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November 03, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-11-03

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Cloudy with rather large
chance of rain.

Vol. LXXXI, No. 53

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 3, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages








review OSS decision

The Office of Student Services (OSS) policy board last
night considered a letter from President Robben Fleming
which said that the recruitment policy the board had adopted
is contrary to a regental decision, and must be cleared
through the Regents.
The OSS policy board responded that any organization
that disagrees with OSS recruiting policies should meet with
the policy board first, before going to the Regents to decide
the issue.
Fleming suggested in the letter that the policy be debated
before the Regents by OSS and other interested organizations.
The OSS policy requires a corporation to participate in
4 a forum if it is asked by one per cent of the student body.

If'the caorporation refuses, the
talks on 'U
President Robben Fleming yes-
terday said a'tuition increase may
be one method of solving Univer-
sity financial 'problems.
Speaking to dn LSA faculty
meeting, Fleming cited the effects
the United Auto Workers (UAW)
strike against General Motors
(GM) would have on education
through appropriations at the
state level. /
An expectation of a six-week
strike was, built into the state's
budget -at the start of the fiscal
;year, Fleming said, but the strike
is now in its seventh week. A
deficit of between $4 and $5 mil-
lion accumulates each additional
week of the strike because of the
state's loss in tax revenue.
A provision in the State Con-
.stit tion prohibits deficit spend-
s ng, so the state must make bud-
get cuts, thus affecting education
Tax increases, Fleming said;
said, are seer by many politicians
as "the only way Michigan can
gain revenue." He specifically
mentioned proposed increases in
income and state appropriations
Among other causes of financial
problems, Fleming cited the Uni-
versity's commitnent to 10 per
cent black enrollment by 1973-74.
He emphasized that if the Fed-
eral government were to help bear
some of the cost of the additional
fiancial aid required, it would
mean less expense for the college.
Fleming also mentioned Federal
and state programs in the area
of aid to the disadvantaged as pos-
sibly alleviating University finan-
"p cial problems.
However, he added, "It will be
necessary to generate those funds
internally if there is -no other
Another financial p r o b 1 m
Fleming said is the inadequacy of
University salary increases which
arfe "barely keeping up with the
cost of living, if that." Fleming
spoke of drawing inoney from
other areas to finance such in-
Fleming listed the other causes
of financial troubles as inflation,
and as the "serious cutback in
Federal funds."
In other business, psychology
Prof. Raphael Ezekiel introduced
a resolution calling for an Ad
Hoc Committee to look for alter-
natives to the present method of
selecting nominees for seats in
A the Senate Assembly.

en it will not be permitted to
-recruit using the OSS Place-
ment Service.
The Regents, when they debated
the issue in 1968, decided such a
forum should be voluntary.n
Fleming indicated that the Re-
gents would also have to consider
a second aspect of the OSS policy
which would prevent corporations
frors using OSS placement ser-
ices if they engage in discri.ina
tion in nations where such prac-
tices are legal such as South
raHe stated that it was impor-
tant to know whether such cor-
porations were in violation of
American law. If they are then,
'"suchi activity would seem clearly
illegal here," he said. "If they do
rnot, it is a policy question."
The policy board, in other busi-
ness last night, spoke with the
two policemen who have been as-
signed to the University to work .
in the area of police-community d
Rrgaoris. e.
The board decided that the of-
ficers should be working dthro - '1'i,
some office tther than OSS. The t "
University Record, th sweeklyun b s
publication of the University adm
ministration, tyesterday m -accu 1Navy ROTC ar shows effecth of ir
rately reported that the officers
will be working directly with Vice hk
President for Student Services: H T
Robert Knauss. N
The board indicated that the
officers names and phone num-
beys woldbe e availablecn-s incndcdbyt Anns.
through the OSS Information andrfi e
RefBeral Service.
thatth offcer beceal ie h f ure bn o mb-egdntRC" h Somndr
The board strongly suggested sd o -
tht heoficrsbeclary de tionwit thbinddet.
ified and that they issue a report
asretoeowhadththeyps.illn be doing.tS
bdt e ommunty -relditns thi rBy EDWARD ZI MERMANr covered. Broken bits of glass were
The ommuity reatios unt ;also found nearby, he said.
was set up under a federal grant A fib remb severely damagd an
designed to improve communica- automobile owned by the Univer The explosion caused extensive
tion between the university com- sity Naval ROTC program late damage to the cars gas tank and
muniy an Thepolie.Sunday night. The car was parked to the pipes underneath the car.
The officers said they will try iB the North Hall parking lot at The left rear tir was nearly burn-
wt establish good contacts and re- the time, and was unoccupied. ed off as well.,
lationships with students and stu- North Hall houses the Univer- Hurd said the damage to the car,
dent organizations: They hope to sity's ROTC programs. a 1979 Rambler station wagon,
have an office in the Union where An investigation of the incident totalled between five and six hun-
they will be available for con- di binonducted te A n 3ed dollars.
sultation. Arbor police, the FBI and t h e Asked about the motive of the
-h r _ hs s- Bureau of Naval Intelligence. A bombing, Hurd replied that he be-
sd spokesman said yesterday that no lieved it was "dissident activity
Seize in N .Y Hurleads had hturned up and no ar- against ROTC." The commander
Tests have been made in connec-b-d.
J no rn e wpitm f r v l i n S n a h e isid et. e w s a f a - e u i a s a i e uh 0-
fari bomb plant eanh lthibn nthreat Dem ocrats
NEWYOK (~ Si poper.e reported oh campus. Sun-D eo r t
NEW ORK ) - ix popleday, both the Undergraduate Lib-;
believed to be connected with the rary UGLI and the General
Weatherman faction of Students Library were closed from about s
for a Democratic Society were ar- p.m. until yesterday morning after o ~ tl t r
They were accused of amassing a, the University Scurity office.
variety ofexplosive material along IBThehCheistrycBuidingPweas
with a library in the home produc- TeCeityBidn
tion of bombs. closed for over an hour early Democrats, who lost several
Dis.' tty ButonRobrtssaid yestrday afternoon after a bomb= governor's seats during the 1960's,
aies.atty.furnd obertigls threat was received, have a, good chance to regain a
'and a map of Bronx public schools. The UGLI has received a f ew few in today's election, perhaps
"Wehav resonto elive romearlier bomb threats this term. In picking up several governorships
evidence we have' obtained from addition, Angell Hall received a in the industrial states.
othr aw nfrceen agncesbomb threat last' Wednesday Of 35 governorships to bede
othe la enfrceentageniesde-cided at the polls today, 24 are
thtfu ftesxpersons jar- mrig currently in Republican hands,
1rested are connected with the NROTC Cmmander RussellanDeortaefvrdtoak
1Weathermen .. ." said Roberts. Hurd said the automobile explos atdlemastsregovorships from
The Weathermen have an ion occurred at about 11:30 p.m.atlstixgvrohpsfm
enounced a program of revolution Sunday. He said there was a flam Republicans and give up two.
ary action in which bombings were mable liquid burning underneath Moreover, seven of the 10 gov-
given a prominent role, the car's gas tank when it was dis ernorships involved in races "too
-___ _ .- ._ ______c oe to call" ar Reublican

