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November 05, 1970 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-05

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To the Daily:
TO WHOMEVER it may con-
cern: I have become extremely
a n g r y at the constant bar-
rage of bomb threats directed
towards the UGLI. Although
politically radical, I fail to un-
derstand the motivation for
these thr ats. If a person de-
cides to bomb because he feels it
is the only course of actior left,
at least bomb a building that
would be a, symbol of the re-
pression and racism in our
country today, not a building
that is open for the people.
THE LIBRARY is for the po-
ple and no one person should
have the power to destroy or
shut down, something that be-
longs to the people. So please
stop calling in thse bomb
threats and playing games with
other peoples' lives.
Mitchell Botney, '7
Nov. 2
Sex mistakes
To the Daily:
(Daily, Oct. 28) says about fe-
male sexual repression or !ex-
ploitation is valid. However,
many of her biological "facts"
are amazingly incorrect S h e
says "Masters and Johnson ...
says the only way women can
achieve sexual satisfaction is
through the active stimulation
of a clitoris, that small projec-
tion just inside the vagina
which corresponds in stimula-
tive power to the "head" of the
male penis."
First, any anatomy b o o k
clearly indicates (as will a look
in a mirror) that the clitoris
is-not inside the vagina but is
externally placed above both the
urethral and vaginal openings.
Secoid, Masters and Johnson
did not say the only way to
sexual satisfaction is through
the clitoris. The entire f i r s t
portion of their book, Human
Sexual Response, delves into all
of the erotic portions of the fe-
male anatomy. We would cite
breast stimulation (pg. 67) and
vaginal stimulation as two
sources of arousal to climax.
Also on page 67 of the book
the doctors state, "The physio-
logic responses that develop in
the clitoral glans and shaft dur-
ing the four phases of the sexual
cycle are the same regardless of
whether the clitoral body is
responding to direct or indirect
stimulation." In other words,
the clitoris reacts in the same
manner whether it is manipu-
lated directly or stimulated by
actual intercourse. For further
clarification of this and for the
definitions of direct and in-
direct stimulation. we w o u d
refer readers to the text itself.
that vaginal crasm does not
exist and that "screwing will
seldom produce clitoral orgasm."
Her differentiation between cli-
toral and vaginal orgasm is in-
correct. Masters and Johnson
point out the following, "Are
clitoral and vaginal orgasms
truly separate anatomic enti-
ties? From a biologic point of
view the answer to this ques-
tion is an unequivocal "No" (pg.
66). In other words orgasm is
'a whole phenomenon; it involves
many parts of the body. Saying,
as Miss Fritz does, that a n y
woman who claims a vaginal
orgasm is a phony, is meaning-
less. We do not understand
what she is trying to convey
here except that she did not
read Human Sexual Response

Miss Fritz's discussion of frig-
idity is a semantic one, because
Masters and Johnson merely
stopped using the term "frigid"
but continue to treat the prob-
lem by redefining it as a form of
"sexual inadequacy", (see Hu-
man Sexual Inadequacy) treat-
able by following their therapy.
Many married couples have im-
proved their marriage by over-
coming this inadequacy. Pre-
sently these doctors look for-
ward to a program of treat-
ment for single women.


threatening the


0idpigau eIaitn
Eighty years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

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"I knew morale was, high here in Vietnam, but . . .

