i 1y
The FBI said the elder Arm-
strong brother had formerly at-
tended the university and describ-
ed his younger brother as a high
school dropout._
Fine was identified by the FBI
as a former staff member of the
Heterodoxical Voice, a publication
of the radical Students for a
Democratic Society at the Uni-
versity of Delaware.
The FBI announcement said
that the research center "for sev-
eral years has been the target
for demonstration activity by
radical groups led by the :Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society.
The radicals protest it's exist-
ence as a liason between the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, and the fed-
eral government.
"The Students for a Democratic
Society vowed to use 1 means at
their disposal t'd fort the Army
There is a change in the
football ticket information that
appears on the first page of
today's sports section. Group
number four prioritynincludes
those students whose ID num-
ber bears the imprints F, G, P,
A, J, K and Q or the number 7
or less to the right of your
name. For further information,
see page one of the second
Mathematics Research Center off
the campus," the FBI said.
Hoover said he has ordered a
nationwide manhunt for the four,
who he said should be considered
armed and dangerous.
,The FBI announcement made
no mention of the group calling'
itself the "New Years Gang,"
which claimed responsibility for
the bombing in a letter to the
Daily Cardinal.
George Baxtrum Jr., an FBI
agent investigating the bombing,
said in an affidavit that the 'two
brothers told a family friend they
had a large cache of explosives
and planned a series of bonmbings.
may be cu
at colle',ges,
r WASHINGTON (/P) - Secretary
of Defense Melvin Laird expressed
doubt yesterday about the future
of military research on three col-
lege campuses experiencing major
Speaking to newsmen in his of-
fice, Laird reflected on the recent
bombing at the University of Wis-
consin, which killed one man and
caused several millions of dollars
in damage to a government re-
search building.
"The pqint is that if these fd-
eral research facilities on campus
are causing administrators trou-
ble there are other locations
where they can be built;" Laird
Laird said such locations might
be a campus or perhaps under
such an arrangement as at Stan-
ford' University where a research
institute has been incorporated
outside the school's control.
Laird said independent research
institutes such nas the one at
Stanford may be the answer, but
"the whole natter needs to be
looked at carefully and closely."
In his brief tilk, Itaird also
spoke of the movement of Soviet
missile. ships toward the Carib-
bean a'nd classified it as "signifi-
cant." He avoided the word crisis
or any similar term in referring
to the. latest,; projected Soviet
naval presence off the southeast-
ern U.S. coast.
The incident is notable because,
he said, "the Soviet Union does
not normally operate in the Carib-
bean area with a task force of this
The Soviet task force still is
roughly three days out, sailing a
southwesternly course from the
Azores. It would be the third time
since the summer of 1969 that a
Soviet task force has entered the
The latest Soviet task force in-
cludes a landing ship, submarine
tender, and a tanker, in addition
to a guided-missile light cruiser
and guided-missile destroyer. The
earlier forces included missile-fir-
ing surface ships and missile-fir-
ing submarines as well.
There they stood . and stood
and stood, waiting in line
to register. At times, over, 1500
students were lined up single file
attempting. to enter Waterman
Gymnasium, the . registration
center. r
On Tuesday, the first day of
registration, the line of students
who had not pre-registered in the
spring grew slowly at first and
then quickly.
By 10 a.m. it stretched from;
Waterman past the Natural Re-j
sources Bldg., through the En-'
gineering Arch, bending around
the corner of East University and
.South University Aven~ues, and
finally ending just past the flow-'
er stand on East University.
The wait to ger into the gym-.
nasium averaged about three-and-
a-half hours. And, if a student
ran into trouble inside, he might
have to start all over again.
Ernest R. Zimmerman, assist-
ant to the vice-president for aca-
demic affairs, said yesterday that
8,000 to 10,000 students went
through the registrations lines on
Tuesday and Wednesday. If spread
out over both days, this number
of students can be accommodated
without undue delay, Zimmerman
However, when the doors were
first opened for registration Tues-
day, long lines had'already form-
Students registering Wednesday
did not have to face 'such long
lines. Their battles came inside
as thley found many of the sec-
tions in which they hoped to en-
roll closed out.
While some students vehement-
ly objected to the long delay on
Tuesday, most students were
quietly resigned to the wait in
One student camped out on
the Diag overnight and trium-
phantly entered Waterman within
five minutes of its opening, only
to discover that he owed the Uni-
versity $35. Hp had to start fronm
Blacks hold special orientation
Calling the University's orientation pro-
gram ' irrelevant" to the needs of black
freshmen, a group of black students has
organized a separate orientation program
focusing on the role of blacks at this
campus and in the community.
The program, entitled "Our Black
Thing," began with a get acquainted meet-
ing on Monday and will end on Saturday,
with a "Stoned Soul Picnic" in Dearborn.
The program is being sponsored by the
Coalition for Use of Learning Skills
work Prof. Madison Forster, who stressed
that back to Africa movements w e r e
impractical solutions to the problems of
black people.
'Arthur Thomas, the co-chairman of the
Model Cities Program in Dayton, Ohio,
discussed black unity, and methods of
achieving this in public schools.
On Monday, the participants were ad-
dressed by several black administrators at
the University - Clyde Briggs, the per-
sonnel manager for non-academic staff,
Willy Brown, a financial aid counselor,
adds that regular orientation program in-
cludes presentations from Student Gov-
ernment Council, Students for A Demo-
cratic Society, and the Gay Liberation
iFront, "but does not go into the purpose
Socially, the program included a dance
of black organizations" at the University.
Tuesday night and a cultural presentation
in which poetry was' read and a black
band performed.
According to Short, the program is
emphasizing "getting the education and
the knowledge to deal with the system,"
ciiy ta . n lu U a i ii
Many of the students settled