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November 06, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-06

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See Editorial Page

, i 43iau


Clear morning skies
evening showers

Vol. LXXXI No. 56

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 6, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


'I I


* * * . *

* *







i4 f
By The Associated Press
Republican Gov. W i ll i a m
Milliken yesterday clinched
another term as state gover- -
nor with a razor-thin margin
over his opponent, Democrat
Sander Levin. -
The election results were held ~.
up for over 36 hours because of
computer difficulties in Detroit.
With 96 per cent of the vote
counted yesterday, Milliken h a d
1.292,393 votes, or 51 per cent, to ~
Levin's 1.219,785. An American
Independent party candidate, I -
James McCormick, had 16,030
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votes --"?;
Levin was beating Milliken near-
liy 2 to 1 in Detroit and it appear-
ed Milliken would end up with un-
dee s r 1 pe r c t of t e v es L vi
SoU.a. neeed oer 70 pi
cent o"e ote inetrot toave BAN
MLen, 48st," ea orrm
PresBinranuy, 1969,i swhenb fonmer
God eoe Romaneys resigne t
beoeUSfsceayofHuig-D{vJn Ji i
andtran Dfevelopnt. H a
firstenakolet ed liutnat ero RINMSRS soksa (avecalfoanedo'U"wrreachsotrpnlis
in 196 a pThevsinted"y ndrve "
sitatedy sntorhro Tarse Cty.g
Leiun anstte syeatoW fro a
Milliken acknoerdgdcinyede
over- clinch a statewide positionv
irt the "With the legislature so close- By MARK DILLEN l y "classified" projects, could be* creases the U.S.'s ability. to wage
nelfare ly divided, with Democrats hold- justified. war, but that would include almost
ing top administrative posts, w The recurring dispute over Ui- One of the panelists speaking all branches of knowledge," he
atholic must be willing to compromise versity "war" research surfaced in favor of military-sponsored re- said.
honorably and to share credit for again before an audience of over search, Vice President for Re- Those panelists opposed to such
ROor aur accomplishments," Milliken 30last night in a scheduled de- search A. G e 0 f f r e y Norman, research, while acknowledging the
will be "That is the kind of atmos- bate between faculty, administra- charged that labling military re- difficulty in determining the man-
phere which has produced pro- tors and students in the Union search "war" research was incor- ncr in which certain research is
began gress during the 22 months that ballroom. rect. used, cited several examples of
hapel's I have been governor. And it is The bulkd of the three hour de- "You can't categorize the search "war" research before the highly
that kind of atmosphere that I bate concerned whether the pres- for new knowledge according to supportive crowd.
hintend to preserve during my next ence of Pentagon-sponsored pro- goodness or badness," he said. "The University is aidig pro-
lg the four years as governor," he said. jects at the University, particular- "You include anything that in- rams for an entire new eera-
Ip ad~ -_____ ____-------- __ ___________________ - -- ion f wapos," aidStuent

Associate Managing Editor
The federal government has begun to hold up the award-
ing of contracts to the University pending an agreement
between the Department of Health, Education and Welfare
and the University on an affirmative action program to pro-
mote equal employment for women.
HEW's Contract Compliance Division on Oct. 28 officially
notified the Agency for International Development (AID) that
the University was "not awardable" and that a $350,000 con-
tract renewal must be held up pending an agreement with the

University. The division's dir
other federal contracts intende
subject to the same treatment.
"At the present time the m
President R o b b e n Fleming
said yesterday. "We are con-
centrating on the broader!
question of arriving at an
agreement with HEW." Flem-
ing said University officials
wouldabe meeting sometime
I nal.Pk with THE'W re re-

d for1

Owen Kiely, said, any
the University would be
is of no concern to us,"