for starting and then expanding
the costly, useless and provoca-
tive ABM system. His Vice Pres-
ident cast the deciding vote
when the Senate deadlocked 50-
50. Humphrey opposed the ABM
and Muskie, who would have
been sitting there had Nixon
been defeated, voted against the
3. Last year, for the first time
since the 1954 Supreme Court
school desegregation decision,
U.S. Department of Justice
lawyers were ordered into Fed-
eral court on the side of segre-
gatoinists to oppose a NAACP
suit calling for desegregation in
compliance with the Constitu-
tion and the Civil Rights Act of
1964. That was Nixon's chief
adviser and political honcho,
John Mitchell, who gave the or-
der. (Ever hear of the Southern
4. Nixon administration policy
is to move responsibility for
community programs such as
Model Cities away from local
citizen control and over to the
nation's City Halls. This re-
verses the policy of the previous
5. The no-knock entry, ex-
panded (essentially unlimited,
according to Mr. Mitchell) au-
thority to wiretap, and other
repressive provisions of this
year's crop of "law-'n-order"
legislation have all had the
forceful backing of Nixon and
the strong opposition of most
liberal Democrats, including Hu-
bert Humphrey.
So much for Mr. Shapiro's
insightful analysis of the '68
election. Similarly, the differ-
ences between the Democratic
and Republican candidates for
Governor were and are clear.
Levin supported the BAM strike
and pledged efforts to assist the
University in meeting the de-
mands. Milliken said that he
sympathized with the strikers,
but there was nothing he could
do. Levin supported tax equity,
including substitution of a grad-
uate income tax for the re-
gressiveproperty tax. Milliken?
Milliken, responding to public
clamor following Goose Lake,
promulgated a set of repressive
regulations for future public
gatherings which, if equitably
applied, should have been the
absurd basis for ending varsity
football at Michigan this year.
Levin called for a sensible pro-
gram of education and treat-
ment to reduce drug abuse. Mil-
liken actively supported expand-
ing public assistance to non-
public schools. "Levin opposed
this expansion.
No difference? Try again, Mr.
Shapiro. Your last sentence
asks: "When was the last time
you had fun in a voting booth?"
Not even Consciousness III de-
mands the right of self-abuse
at the polling place.
-Michael J. Berla
Nov. 3


- -Y -

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.


chi~ldren 's story:

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigon Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


just work


it is useful and should be used
as desired by both sexes. Who a
woman's sex partner is does not
concern us; what we are con-
cerned with is that full sexual
gratification is achieved by both
partners. The attitude of males
and females will have to change
so that inhibitions will be elim-
inated and both sexes can en-
joy full sexual gratification.
-Joan S.Latchaw
-Kathleen C. Schanfield
Nov. 3
Enlightened cynic
To the Daily:
ALAS, despite four years of
working for the local radical
rag, Stuart Gannes, Editorial
Director of T h e Michigan
Daily, h a s proven himself an
excellent example of a univer-'
sity's most important product-
the enlightened cynic, resigned
to the death of idealism.
Will the 70's be like the 50's?
Will "student activism," now
thoroughly disillusioned w i t h
electoral politics, relapse into
student apathy and allow busi-
ness as usual until we all choke
to death? Not bloody likely,
Don't forget that we are now
in the Country of the Young,
the Woodstock Nation. Present
day h i g h school activists will
not resign themselves to become
college clogs simply because we
older and wiser students have
failed to produce rapid, radical
improvements within the exist-
ing systems. They need not be
bound by existing systems. The
increasingly p o p u 1 a r Under-
ground, never very well hidden,
will continue to take care of its
own until it owns everything,
which will then be freely avail-
able to all. (Read Buckminster
Provided t h a t "terrorists,"
who are neither "few" nor "des-
perate" at this time, do not pro-
voke the country to quietly ex-
terminate all non-cooperating,
other-oriented. wild-eyed radi-
cals (by legal or extra-legal
means - "Hey, Joe, where you
going with that g u n in your
hand?"), the inevitable changes
of the next decade need not be
absorbed by the corporate stat-
us quo. The switch from liquor
to marijuana does indeed, does
in fact, sir, produce drastic
changes if nurtured by a hu-
mane body of individuals with

high minded goals. Utopia, for
-James Jensen, '71
Nov. 4
To the Daily:
DAVE WESLEY'S letter (Dai-
ly, Oct. 29) on University action
on the BAM demands is self-de-
feating since it will do nothing
but create polarization. It is a
classic example 'of t h e worst
type of emotional appeal which
has so often been utilized by the
southern redneck politician. The
inflammatory, inaccurate a n d
racist rhetoric of Mr. Wesley's
letter could only receive serious
consideration by an ignorant
and unthinking constituency.
--Lance Erickson '56
Nov. 2
Cancer research
To The Daily:
died two months ago of cancer.
She was 29 years old and most
of her young adult life had been
dedicated to the field of speech
pathology. Her name was Flora
H. Malev and 99 per cent of the
people reading this letter prob-
ably never knew her. I think you
would have liked her; she had
the sort of laugh that made
everybody feel good and a
warmth that let you know she
cared. But how many of you
really care that Flora is gone?
Well, I guess you're not sup-
posed to care because Flora
wasn't you dear friend, sister,
daughter or wife. So why am
I writing to you?
I am writing because I would
like to make a plea that each
of us make a monthly donation
to Cancer Research. You might
write to your congressman or
senator and tell him you want
more of your federal taxes to
go towards cancer research (in-
steal of feeding that damn war).
You could also collect money
among groups like the PTA or
other local organizations. Pick
up the phone now or try to set
aside a little money each month.
It might save a life some day.
Thank you.
-Janet Blaustein, Grad.
Oct. 26


