3:15 A.M. EDITION W L airn a t POST-PARTISAN DRIP High--46 Low--37 Cloudy with possibe chance of rain (maybe even snow!) Vol. LXXXI, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 4, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages t i RT 'C R ERS 63%; ILLIKE LE DI G; TE DE OCR TS I Ti I CO TROL OF SE, i 1 DEMS GAIN -SIX SEATS IN HOUSE The Democrats slightly in- creased their ,grip on Congress yesterday in an apparent re- jection of extensive campaign efforts by President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew. Although- the outcome in many states was unclear, Democrats lost perhaps four seats in the Senate, which they still control, and Re- publicans gained, only two. The1 Democrats were expected to gain as many as 10 seats in the House. Leaders of both parties claimed to be pleased with the results. While Democratic national Chair- * man Lawrence O'Brien said he considered the election "a national victory for the Democratic party," Nixon said he was very pleased at "the apparent Senate victories by Republicans" in off-year elections. The GOP scored key victories in its drive to obtain a majority in the Senate. In Tennessee, Wil- liam E. Brock captured the seat of Democratic, Senator Albert' Gore after a race which featured. appearances by' both President Nixon and Vice President ,Spiro Agnew. With 97 per cent of the pre- cincts reporting, Brock led by ap- proximately 40,000 votes. In Maryland,' appearances by Nixon helped to dlefeat incumbent Democratic Senator Joseph Tyd- ings. Tydings lost to J. Glenn Beall, Jr., who, with 75 per cent of the -precincts reporting, had a lead of about 80,000 votes. And, in New York, incumbent Senator Charles Goodell, the Re- publican candidate, was ousted by James Buckley, the Conservative! Party candidate. Buckley who won ' by a slim two per cent margin, was aided by endorsements fromn Agnew and tacit support from s Nixon. Robert Taft, Jr., the Republican senatorial candidate from Ohio was also leading Democratic can- didate Howard Metzenbaum 'by a very slim 51 per cent to 47 per tent margin early this morning, See HRUSKA, Page 8 ! SMIT JOINS BURSLEY IN LOCAL WIN Republican incumbents won solid victories in local state legislative elections in yester- day's vote, while the overall composition of the State Leg- islature remained unclear at 2 a.m. this morning. State Sen. Gilbert Bursley was leading Democrat George Sallade, 23.914 to 15.479, with over half the precincts reporting., State Rep. Ray Smit defeated Democrat Don Koster. With near- ly all precincts reporting, Smit had 17,183 votes to Koster's 10.938. There was no clear pattern yet available on elections for the State Legislature. Based on fragmentary returns, Republicans led in 16 races while Democrats led in five. There were no returns from the other 17 districts, 14 of which are in usually Democratic Wayne County, which includes Detroit. For the State House, the picture was even more confused. Republi- cans led in 18 districts, while Dem- ocrats were ahead in five. No re- ports were available from 87 dis- tricts, 38 of which are in Wayne County. Currently. the State Senate is composed' of 20 Republicans and 18 Democrats. The State House, has 57 Democratic members and 52 Republicans, "The election results show," said Koster, last night, "that you can't win an election in a city where the two newspapers don't give you much support, especially when one is hostile to you,. and you don't have much money for campaign- ing. "You just present the issues and show what's real," said Koster, "that's all you can do. Sure you hope to win, but if you don't, you know you still made a start. You have to plant the seeds before any change can take place." "I am stating that I have won election," said Smit. "I take my third term in the State House with great anticipation of events to come. I am grateful to the large number of voters who supported me at the polls. "I hope to be faithful to the trust of the voters. To my oppo- nent, I say, it has been an in- teresting election campaign. I ex- See BYRSLEY, Page 8 -Associated Press SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY, accompanied by his wife Joan, claims victory over Republican challenger Josiah Spaulding. Kennedy was one of three prospective contenders for the 1972 Democratic Presi- dential nomination who won Senate races by large margins yesterday. See story, Page 8. -Associated Press SEN. ALBERT GORE (D-Tenn) concedes defeat to his Repub- lican opponent Rep. Bill Brock, but vows that he will continue to fight for the Democratic party. Gore, a leading Senate dove, was strongly opposed by President Nixon who came to Tennessee to campaign for Brock. P arochiaid ban appears.passed A proposal which would ban all amendment to the State Consti- tate aid to private and parochial tution which would lower t h e schools was winning support last state's voting age to 18 was los- night from Michigan voters de- ing, with 10 per cent of the pre- spite earlier predictions that it cincts reporting. would be defeated. )Proposal A, which would author- With 56 per cent of the state ize the state to borrow $100,000,000 wide vote tabulated, Proposal C to build low-cost housing, was also had earned 609,861 votes in its losing. With 33 per cent of t h e favor, while 471,040 were cast precincts reporting, the vote was against the proposal. 503,528 against and 306,043 in At the same time; a proposed favor. { S --- At 2 a.m., votes were just com- Distric Incumbent Republican Congress- man Marvin Esch defeated Demo- cratic challenger Michael Still- wagon last night in the race for the second U.S. Congressional dis- trict in Michigan. The district in- cludes the Ann Arbor area. Stillwagon congratulated Esch on his victory. He said that he was proud of the campaign but said that he was disappointed with election results in Monroe County where he trailed Esch badly. He also said that he would closely! examine the results of the elec- tion. Esch, when told of his victory, said that "my whole family is gratified by the wide margin of confidence given in our district and Washtenaw County." He went on to say that "citizens have demonstrated that they want a problem-solving orientated rep- resentative." He added that he was hopeful in the years ahead that he could live up to the faith given by the people.; Esch also said that "this is the kind, of Republicanism and repre- sentation that the people in the state of Michigan want-an an- alytic approach willing to tackle problems-and we will continue this." Esch initially took office in 1966 when he defeated Democrat Wes Vivian, whom he also defeated in 1968 by a 13,000 vote margin. In each of the other 18 races for Michigan's Congressional seats, incumbents were winning handily with, the apparent exception of Democrat Lucien Nedzi in the 14th district who was running behind Republican opponent John Owen with 13 per cent of the votes counted. In key races across the state: -Donald Riegle, the young Re- publican incumbent from Flint, was re-elected last night and will continue to occupy the seventh congressional seat.' He defeated Richard Ruhala, a Democrat. -Gerald Ford defeated Jean McKee in the race for the con- gressional seat in the fifth dis- trict in Grand Rapids. Ford, the minority leader of the Housq of Representatives, easily defeated his opponent, an attor- ney from Grand Rapids. The race was of special interest to Demo- crats who had hoped to unseat the powerful Republican. -In Detroit, incumbent con- gressman John Conyers waa re- elected overwhelmingly in the first congressional district. He defeat- ed Howard Johnson, a Detroit at- torney. Conyers, perhaps the most con- troversial black congressman in the country, has been in office since 1964. -In the 17th congressional dis- trict, Democratic incumbent Mar- tha Griffiths won an expected victory over Republican opponent Richard Klunzinger, a free lance writer. Griffiths, a member of the House since 1954, recently 'played a decisive role in pushing the equal rights for women amend- ment in the House. -Republican incumbent G u y Vander Jagt defeated his oppo- nent, Charles Rogers, a' United Auto Workers leader in the 9th congressional district. -James O'Hara, Democratic in- cumbent from the 12th congres- sional district easily defeated his See MOST, Page 8 returns Esch LATE VOTE MAY SWING TO LEVIN The race between Republican Gov. William Milliken and state Sen. Sander Levin, his Democratic challenger, r e - mained undecided early this morning, as the state voted overwhelmingly to r e t u r n Philip Hart to the U.S. Sen- ate. At 3:00 a.m., Milliken held a 135000 vote margin over Levin, but his lead was obscured by an unusually slow vote tabulation in heavily-populated Wayne Coun- ty, a Democratic stronghold. Hart defeated Republican Len- ore Romney to win a third term in the Senate. Romney, wife of former