Gov. William Milliken
Catholic church t(
The parish council of St. Mary's Student Chapel voted
whelmingly Wednesday night to formally recognize and suppo
Black Economic Development League (BEDL) and county W
Rights Organization (WRO).
The council, composed of members of the parish serving Ca
students in the University, voted to allocate to BEDL and W
significant portion of St. Mary's monetary commitment to the
The exact amount, which could be as high as $14,500, w
decided at a council meeting Nov. 24.
St. Mary's decision ended a BEDL and WRO sit-in which
last Friday at the Father Gabriel Richard Center, home of the C]
student organization.
. BEDL-WRO has demanded a total of $80 million durin
next ten years from churches in Washtenaw County to he

inexij weeK wiu 1) , vv rcpt c-
sentatives in Chicago.
"This is normal procedure for
HEW," Fleming said. "They no-
tify you during discussions of a,
report that they will place a hold
on contracts. If that is of concern
to you, you can request a hearing
on the contract." He said, how-
ever, that no such hearing was
being contemplated at the pres-
ent time.
The University annually re-,
ceives around $66 million in fed-
eral contracts, most of which
would be subject to HEW rules.
The present action, however, does
Inot apply to contracts already let,
but only to new contracts and re-
The HEW action stems from a
letter s e n t Fleming on Oct. 6,
charging the University with dis-
crimination in its employment of
women. At that time, HEW gave
the University 30 days to respond
with an affirmative action pro-
gram which would remedy the sit-
uation. That deadline expires to-
While Fleming has refused to
release details of the letter, he has
indicated that there may be "ser-
ious" disagreement between HEW
and the University on some points.
He has said the report cites sev-
eral cases in which women with
college degrees have been placed
in lower level jobs than men with-
out degrees.
Sources have said that the re-
port relies heavily on statistical
data on the percentage of women
in various job categories, as well
as several specific allegations of
Kiely said similar action h a s
been taken in at leastd30cases
since the, executive order prohib-
iting federal contractors from
practicing job discrimination was
issued by President Lyndon John-
son in 1968.
"We are the contract compli-,
ance agency and other (federal)
agencies are bound to check with
us first," Kiely said. While ithe
hold order applies to all federal
agencies, including t h e Depart-
ment of Defense, Kiely said,
"There is a provision in the De-
partment of Labor which allows
exceptions in cases of national se-
"The agency which requests an
exception must justify its request,"
he said. There has not yet been a
case where an exception had been
made, he added.
The specific contract being held
up is a renewal of a two-year-old
contract with the government of
See HEW, Page 10

S Vietnam
SAIGON (iP) - Thousands of
South Vietnamese troops thrust
across the frontier into southeast-
ern Cambodia early this morning
in a massive new offensive to
block enemy infiltration into
South Vietnam.
Initial reports said there was no
significant contact.
The fresh drive to shield South
Vietnam's Mekong Delta raised
South Vietnamese strength in
Cambodia to more than 16,000
It was the fourth push into
Cambodia by Saigon troops in the
past two weeks aimed against
North Vietnamese units trying to
shift reinforcements and supplies
into the lower half of South Viet-
It came as the U.S. Command
reported that 24 Americans were
killed in action last week, the low-
est total in five years. Enemy los-
ses were the lowest in nearly four
years, reflecting the drop in com-
bat action in South Vietnam.
The new operation was along
the Mekong River northwest of
the South Vietnamese district
town of Cao Lanh that sits in
the lower half of the Plain of
Informed sources said the North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong had
stepped up their infiltration in re-
cent months in the western Me-
kong Delta.
One objective of the drive '.as
to cut off reinforcements and war
supplies for the North Vietnamese
18B Regiment now operating in
the Seven Mountains region of
Kien Giang Province.
South Vietnamese forces are
working simultaneously to root out
North Vietnamese forces in the
Seven Mountains. They -raptured
Nui Cam Mountain last August
and Nui Dai Mountain is under
governmentcontrol. The key con-
tested mountain is Nui Coto, where
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
still have sizeable units.
The U.S. report on casualties
had been foreshadowed earlier this
week by a Pentagon announce-
ment/that the week's total of com-
bat deaths was less than 30. The
figure was the lowest since the
week ended Oct. 23, 1965, when 14
Americans were killed in action.