Old pro
To The Daily:
suring to crack the editorial
page of The Daily this morning
(Election Day) and find an old
pro political commentator like
Walter Shapiro (Assistant Edi-
torial Director, 1968-69) giving
forth with his advice to the
voter. It was Mr. Shapiro's thesis
that, there being no difference
between the Democratic and
Republican nominee for Gov-
ernor, the hip voter should cast
his ballot for John Sinclair.
Mr. Shapiro then cited the
precedent of the Nixon-Hum-
phrey contest, two years ago,
as the basis for his recommen-
dation. "T w e e d 1 e-dum and
Tweedle-dee" was the cry in
'68. "There ain't a dime worth
of difference between 'em," was
the way George Wallace put it.
No differences? Try these:
1. Nixon actively and success-
fully opposed the McGovern-
Hatfield amendment to set a
date for total withdrawal of
U.S. troops from Vietnam. Hum-
phrey endorsed the amendment.
2. Nixon successfully fought

JUSTIN THYME leaned back in his easy chair
and smiled. "Well kids, I guess you want
to hear a story tonight."
There was laughter and an eager nodding of
heads. One boy perched on the arm of the chair,
while the other children made themselves com-
fortable on the floor as Justin began.
"Once upon a thyme," he said, "in the land
of Deefree (also known as the home of Dee-
brave) there was a great city called Wishy-
Washington. But that's not what my story is
about. In that city, there was a beautiful build-
ing shaped like a five-sided star (in that it had
five sides). But that's not what my story is about
"What the hell is your story about?" chimed
in the little fellow to his left.
"Good question, little fellow. In front of that
beautiful building there was an impressive
marble statue of a man standing up straight,
holding a test tube in his left hand, his right
hand planted across his heart. That, my chil-
dren, is what my story is about.
"The statue is none other than Deefree's
greatest scientist, Isadore William Konker. And
this is how it got there.
"I. Will Konker was not ordinary scientist-
he was a researcher. And he was not an ordinary
researcher. He was . . ." Justin leaned forward
and whispered, ". . . classified.
"THAT MEANT he got his own laboratory,
with barbed wire around it to keep people from
finding out just how much he was helping them
(the rulers of Deefree were afraid he would be
trampled in their rush to express their grati-
"Now Konker did most of his work for a spe-
cial group, the Department of Deefense (which
was responsible for building a protective wall
around the country, so to speak). They paid him
to discover things and invent things, which he
did consistently.
"Konker was more than satisfied with his way
of life. One thing annoyed him occasionally-
since there were no windows in his laboratory,
he could never see what the Department was
doing with his discoveries. But he became ac-
customed to that and, shrugging his shoulders,
he used to say 'I don't know what it's going to
ge used for-I just work here.'
"One day, while laboring in his lab, Konker

his upon the most fantastic discovery of his
meteoris career. He discovered the perfect stone!
Literally, that is-a potion that could transform
any material into hard rock.
"'JUST A MINUTE, WILL, squeaked a little
voice inside of him. 'This is a momentous dis-
covery, indeed. But will your country use it for
constructive or destructive purposes?'
"'I have faith in Deefree,' Will maintained.
" 'But you are working for the Department
of Deefense.'
Yes,' Konker replied, 'but there are plenty
of civilian uses for the perfect stone. Cities
could be made of paper, doused with my potion
and presto, instant housing for the nation's
teeming masses of poor people.'
"His conscience satisfied, Konker immediate-
ly called the department chief. 'I found it,' he
told him, 'Now it's up to you.'"
Justin paused for a moment, then continued.
"Now it happened several weeks later that Kon-
ker was visiting a friend of his. His friend worked
in the Divi'sion of Provision, which was responsi-
ble for distributing welfare packages to those
of Deefree who were in need.
"Konker was discussing the Division's pro-
gram with his friend when he picked up a can
from a sample package on the desk. Vita-Liquid,
said the label.
"'I don't think you want to drink that,' his
friend warned, reaching to take the can. 'It's
pretty hard stuff.'
"'Nonsense,' said Konker. 'If it's good enough
for the teeming masses, it's good enough for
me.' Then he flipped the can open, drank and
immediately began to get stiff.
Ten minutes later, he was solid marble, ston-
ed by his own potion. He barely had time to
grasp a test tube from his pocket (he had al-
ways wanted to die with a test tube in his
As it turned out, the Provision Division had
obtained the potion from the Department of
Deefense and had concocted an easy plan to rid
the land of poverty, the hard way. But that's
another story. The story of I. Will Konker is
THE CHILDREN laughed and applauded; all
but the one boy on the arm of the chair. Puzzled,
he asked, "What's the moral of the story,
Uncle Justin?"
"Ah," said Justin, "you tell me."