Gov. George Romney, had been expected to lose heavily :to the popular incumbent. At 3 a.m., Hart was credited with 63 per cent of the votes counted. Levin forces had been depending oh large support from traditional- ly Democratic Detroit, but as the evening progressed, the slow vote tabulation failed to indicate whether he would overcome Mil- liken's margin. At 3 a.m., with 50 per cent of the vote' counted, Milliken had 827,432 votes to Levin's 698,124. In the Senate race, Hart had 939,999 to 548,299 for Romney. The problem with the vote tab- ulation in -Way e and Genesqe Counties stemmed from snarls in the computer punch card system being used. In Wayne County, where up to 500,000 ballots were 'expected, an unusually large num- ber of punch card ballots were challenged by poll watchers and had to be handled separately. In Ann Arbor, the vote tally at 11 p.m. showed 7,655 votes, for Milliken and 6,018 for Levi , with 60 per cent of the precinits Ire- porting. However, in the pecincts' with heavy student populations, Levin, was leading Milliken 3,010 to 2,016. Milliken took an early lead in last night's tabulations, pushing the lead to a 135,000 margin he held into the early morning hours. He was leading in 49 counties which have 45 per cent of the state's registered voters, w h i 1 e Levin was leading in 20 counties which have 51 per cent of the voters. Hart, a resident of Mackinaw Island, was first elected to the Senate in 1958 after serving two years as lentenant governor. During his 12 years in the Sen- ate, he has been a steady supporter of most traditionally liberal poli- cies-focusing on consumer pro- tection, civil rights, and more re- cently, the unsuccessful attempt to prevent deployment of an anti- ballistic missile system. During the election campaign Vice President Spiro Agnew named Hart one of the "radical-liberals" in the Senate, and urged his de- feat. In a short speech from Demo- cratic election headquarters at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel in De- troit the senator flanked his fol- lowers, and interpreted his large majority as "an indication that the' people of Michigan have not turned sharply to the right. Discussing his political phil- osophy, Hart said he believed that "the bill of rights has to be de- livered to all Americans, the poor, the mean, and the ugly as well as the rich and comfortable." He maintained that while there was a need for national defense, "there are many things in 'our neighborhood that can destroy us too." The major news media declared Hart the winner soon after the state's polling places closed at 8 p.m. At 10:15, Romney made her concession statement at the Re- Nixon 's attempt to -cn it sR&ex SO control Senatefai By JIM BEATTIE Daily News Analysis In the wake of one of the most expensive and, hard-fought mid-term elections in modern times, the Nikon administration has apparently failed to achieve its goal of control of the Senate and major gains in the House.f While it did manage to defeat some of its most important enemies -capturing a Tennessee Senate seat from liberal incumbent Albert Gore, purging New York Republican Senator Charles Goodell and defeating Maryland Senator Joseph, Tydings-the administration failed to elect Republicans in most of the important races in which' President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew campaign per- sonally. In Indiana, Missouri, Texas, Florida, North Dakota, Illinois, California and Utah, Democratic candidates were elected in spite of both heavy television spending and personal appearances by Repub- lican party chiefs. .------ - ing in on a referendum before D3- troit voters calling for an im- mediate cease-fire and withdrawal from Vietnam. With one percent of the precincts reporting, the pro- posal was winning 1,196 to 548. Despite the lack of returns from Detroit, Proposal B to lower the voting age appeared headed for defeat. With 15 per cent in, 266,763 votes were cast against the amend-' ment, and 161,032 for. But even if it loses, a recently- passed federal law would lowere the voting age to 18 in every state- unless the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the change in voting age requires an amendment to the Constitution. This has been the second referendum on the 18-year- old vote in Michigan. In 1966, a similar proposal was defeated overwhelmingly. The outcome of the parochiaid See SUFFRAGE, Page 8 Regental race No sure winner was apparent