ica votes today after a caustic
midterm campaign climaxed
by television appearances
last night by President Nixon
and Sen. Edmund' Muskie' (D-
The offices at stake re 35
Senate seats, the entire House of
Representatives, 35 governorships
an hundreds of state and local
Nixon spoke or the Republicans
on election eve through a filmed
reprise of a speech he made Satur-
i day in Phoenix decrying violent
Muskiec represented the Demo-
crats after they scraped together
enloug~h money yesterday ,to buy
half the time the epublicans had
originally purchased. Muskie re-
plid to what he callgd "Republi-
can tactics of fear and division."
Republicans began the c a m-
paig:n hopinn to win control of
th-' Senat-. now split 57-43 for
the Democrats. The consensus now
is that the GOP will pick up one
to threce seats.k
The D-mocrats''present243-187 Se2wtoi'
edge n th^ House is expected to,
be little changed - going againstI
the historical record which "shows i
the party in White House power ' i l
losin- an average of 37 House
seats in mid-term elections.
Principal Democratic gains are
expected in the State Houses. Re-
pubicnsnow hold 32 of 50 gov- 1ni
ernorships and nine of ten in, the ,11 t
most populous states.
In his televised appearance last
night, Muskie accused Nixon of
lea ding, inspiring and guiding a
political campaign built on liesi While most
slander, name-calling and "d-cep-i almost certain t
V~on of almost unprecedented vol-I date Sander Lev
ume." I, neck-and-neck
Muskie said Republican attacks 1 Political oh;

ep lies



nai'y-D ,n y Gain r
added that he guessed some people
had decided that fire bombing the
car woulld be a "good thing" to do
to the ROTC program.
The fire was answered by the
Ann Arbor Fire Department and
quickly extinguished.
! The burning appears to be the

F"'uskie President Nixon
crhGov. race
. Daily News Analysis.
sta'.ew-de Democratic candidates relay today,
of comfortable victories, gubernatorial candi-
vin will be sweating out the final returns in his
race with incumbent Gov. William Milliken.
servers and pollsters across the state say the
race is so close that the final outcome may
ors like the weather. And if that's the case,


have clouded real issues and pre- Levin-Millikeni
vented the nation from daling
with its problems. depend on fact

latest in a long history of anti-
ROTC activities on campus. On
June 1. 1969, an explosion destroy-
ed a car in front of North Hall and
the building itself suffered dam-
ages. A walf was shattered a n d
several dozen windows were bro-