the county's poor. Jody Ladio,
# 0 achairman of the council's Chris-
. 1 l tan tstian Service Committee which in-
Mvestigated BEDL-WRO's legiti-
macy before submitting a recom-
mendation that the groups be sup-
. l ported, said legal implications may
ic thwart an attempt to give BEDL-
WRO all of the $14,500 the com-
mittee had proposed. She said the
III D etroi money was originally to be taken
from the center's building fund,
rbut it was found by those opposed
* DETROIT RP - Fifteen black to supporting BEDL-WRO that,
militants were indicted yesterday such a move may be illegal.
by a county grand jury on charges Said Father Gerald Flannery,
of murder and, conspiracy to mur- Pastor of St. Mary's "Even if it isC
der in the Oct. 24 shooting of ai
black Detroit policeman.in illegal to take money from the
building fund, there are other
The 15, all charged in the slay- ways of solving the problem." R
ing of Patrolman Glenn E. Smith -. .
outside the Detroit headquarters off
the Black Panther party, were to
have undergone pretrial examina-
tion yesterday in Detroit Re-'
corder's Criminal Court, but the!
Andictments mean they will now
gon on trial without examination. w

Campus unrest survey predicts
decrease in student disruptions

WASHINGTON (P)-College ad-
ministrators and faculty members
differ sharply with students over
the primary cause of campus vio-
lence, but an overwhelming ma-
jority believe university confron-
tations are waning, the President's
Commision on Campus Unrest re-
ported yesterday:
the most likely targets for vio-
lent disruptions this year are
schools enrolling over 10,000 with

low admission standards and Re-
serve Office Training Corps units
on campus, the commission's re-
port added.
The assessments were contained
in a poll taken in July of college
presidents, faculty senate chair-
men and student body presidents.
Administratorstand f a c u l t y
members cited the Vietnam war
as the primary cause of violent
and sporadic outbursts. Students,
however, believed that lack of
communication was the primary
As for future confrontations, 66
per cent of the students, 70 per
cent of the administrators and 76
per cent of the faculty members
believed violent confrontations
would decrease this year.
Most authorities listed black
student demands and student dis-
content over university regulations
as the two major internal issues
that could touch off campus dis-
The Indochina war was cited
as the overwhelming external is-
sue that could incite violence.
Colleges with an enrollment

lege affairs and to grant more
funds to the universities. Greater
communication was stressed for
local communities.
On the campus itself, adminis-
trators were urged to establish
beter channel of communication
with students. Students were urged
to work within the system.
The questionnaire was sent to
all of the nation's 2,789 accredited
schools, the commission -said. Re-
plies were received from 1,890 in-

for a Democratic Society member
Joel Silverstein. "Infra-red sur-
veilance devices developed by the
University have been responsible
for the deaths of thousands of
Vietnamese," he claimed.
Panelist Jim Brugh said this
University was a major contribu-
tor of military infra-red sensing
devices. According to Brugh, these
devices, when mounted on guns or
aircraft enable the military to
"see" heat-producing objects ob-
scured from view, he added.
Engin Prof. Thomas Senior,
speaking on the panel as "just one
person engaged in classified re-
search," spoke of a "middle
ground" that would "let individ-
uals make judgments for them-
Senior called his field, electro-
magnetic wave research, one which
See PANEL, Page 10

Nodate was set for the trial.
The Wayne County grand jury,
also indicted the 15 on a new
charge that between Oct. 13 and
Oct. 25 they had conspired and
agreed together to kill and murder
Detroit policemen.
County Prosecutor William Ca-
halan refused to elaborate on the'
new charge, saying he was sworn
to secrecy by grand jury rules.

INDIANAPOLIS (A') - Both Indian
candidates for the Senate claimed victo
last night while unofficial returns ga
inucumbent Sen. Vance Hartke (D-Ind)
slight lead over his Republican opponen
Richard L. Roudebush.
The returns showed Hartke with a 4.24

Hail to which
na tegrity of the voting records in the case of
ry a recount.
ve Police Chief Winston Churchill assigned
a eight officers to 24-hour detail Wednesday
nt, night after county election board presi-
dent, Edwin McClure, called for "substan-
9- tial" protection for the vital ballots. Keith


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