by 1 a.m. this morning in the tight race for the two vacant positions on the University's Board of Regents. Democratic candidates P a u 1 Brown and Republican Paul Goe- bel, Jr. had very slight' leads at that time. Democrat James Wat- ers and Republican Jack Shuler ran close behind. However, returns from Detroit - a Democratic stronghold-were not yet in. The election of two Democrats would result in a four-four party split on the University board. In these target states,, which Nixon had hoped to sway in order to capture control of the Senate,: Nixon failed in every case. At most, last 'night's returns projected a net gain of only one Republican vote in the Senate and 'perhaps no net change in the House. But neither can the results of House races be construed as a Nixon victory, despite the fact that the opposition party normally gains seats, during the mid-term elections. For. the out-of-power party usually gains only because most presidents, and especially those elected by large majorities. pull in many relatively weak can- didates of their party when elected. Conservative Buckley secures slim Victory in N.Y. Senate race However with Republican holdoverI Gertrude H u e b n e r consistently voting with Democratic members of the board, the Regents would be likely to assume a more liberal position. In the past-with Huebner sid- ing with the Democrats - the board's composition of five Re- publicans and three bemocrats often led to tie votes. Neither of the departing Re- gents - Republican Paul Goebel and Democrat Otis Smith-ran for re-election. Among the Michigan State Uni- versity trustee candidates, two Democrats led with three per cent of the vote tabulated. The board's chairman, Don Stevens, had 41,623 while Patricia C a r r i g a n had 41,697. Figures for other state educa- tional races-including the State School Board and Wayne State University Governors-were not in as of 1 a.m. The six losing University re- gental candidates are American Independent P a r t y candidates George Kindred and Tom Staffin, Socialist Workers candidates Mar- cia Wisch and Tom Vernier and Socialist Labor candidates Vito Delisi and William Walbridge. -Waters, who was chairman of the University's Black Law Stu- neertaini I Shuler, currently president of the University Alumni Association, also is interested in improving state relations. To remain great, universities must have the sup- port, financial and otherwise, of alumni, citizens and legislators," he says. Both Republican candidates place stress on the University pro- viding a "quality" education to students. ALBANY, N.Y. VP)-Splinter- party candidate James L. Buck- ley, a conservative running in a traditionally liberal state, sap- tured a narow victory yesterday in New York's three-way sen- atorial race. With 83 per cent of the votes in at 1 a.m. this morning, the Conservative party candidate posted 40 per cent over Demo- crat Richard L. Ottinger's 36 n~r eP,'t. by rolling up impressive margins in traditionally Republican Long Island and many upstate coun- ties, which overcame the 'Dem- ocratic surge of votes in Man- hattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and other urban centers in the state. Buckley's was the patented ad- ministration campaign - law and order, loyalty to the White House, foreign policy support. It led Vice President Spiro T. STUDENT OPINION Electoral'lethargy gsettles over campus, By W. E. SCHROCK "It doesn't matter who wins because they're all equally inept," explained one student after a lengthy pause for thought. Election day attitudes of most students reflected the attitudes of much of the general public yesterday-a little fear, some bliss- ful ignorance, a sense of confusion, and widespread indifference. "Let me think," Rob Flowers, '74, said, "I've watched a lot of the campaigning that goes on television, and as far as I am con- cerned, it is a bunch of bullshit and doesn't have anything to do with what actually effects people's lives. "It's all a game you can read about in the New York Times," Flowers continued. "None of the candidates involved are interested dicting narrow victories yester- day as they made last minute campaign efforts. Goodell spent the, day tour- ing with Gov. Nelson Rocke- feller in an attempt to build his party identification follow- ing harsh criticism from'Agnew. Buckley yesterday reviewed his "social order" campaign for General Foods employes in White Plains. Buckley has main-