Legalized abortion goes commercial


Daily Guest Writer
On July 1, 1970, New Y o r k
state changed its laws govern-
ing abortions. Now, women in
New York may have an abortion
on request up to the 24th week
of pregnancy if the operation is
done in a certified clinic or hos-
pital by a licensed physician.
But while this makes New
York's law the most liberal in
the nation, clean, safe abor-
tions are still unavailable to
many New York women be-
cause of the expense involved
and the shortage of certified
facilities to meet the demand.
For them, the situation has
changed little.
In the past, when the abor-
tionist was considered the par-
iah of the medical profession, he
charged $300-$500 for an abor-
tion, and was considered an "ex-
tortionist." Now that abortion

is legal, doctors who consider
themselves reputable are s t i ll
charging $300-500; hospitals
where they work charge an ad-
ditional $300-400. But now, the
price is "reasonable."
Around the profit-making doc-
tors and hospitals have sprung
up an entireabortion "indus-
try." Clinics and agencies spec-
ializing in helping women get an
abortion-at a profit, of course.
Recently an ad for one of
these agencies - The Abortion
Information Agency, Inc. - ap-
peared in The Daily. The AIA
Inc. is only one such agency -
certainly not the worst, per-
haps one of the best, given cur-
rent medical practice. In t h e
past, the agency has arranged
packaged travel-hotel-abortion
tours to England and Japan,
(where legal abortions h a v e
been available for some time)
for a $10 registration fee with
subsequent payments, up to

Fritz's view on


$500-600 dollars plus travel,
wired in advance.
Many New York hospitals and
doctors are operating within re-
strictions tighter than the lib-
eral law requires. The effect of
this is that many abortion cases
are referred to private (health
care for profit) hospitals which
reap financial benefit as high-
class commercial abortion mills
while the indigent or temporar-
ily poor young woman (who
most certainly can't afford not..
to have an abortion) is still
One hospital has been widely
advertising in a very discreet
and complimentary way through
personal letters to i respected
professional colleagues around
the country. They graciously
propose to charge the patient
an all inclusive hospital fee of
$325 (including the anesthet-
ists fee and care for 24 hours
or even a little longer if neces-
sary). They would add to this
the Ob/Gyn fee of $250 making
a total of $575.
Thus, while hospitals are now
operating within the letter of
the law, i.e., performing com-
petent abortions for profit to
women who can afford it, they
are certainly not carrying out
the spirit of that law. Abortions
are still not available to all wo-
This is a tragedy, because abor-
tions during the first 12 weeks
can be done very safely on a
out-patient basis, with no hos-
pitalization required. T h i s
eliminates one large cost im-
mediately. With new procedures,
medical skill and proper pre-
paration, a woman needs to be
at an outpatient clinic no more
than 2 hours to receive a safe,
clean abortion, recuperate, and
be on her way again with no

MA W'6 .T lvlpm .









es up to $200 depending on abil-
ity to pay and offers compre-
hensive care and concern for the
pregnant woman.
The method of abortion used
at the clinic is suction curret-
age - the safest, most modern
method known. The entire pro-
cedure is explained carefully to
the patient - first by a young
woman assistant who will be
with the patient for the entire
time she is at the clinic and
then by the doctor as the opera-
tion takes place.
All of the staff at the clinic
have been carefully screened
and trained and most of the
assistants have had abortions
themselves and are able to be
particularly helpful as the pa-
tients comes to understand her-
self and her experience. Rela-

ance in the decision-making
process when faced with a
problem pregnancy.
Should a woman make the
decision to have an abortion
assistance is available to pre-
pare her for the experience and
to find a legal facility. Profes-
sionals at nearly all of the
Counseling services at the Uni-
versity are now available to the
University community for prob-
lem pregnancy and abortion
counseling. The Health Service
assists with medical care and
0 For information a b o u.t
Women's Liberation Abortion
Counseling Service, call 663-
2363 and ask to speak with a

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