Crime in the streets is bipartisan
by its very universal nature,
Muskie asserted, and solutions are
no nearer now than they were two
years ago, before the election of
Nixon and Vice President Spiro
T. Agnew.
Everyone agrees, he said, that
crime must be prevented, violence
halted-and criminals punished.
"If one of your loved ones is
sick," Muskie said, "You do not
think it is soft or undisciplined of
See NIXON, P2ige 8

expected to pick up
1ps In strategic states-
ministration chances to its votes, Republicans says they are con-
in the Senate, but GOP head- fident of capturing the three Dem-
quarters in Washington sees them ocratic governorships in New Eng-
as crucial, too, in the governor's land - Maine, Connecticut and
races. Rhode Island.
"Presidential visits-going into 'In New York, Republican Gov.
states for the governorship stand- Nelson A. Rockefeller is heavily
point-are critical," said a spokes- favored for a fourth term, al-
man for the Republican National' though Democrats still entertain a
Corpmittee. "They are of immense slight hope for Arthur Goldberg.
values, for instance, in states like
Minnesota, Florida, Nevada and In California, Republican Gov.
New Mexico-those states where Ronald Reagan is considered a'
we are close or have a slight lead." j See DEMS, Page 8

This larger turnout generally
benefits Democratic candi-
But the National Weather Ser-
vice predicts chilly and wet con-
ditions today for Southeastern
Michigan. Possibilities of rain are
about 90 per cent.\
In order to combat this, Demo-
crats are organizing a ' massive
"get-but-the-vote" drive, aided by
computers and some 15,000 volun-
teers in the field.
Armed with computerized lists
of persons who are Democrats or
are likely to vote Democratic, the
volunteers will begin telephoning
those who have not voted byl late
this afternoon, urging them to go
to the polls and offering trans-
portation and child care services
if needed.
Levin's most important advan-
tage may lie in the strength of the.,
statewide Democratic ticket. Head-
ed by Sen. Phillip A. Hart, who is
predicted to take nearly 65-70 per,
cent of the vote against Republi-
can candidate Lenore Romney,
the ticket may sweep Levin into
the governor's chair.
See MILLIKEN, Page 8


Levin may be in trouble.
Good weather generally means a larger turnout of low-
income voters, who may find it difficult to get transportation
to the polls, or who may be easily discouraged from voting.

Vote on
Michigan voters will decide on
three statewide issues when they
vote today. The proposals include a
bonding issue for low-cost hous-
ing, the 18-year-old vote and the
most controversial of the three,
the parochiaid issue.
The parochiaid issue, proposal
C, has overshadowed the other
two proposals. The proposal would
prevent the use of public funds
for non-public elementary a n d,
secondary schools.
Proposal B would amend the
Michigan constitution and, lower
the voting age to 18. It was
soundly defeated on the 1968 bal-
In the meantime, the U.S. Con-
gress enacted the Voting Rights
amendments of 1970 which would
lower the voting age from 21 to 18
in all states for federal, state, and
local elections. Currently, hear-
ings are being held in federal
courts questioning the legality of
the' amendments.- If the anmend-
ments are upheld, statewide voting
requirements will remain.
Proposal !C will permit the first
large-scale expression of p u b Ii c
sentiment on the parochiaid is-
sue in the state. Thirty-six states
now provide at least token aid to
non-public schools, and expanded
programs ar being sought in
many of them.
Michigan has begun a program
of state subsidy to Catholic a n d
other n6n-public schools. Those
who advocate a 'Yes' vote, to kill
the parochiaid program, feel that
a 'No' vote will open the door to
larger and more expanded appro-
priations for non-public schools.
Many who advocate a 'No' vote
say the proposal woulld eliminate


members talk 0to classes

Striking auto workers spoke to some 40 Uni-
versity classes yesterday in an attempt to gain
support from students.
The workers, who are currently striking against
General Motors, were aided by the Students to
r Support the' Auto Workers (SSAW), who coordi-
nated the drive and set up speaking dates and
times. They reportedly 'ran into little resistance
from professors in arranging the appearances.
According to Norman Smallwood, a striking
worker, the workers came to "awaken students
to theefact that there is a strike going on." He
said the drive was extremely successful, and thatr
students seemed very receptive to' their ideas.
Smallwood- said they were trying to make stu-
dents realize that the strikers were working class,

dome of the same things such as inverse seniority
and a better disciplinary system.
He cited examples of what he called "unfair'
treatment" by General Motors. Weems attacked
GM's disciplinary system, saying, "If you are
accused of doing something wrong, you have to
wait $t least a year to get a ruling on whether
or not you are guilty. In the meantime, you are
punished and you have no say in the matter
Weems also told the students what means the
UAW was using to combat these procedures, in-
cluding the formation of classes to inform workers
of their rights.
Asked whether he thought the program had
been successful in enlisting the support of stu-
dents, Weems said "I'm sure it was." He said he

Prominent issues that have
been featured in most gubernator-
ial races are lawlessness, state fi-
nances, and rising taxes.
Of the 10 major industrial
states, eight have gubernatorial
elections and all except Texas
have a GOP seat at stake. Demo-
ciats are favored in Ohio and
Florida, and have at least an out-
side chance in Massachusetts,
Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Democrats are regarded as lead-
ing for Republican governorships
in Arkansas, Florida, Minnesota,
New Mexico, Ohio and South Da-
kota and are expected to retain
the office in Alabama, Georgia,
Hawaii, Maryland, Texas and
Republicans are ahead in Con-
necticut and Tennessee - which
now have Democratic governors-
and are favored to retain the gov-
ernorships in Alaska, Arizona,
California, Colorado, Iowa, New

n .:: . > r.<_ , .


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